stratosphere-0.1.1: EDSL for AWS CloudFormation

Safe HaskellNone



Creates an Amazon EC2 security group. To create a VPC security group, use the VpcId property. This type supports updates. For more information about updating stacks, see AWS CloudFormation Stacks Updates.



securityGroup Source

Constructor for SecurityGroup containing required fields as arguments.

sgGroupDescription :: Lens' SecurityGroup (Val Text) Source

Description of the security group.

sgSecurityGroupEgress :: Lens' SecurityGroup (Maybe [SecurityGroupEgressRule]) Source

A list of Amazon EC2 security group egress rules.

sgSecurityGroupIngress :: Lens' SecurityGroup (Maybe [SecurityGroupIngressRule]) Source

A list of Amazon EC2 security group ingress rules.

sgTags :: Lens' SecurityGroup (Maybe [ResourceTag]) Source

The tags that you want to attach to the resource.

sgVpcId :: Lens' SecurityGroup (Maybe (Val Text)) Source

The physical ID of the VPC. Can be obtained by using a reference to an AWS::EC2::VPC, such as: { Ref : "myVPC" }. For more information about using the Ref function, see Ref.