{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}

module Parse
  ( parsePackageDescription
  , readPackageDescription
  , displayError
  , printWarnings
  , Result(..)
  , result

import           Control.DeepSeq
import           Control.Monad.Compat
import           Data.Data
import           Data.Maybe
import           Distribution.PackageDescription
import           Distribution.PackageDescription.Parsec
                                                ( parseGenericPackageDescription
                                                , runParseResult
import           Distribution.Parsec.Common
import           Distribution.Simple.Utils
import           Distribution.Verbosity
import           Distribution.Version
import           GHC.Generics
import           Prelude.Compat
import           System.Exit
import           Data.Functor.Classes

-- | Like Cabal's @ParseResult@, but treats warnings as a separate failure
-- case.
data Result a
  = Error [PError] -- ^ Parse errors.
  | Warn [PWarning] -- ^ Warnings emitted during parse.
  | Success a -- ^ The input is a compliant package description.
  deriving (Show, Eq, Functor, Generic, Typeable, Data, Generic1)

instance Show1 Result where
  liftShowsPrec sp _ p (Success n  ) = showsUnaryWith sp "Success" p n
  liftShowsPrec _  _ p (Warn    pws) = showsUnaryWith showsPrec "Warn" p pws
  liftShowsPrec _  _ p (Error   s  ) = showsUnaryWith showsPrec "Error" p s

instance Eq1 Result where
  liftEq eq (Success a  ) (Success b   ) = eq a b
  liftEq _  (Error   s  ) (Error   s2  ) = s == s2
  liftEq _  (Warn    pws) (Warn    pws2) = pws == pws2
  liftEq _  _             _              = False

-- | Case analysis for 'Result'.
result :: ([PError] -> b) -> ([PWarning] -> b) -> (a -> b) -> Result a -> b
result e w s p = case p of
  Error   l  -> e l
  Warn    ws -> w ws
  Success r  -> s r

deriving instance Data PError

deriving instance Eq PError

deriving instance Eq PWarning

instance NFData a => NFData (Result a)

deriving instance Data PWarning

deriving instance Data Position

deriving instance Data PWarnType

deriving instance Typeable PWarning

-- | This function is similar to Cabal's own file parser, except that it
-- treats warnings as a separate failure case. There are a wide range of
-- different behaviors accepted by different Cabal parser versions. Parse
-- warnings generally indicate a version-related inconsistency, so we play
-- it safe here.
parsePackageDescription input =
  let (warnings, r) = runParseResult $ parseGenericPackageDescription input
  in  case r of
        Left (_, errors) -> Error errors
        Right x | null warnings -> parseResult x
                | otherwise     -> Warn warnings
    parseResult gpd =
      if specVersionRaw (packageDescription gpd) == Right anyVersion
        then Warn [PWarning PWTOther zeroPos versWarning]
        else Success gpd
      = "File does not specify a cabal-version. stylish-cabal requires at least 1.2"

-- | Shorthand to combine 'parsePackageDescription' and one of 'printWarnings' or
-- 'displayError'. The given 'FilePath' is used only for error messages and
-- is not read from.
readPackageDescription fpath =
  result (displayError fpath) (printWarnings fpath) return
    . parsePackageDescription

-- | Print some warnings to 'System.IO.stderr' and exit.
printWarnings :: Maybe FilePath -> [PWarning] -> IO a
printWarnings fpath ps =
  mapM_ (warn normal . showPWarning (fromMaybe "<input>" fpath)) ps
    >> exitFailure

-- | Print a parse error to 'System.IO.stderr', annotated with filepath if available,
-- then exit.
displayError :: Maybe FilePath -> [PError] -> IO a
displayError fpath warns =
  mapM_ (warn normal . showPError (fromMaybe "<input>" fpath)) warns
    >> exitFailure