{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes#-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE EmptyCase #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
module Data.Store.Internal
decode, decodeWith,
decodeEx, decodeExWith, decodeExPortionWith
, decodeIO, decodeIOWith, decodeIOPortionWith
, Store(..), Poke, Peek, runPeek
, PokeException(..), pokeException
, PeekException(..), peekException, tooManyBytes
, Size(..)
, getSize, getSizeWith
, combineSize, combineSizeWith, addSize
, sizeSequence, pokeSequence, peekSequence
, sizeSet, pokeSet, peekSet
, sizeMap, pokeMap, peekMap
, sizeOrdMap, pokeOrdMap, peekOrdMapWith
, sizeArray, pokeArray, peekArray
, GStoreSize, genericSize
, GStorePoke, genericPoke
, GStorePeek, genericPeek
, skip, isolate
, peekMagic
, IsStaticSize(..), StaticSize(..), toStaticSizeEx, liftStaticSize, staticByteStringExp
) where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData)
import Control.Exception (throwIO)
import Control.Monad (when)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import qualified Data.Array.Unboxed as A
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Internal as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Short.Internal as SBS
import Data.Containers (IsMap, ContainerKey, MapValue, mapFromList, mapToList, IsSet, setFromList)
import Data.Data (Data)
import Data.Fixed (Fixed (..), Pico)
import Data.Foldable (forM_, foldl')
import Data.Functor.Contravariant
import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
import Data.HashSet (HashSet)
import Data.Hashable (Hashable)
import Data.IntMap (IntMap)
import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict as IntMap
import Data.IntSet (IntSet)
import qualified Data.IntSet as IntSet
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.MonoTraversable
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Orphans ()
import Data.Primitive.ByteArray
import Data.Proxy (Proxy(..))
import Data.Sequence (Seq)
import Data.Sequences (IsSequence, Index, replicateM)
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Store.Impl
import Data.Store.Core
import Data.Store.TH.Internal
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Array as TA
import qualified Data.Text.Foreign as T
import qualified Data.Text.Internal as T
import qualified Data.Time as Time
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified Data.Vector.Mutable as MV
import qualified Data.Vector.Storable as SV
import qualified Data.Vector.Storable.Mutable as MSV
import Data.Void
import Data.Word
import Foreign.C.Types ()
import Foreign.Ptr (plusPtr, minusPtr)
import Foreign.Storable (Storable, sizeOf)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import qualified GHC.Integer.GMP.Internals as I
import GHC.Real (Ratio(..))
import GHC.TypeLits
import GHC.Types (Int (I#))
import Instances.TH.Lift ()
import Language.Haskell.TH
import Language.Haskell.TH.Instances ()
import Language.Haskell.TH.ReifyMany
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
import Network.Socket (AddrInfo)
import Prelude
import TH.Derive
#if MIN_VERSION_integer_gmp(1,0,0)
import GHC.Prim (sizeofByteArray#)
sizeSequence :: forall t. (IsSequence t, Store (Element t)) => Size t
sizeSequence = VarSize $ \t ->
case size :: Size (Element t) of
ConstSize n -> n * (olength t) + sizeOf (undefined :: Int)
VarSize f -> ofoldl' (\acc x -> acc + f x) (sizeOf (undefined :: Int)) t
{-# INLINE sizeSequence #-}
pokeSequence :: (IsSequence t, Store (Element t)) => t -> Poke ()
pokeSequence t =
do pokeStorable len
Poke (\ptr offset ->
do offset' <-
ofoldlM (\offset' a ->
do (offset'',_) <- runPoke (poke a) ptr offset'
return offset'')
return (offset',()))
where len = olength t
{-# INLINE pokeSequence #-}
peekSequence :: (IsSequence t, Store (Element t), Index t ~ Int) => Peek t
peekSequence = do
len <- peek
replicateM len peek
{-# INLINE peekSequence #-}
sizeSet :: forall t. (IsSet t, Store (Element t)) => Size t
sizeSet = VarSize $ \t ->
case size :: Size (Element t) of
ConstSize n -> n * (olength t) + sizeOf (undefined :: Int)
VarSize f -> ofoldl' (\acc x -> acc + f x) (sizeOf (undefined :: Int)) t
{-# INLINE sizeSet #-}
pokeSet :: (IsSet t, Store (Element t)) => t -> Poke ()
pokeSet t = do
pokeStorable (olength t)
omapM_ poke t
{-# INLINE pokeSet #-}
peekSet :: (IsSet t, Store (Element t)) => Peek t
peekSet = do
len <- peek
setFromList <$> replicateM len peek
{-# INLINE peekSet #-}
:: forall t. (Store (ContainerKey t), Store (MapValue t), IsMap t)
=> Size t
sizeMap = VarSize $ \t ->
case (size :: Size (ContainerKey t), size :: Size (MapValue t)) of
(ConstSize nk, ConstSize na) -> (nk + na) * olength t + sizeOf (undefined :: Int)
(szk, sza) -> ofoldl' (\acc (k, a) -> acc + getSizeWith szk k + getSizeWith sza a)
(sizeOf (undefined :: Int))
(mapToList t)
{-# INLINE sizeMap #-}
:: (Store (ContainerKey t), Store (MapValue t), IsMap t)
=> t
-> Poke ()
pokeMap = pokeSequence . mapToList
{-# INLINE pokeMap #-}
:: (Store (ContainerKey t), Store (MapValue t), IsMap t)
=> Peek t
peekMap = mapFromList <$> peek
{-# INLINE peekMap #-}
markMapPokedInAscendingOrder :: Word32
markMapPokedInAscendingOrder = 1217678090
:: (Eq a, Show a, Store a)
=> String -> a -> Peek ()
peekMagic markedThing x = do
x' <- peek
when (x' /= x) $
fail ("Expected marker for " ++ markedThing ++ ": " ++ show x ++ " but got: " ++ show x')
{-# INLINE peekMagic #-}
:: forall t.
(Store (ContainerKey t), Store (MapValue t), IsMap t)
=> Size t
sizeOrdMap =
combineSizeWith (const markMapPokedInAscendingOrder) id size sizeMap
{-# INLINE sizeOrdMap #-}
:: (Store (ContainerKey t), Store (MapValue t), IsMap t)
=> t -> Poke ()
pokeOrdMap x = poke markMapPokedInAscendingOrder >> pokeMap x
{-# INLINE pokeOrdMap #-}
:: (Store (ContainerKey t), Store (MapValue t))
=> ([(ContainerKey t, MapValue t)] -> t)
-> Peek t
peekOrdMapWith f = do
peekMagic "ascending Map / IntMap" markMapPokedInAscendingOrder
f <$> peek
{-# INLINE peekOrdMapWith #-}
:: Store a
=> (Int -> IO r)
-> (r -> Int -> a -> IO ())
-> Peek r
peekMutableSequence new write = do
n <- peek
mut <- liftIO (new n)
forM_ [0..n-1] $ \i -> peek >>= liftIO . write mut i
return mut
{-# INLINE peekMutableSequence #-}
{-# INLINE skip #-}
skip :: Int -> Peek ()
skip len = Peek $ \ps ptr -> do
let ptr2 = ptr `plusPtr` len
remaining = peekStateEndPtr ps `minusPtr` ptr
when (len > remaining) $
tooManyBytes len remaining "skip"
return $ PeekResult ptr2 ()
{-# INLINE isolate #-}
isolate :: Int -> Peek a -> Peek a
isolate len m = Peek $ \ps ptr -> do
let end = peekStateEndPtr ps
ptr2 = ptr `plusPtr` len
remaining = end `minusPtr` ptr
when (len > remaining) $
tooManyBytes len remaining "isolate"
PeekResult ptr' x <- runPeek m ps ptr
when (ptr' > end) $
throwIO $ PeekException (ptr' `minusPtr` end) "Overshot end of isolated bytes"
return $ PeekResult ptr2 x
instance Store a => Store (V.Vector a) where
size = sizeSequence
poke = pokeSequence
peek = V.unsafeFreeze =<< peekMutableSequence MV.new MV.write
instance Storable a => Store (SV.Vector a) where
size = VarSize $ \x ->
sizeOf (undefined :: Int) +
sizeOf (undefined :: a) * SV.length x
poke x = do
let (fptr, len) = SV.unsafeToForeignPtr0 x
poke len
pokeFromForeignPtr fptr 0 (sizeOf (undefined :: a) * len)
peek = do
len <- peek
fp <- peekToPlainForeignPtr "Data.Storable.Vector.Vector" (sizeOf (undefined :: a) * len)
liftIO $ SV.unsafeFreeze (MSV.MVector len fp)
instance Store BS.ByteString where
size = VarSize $ \x ->
sizeOf (undefined :: Int) +
BS.length x
poke x = do
let (sourceFp, sourceOffset, sourceLength) = BS.toForeignPtr x
poke sourceLength
pokeFromForeignPtr sourceFp sourceOffset sourceLength
peek = do
len <- peek
fp <- peekToPlainForeignPtr "Data.ByteString.ByteString" len
return (BS.PS fp 0 len)
instance Store SBS.ShortByteString where
size = VarSize $ \x ->
sizeOf (undefined :: Int) +
SBS.length x
poke x@(SBS.SBS arr) = do
let len = SBS.length x
poke len
pokeFromByteArray arr 0 len
peek = do
len <- peek
ByteArray array <- peekToByteArray "Data.ByteString.Short.ShortByteString" len
return (SBS.SBS array)
instance Store LBS.ByteString where
size = VarSize $ \x ->
sizeOf (undefined :: Int) +
fromIntegral (LBS.length x)
poke = poke . LBS.toStrict
peek = fmap LBS.fromStrict peek
instance Store T.Text where
size = VarSize $ \x ->
sizeOf (undefined :: Int) +
2 * (T.lengthWord16 x)
poke x = do
let !(T.Text (TA.Array array) w16Off w16Len) = x
poke w16Len
pokeFromByteArray array (2 * w16Off) (2 * w16Len)
peek = do
w16Len <- peek
ByteArray array <- peekToByteArray "Data.Text.Text" (2 * w16Len)
return (T.Text (TA.Array array) 0 w16Len)
newtype StaticSize (n :: Nat) a = StaticSize { unStaticSize :: a }
deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Data, Typeable, Generic)
instance NFData a => NFData (StaticSize n a)
class KnownNat n => IsStaticSize n a where
toStaticSize :: a -> Maybe (StaticSize n a)
toStaticSizeEx :: IsStaticSize n a => a -> StaticSize n a
toStaticSizeEx x =
case toStaticSize x of
Just r -> r
Nothing -> error "Failed to assert a static size via toStaticSizeEx"
instance KnownNat n => IsStaticSize n BS.ByteString where
toStaticSize bs
| BS.length bs == fromInteger (natVal (Proxy :: Proxy n)) = Just (StaticSize bs)
| otherwise = Nothing
instance KnownNat n => Store (StaticSize n BS.ByteString) where
size = ConstSize (fromInteger (natVal (Proxy :: Proxy n)))
poke (StaticSize x) = do
let (sourceFp, sourceOffset, sourceLength) = BS.toForeignPtr x
pokeFromForeignPtr sourceFp sourceOffset sourceLength
peek = do
let len = fromInteger (natVal (Proxy :: Proxy n))
fp <- peekToPlainForeignPtr ("StaticSize " ++ show len ++ " Data.ByteString.ByteString") len
return (StaticSize (BS.PS fp 0 len))
liftStaticSize :: forall n a. (KnownNat n, Lift a) => TypeQ -> StaticSize n a -> ExpQ
liftStaticSize tyq (StaticSize x) = do
let numTy = litT $ numTyLit $ natVal (Proxy :: Proxy n)
[| StaticSize $(lift x) :: StaticSize $(numTy) $(tyq) |]
staticByteStringExp :: BS.ByteString -> ExpQ
staticByteStringExp bs =
[| StaticSize bs :: StaticSize $(litT (numTyLit (fromIntegral len))) BS.ByteString |]
len = BS.length bs
instance Store a => Store [a] where
size = sizeSequence
poke = pokeSequence
peek = peekSequence
instance Store a => Store (NE.NonEmpty a)
instance Store a => Store (Seq a) where
size = sizeSequence
poke = pokeSequence
peek = peekSequence
instance (Store a, Ord a) => Store (Set a) where
size =
VarSize $ \t ->
sizeOf (undefined :: Int) +
case size of
ConstSize n -> n * Set.size t
VarSize f -> Set.foldl' (\acc a -> acc + f a) 0 t
poke = pokeSet
peek = Set.fromDistinctAscList <$> peek
instance Store IntSet where
size = sizeSet
poke = pokeSet
peek = IntSet.fromDistinctAscList <$> peek
instance Store a => Store (IntMap a) where
size = sizeOrdMap
poke = pokeOrdMap
peek = peekOrdMapWith IntMap.fromDistinctAscList
instance (Ord k, Store k, Store a) => Store (Map k a) where
size =
VarSize $ \t ->
sizeOf markMapPokedInAscendingOrder + sizeOf (undefined :: Int) +
case (size, size) of
(ConstSize nk, ConstSize na) -> (nk + na) * Map.size t
(szk, sza) ->
(\acc k a -> acc + getSizeWith szk k + getSizeWith sza a)
poke = pokeOrdMap
peek = peekOrdMapWith Map.fromDistinctAscList
instance (Eq k, Hashable k, Store k, Store a) => Store (HashMap k a) where
size = sizeMap
poke = pokeMap
peek = peekMap
instance (Eq a, Hashable a, Store a) => Store (HashSet a) where
size = sizeSet
poke = pokeSet
peek = peekSet
instance (A.Ix i, Store i, Store e) => Store (A.Array i e) where
size = sizeArray
poke = pokeArray
peek = peekArray
instance (A.Ix i, A.IArray A.UArray e, Store i, Store e) => Store (A.UArray i e) where
size = sizeArray
poke = pokeArray
peek = peekArray
sizeArray :: (A.Ix i, A.IArray a e, Store i, Store e) => Size (a i e)
sizeArray = VarSize $ \arr ->
let bounds = A.bounds arr
in getSize bounds +
case size of
ConstSize n -> n * A.rangeSize bounds
VarSize f -> foldl' (\acc x -> acc + f x) 0 (A.elems arr)
{-# INLINE sizeArray #-}
pokeArray :: (A.Ix i, A.IArray a e, Store i, Store e) => a i e -> Poke ()
pokeArray arr = do
poke (A.bounds arr)
forM_ (A.elems arr) poke
{-# INLINE pokeArray #-}
peekArray :: (A.Ix i, A.IArray a e, Store i, Store e) => Peek (a i e)
peekArray = do
bounds <- peek
let len = A.rangeSize bounds
elems <- replicateM len peek
return (A.listArray bounds elems)
{-# INLINE peekArray #-}
instance Store Integer where
#if MIN_VERSION_integer_gmp(1,0,0)
size = VarSize $ \ x ->
sizeOf (undefined :: Word8) + case x of
I.S# _ -> sizeOf (undefined :: Int)
I.Jp# (I.BN# arr) -> sizeOf (undefined :: Int) + I# (sizeofByteArray# arr)
I.Jn# (I.BN# arr) -> sizeOf (undefined :: Int) + I# (sizeofByteArray# arr)
poke (I.S# x) = poke (0 :: Word8) >> poke (I# x)
poke (I.Jp# (I.BN# arr)) = do
let len = I# (sizeofByteArray# arr)
poke (1 :: Word8)
poke len
pokeFromByteArray arr 0 len
poke (I.Jn# (I.BN# arr)) = do
let len = I# (sizeofByteArray# arr)
poke (2 :: Word8)
poke len
pokeFromByteArray arr 0 len
peek = do
tag <- peek :: Peek Word8
case tag of
0 -> fromIntegral <$> (peek :: Peek Int)
1 -> I.Jp# <$> peekBN
2 -> I.Jn# <$> peekBN
_ -> peekException "Invalid Integer tag"
peekBN = do
len <- peek :: Peek Int
ByteArray arr <- peekToByteArray "GHC>Integer" len
return $ I.BN# arr
size = VarSize $ \ x ->
sizeOf (undefined :: Word8) + case x of
I.S# _ -> sizeOf (undefined :: Int)
I.J# sz _ -> sizeOf (undefined :: Int) + (I# sz) * sizeOf (undefined :: Word)
poke (I.S# x) = poke (0 :: Word8) >> poke (I# x)
poke (I.J# sz arr)
| (I# sz) > 0 = do
let len = I# sz * sizeOf (undefined :: Word)
poke (1 :: Word8)
poke len
pokeFromByteArray arr 0 len
| (I# sz) < 0 = do
let len = negate (I# sz) * sizeOf (undefined :: Word)
poke (2 :: Word8)
poke len
pokeFromByteArray arr 0 len
| otherwise = do
poke (0 :: Word8)
poke (0 :: Int)
peek = do
tag <- peek :: Peek Word8
case tag of
0 -> fromIntegral <$> (peek :: Peek Int)
1 -> peekJ False
2 -> peekJ True
_ -> peekException "Invalid Integer tag"
peekJ neg = do
len <- peek :: Peek Int
ByteArray arr <- peekToByteArray "GHC>Integer" len
let (sz0, r) = len `divMod` (sizeOf (undefined :: Word))
!(I# sz) = if neg then negate sz0 else sz0
when (r /= 0) (peekException "Buffer size stored for encoded Integer not divisible by Word size (to get limb count).")
return (I.J# sz arr)
instance Store (Fixed a) where
size = contramap (\(MkFixed x) -> x) (size :: Size Integer)
poke (MkFixed x) = poke x
peek = MkFixed <$> peek
instance Store a => Store (Ratio a) where
size = combineSize (\(x :% _) -> x) (\(_ :% y) -> y)
poke (x :% y) = poke (x, y)
peek = uncurry (:%) <$> peek
instance Store Time.Day where
size = contramap Time.toModifiedJulianDay (size :: Size Integer)
poke = poke . Time.toModifiedJulianDay
peek = Time.ModifiedJulianDay <$> peek
instance Store Time.DiffTime where
size = contramap (realToFrac :: Time.DiffTime -> Pico) (size :: Size Pico)
poke = (poke :: Pico -> Poke ()) . realToFrac
peek = Time.picosecondsToDiffTime <$> peek
instance Store Time.UTCTime where
size = combineSize Time.utctDay Time.utctDayTime
poke (Time.UTCTime day time) = poke (day, time)
peek = uncurry Time.UTCTime <$> peek
instance Store ()
instance Store a => Store (Dual a)
instance Store a => Store (Sum a)
instance Store a => Store (Product a)
instance Store a => Store (First a)
instance Store a => Store (Last a)
instance Store a => Store (Maybe a)
$($(derive [d|
instance Deriving (Store All)
instance Deriving (Store Any)
instance Deriving (Store Void)
instance Deriving (Store Bool)
instance (Store a, Store b) => Deriving (Store (Either a b))
$(return $ map deriveTupleStoreInstance [2..7])
(\ty ->
case ty of
ConT n | nameModule n == Just "Data.Text.Encoding"
&& nameBase n == "DecoderState" -> False
ConT n | nameModule n == Just "Data.Text.Encoding"
&& nameBase n == "CodePoint" -> False
ConT n | nameModule n == Just "Network.Socket.Types"
&& nameBase n == "In6Addr" -> False
ConT n | n == ''AddrInfo -> False
_ -> True
$(reifyManyWithoutInstances ''Store [''ModName, ''NameSpace, ''PkgName] (const True) >>=
mapM (\name -> return (deriveGenericInstance [] (ConT name))))
#if !MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,10,0)
instance Store NameFlavour where
size = VarSize $ \x -> getSize (0 :: Word8) + case x of
NameS -> 0
NameQ mn -> getSize mn
NameU i -> getSize (I# i)
NameL i -> getSize (I# i)
NameG ns pn mn -> getSize ns + getSize pn + getSize mn
poke NameS = poke (0 :: Word8)
poke (NameQ mn) = do
poke (1 :: Word8)
poke mn
poke (NameU i) = do
poke (2 :: Word8)
poke (I# i)
poke (NameL i) = do
poke (3 :: Word8)
poke (I# i)
poke (NameG ns pn mn) = do
poke (4 :: Word8)
poke ns
poke pn
poke mn
peek = do
tag <- peek
case tag :: Word8 of
0 -> return NameS
1 -> NameQ <$> peek
2 -> do
!(I# i) <- peek
return (NameU i)
3 -> do
!(I# i) <- peek
return (NameL i)
4 -> NameG <$> peek <*> peek <*> peek
_ -> peekException "Invalid NameFlavour tag"
$(reifyManyWithoutInstances ''Store [''Info] (const True) >>=
mapM (\name -> return (deriveGenericInstance [] (ConT name))))