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storablevector-0.2.13: Fast, packed, strict storable arrays with a list interface like ByteString

Portabilityportable, requires ffi
Safe HaskellNone



Tested with : GHC 6.4.1

Interface for access to a mutable StorableVector.



data Vector s a Source #

new :: Storable e => Int -> e -> ST s (Vector s e) Source #

new_ :: Storable e => Int -> ST s (Vector s e) Source #

read :: Storable e => Vector s e -> Int -> ST s e Source #

Control.Monad.ST.runST (do arr <- new_ 10; Monad.zipWithM_ (write arr) [9,8..0] ['a'..]; read arr 3)

write :: Storable e => Vector s e -> Int -> e -> ST s () Source #

VS.unpack $ runSTVector (do arr <- new_ 10; Monad.zipWithM_ (write arr) [9,8..0] ['a'..]; return arr)

modify :: Storable e => Vector s e -> Int -> (e -> e) -> ST s () Source #

VS.unpack $ runSTVector (do arr <- new 10 'a'; Monad.mapM_ (\n -> modify arr (mod n 8) succ) [0..10]; return arr)

maybeRead :: Storable e => Vector s e -> Int -> ST s (Maybe e) Source #

Returns Just e, when the element e could be read and Nothing if the index was out of range. This way you can avoid duplicate index checks that may be needed when using read.

Control.Monad.ST.runST (do arr <- new_ 10; Monad.zipWithM_ (write arr) [9,8..0] ['a'..]; read arr 3)

In future maybeRead will replace read.

maybeWrite :: Storable e => Vector s e -> Int -> e -> ST s Bool Source #

Returns True if the element could be written and False if the index was out of range.

runSTVector (do arr <- new_ 10; foldr (\c go i -> maybeWrite arr i c >>= \cont -> if cont then go (succ i) else return arr) (error "unreachable") ['a'..] 0)

In future maybeWrite will replace write.

maybeModify :: Storable e => Vector s e -> Int -> (e -> e) -> ST s Bool Source #

Similar to maybeWrite.

In future maybeModify will replace modify.

unsafeRead :: Storable e => Vector s e -> Int -> ST s e Source #

unsafeWrite :: Storable e => Vector s e -> Int -> e -> ST s () Source #

unsafeModify :: Storable e => Vector s e -> Int -> (e -> e) -> ST s () Source #

freeze :: Storable e => Vector s e -> ST s (Vector e) Source #

unsafeFreeze :: Storable e => Vector s e -> ST s (Vector e) Source #

This is like freeze but it does not copy the vector. You must make sure that you never write again to the array. It is best to use unsafeFreeze only at the end of a block, that is run by runST.

thaw :: Storable e => Vector e -> ST s (Vector s e) Source #

runSTVector :: Storable e => (forall s. ST s (Vector s e)) -> Vector e Source #

mapST :: (Storable a, Storable b) => (a -> ST s b) -> Vector a -> ST s (Vector b) Source #

:module + Data.STRef
VS.unpack $ Control.Monad.ST.runST (do ref <- newSTRef 'a'; mapST (\ _n -> do c <- readSTRef ref; modifySTRef ref succ; return c) (VS.pack [1,2,3,4::Data.Int.Int16]))

mapSTLazy :: (Storable a, Storable b) => (a -> ST s b) -> Vector a -> ST s (Vector b) Source #

*Data.StorableVector.ST.Strict Data.STRef> VL.unpack $ Control.Monad.ST.runST (do ref <- newSTRef 'a'; mapSTLazy (\ _n -> do c <- readSTRef ref; modifySTRef ref succ; return c) (VL.pack VL.defaultChunkSize [1,2,3,4::Data.Int.Int16]))

The following should not work on infinite streams, since we are in ST with strict >>=. But it works. Why?

*Data.StorableVector.ST.Strict Data.STRef> VL.unpack $ Control.Monad.ST.runST (do ref <- newSTRef 'a'; mapSTLazy (\ _n -> do c <- readSTRef ref; modifySTRef ref succ; return c) (VL.pack VL.defaultChunkSize [0::Data.Int.Int16 ..]))