{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ImplicitParams #-}
module Std.IO.Buffered
Input(..), Output(..)
, BufferedInput
, newBufferedInput
, readBuffer
, unReadBuffer
, readParser
, readExactly
, readToMagic, readToMagic'
, readLine, readLine'
, BufferedOutput
, newBufferedOutput
, writeBuffer
, writeBuilder
, flushBuffer
, ShortReadException(..)
) where
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.Concurrent.STM.TVar
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Primitive (ioToPrim, primToIO)
import Control.Monad.ST
import Data.IORef
import Data.Primitive.PrimArray
import Data.Typeable
import Data.Word
import Foreign.Ptr
import Std.Data.Array
import qualified Std.Data.Builder.Base as B
import qualified Std.Data.Parser as P
import qualified Std.Data.Vector as V
import qualified Std.Data.Vector.Base as V
import Std.Data.PrimIORef
import Std.Foreign.PrimArray
import Std.IO.Exception
class Input i where
readInput :: HasCallStack => i -> Ptr Word8 -> Int -> IO Int
class Output o where
writeOutput :: HasCallStack => o -> Ptr Word8 -> Int -> IO ()
data BufferedInput i = BufferedInput
{ bufInput :: i
, bufPushBack :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(IORef V.Bytes)
, inputBuffer :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(IORef (MutablePrimArray RealWorld Word8))
data BufferedOutput o = BufferedOutput
{ bufOutput :: o
, bufIndex :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Counter
, outputBuffer :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(MutablePrimArray RealWorld Word8)
newBufferedInput :: input
-> Int
-> IO (BufferedInput input)
newBufferedInput i bufSiz = do
pb <- newIORef V.empty
buf <- newPinnedPrimArray bufSiz
inputBuffer <- newIORef buf
return (BufferedInput i pb inputBuffer)
newBufferedOutput :: output
-> Int
-> IO (BufferedOutput output)
newBufferedOutput o bufSiz = do
index <- newPrimIORef 0
buf <- newPinnedPrimArray bufSiz
return (BufferedOutput o index buf)
readBuffer :: (HasCallStack, Input i) => BufferedInput i -> IO V.Bytes
readBuffer BufferedInput{..} = do
pb <- readIORef bufPushBack
if V.null pb
then do
rbuf <- readIORef inputBuffer
bufSiz <- getSizeofMutablePrimArray rbuf
l <- readInput bufInput (mutablePrimArrayContents rbuf) bufSiz
if l < bufSiz `quot` 2
then do
mba <- newPrimArray l
copyMutablePrimArray mba 0 rbuf 0 l
ba <- unsafeFreezePrimArray mba
return $! V.fromArr ba 0 l
else do
when (bufSiz /= 0) $ do
buf' <- newPinnedPrimArray bufSiz
writeIORef inputBuffer buf'
ba <- unsafeFreezePrimArray rbuf
return $! V.fromArr ba 0 l
else do
writeIORef bufPushBack V.empty
return pb
readExactly :: (HasCallStack, Input i) => Int -> BufferedInput i -> IO V.Bytes
readExactly n h = V.concat `fmap` (go h n)
go h n = do
chunk <- readBuffer h
let l = V.length chunk
if l > n
then do
let (lastChunk, rest) = V.splitAt n chunk
unReadBuffer rest h
return [lastChunk]
else if l == n
then return [chunk]
else if l == 0
throwIO (ShortReadException
(IOEInfo "" "unexpected EOF reached" callStack))
else do
chunks <- go h (n - l)
return (chunk : chunks)
data ShortReadException = ShortReadException IOEInfo deriving (Show, Typeable)
instance Exception ShortReadException where
toException = ioExceptionToException
fromException = ioExceptionFromException
unReadBuffer :: (HasCallStack, Input i) => V.Bytes -> BufferedInput i -> IO ()
unReadBuffer pb' BufferedInput{..} = do
modifyIORef' bufPushBack $ \ pb -> pb' `V.append` pb
data ReadResult a
= ReadSuccess a
| ReadFailure String
| ReadEOF
deriving Show
readParser :: (HasCallStack, Input i) => P.Parser a -> BufferedInput i -> IO (ReadResult a)
readParser p i = do
bs <- readBuffer i
if V.null bs
then return ReadEOF
else do
(rest, r) <- P.parseChunks (readBuffer i) p bs
unless (V.null rest) $ unReadBuffer rest i
case r of
Left err -> return (ReadFailure err)
Right a -> return (ReadSuccess a)
readToMagic :: (HasCallStack, Input i) => Word8 -> BufferedInput i -> IO V.Bytes
readToMagic magic h = V.concat `fmap` (go h magic)
go h magic = do
chunk <- readBuffer h
if V.null chunk
then return []
else case V.elemIndex magic chunk of
Just i -> do
let (lastChunk, rest) = V.splitAt (i+1) chunk
unReadBuffer rest h
return [lastChunk]
Nothing -> do
chunks <- go h magic
return (chunk : chunks)
readToMagic' :: (HasCallStack, Input i) => Word8 -> BufferedInput i -> IO V.Bytes
readToMagic' magic h = V.concat `fmap` (go h magic)
go h magic = do
chunk <- readBuffer h
if V.null chunk
then throwIO (ShortReadException
(IOEInfo "" "unexpected EOF reached" callStack))
else case V.elemIndex magic chunk of
Just i -> do
let (lastChunk, rest) = V.splitAt (i+1) chunk
unReadBuffer rest h
return [lastChunk]
Nothing -> do
chunks <- go h magic
return (chunk : chunks)
readLine :: (HasCallStack, Input i) => BufferedInput i -> IO V.Bytes
readLine i = do
bs@(V.PrimVector arr s l) <- readToMagic 10 i
return $ case bs `V.indexMaybe` (l-2) of
Nothing -> V.PrimVector arr s (l-1)
Just r | r == 13 -> V.PrimVector arr s (l-2)
| otherwise -> V.PrimVector arr s (l-1)
readLine' :: (HasCallStack, Input i) => BufferedInput i -> IO V.Bytes
readLine' i = do
bs@(V.PrimVector arr s l) <- readToMagic' 10 i
return $ case bs `V.indexMaybe` (l-2) of
Nothing -> V.PrimVector arr s (l-1)
Just r | r == 13 -> V.PrimVector arr s (l-2)
| otherwise -> V.PrimVector arr s (l-1)
writeBuffer :: (Output o) => BufferedOutput o -> V.Bytes -> IO ()
writeBuffer o@BufferedOutput{..} v@(V.PrimVector ba s l) = do
i <- readPrimIORef bufIndex
bufSiz <- getSizeofMutablePrimArray outputBuffer
if i + l <= bufSiz
then do
copyPrimArray outputBuffer i ba s l
writePrimIORef bufIndex (i+l)
else do
if (i > 0)
then do
withMutablePrimArrayContents outputBuffer $ \ ptr -> writeOutput bufOutput ptr i
writePrimIORef bufIndex 0
writeBuffer o v
withPrimVectorSafe v (writeOutput bufOutput)
writeBuilder :: (Output o) => BufferedOutput o -> B.Builder a -> IO ()
writeBuilder BufferedOutput{..} (B.Builder b) = do
i <- readPrimIORef bufIndex
originBufSiz <- getSizeofMutablePrimArray outputBuffer
_ <- primToIO (b (B.OneShotAction action) (lastStep originBufSiz) (B.Buffer outputBuffer i))
return ()
action :: V.Bytes -> ST RealWorld ()
action bytes = ioToPrim (withPrimVectorSafe bytes (writeOutput bufOutput))
lastStep :: Int -> a -> B.BuildStep RealWorld
lastStep originBufSiz _ (B.Buffer buf offset)
| sameMutablePrimArray buf outputBuffer = ioToPrim $ do
writePrimIORef bufIndex offset
return []
| offset >= originBufSiz = ioToPrim $ do
withMutablePrimArrayContents buf $ \ ptr -> writeOutput bufOutput ptr offset
writePrimIORef bufIndex 0
return []
| otherwise = ioToPrim $ do
copyMutablePrimArray outputBuffer 0 buf 0 offset
writePrimIORef bufIndex offset
return []
flushBuffer :: Output f => BufferedOutput f -> IO ()
flushBuffer BufferedOutput{..} = do
i <- readPrimIORef bufIndex
withMutablePrimArrayContents outputBuffer $ \ ptr -> writeOutput bufOutput ptr i
writePrimIORef bufIndex 0