stratosphere-0.1.0: EDSL for AWS CloudFormation

Safe HaskellNone



You can use the AWS CloudFormation Resource Tags property to apply tags to resources, which can help you identify and categorize those resources. You can tag only resources for which AWS CloudFormation supports tagging. For information about which resources you can tag with AWS CloudFormation, see the individual resources in AWS Resource Types Reference. In addition to any tags you define, AWS CloudFormation automatically creates the following stack-level tags with the prefix aws:: All stack-level tags, including automatically created tags, are propagated to resources that AWS CloudFormation supports. Currently, tags are not propagated to Amazon EBS volumes that are created from block device mappings.



data ResourceTag Source

Full data type definition for ResourceTag. See resourceTag for a more convenient constructor.

resourceTag Source

Constructor for ResourceTag containing required fields as arguments.

rtKey :: Lens' ResourceTag (Val Text) Source

The key name of the tag. You can specify a value that is 1 to 128 Unicode characters in length and cannot be prefixed with aws:. You can use any of the following characters: the set of Unicode letters, digits, whitespace, _, ., /, =, +, and -.

rtValue :: Lens' ResourceTag (Val Text) Source

The value for the tag. You can specify a value that is 1 to 128 Unicode characters in length and cannot be prefixed with aws:. You can use any of the following characters: the set of Unicode letters, digits, whitespace, _, ., /, =, +, and -.