{-# LANGUAGE ExplicitForAll #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
-- CHANGE WITH CAUTION: This is a generated code file generated by https://github.com/Haskell-OpenAPI-Code-Generator/Haskell-OpenAPI-Client-Code-Generator.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

-- | Contains the different functions to run the operation postAccountLoginLinks
module StripeAPI.Operations.PostAccountLoginLinks where

import qualified Control.Monad.Fail
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.Reader
import qualified Data.Aeson
import qualified Data.Aeson as Data.Aeson.Encoding.Internal
import qualified Data.Aeson as Data.Aeson.Types
import qualified Data.Aeson as Data.Aeson.Types.FromJSON
import qualified Data.Aeson as Data.Aeson.Types.Internal
import qualified Data.Aeson as Data.Aeson.Types.ToJSON
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as Data.ByteString.Internal
import qualified Data.Either
import qualified Data.Functor
import qualified Data.Scientific
import qualified Data.Text
import qualified Data.Text.Internal
import qualified Data.Time.Calendar as Data.Time.Calendar.Days
import qualified Data.Time.LocalTime as Data.Time.LocalTime.Internal.ZonedTime
import qualified Data.Vector
import qualified GHC.Base
import qualified GHC.Classes
import qualified GHC.Int
import qualified GHC.Show
import qualified GHC.Types
import qualified Network.HTTP.Client
import qualified Network.HTTP.Client as Network.HTTP.Client.Request
import qualified Network.HTTP.Client as Network.HTTP.Client.Types
import qualified Network.HTTP.Simple
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as Network.HTTP.Types.Status
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as Network.HTTP.Types.URI
import qualified StripeAPI.Common
import StripeAPI.Types
import qualified Prelude as GHC.Integer.Type
import qualified Prelude as GHC.Maybe

-- | > POST /v1/account/login_links
-- \<p>Creates a single-use login link for an Express account to access their Stripe dashboard.\<\/p>
-- \<p>\<strong>You may only create login links for \<a href=\"\/docs\/connect\/express-accounts\">Express accounts\<\/a> connected to your platform\<\/strong>.\<\/p>
postAccountLoginLinks ::
  forall m.
  StripeAPI.Common.MonadHTTP m =>
  -- | The request body to send
  PostAccountLoginLinksRequestBody ->
  -- | Monadic computation which returns the result of the operation
  StripeAPI.Common.StripeT m (Network.HTTP.Client.Types.Response PostAccountLoginLinksResponse)
postAccountLoginLinks :: PostAccountLoginLinksRequestBody
-> StripeT m (Response PostAccountLoginLinksResponse)
postAccountLoginLinks PostAccountLoginLinksRequestBody
body =
  (Response ByteString -> Response PostAccountLoginLinksResponse)
-> StripeT m (Response ByteString)
-> StripeT m (Response PostAccountLoginLinksResponse)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
    ( \Response ByteString
response_0 ->
        (ByteString -> PostAccountLoginLinksResponse)
-> Response ByteString -> Response PostAccountLoginLinksResponse
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
          ( (String -> PostAccountLoginLinksResponse)
-> (PostAccountLoginLinksResponse -> PostAccountLoginLinksResponse)
-> Either String PostAccountLoginLinksResponse
-> PostAccountLoginLinksResponse
forall a c b. (a -> c) -> (b -> c) -> Either a b -> c
Data.Either.either String -> PostAccountLoginLinksResponse
PostAccountLoginLinksResponseError PostAccountLoginLinksResponse -> PostAccountLoginLinksResponse
forall a. a -> a
              (Either String PostAccountLoginLinksResponse
 -> PostAccountLoginLinksResponse)
-> (ByteString -> Either String PostAccountLoginLinksResponse)
-> ByteString
-> PostAccountLoginLinksResponse
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
GHC.Base.. ( \Response ByteString
response ByteString
body ->
                                 | (\Status
status_1 -> Status -> Int
Network.HTTP.Types.Status.statusCode Status
status_1 Int -> Int -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
GHC.Classes.== Int
200) (Response ByteString -> Status
forall body. Response body -> Status
Network.HTTP.Client.Types.responseStatus Response ByteString
response) ->
                                   LoginLink -> PostAccountLoginLinksResponse
                                     (LoginLink -> PostAccountLoginLinksResponse)
-> Either String LoginLink
-> Either String PostAccountLoginLinksResponse
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
Data.Functor.<$> ( ByteString -> Either String LoginLink
forall a. FromJSON a => ByteString -> Either String a
Data.Aeson.eitherDecodeStrict ByteString
body ::
                                 | Bool -> Status -> Bool
forall a b. a -> b -> a
GHC.Base.const Bool
GHC.Types.True (Response ByteString -> Status
forall body. Response body -> Status
Network.HTTP.Client.Types.responseStatus Response ByteString
response) ->
                                   Error -> PostAccountLoginLinksResponse
                                     (Error -> PostAccountLoginLinksResponse)
-> Either String Error
-> Either String PostAccountLoginLinksResponse
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
Data.Functor.<$> ( ByteString -> Either String Error
forall a. FromJSON a => ByteString -> Either String a
Data.Aeson.eitherDecodeStrict ByteString
body ::
                                 | Bool
GHC.Base.otherwise -> String -> Either String PostAccountLoginLinksResponse
forall a b. a -> Either a b
Data.Either.Left String
"Missing default response type"
                Response ByteString
          Response ByteString
-> Text
-> [QueryParameter]
-> Maybe PostAccountLoginLinksRequestBody
-> RequestBodyEncoding
-> StripeT m (Response ByteString)
forall (m :: * -> *) body.
(MonadHTTP m, ToJSON body) =>
-> Text
-> [QueryParameter]
-> Maybe body
-> RequestBodyEncoding
-> StripeT m (Response ByteString)
StripeAPI.Common.doBodyCallWithConfigurationM (Text -> Text
Data.Text.toUpper (Text -> Text) -> Text -> Text
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
GHC.Base.$ String -> Text
Data.Text.pack String
"POST") (String -> Text
Data.Text.pack String
"/v1/account/login_links") [QueryParameter]
forall a. Monoid a => a
GHC.Base.mempty (PostAccountLoginLinksRequestBody
-> Maybe PostAccountLoginLinksRequestBody
forall a. a -> Maybe a
GHC.Maybe.Just PostAccountLoginLinksRequestBody
body) RequestBodyEncoding

-- | Defines the object schema located at @paths.\/v1\/account\/login_links.POST.requestBody.content.application\/x-www-form-urlencoded.schema@ in the specification.
data PostAccountLoginLinksRequestBody = PostAccountLoginLinksRequestBody
  { -- | account
    -- Constraints:
    -- * Maximum length of 5000
    PostAccountLoginLinksRequestBody -> Text
postAccountLoginLinksRequestBodyAccount :: Data.Text.Internal.Text,
    -- | expand: Specifies which fields in the response should be expanded.
    PostAccountLoginLinksRequestBody -> Maybe [Text]
postAccountLoginLinksRequestBodyExpand :: (GHC.Maybe.Maybe ([Data.Text.Internal.Text])),
    -- | redirect_url: Where to redirect the user after they log out of their dashboard.
    PostAccountLoginLinksRequestBody -> Maybe Text
postAccountLoginLinksRequestBodyRedirectUrl :: (GHC.Maybe.Maybe Data.Text.Internal.Text)
    ( Int -> PostAccountLoginLinksRequestBody -> ShowS
[PostAccountLoginLinksRequestBody] -> ShowS
PostAccountLoginLinksRequestBody -> String
(Int -> PostAccountLoginLinksRequestBody -> ShowS)
-> (PostAccountLoginLinksRequestBody -> String)
-> ([PostAccountLoginLinksRequestBody] -> ShowS)
-> Show PostAccountLoginLinksRequestBody
forall a.
(Int -> a -> ShowS) -> (a -> String) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Show a
showList :: [PostAccountLoginLinksRequestBody] -> ShowS
$cshowList :: [PostAccountLoginLinksRequestBody] -> ShowS
show :: PostAccountLoginLinksRequestBody -> String
$cshow :: PostAccountLoginLinksRequestBody -> String
showsPrec :: Int -> PostAccountLoginLinksRequestBody -> ShowS
$cshowsPrec :: Int -> PostAccountLoginLinksRequestBody -> ShowS
-> PostAccountLoginLinksRequestBody -> Bool
 -> PostAccountLoginLinksRequestBody -> Bool)
-> (PostAccountLoginLinksRequestBody
    -> PostAccountLoginLinksRequestBody -> Bool)
-> Eq PostAccountLoginLinksRequestBody
forall a. (a -> a -> Bool) -> (a -> a -> Bool) -> Eq a
/= :: PostAccountLoginLinksRequestBody
-> PostAccountLoginLinksRequestBody -> Bool
$c/= :: PostAccountLoginLinksRequestBody
-> PostAccountLoginLinksRequestBody -> Bool
== :: PostAccountLoginLinksRequestBody
-> PostAccountLoginLinksRequestBody -> Bool
$c== :: PostAccountLoginLinksRequestBody
-> PostAccountLoginLinksRequestBody -> Bool

instance Data.Aeson.Types.ToJSON.ToJSON PostAccountLoginLinksRequestBody where
  toJSON :: PostAccountLoginLinksRequestBody -> Value
toJSON PostAccountLoginLinksRequestBody
obj = [Pair] -> Value
Data.Aeson.Types.Internal.object (Text
"account" Text -> Text -> Pair
forall kv v. (KeyValue kv, ToJSON v) => Text -> v -> kv
Data.Aeson.Types.ToJSON..= PostAccountLoginLinksRequestBody -> Text
postAccountLoginLinksRequestBodyAccount PostAccountLoginLinksRequestBody
obj Pair -> [Pair] -> [Pair]
forall a. a -> [a] -> [a]
: Text
"expand" Text -> Maybe [Text] -> Pair
forall kv v. (KeyValue kv, ToJSON v) => Text -> v -> kv
Data.Aeson.Types.ToJSON..= PostAccountLoginLinksRequestBody -> Maybe [Text]
postAccountLoginLinksRequestBodyExpand PostAccountLoginLinksRequestBody
obj Pair -> [Pair] -> [Pair]
forall a. a -> [a] -> [a]
: Text
"redirect_url" Text -> Maybe Text -> Pair
forall kv v. (KeyValue kv, ToJSON v) => Text -> v -> kv
Data.Aeson.Types.ToJSON..= PostAccountLoginLinksRequestBody -> Maybe Text
postAccountLoginLinksRequestBodyRedirectUrl PostAccountLoginLinksRequestBody
obj Pair -> [Pair] -> [Pair]
forall a. a -> [a] -> [a]
: [Pair]
forall a. Monoid a => a
  toEncoding :: PostAccountLoginLinksRequestBody -> Encoding
toEncoding PostAccountLoginLinksRequestBody
obj = Series -> Encoding
Data.Aeson.Encoding.Internal.pairs ((Text
"account" Text -> Text -> Series
forall kv v. (KeyValue kv, ToJSON v) => Text -> v -> kv
Data.Aeson.Types.ToJSON..= PostAccountLoginLinksRequestBody -> Text
postAccountLoginLinksRequestBodyAccount PostAccountLoginLinksRequestBody
obj) Series -> Series -> Series
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
GHC.Base.<> ((Text
"expand" Text -> Maybe [Text] -> Series
forall kv v. (KeyValue kv, ToJSON v) => Text -> v -> kv
Data.Aeson.Types.ToJSON..= PostAccountLoginLinksRequestBody -> Maybe [Text]
postAccountLoginLinksRequestBodyExpand PostAccountLoginLinksRequestBody
obj) Series -> Series -> Series
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
GHC.Base.<> (Text
"redirect_url" Text -> Maybe Text -> Series
forall kv v. (KeyValue kv, ToJSON v) => Text -> v -> kv
Data.Aeson.Types.ToJSON..= PostAccountLoginLinksRequestBody -> Maybe Text
postAccountLoginLinksRequestBodyRedirectUrl PostAccountLoginLinksRequestBody

instance Data.Aeson.Types.FromJSON.FromJSON PostAccountLoginLinksRequestBody where
  parseJSON :: Value -> Parser PostAccountLoginLinksRequestBody
parseJSON = String
-> (Object -> Parser PostAccountLoginLinksRequestBody)
-> Value
-> Parser PostAccountLoginLinksRequestBody
forall a. String -> (Object -> Parser a) -> Value -> Parser a
Data.Aeson.Types.FromJSON.withObject String
"PostAccountLoginLinksRequestBody" (\Object
obj -> (((Text
 -> Maybe [Text] -> Maybe Text -> PostAccountLoginLinksRequestBody)
-> Parser
      -> Maybe [Text] -> Maybe Text -> PostAccountLoginLinksRequestBody)
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
GHC.Base.pure Text
-> Maybe [Text] -> Maybe Text -> PostAccountLoginLinksRequestBody
PostAccountLoginLinksRequestBody Parser
   -> Maybe [Text] -> Maybe Text -> PostAccountLoginLinksRequestBody)
-> Parser Text
-> Parser
     (Maybe [Text] -> Maybe Text -> PostAccountLoginLinksRequestBody)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
GHC.Base.<*> (Object
obj Object -> Text -> Parser Text
forall a. FromJSON a => Object -> Text -> Parser a
Data.Aeson.Types.FromJSON..: Text
"account")) Parser
  (Maybe [Text] -> Maybe Text -> PostAccountLoginLinksRequestBody)
-> Parser (Maybe [Text])
-> Parser (Maybe Text -> PostAccountLoginLinksRequestBody)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
GHC.Base.<*> (Object
obj Object -> Text -> Parser (Maybe [Text])
forall a. FromJSON a => Object -> Text -> Parser (Maybe a)
Data.Aeson.Types.FromJSON..:? Text
"expand")) Parser (Maybe Text -> PostAccountLoginLinksRequestBody)
-> Parser (Maybe Text) -> Parser PostAccountLoginLinksRequestBody
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
GHC.Base.<*> (Object
obj Object -> Text -> Parser (Maybe Text)
forall a. FromJSON a => Object -> Text -> Parser (Maybe a)
Data.Aeson.Types.FromJSON..:? Text

-- | Create a new 'PostAccountLoginLinksRequestBody' with all required fields.
mkPostAccountLoginLinksRequestBody ::
  -- | 'postAccountLoginLinksRequestBodyAccount'
  Data.Text.Internal.Text ->
mkPostAccountLoginLinksRequestBody :: Text -> PostAccountLoginLinksRequestBody
mkPostAccountLoginLinksRequestBody Text
postAccountLoginLinksRequestBodyAccount =
  PostAccountLoginLinksRequestBody :: Text
-> Maybe [Text] -> Maybe Text -> PostAccountLoginLinksRequestBody
    { postAccountLoginLinksRequestBodyAccount :: Text
postAccountLoginLinksRequestBodyAccount = Text
      postAccountLoginLinksRequestBodyExpand :: Maybe [Text]
postAccountLoginLinksRequestBodyExpand = Maybe [Text]
forall a. Maybe a
      postAccountLoginLinksRequestBodyRedirectUrl :: Maybe Text
postAccountLoginLinksRequestBodyRedirectUrl = Maybe Text
forall a. Maybe a

-- | Represents a response of the operation 'postAccountLoginLinks'.
-- The response constructor is chosen by the status code of the response. If no case matches (no specific case for the response code, no range case, no default case), 'PostAccountLoginLinksResponseError' is used.
data PostAccountLoginLinksResponse
  = -- | Means either no matching case available or a parse error
    PostAccountLoginLinksResponseError GHC.Base.String
  | -- | Successful response.
    PostAccountLoginLinksResponse200 LoginLink
  | -- | Error response.
    PostAccountLoginLinksResponseDefault Error
  deriving (Int -> PostAccountLoginLinksResponse -> ShowS
[PostAccountLoginLinksResponse] -> ShowS
PostAccountLoginLinksResponse -> String
(Int -> PostAccountLoginLinksResponse -> ShowS)
-> (PostAccountLoginLinksResponse -> String)
-> ([PostAccountLoginLinksResponse] -> ShowS)
-> Show PostAccountLoginLinksResponse
forall a.
(Int -> a -> ShowS) -> (a -> String) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Show a
showList :: [PostAccountLoginLinksResponse] -> ShowS
$cshowList :: [PostAccountLoginLinksResponse] -> ShowS
show :: PostAccountLoginLinksResponse -> String
$cshow :: PostAccountLoginLinksResponse -> String
showsPrec :: Int -> PostAccountLoginLinksResponse -> ShowS
$cshowsPrec :: Int -> PostAccountLoginLinksResponse -> ShowS
GHC.Show.Show, PostAccountLoginLinksResponse
-> PostAccountLoginLinksResponse -> Bool
 -> PostAccountLoginLinksResponse -> Bool)
-> (PostAccountLoginLinksResponse
    -> PostAccountLoginLinksResponse -> Bool)
-> Eq PostAccountLoginLinksResponse
forall a. (a -> a -> Bool) -> (a -> a -> Bool) -> Eq a
/= :: PostAccountLoginLinksResponse
-> PostAccountLoginLinksResponse -> Bool
$c/= :: PostAccountLoginLinksResponse
-> PostAccountLoginLinksResponse -> Bool
== :: PostAccountLoginLinksResponse
-> PostAccountLoginLinksResponse -> Bool
$c== :: PostAccountLoginLinksResponse
-> PostAccountLoginLinksResponse -> Bool