Copyright | (c) Eitan Chatav 2019 |
Maintainer | |
Stability | experimental |
Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
encoding of statement parameters
- newtype EncodeParams (db :: SchemasType) (tys :: [k]) (x :: Type) = EncodeParams {
- runEncodeParams :: x -> ReaderT (K Connection db) IO (NP (K (Maybe Encoding)) tys)
- class (IsProductType x xs, params ~ TuplePG x, All (OidOfNull db) params, AllZip (ToParam db) params xs) => GenericParams db params x xs where
- genericParams :: EncodeParams db params x
- nilParams :: EncodeParams db '[] x
- (.*) :: forall db x0 ty x tys. (ToParam db ty x0, ty ~ NullPG x0) => (x -> x0) -> EncodeParams db tys x -> EncodeParams db (ty ': tys) x
- (*.) :: forall db x x0 ty0 x1 ty1. (ToParam db ty0 x0, ty0 ~ NullPG x0, ToParam db ty1 x1, ty1 ~ NullPG x1) => (x -> x0) -> (x -> x1) -> EncodeParams db '[ty0, ty1] x
- aParam :: forall db x ty. (ToParam db ty x, ty ~ NullPG x) => EncodeParams db '[ty] x
- appendParams :: EncodeParams db params0 x -> EncodeParams db params1 x -> EncodeParams db (Join params0 params1) x
- enumParam :: (PG x ~ 'PGenum labels, All KnownSymbol labels) => (x -> NS PGlabel labels) -> x -> ReaderT (K Connection db) IO Encoding
- rowParam :: (PG x ~ 'PGcomposite row, All (OidOfField db) row) => EncodeParams db row x -> x -> ReaderT (K Connection db) IO Encoding
- genericRowParams :: forall db row x xs. (IsRecord x xs, AllZip (ToField db) row xs) => EncodeParams db row x
- (.#) :: forall db x0 fld ty x tys. (ToParam db ty x0, ty ~ NullPG x0) => Aliased ((->) x) (fld ::: x0) -> EncodeParams db tys x -> EncodeParams db ((fld ::: ty) ': tys) x
- (#.) :: forall db x x0 fld0 ty0 x1 fld1 ty1. (ToParam db ty0 x0, ty0 ~ NullPG x0, ToParam db ty1 x1, ty1 ~ NullPG x1) => Aliased ((->) x) (fld0 ::: x0) -> Aliased ((->) x) (fld1 ::: x1) -> EncodeParams db '[fld0 ::: ty0, fld1 ::: ty1] x
- class IsPG x => ToPG (db :: SchemasType) (x :: Type) where
- class ToParam (db :: SchemasType) (ty :: NullType) (x :: Type) where
- class ToField (db :: SchemasType) (field :: (Symbol, NullType)) (x :: (Symbol, Type)) where
- class ToArray (db :: SchemasType) (dims :: [Nat]) (ty :: NullType) (x :: Type) where
- arrayPayload :: x -> ReaderT (K Connection db) IO Encoding
- arrayDims :: [Int32]
- arrayNulls :: Bool
Encode Parameters
newtype EncodeParams (db :: SchemasType) (tys :: [k]) (x :: Type) Source #
describes an encoding of a Haskell Type
into a list of parameter NullType
s or into a RowType
conn <- connectdb @'[] "host=localhost port=5432 dbname=exampledb user=postgres password=postgres"
let encode :: EncodeParams '[] '[ 'NotNull 'PGint2, 'NotNull ('PGchar 1), 'NotNull 'PGtext] (Int16, (Char, String)) encode = fst .* fst.snd *. snd.snd in runReaderT (runEncodeParams encode (1,('a',"foo"))) conn :} K (Just "\NUL\SOH") :* K (Just "a") :* K (Just "foo") :* Nil
let encode :: EncodeParams '[] '["fst" ::: 'NotNull 'PGint2, "snd" ::: 'NotNull ('PGchar 1)] (Int16, Char) encode = fst `as` #fst #. snd `as` #snd in runReaderT (runEncodeParams encode (1,'a')) conn :} K (Just "\NUL\SOH") :* K (Just "a") :* Nil
finish conn
EncodeParams | |
(ToParam db ty x, ty ~ NullPG x) => IsLabel fld (EncodeParams db '[fld ::: ty] x) Source # | |
Defined in Squeal.PostgreSQL.Session.Encode Methods fromLabel :: EncodeParams db '[fld ::: ty] x # | |
Contravariant (EncodeParams db tys) Source # | |
Defined in Squeal.PostgreSQL.Session.Encode Methods contramap :: (a -> b) -> EncodeParams db tys b -> EncodeParams db tys a # (>$) :: b -> EncodeParams db tys b -> EncodeParams db tys a # |
class (IsProductType x xs, params ~ TuplePG x, All (OidOfNull db) params, AllZip (ToParam db) params xs) => GenericParams db params x xs where Source #
A GenericParams
constraint to ensure that a Haskell type
is a product type,
has a TuplePG
and all its terms have known Oids,
and can be encoded to corresponding Postgres types.
genericParams :: EncodeParams db params x Source #
Parameter encoding for Generic
tuples and records.
import qualified GHC.Generics as GHC
import qualified Generics.SOP as SOP
data Two = Two Int16 String deriving (GHC.Generic, SOP.Generic)
conn <- connectdb @'[] "host=localhost port=5432 dbname=exampledb user=postgres password=postgres"
let encode :: EncodeParams '[] '[ 'NotNull 'PGint2, 'NotNull 'PGtext] Two encode = genericParams in runReaderT (runEncodeParams encode (Two 2 "two")) conn :} K (Just "\NUL\STX") :* K (Just "two") :* Nil
let encode :: EncodeParams '[] '[ 'NotNull 'PGint2, 'NotNull 'PGtext] (Int16, String) encode = genericParams in runReaderT (runEncodeParams encode (2, "two")) conn :} K (Just "\NUL\STX") :* K (Just "two") :* Nil
finish conn
(params ~ TuplePG x, All (OidOfNull db) params, IsProductType x xs, AllZip (ToParam db) params xs) => GenericParams db params x xs Source # | |
Defined in Squeal.PostgreSQL.Session.Encode Methods genericParams :: EncodeParams db params x Source # |
nilParams :: EncodeParams db '[] x Source #
Encode 0 parameters.
:: forall db x0 ty x tys. (ToParam db ty x0, ty ~ NullPG x0) | |
=> (x -> x0) | head |
-> EncodeParams db tys x | tail |
-> EncodeParams db (ty ': tys) x |
Cons a parameter encoding.
conn <- connectdb @'[] "host=localhost port=5432 dbname=exampledb user=postgres password=postgres"
let encode :: EncodeParams '[] '[ 'Null 'PGint4, 'NotNull 'PGtext] (Maybe Int32, String) encode = fst .* snd .* nilParams in runReaderT (runEncodeParams encode (Nothing, "foo")) conn :} K Nothing :* K (Just "foo") :* Nil
finish conn
:: forall db x x0 ty0 x1 ty1. (ToParam db ty0 x0, ty0 ~ NullPG x0, ToParam db ty1 x1, ty1 ~ NullPG x1) | |
=> (x -> x0) | second to last |
-> (x -> x1) | last |
-> EncodeParams db '[ty0, ty1] x |
End a parameter encoding.
conn <- connectdb @'[] "host=localhost port=5432 dbname=exampledb user=postgres password=postgres"
let encode :: EncodeParams '[] '[ 'Null 'PGint4, 'NotNull 'PGtext, 'NotNull ('PGchar 1)] (Maybe Int32, String, Char) encode = (\(x,_,_) -> x) .* (\(_,y,_) -> y) *. (\(_,_,z) -> z) in runReaderT (runEncodeParams encode (Nothing, "foo", 'z')) conn :} K Nothing :* K (Just "foo") :* K (Just "z") :* Nil
finish conn
:: forall db x ty. (ToParam db ty x, ty ~ NullPG x) | |
=> EncodeParams db '[ty] x | a single parameter |
Encode 1 parameter.
conn <- connectdb @'[] "host=localhost port=5432 dbname=exampledb user=postgres password=postgres"
let encode :: EncodeParams '[] '[ 'NotNull 'PGint4] Int32 encode = aParam in runReaderT (runEncodeParams encode 1776) conn :} K (Just "\NUL\NUL\ACK\240") :* Nil
finish conn
:: EncodeParams db params0 x | left |
-> EncodeParams db params1 x | right |
-> EncodeParams db (Join params0 params1) x |
Append parameter encodings.
conn <- connectdb @'[] "host=localhost port=5432 dbname=exampledb user=postgres password=postgres"
let encode :: EncodeParams '[] '[ 'NotNull 'PGint4, 'NotNull 'PGint2] (Int32, Int16) encode = contramap fst aParam `appendParams` contramap snd aParam in runReaderT (runEncodeParams encode (1776, 2)) conn :} K (Just "\NUL\NUL\ACK\240") :* K (Just "\NUL\STX") :* Nil
finish conn
:: (PG x ~ 'PGenum labels, All KnownSymbol labels) | |
=> (x -> NS PGlabel labels) | match cases with enum |
-> x -> ReaderT (K Connection db) IO Encoding |
:set -XLambdaCase -XFlexibleInstances
data Dir = North | South | East | West instance IsPG Dir where type PG Dir = 'PGenum '["north", "south", "east", "west"] instance ToPG db Dir where toPG = enumParam $ \case North -> label @"north" South -> label @"south" East -> label @"east" West -> label @"west" :}
:: (PG x ~ 'PGcomposite row, All (OidOfField db) row) | |
=> EncodeParams db row x | |
-> x -> ReaderT (K Connection db) IO Encoding |
:set -XTypeFamilies -XFlexibleInstances
data Complex = Complex { real :: Double , imaginary :: Double } instance IsPG Complex where type PG Complex = 'PGcomposite '[ "re" ::: 'NotNull 'PGfloat8, "im" ::: 'NotNull 'PGfloat8] instance ToPG db Complex where toPG = rowParam $ real `as` #re #. imaginary `as` #im :}
genericRowParams :: forall db row x xs. (IsRecord x xs, AllZip (ToField db) row xs) => EncodeParams db row x Source #
import GHC.Generics as GHC
data L = L {frst :: Int16, scnd :: Char} deriving stock (GHC.Generic, Show) deriving anyclass (SOP.Generic, SOP.HasDatatypeInfo) data R = R {thrd :: Bool, frth :: Bool} deriving stock (GHC.Generic, Show) deriving anyclass (SOP.Generic, SOP.HasDatatypeInfo) instance IsPG (L,R) where type PG (L,R) = 'PGcomposite '[ "frst" ::: 'NotNull 'PGint2, "scnd" ::: 'NotNull ('PGchar 1), "thrd" ::: 'NotNull 'PGbool, "frth" ::: 'NotNull 'PGbool] instance ToPG db (L,R) where toPG = rowParam $ contramap fst genericRowParams `appendParams` contramap snd genericRowParams :}
:: forall db x0 fld ty x tys. (ToParam db ty x0, ty ~ NullPG x0) | |
=> Aliased ((->) x) (fld ::: x0) | head |
-> EncodeParams db tys x | tail |
-> EncodeParams db ((fld ::: ty) ': tys) x |
Cons a row parameter encoding for rowParam
:: forall db x x0 fld0 ty0 x1 fld1 ty1. (ToParam db ty0 x0, ty0 ~ NullPG x0, ToParam db ty1 x1, ty1 ~ NullPG x1) | |
=> Aliased ((->) x) (fld0 ::: x0) | second to last |
-> Aliased ((->) x) (fld1 ::: x1) | last |
-> EncodeParams db '[fld0 ::: ty0, fld1 ::: ty1] x |
End a row parameter encoding for rowParam
Encoding Classes
class IsPG x => ToPG (db :: SchemasType) (x :: Type) where Source #
constraint gives an encoding of a Haskell Type
into the binary format of a PostgreSQL PGType
toPG :: x -> ReaderT (K Connection db) IO Encoding Source #
:set -XTypeApplications -XDataKinds
conn <- connectdb @'[] "host=localhost port=5432 dbname=exampledb user=postgres password=postgres"
runReaderT (toPG @'[] False) conn
runReaderT (toPG @'[] (0 :: Int16)) conn
runReaderT (toPG @'[] (0 :: Int32)) conn
:set -XMultiParamTypeClasses -XGeneralizedNewtypeDeriving
newtype UserId = UserId { getUserId :: Int64 } deriving newtype (IsPG, ToPG db)
runReaderT (toPG @'[] (UserId 0)) conn
finish conn
class ToParam (db :: SchemasType) (ty :: NullType) (x :: Type) where Source #
A ToParam
constraint gives an encoding of a Haskell Type
into the binary format of a PostgreSQL NullType
You should not define instances for ToParam
just use the provided instances.
class ToField (db :: SchemasType) (field :: (Symbol, NullType)) (x :: (Symbol, Type)) where Source #
class ToArray (db :: SchemasType) (dims :: [Nat]) (ty :: NullType) (x :: Type) where Source #
A ToArray
constraint gives an encoding of a Haskell Type
into the binary format of a PostgreSQL fixed-length array.
You should not define instances for
, just use the provided instances.
arrayPayload :: x -> ReaderT (K Connection db) IO Encoding Source #
arrayNulls :: Bool Source #
(ToPG db x, pg ~ PG x) => ToArray db ('[] :: [Nat]) ('NotNull pg) x Source # | |
Defined in Squeal.PostgreSQL.Session.Encode | |
(ToPG db x, pg ~ PG x) => ToArray db ('[] :: [Nat]) ('Null pg) (Maybe x) Source # | |
Defined in Squeal.PostgreSQL.Session.Encode | |
(IsProductType tuple xs, Length xs ~ dim, All (Type ~ x) xs, ToArray db dims ty x, KnownNat dim) => ToArray db (dim ': dims) ty tuple Source # | |
Defined in Squeal.PostgreSQL.Session.Encode |