stratosphere-0.2.1: EDSL for AWS CloudFormation

Safe HaskellNone



The AWS::IAM::AccessKey resource type generates a secret access key and assigns it to an IAM user or AWS account. This type supports updates. For more information about updating stacks, see AWS CloudFormation Stacks Updates.



data AccessKey Source #

Full data type definition for AccessKey. See accessKey for a more convenient constructor.

accessKey Source #


:: Val Text


-> AccessKey 

Constructor for AccessKey containing required fields as arguments.

akSerial :: Lens' AccessKey (Maybe (Val Integer')) Source #

This value is specific to AWS CloudFormation and can only be incremented. Incrementing this value notifies AWS CloudFormation that you want to rotate your access key. When you update your stack, AWS CloudFormation will replace the existing access key with a new key.

akStatus :: Lens' AccessKey (Maybe (Val Text)) Source #

The status of the access key. By default, AWS CloudFormation sets this property value to Active.

akUserName :: Lens' AccessKey (Val Text) Source #

The name of the user that the new key will belong to.