module Statistics.Regression
, ols
, rSquare
, bootstrapRegress
) where
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.Concurrent.Async (forConcurrently)
import Control.DeepSeq (rnf)
import Control.Monad (when)
import Data.List (nub)
import GHC.Conc (getNumCapabilities)
import Prelude hiding (pred, sum)
import Statistics.Function as F
import Statistics.Matrix hiding (map)
import Statistics.Matrix.Algorithms (qr)
import Statistics.Resampling (splitGen)
import Statistics.Types (Estimate(..),ConfInt,CL,estimateFromInterval,significanceLevel)
import Statistics.Sample (mean)
import Statistics.Sample.Internal (sum)
import System.Random.MWC (GenIO, uniformR)
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic as G
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as U
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable as M
olsRegress :: [Vector]
-> Vector
-> (Vector, Double)
olsRegress preds@(_:_) resps
| any (/=n) ls = error $ "predictor vector length mismatch " ++
show lss
| G.length resps /= n = error $ "responder/predictor length mismatch " ++
show (G.length resps, n)
| otherwise = (coeffs, rSquare mxpreds resps coeffs)
coeffs = ols mxpreds resps
mxpreds = transpose .
fromVector (length lss + 1) n .
G.concat $ preds ++ [G.replicate n 1]
lss@(n:ls) = map G.length preds
olsRegress _ _ = error "no predictors given"
ols :: Matrix
-> Vector
-> Vector
ols a b
| rs < cs = error $ "fewer rows than columns " ++ show d
| otherwise = solve r (transpose q `multiplyV` b)
d@(rs,cs) = dimension a
(q,r) = qr a
solve :: Matrix
-> Vector
-> Vector
solve r b
| n /= l = error $ "row/vector mismatch " ++ show (n,l)
| otherwise = U.create $ do
s <- U.thaw b
rfor n 0 $ \i -> do
si <- (/ unsafeIndex r i i) <$> M.unsafeRead s i
M.unsafeWrite s i si
F.for 0 i $ \j -> F.unsafeModify s j $ subtract (unsafeIndex r j i * si)
return s
where n = rows r
l = U.length b
rSquare :: Matrix
-> Vector
-> Vector
-> Double
rSquare pred resp coeff = 1 - r / t
r = sum $ flip U.imap resp $ \i x -> square (x - p i)
t = sum $ flip resp $ \x -> square (x - mean resp)
p i = sum . flip U.imap coeff $ \j -> (* unsafeIndex pred i j)
:: GenIO
-> Int
-> CL Double
-> ([Vector] -> Vector -> (Vector, Double))
-> [Vector]
-> Vector
-> IO (V.Vector (Estimate ConfInt Double), Estimate ConfInt Double)
bootstrapRegress gen0 numResamples cl rgrss preds0 resp0
| numResamples < 1 = error $ "bootstrapRegress: number of resamples " ++
"must be positive"
| otherwise = do
case nub (map U.length preds0) of
[] -> error "bootstrapRegress: predictor vectors must not be empty"
[plen] -> do
let rlen = U.length resp0
when (plen /= rlen) $
error $ "bootstrapRegress: responder vector length ["
++ show rlen
++ "] must be the same as predictor vectors' length ["
++ show plen ++ "]"
xs -> error $ "bootstrapRegress: all predictor vectors must be of the same \
\length, lengths provided are: " ++ show xs
caps <- getNumCapabilities
gens <- splitGen caps gen0
vs <- forConcurrently (zip gens (balance caps numResamples)) $ \(gen,count) -> do
v <- V.replicateM count $ do
let n = U.length resp0
ixs <- U.replicateM n $ uniformR (0,n-1) gen
let resp = U.backpermute resp0 ixs
preds = map (flip U.backpermute ixs) preds0
return $ rgrss preds resp
rnf v `seq` return v
let (coeffsv, r2v) = G.unzip (V.concat vs)
let coeffs = flip G.imap (G.convert coeffss) $ \i x ->
est x . U.generate numResamples $ \k -> (coeffsv G.! k) G.! i
r2 = est r2s (G.convert r2v)
(coeffss, r2s) = rgrss preds0 resp0
est s v = estimateFromInterval s (w G.! lo, w G.! hi) cl
where w = F.sort v
bounded i = min (U.length w - 1) (max 0 i)
lo = bounded $ round c
hi = bounded $ truncate (n - c)
n = fromIntegral numResamples
c = n * (significanceLevel cl / 2)
return (coeffs, r2)
balance :: Int -> Int -> [Int]
balance numSlices numItems = zipWith (+) (replicate numSlices q)
(replicate r 1 ++ repeat 0)
where (q,r) = numItems `quotRem` numSlices