Copyright | (c) Eitan Chatav 2019 |
Maintainer | |
Stability | experimental |
Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
aggregate functions and arguments
- class Aggregate arg expr | expr -> arg where
- countStar :: expr lat with db params from ('NotNull 'PGint8)
- count :: arg '[ty] lat with db params from -> expr lat with db params from ('NotNull 'PGint8)
- sum_ :: arg '[null ty] lat with db params from -> expr lat with db params from ('Null (PGSum ty))
- arrayAgg :: arg '[ty] lat with db params from -> expr lat with db params from ('Null ('PGvararray ty))
- jsonAgg :: arg '[ty] lat with db params from -> expr lat with db params from ('Null 'PGjson)
- jsonbAgg :: arg '[ty] lat with db params from -> expr lat with db params from ('Null 'PGjsonb)
- bitAnd :: int `In` PGIntegral => arg '[null int] lat with db params from -> expr lat with db params from ('Null int)
- bitOr :: int `In` PGIntegral => arg '[null int] lat with db params from -> expr lat with db params from ('Null int)
- boolAnd :: arg '[null 'PGbool] lat with db params from -> expr lat with db params from ('Null 'PGbool)
- boolOr :: arg '[null 'PGbool] lat with db params from -> expr lat with db params from ('Null 'PGbool)
- every :: arg '[null 'PGbool] lat with db params from -> expr lat with db params from ('Null 'PGbool)
- max_ :: arg '[null ty] lat with db params from -> expr lat with db params from ('Null ty)
- min_ :: arg '[null ty] lat with db params from -> expr lat with db params from ('Null ty)
- avg :: arg '[null ty] lat with db params from -> expr lat with db params from ('Null (PGAvg ty))
- corr :: arg '[null 'PGfloat8, null 'PGfloat8] lat with db params from -> expr lat with db params from ('Null 'PGfloat8)
- covarPop :: arg '[null 'PGfloat8, null 'PGfloat8] lat with db params from -> expr lat with db params from ('Null 'PGfloat8)
- covarSamp :: arg '[null 'PGfloat8, null 'PGfloat8] lat with db params from -> expr lat with db params from ('Null 'PGfloat8)
- regrAvgX :: arg '[null 'PGfloat8, null 'PGfloat8] lat with db params from -> expr lat with db params from ('Null 'PGfloat8)
- regrAvgY :: arg '[null 'PGfloat8, null 'PGfloat8] lat with db params from -> expr lat with db params from ('Null 'PGfloat8)
- regrCount :: arg '[null 'PGfloat8, null 'PGfloat8] lat with db params from -> expr lat with db params from ('Null 'PGint8)
- regrIntercept :: arg '[null 'PGfloat8, null 'PGfloat8] lat with db params from -> expr lat with db params from ('Null 'PGfloat8)
- regrR2 :: arg '[null 'PGfloat8, null 'PGfloat8] lat with db params from -> expr lat with db params from ('Null 'PGfloat8)
- regrSlope :: arg '[null 'PGfloat8, null 'PGfloat8] lat with db params from -> expr lat with db params from ('Null 'PGfloat8)
- regrSxx :: arg '[null 'PGfloat8, null 'PGfloat8] lat with db params from -> expr lat with db params from ('Null 'PGfloat8)
- regrSxy :: arg '[null 'PGfloat8, null 'PGfloat8] lat with db params from -> expr lat with db params from ('Null 'PGfloat8)
- regrSyy :: arg '[null 'PGfloat8, null 'PGfloat8] lat with db params from -> expr lat with db params from ('Null 'PGfloat8)
- stddev :: arg '[null ty] lat with db params from -> expr lat with db params from ('Null (PGAvg ty))
- stddevPop :: arg '[null ty] lat with db params from -> expr lat with db params from ('Null (PGAvg ty))
- stddevSamp :: arg '[null ty] lat with db params from -> expr lat with db params from ('Null (PGAvg ty))
- variance :: arg '[null ty] lat with db params from -> expr lat with db params from ('Null (PGAvg ty))
- varPop :: arg '[null ty] lat with db params from -> expr lat with db params from ('Null (PGAvg ty))
- varSamp :: arg '[null ty] lat with db params from -> expr lat with db params from ('Null (PGAvg ty))
- data AggregateArg (xs :: [NullType]) (lat :: FromType) (with :: FromType) (db :: SchemasType) (params :: [NullType]) (from :: FromType)
- = AggregateAll {
- aggregateArgs :: NP (Expression 'Ungrouped lat with db params from) xs
- aggregateOrder :: [SortExpression 'Ungrouped lat with db params from]
- aggregateFilter :: [Condition 'Ungrouped lat with db params from]
- | AggregateDistinct {
- aggregateArgs :: NP (Expression 'Ungrouped lat with db params from) xs
- aggregateOrder :: [SortExpression 'Ungrouped lat with db params from]
- aggregateFilter :: [Condition 'Ungrouped lat with db params from]
- = AggregateAll {
- pattern All :: Expression 'Ungrouped lat with db params from x -> AggregateArg '[x] lat with db params from
- pattern Alls :: NP (Expression 'Ungrouped lat with db params from) xs -> AggregateArg xs lat with db params from
- allNotNull :: Expression 'Ungrouped lat with db params from ('Null x) -> AggregateArg '['NotNull x] lat with db params from
- pattern Distinct :: Expression 'Ungrouped lat with db params from x -> AggregateArg '[x] lat with db params from
- pattern Distincts :: NP (Expression 'Ungrouped lat with db params from) xs -> AggregateArg xs lat with db params from
- distinctNotNull :: Expression 'Ungrouped lat with db params from ('Null x) -> AggregateArg '['NotNull x] lat with db params from
- class FilterWhere arg grp | arg -> grp where
- filterWhere :: Condition grp lat with db params from -> arg xs lat with db params from -> arg xs lat with db params from
- type family PGSum ty where ...
- type family PGAvg ty where ...
class Aggregate arg expr | expr -> arg where Source #
functions compute a single result from a set of input values.
functions can be used as Grouped
s as well
as WindowFunction
countStar :: expr lat with db params from ('NotNull 'PGint8) Source #
A special aggregation that does not require an input
let expression :: Expression ('Grouped bys) '[] with db params from ('NotNull 'PGint8) expression = countStar in printSQL expression :} count(*)
:: arg '[ty] lat with db params from | argument |
-> expr lat with db params from ('NotNull 'PGint8) |
let expression :: Expression ('Grouped bys) '[] with db params '[tab ::: '["col" ::: null ty]] ('NotNull 'PGint8) expression = count (All #col) in printSQL expression :} count(ALL "col")
:: arg '[null ty] lat with db params from | argument |
-> expr lat with db params from ('Null (PGSum ty)) |
let expression :: Expression ('Grouped bys) '[] with db params '[tab ::: '["col" ::: 'Null 'PGnumeric]] ('Null 'PGnumeric) expression = sum_ (Distinct #col & filterWhere (#col .< 100)) in printSQL expression :} sum(DISTINCT "col") FILTER (WHERE ("col" < (100.0 :: numeric)))
:: arg '[ty] lat with db params from | argument |
-> expr lat with db params from ('Null ('PGvararray ty)) |
input values, including nulls, concatenated into an array
let expression :: Expression ('Grouped bys) '[] with db params '[tab ::: '["col" ::: 'Null 'PGnumeric]] ('Null ('PGvararray ('Null 'PGnumeric))) expression = arrayAgg (All #col & orderBy [AscNullsFirst #col] & filterWhere (#col .< 100)) in printSQL expression :} array_agg(ALL "col" ORDER BY "col" ASC NULLS FIRST) FILTER (WHERE ("col" < (100.0 :: numeric)))
:: arg '[ty] lat with db params from | argument |
-> expr lat with db params from ('Null 'PGjson) |
aggregates values as a JSON array
:: arg '[ty] lat with db params from | argument |
-> expr lat with db params from ('Null 'PGjsonb) |
aggregates values as a JSON array
:: int `In` PGIntegral | |
=> arg '[null int] lat with db params from | argument |
-> expr lat with db params from ('Null int) |
the bitwise AND of all non-null input values, or null if none
let expression :: Expression ('Grouped bys) '[] with db params '[tab ::: '["col" ::: null 'PGint4]] ('Null 'PGint4) expression = bitAnd (Distinct #col) in printSQL expression :} bit_and(DISTINCT "col")
:: int `In` PGIntegral | |
=> arg '[null int] lat with db params from | argument |
-> expr lat with db params from ('Null int) |
the bitwise OR of all non-null input values, or null if none
let expression :: Expression ('Grouped bys) '[] with db params '[tab ::: '["col" ::: null 'PGint4]] ('Null 'PGint4) expression = bitOr (All #col) in printSQL expression :} bit_or(ALL "col")
:: arg '[null 'PGbool] lat with db params from | argument |
-> expr lat with db params from ('Null 'PGbool) |
true if all input values are true, otherwise false
let winFun :: WindowFunction 'Ungrouped '[] with db params '[tab ::: '["col" ::: null 'PGbool]] ('Null 'PGbool) winFun = boolAnd (Window #col) in printSQL winFun :} bool_and("col")
:: arg '[null 'PGbool] lat with db params from | argument |
-> expr lat with db params from ('Null 'PGbool) |
true if at least one input value is true, otherwise false
let expression :: Expression ('Grouped bys) '[] with db params '[tab ::: '["col" ::: null 'PGbool]] ('Null 'PGbool) expression = boolOr (All #col) in printSQL expression :} bool_or(ALL "col")
:: arg '[null 'PGbool] lat with db params from | argument |
-> expr lat with db params from ('Null 'PGbool) |
equivalent to boolAnd
let expression :: Expression ('Grouped bys) '[] with db params '[tab ::: '["col" ::: null 'PGbool]] ('Null 'PGbool) expression = every (Distinct #col) in printSQL expression :} every(DISTINCT "col")
:: arg '[null ty] lat with db params from | argument |
-> expr lat with db params from ('Null ty) |
maximum value of expression across all input values
:: arg '[null ty] lat with db params from | argument |
-> expr lat with db params from ('Null ty) |
minimum value of expression across all input values
:: arg '[null ty] lat with db params from | argument |
-> expr lat with db params from ('Null (PGAvg ty)) |
the average (arithmetic mean) of all input values
:: arg '[null 'PGfloat8, null 'PGfloat8] lat with db params from | arguments |
-> expr lat with db params from ('Null 'PGfloat8) |
correlation coefficient
let expression :: Expression ('Grouped g) '[] c s p '[t ::: '["x" ::: 'NotNull 'PGfloat8, "y" ::: 'NotNull 'PGfloat8]] ('Null 'PGfloat8) expression = corr (Alls (#y *: #x)) in printSQL expression :} corr(ALL "y", "x")
:: arg '[null 'PGfloat8, null 'PGfloat8] lat with db params from | arguments |
-> expr lat with db params from ('Null 'PGfloat8) |
population covariance
let expression :: Expression ('Grouped g) '[] c s p '[t ::: '["x" ::: 'NotNull 'PGfloat8, "y" ::: 'NotNull 'PGfloat8]] ('Null 'PGfloat8) expression = covarPop (Alls (#y *: #x)) in printSQL expression :} covar_pop(ALL "y", "x")
:: arg '[null 'PGfloat8, null 'PGfloat8] lat with db params from | arguments |
-> expr lat with db params from ('Null 'PGfloat8) |
sample covariance
let winFun :: WindowFunction 'Ungrouped '[] c s p '[t ::: '["x" ::: 'NotNull 'PGfloat8, "y" ::: 'NotNull 'PGfloat8]] ('Null 'PGfloat8) winFun = covarSamp (Windows (#y *: #x)) in printSQL winFun :} covar_samp("y", "x")
:: arg '[null 'PGfloat8, null 'PGfloat8] lat with db params from | arguments |
-> expr lat with db params from ('Null 'PGfloat8) |
average of the independent variable (sum(X)/N)
let expression :: Expression ('Grouped g) '[] c s p '[t ::: '["x" ::: 'NotNull 'PGfloat8, "y" ::: 'NotNull 'PGfloat8]] ('Null 'PGfloat8) expression = regrAvgX (Alls (#y *: #x)) in printSQL expression :} regr_avgx(ALL "y", "x")
:: arg '[null 'PGfloat8, null 'PGfloat8] lat with db params from | arguments |
-> expr lat with db params from ('Null 'PGfloat8) |
average of the dependent variable (sum(Y)/N)
let winFun :: WindowFunction 'Ungrouped '[] c s p '[t ::: '["x" ::: 'NotNull 'PGfloat8, "y" ::: 'NotNull 'PGfloat8]] ('Null 'PGfloat8) winFun = regrAvgY (Windows (#y *: #x)) in printSQL winFun :} regr_avgy("y", "x")
:: arg '[null 'PGfloat8, null 'PGfloat8] lat with db params from | arguments |
-> expr lat with db params from ('Null 'PGint8) |
number of input rows in which both expressions are nonnull
let winFun :: WindowFunction 'Ungrouped '[] c s p '[t ::: '["x" ::: 'NotNull 'PGfloat8, "y" ::: 'NotNull 'PGfloat8]] ('Null 'PGint8) winFun = regrCount (Windows (#y *: #x)) in printSQL winFun :} regr_count("y", "x")
:: arg '[null 'PGfloat8, null 'PGfloat8] lat with db params from | arguments |
-> expr lat with db params from ('Null 'PGfloat8) |
y-intercept of the least-squares-fit linear equation determined by the (X, Y) pairs
let expression :: Expression ('Grouped g) '[] c s p '[t ::: '["x" ::: 'NotNull 'PGfloat8, "y" ::: 'NotNull 'PGfloat8]] ('Null 'PGfloat8) expression = regrIntercept (Alls (#y *: #x)) in printSQL expression :} regr_intercept(ALL "y", "x")
:: arg '[null 'PGfloat8, null 'PGfloat8] lat with db params from | arguments |
-> expr lat with db params from ('Null 'PGfloat8) |
regr_r2(Y, X)
, square of the correlation coefficient
:: arg '[null 'PGfloat8, null 'PGfloat8] lat with db params from | arguments |
-> expr lat with db params from ('Null 'PGfloat8) |
regr_slope(Y, X)
, slope of the least-squares-fit linear equation
determined by the (X, Y) pairs
:: arg '[null 'PGfloat8, null 'PGfloat8] lat with db params from | arguments |
-> expr lat with db params from ('Null 'PGfloat8) |
regr_sxx(Y, X)
, sum(X^2) - sum(X)^2/N
(“sum of squares” of the independent variable)
:: arg '[null 'PGfloat8, null 'PGfloat8] lat with db params from | arguments |
-> expr lat with db params from ('Null 'PGfloat8) |
regr_sxy(Y, X)
, sum(X*Y) - sum(X) * sum(Y)/N
(“sum of products” of independent times dependent variable)
:: arg '[null 'PGfloat8, null 'PGfloat8] lat with db params from | arguments |
-> expr lat with db params from ('Null 'PGfloat8) |
regr_syy(Y, X)
, sum(Y^2) - sum(Y)^2/N
(“sum of squares” of the dependent variable)
:: arg '[null ty] lat with db params from | argument |
-> expr lat with db params from ('Null (PGAvg ty)) |
historical alias for stddevSamp
:: arg '[null ty] lat with db params from | argument |
-> expr lat with db params from ('Null (PGAvg ty)) |
population standard deviation of the input values
:: arg '[null ty] lat with db params from | argument |
-> expr lat with db params from ('Null (PGAvg ty)) |
sample standard deviation of the input values
:: arg '[null ty] lat with db params from | argument |
-> expr lat with db params from ('Null (PGAvg ty)) |
historical alias for varSamp
:: arg '[null ty] lat with db params from | argument |
-> expr lat with db params from ('Null (PGAvg ty)) |
population variance of the input values (square of the population standard deviation)
:: arg '[null ty] lat with db params from | argument |
-> expr lat with db params from ('Null (PGAvg ty)) |
sample variance of the input values (square of the sample standard deviation)
(TypeError ('Text "Cannot use aggregate functions to construct an Ungrouped Expression. Add a 'groupBy' to your TableExpression. If you want to aggregate across the entire result set, use 'groupBy Nil'.") :: Constraint, a ~ AggregateArg) => Aggregate (a :: [NullType] -> FromType -> FromType -> SchemasType -> [NullType] -> FromType -> Type) (Expression 'Ungrouped) Source # | |
Defined in Squeal.PostgreSQL.Expression.Aggregate Methods countStar :: forall (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). Expression 'Ungrouped lat with db params from ('NotNull 'PGint8) Source # count :: forall (ty :: NullType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). a '[ty] lat with db params from -> Expression 'Ungrouped lat with db params from ('NotNull 'PGint8) Source # sum_ :: forall (null :: PGType -> NullType) (ty :: PGType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). a '[null ty] lat with db params from -> Expression 'Ungrouped lat with db params from ('Null (PGSum ty)) Source # arrayAgg :: forall (ty :: NullType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). a '[ty] lat with db params from -> Expression 'Ungrouped lat with db params from ('Null ('PGvararray ty)) Source # jsonAgg :: forall (ty :: NullType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). a '[ty] lat with db params from -> Expression 'Ungrouped lat with db params from ('Null 'PGjson) Source # jsonbAgg :: forall (ty :: NullType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). a '[ty] lat with db params from -> Expression 'Ungrouped lat with db params from ('Null 'PGjsonb) Source # bitAnd :: forall (int :: PGType) (null :: PGType -> NullType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). In int PGIntegral => a '[null int] lat with db params from -> Expression 'Ungrouped lat with db params from ('Null int) Source # bitOr :: forall (int :: PGType) (null :: PGType -> NullType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). In int PGIntegral => a '[null int] lat with db params from -> Expression 'Ungrouped lat with db params from ('Null int) Source # boolAnd :: forall (null :: PGType -> NullType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). a '[null 'PGbool] lat with db params from -> Expression 'Ungrouped lat with db params from ('Null 'PGbool) Source # boolOr :: forall (null :: PGType -> NullType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). a '[null 'PGbool] lat with db params from -> Expression 'Ungrouped lat with db params from ('Null 'PGbool) Source # every :: forall (null :: PGType -> NullType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). a '[null 'PGbool] lat with db params from -> Expression 'Ungrouped lat with db params from ('Null 'PGbool) Source # max_ :: forall (null :: PGType -> NullType) (ty :: PGType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). a '[null ty] lat with db params from -> Expression 'Ungrouped lat with db params from ('Null ty) Source # min_ :: forall (null :: PGType -> NullType) (ty :: PGType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). a '[null ty] lat with db params from -> Expression 'Ungrouped lat with db params from ('Null ty) Source # avg :: forall (null :: PGType -> NullType) (ty :: PGType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). a '[null ty] lat with db params from -> Expression 'Ungrouped lat with db params from ('Null (PGAvg ty)) Source # corr :: forall (null :: PGType -> NullType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). a '[null 'PGfloat8, null 'PGfloat8] lat with db params from -> Expression 'Ungrouped lat with db params from ('Null 'PGfloat8) Source # covarPop :: forall (null :: PGType -> NullType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). a '[null 'PGfloat8, null 'PGfloat8] lat with db params from -> Expression 'Ungrouped lat with db params from ('Null 'PGfloat8) Source # covarSamp :: forall (null :: PGType -> NullType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). a '[null 'PGfloat8, null 'PGfloat8] lat with db params from -> Expression 'Ungrouped lat with db params from ('Null 'PGfloat8) Source # regrAvgX :: forall (null :: PGType -> NullType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). a '[null 'PGfloat8, null 'PGfloat8] lat with db params from -> Expression 'Ungrouped lat with db params from ('Null 'PGfloat8) Source # regrAvgY :: forall (null :: PGType -> NullType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). a '[null 'PGfloat8, null 'PGfloat8] lat with db params from -> Expression 'Ungrouped lat with db params from ('Null 'PGfloat8) Source # regrCount :: forall (null :: PGType -> NullType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). a '[null 'PGfloat8, null 'PGfloat8] lat with db params from -> Expression 'Ungrouped lat with db params from ('Null 'PGint8) Source # regrIntercept :: forall (null :: PGType -> NullType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). a '[null 'PGfloat8, null 'PGfloat8] lat with db params from -> Expression 'Ungrouped lat with db params from ('Null 'PGfloat8) Source # regrR2 :: forall (null :: PGType -> NullType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). a '[null 'PGfloat8, null 'PGfloat8] lat with db params from -> Expression 'Ungrouped lat with db params from ('Null 'PGfloat8) Source # regrSlope :: forall (null :: PGType -> NullType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). a '[null 'PGfloat8, null 'PGfloat8] lat with db params from -> Expression 'Ungrouped lat with db params from ('Null 'PGfloat8) Source # regrSxx :: forall (null :: PGType -> NullType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). a '[null 'PGfloat8, null 'PGfloat8] lat with db params from -> Expression 'Ungrouped lat with db params from ('Null 'PGfloat8) Source # regrSxy :: forall (null :: PGType -> NullType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). a '[null 'PGfloat8, null 'PGfloat8] lat with db params from -> Expression 'Ungrouped lat with db params from ('Null 'PGfloat8) Source # regrSyy :: forall (null :: PGType -> NullType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). a '[null 'PGfloat8, null 'PGfloat8] lat with db params from -> Expression 'Ungrouped lat with db params from ('Null 'PGfloat8) Source # stddev :: forall (null :: PGType -> NullType) (ty :: PGType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). a '[null ty] lat with db params from -> Expression 'Ungrouped lat with db params from ('Null (PGAvg ty)) Source # stddevPop :: forall (null :: PGType -> NullType) (ty :: PGType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). a '[null ty] lat with db params from -> Expression 'Ungrouped lat with db params from ('Null (PGAvg ty)) Source # stddevSamp :: forall (null :: PGType -> NullType) (ty :: PGType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). a '[null ty] lat with db params from -> Expression 'Ungrouped lat with db params from ('Null (PGAvg ty)) Source # variance :: forall (null :: PGType -> NullType) (ty :: PGType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). a '[null ty] lat with db params from -> Expression 'Ungrouped lat with db params from ('Null (PGAvg ty)) Source # varPop :: forall (null :: PGType -> NullType) (ty :: PGType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). a '[null ty] lat with db params from -> Expression 'Ungrouped lat with db params from ('Null (PGAvg ty)) Source # varSamp :: forall (null :: PGType -> NullType) (ty :: PGType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). a '[null ty] lat with db params from -> Expression 'Ungrouped lat with db params from ('Null (PGAvg ty)) Source # | |
Aggregate AggregateArg (Expression ('Grouped bys) :: FromType -> FromType -> SchemasType -> [NullType] -> FromType -> NullType -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Squeal.PostgreSQL.Expression.Aggregate Methods countStar :: forall (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). Expression ('Grouped bys) lat with db params from ('NotNull 'PGint8) Source # count :: forall (ty :: NullType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). AggregateArg '[ty] lat with db params from -> Expression ('Grouped bys) lat with db params from ('NotNull 'PGint8) Source # sum_ :: forall (null :: PGType -> NullType) (ty :: PGType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). AggregateArg '[null ty] lat with db params from -> Expression ('Grouped bys) lat with db params from ('Null (PGSum ty)) Source # arrayAgg :: forall (ty :: NullType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). AggregateArg '[ty] lat with db params from -> Expression ('Grouped bys) lat with db params from ('Null ('PGvararray ty)) Source # jsonAgg :: forall (ty :: NullType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). AggregateArg '[ty] lat with db params from -> Expression ('Grouped bys) lat with db params from ('Null 'PGjson) Source # jsonbAgg :: forall (ty :: NullType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). AggregateArg '[ty] lat with db params from -> Expression ('Grouped bys) lat with db params from ('Null 'PGjsonb) Source # bitAnd :: forall (int :: PGType) (null :: PGType -> NullType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). In int PGIntegral => AggregateArg '[null int] lat with db params from -> Expression ('Grouped bys) lat with db params from ('Null int) Source # bitOr :: forall (int :: PGType) (null :: PGType -> NullType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). In int PGIntegral => AggregateArg '[null int] lat with db params from -> Expression ('Grouped bys) lat with db params from ('Null int) Source # boolAnd :: forall (null :: PGType -> NullType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). AggregateArg '[null 'PGbool] lat with db params from -> Expression ('Grouped bys) lat with db params from ('Null 'PGbool) Source # boolOr :: forall (null :: PGType -> NullType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). AggregateArg '[null 'PGbool] lat with db params from -> Expression ('Grouped bys) lat with db params from ('Null 'PGbool) Source # every :: forall (null :: PGType -> NullType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). AggregateArg '[null 'PGbool] lat with db params from -> Expression ('Grouped bys) lat with db params from ('Null 'PGbool) Source # max_ :: forall (null :: PGType -> NullType) (ty :: PGType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). AggregateArg '[null ty] lat with db params from -> Expression ('Grouped bys) lat with db params from ('Null ty) Source # min_ :: forall (null :: PGType -> NullType) (ty :: PGType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). AggregateArg '[null ty] lat with db params from -> Expression ('Grouped bys) lat with db params from ('Null ty) Source # avg :: forall (null :: PGType -> NullType) (ty :: PGType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). AggregateArg '[null ty] lat with db params from -> Expression ('Grouped bys) lat with db params from ('Null (PGAvg ty)) Source # corr :: forall (null :: PGType -> NullType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). AggregateArg '[null 'PGfloat8, null 'PGfloat8] lat with db params from -> Expression ('Grouped bys) lat with db params from ('Null 'PGfloat8) Source # covarPop :: forall (null :: PGType -> NullType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). AggregateArg '[null 'PGfloat8, null 'PGfloat8] lat with db params from -> Expression ('Grouped bys) lat with db params from ('Null 'PGfloat8) Source # covarSamp :: forall (null :: PGType -> NullType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). AggregateArg '[null 'PGfloat8, null 'PGfloat8] lat with db params from -> Expression ('Grouped bys) lat with db params from ('Null 'PGfloat8) Source # regrAvgX :: forall (null :: PGType -> NullType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). AggregateArg '[null 'PGfloat8, null 'PGfloat8] lat with db params from -> Expression ('Grouped bys) lat with db params from ('Null 'PGfloat8) Source # regrAvgY :: forall (null :: PGType -> NullType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). AggregateArg '[null 'PGfloat8, null 'PGfloat8] lat with db params from -> Expression ('Grouped bys) lat with db params from ('Null 'PGfloat8) Source # regrCount :: forall (null :: PGType -> NullType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). AggregateArg '[null 'PGfloat8, null 'PGfloat8] lat with db params from -> Expression ('Grouped bys) lat with db params from ('Null 'PGint8) Source # regrIntercept :: forall (null :: PGType -> NullType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). AggregateArg '[null 'PGfloat8, null 'PGfloat8] lat with db params from -> Expression ('Grouped bys) lat with db params from ('Null 'PGfloat8) Source # regrR2 :: forall (null :: PGType -> NullType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). AggregateArg '[null 'PGfloat8, null 'PGfloat8] lat with db params from -> Expression ('Grouped bys) lat with db params from ('Null 'PGfloat8) Source # regrSlope :: forall (null :: PGType -> NullType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). AggregateArg '[null 'PGfloat8, null 'PGfloat8] lat with db params from -> Expression ('Grouped bys) lat with db params from ('Null 'PGfloat8) Source # regrSxx :: forall (null :: PGType -> NullType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). AggregateArg '[null 'PGfloat8, null 'PGfloat8] lat with db params from -> Expression ('Grouped bys) lat with db params from ('Null 'PGfloat8) Source # regrSxy :: forall (null :: PGType -> NullType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). AggregateArg '[null 'PGfloat8, null 'PGfloat8] lat with db params from -> Expression ('Grouped bys) lat with db params from ('Null 'PGfloat8) Source # regrSyy :: forall (null :: PGType -> NullType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). AggregateArg '[null 'PGfloat8, null 'PGfloat8] lat with db params from -> Expression ('Grouped bys) lat with db params from ('Null 'PGfloat8) Source # stddev :: forall (null :: PGType -> NullType) (ty :: PGType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). AggregateArg '[null ty] lat with db params from -> Expression ('Grouped bys) lat with db params from ('Null (PGAvg ty)) Source # stddevPop :: forall (null :: PGType -> NullType) (ty :: PGType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). AggregateArg '[null ty] lat with db params from -> Expression ('Grouped bys) lat with db params from ('Null (PGAvg ty)) Source # stddevSamp :: forall (null :: PGType -> NullType) (ty :: PGType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). AggregateArg '[null ty] lat with db params from -> Expression ('Grouped bys) lat with db params from ('Null (PGAvg ty)) Source # variance :: forall (null :: PGType -> NullType) (ty :: PGType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). AggregateArg '[null ty] lat with db params from -> Expression ('Grouped bys) lat with db params from ('Null (PGAvg ty)) Source # varPop :: forall (null :: PGType -> NullType) (ty :: PGType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). AggregateArg '[null ty] lat with db params from -> Expression ('Grouped bys) lat with db params from ('Null (PGAvg ty)) Source # varSamp :: forall (null :: PGType -> NullType) (ty :: PGType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). AggregateArg '[null ty] lat with db params from -> Expression ('Grouped bys) lat with db params from ('Null (PGAvg ty)) Source # | |
Aggregate (WindowArg grp :: [NullType] -> FromType -> FromType -> SchemasType -> [NullType] -> FromType -> Type) (WindowFunction grp :: FromType -> FromType -> SchemasType -> [NullType] -> FromType -> NullType -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Squeal.PostgreSQL.Expression.Window Methods countStar :: forall (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ('NotNull 'PGint8) Source # count :: forall (ty :: NullType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). WindowArg grp '[ty] lat with db params from -> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ('NotNull 'PGint8) Source # sum_ :: forall (null :: PGType -> NullType) (ty :: PGType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). WindowArg grp '[null ty] lat with db params from -> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ('Null (PGSum ty)) Source # arrayAgg :: forall (ty :: NullType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). WindowArg grp '[ty] lat with db params from -> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ('Null ('PGvararray ty)) Source # jsonAgg :: forall (ty :: NullType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). WindowArg grp '[ty] lat with db params from -> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ('Null 'PGjson) Source # jsonbAgg :: forall (ty :: NullType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). WindowArg grp '[ty] lat with db params from -> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ('Null 'PGjsonb) Source # bitAnd :: forall (int :: PGType) (null :: PGType -> NullType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). In int PGIntegral => WindowArg grp '[null int] lat with db params from -> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ('Null int) Source # bitOr :: forall (int :: PGType) (null :: PGType -> NullType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). In int PGIntegral => WindowArg grp '[null int] lat with db params from -> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ('Null int) Source # boolAnd :: forall (null :: PGType -> NullType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). WindowArg grp '[null 'PGbool] lat with db params from -> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ('Null 'PGbool) Source # boolOr :: forall (null :: PGType -> NullType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). WindowArg grp '[null 'PGbool] lat with db params from -> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ('Null 'PGbool) Source # every :: forall (null :: PGType -> NullType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). WindowArg grp '[null 'PGbool] lat with db params from -> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ('Null 'PGbool) Source # max_ :: forall (null :: PGType -> NullType) (ty :: PGType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). WindowArg grp '[null ty] lat with db params from -> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ('Null ty) Source # min_ :: forall (null :: PGType -> NullType) (ty :: PGType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). WindowArg grp '[null ty] lat with db params from -> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ('Null ty) Source # avg :: forall (null :: PGType -> NullType) (ty :: PGType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). WindowArg grp '[null ty] lat with db params from -> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ('Null (PGAvg ty)) Source # corr :: forall (null :: PGType -> NullType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). WindowArg grp '[null 'PGfloat8, null 'PGfloat8] lat with db params from -> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ('Null 'PGfloat8) Source # covarPop :: forall (null :: PGType -> NullType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). WindowArg grp '[null 'PGfloat8, null 'PGfloat8] lat with db params from -> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ('Null 'PGfloat8) Source # covarSamp :: forall (null :: PGType -> NullType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). WindowArg grp '[null 'PGfloat8, null 'PGfloat8] lat with db params from -> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ('Null 'PGfloat8) Source # regrAvgX :: forall (null :: PGType -> NullType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). WindowArg grp '[null 'PGfloat8, null 'PGfloat8] lat with db params from -> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ('Null 'PGfloat8) Source # regrAvgY :: forall (null :: PGType -> NullType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). WindowArg grp '[null 'PGfloat8, null 'PGfloat8] lat with db params from -> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ('Null 'PGfloat8) Source # regrCount :: forall (null :: PGType -> NullType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). WindowArg grp '[null 'PGfloat8, null 'PGfloat8] lat with db params from -> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ('Null 'PGint8) Source # regrIntercept :: forall (null :: PGType -> NullType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). WindowArg grp '[null 'PGfloat8, null 'PGfloat8] lat with db params from -> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ('Null 'PGfloat8) Source # regrR2 :: forall (null :: PGType -> NullType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). WindowArg grp '[null 'PGfloat8, null 'PGfloat8] lat with db params from -> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ('Null 'PGfloat8) Source # regrSlope :: forall (null :: PGType -> NullType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). WindowArg grp '[null 'PGfloat8, null 'PGfloat8] lat with db params from -> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ('Null 'PGfloat8) Source # regrSxx :: forall (null :: PGType -> NullType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). WindowArg grp '[null 'PGfloat8, null 'PGfloat8] lat with db params from -> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ('Null 'PGfloat8) Source # regrSxy :: forall (null :: PGType -> NullType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). WindowArg grp '[null 'PGfloat8, null 'PGfloat8] lat with db params from -> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ('Null 'PGfloat8) Source # regrSyy :: forall (null :: PGType -> NullType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). WindowArg grp '[null 'PGfloat8, null 'PGfloat8] lat with db params from -> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ('Null 'PGfloat8) Source # stddev :: forall (null :: PGType -> NullType) (ty :: PGType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). WindowArg grp '[null ty] lat with db params from -> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ('Null (PGAvg ty)) Source # stddevPop :: forall (null :: PGType -> NullType) (ty :: PGType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). WindowArg grp '[null ty] lat with db params from -> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ('Null (PGAvg ty)) Source # stddevSamp :: forall (null :: PGType -> NullType) (ty :: PGType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). WindowArg grp '[null ty] lat with db params from -> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ('Null (PGAvg ty)) Source # variance :: forall (null :: PGType -> NullType) (ty :: PGType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). WindowArg grp '[null ty] lat with db params from -> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ('Null (PGAvg ty)) Source # varPop :: forall (null :: PGType -> NullType) (ty :: PGType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). WindowArg grp '[null ty] lat with db params from -> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ('Null (PGAvg ty)) Source # varSamp :: forall (null :: PGType -> NullType) (ty :: PGType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). WindowArg grp '[null ty] lat with db params from -> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ('Null (PGAvg ty)) Source # |
Aggregate Arguments
data AggregateArg (xs :: [NullType]) (lat :: FromType) (with :: FromType) (db :: SchemasType) (params :: [NullType]) (from :: FromType) Source #
s are used for the input of Aggregate
AggregateAll | |
| |
AggregateDistinct | |
Aggregate AggregateArg (Expression ('Grouped bys) :: FromType -> FromType -> SchemasType -> [NullType] -> FromType -> NullType -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Squeal.PostgreSQL.Expression.Aggregate Methods countStar :: forall (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). Expression ('Grouped bys) lat with db params from ('NotNull 'PGint8) Source # count :: forall (ty :: NullType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). AggregateArg '[ty] lat with db params from -> Expression ('Grouped bys) lat with db params from ('NotNull 'PGint8) Source # sum_ :: forall (null :: PGType -> NullType) (ty :: PGType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). AggregateArg '[null ty] lat with db params from -> Expression ('Grouped bys) lat with db params from ('Null (PGSum ty)) Source # arrayAgg :: forall (ty :: NullType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). AggregateArg '[ty] lat with db params from -> Expression ('Grouped bys) lat with db params from ('Null ('PGvararray ty)) Source # jsonAgg :: forall (ty :: NullType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). AggregateArg '[ty] lat with db params from -> Expression ('Grouped bys) lat with db params from ('Null 'PGjson) Source # jsonbAgg :: forall (ty :: NullType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). AggregateArg '[ty] lat with db params from -> Expression ('Grouped bys) lat with db params from ('Null 'PGjsonb) Source # bitAnd :: forall (int :: PGType) (null :: PGType -> NullType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). In int PGIntegral => AggregateArg '[null int] lat with db params from -> Expression ('Grouped bys) lat with db params from ('Null int) Source # bitOr :: forall (int :: PGType) (null :: PGType -> NullType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). In int PGIntegral => AggregateArg '[null int] lat with db params from -> Expression ('Grouped bys) lat with db params from ('Null int) Source # boolAnd :: forall (null :: PGType -> NullType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). AggregateArg '[null 'PGbool] lat with db params from -> Expression ('Grouped bys) lat with db params from ('Null 'PGbool) Source # boolOr :: forall (null :: PGType -> NullType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). AggregateArg '[null 'PGbool] lat with db params from -> Expression ('Grouped bys) lat with db params from ('Null 'PGbool) Source # every :: forall (null :: PGType -> NullType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). AggregateArg '[null 'PGbool] lat with db params from -> Expression ('Grouped bys) lat with db params from ('Null 'PGbool) Source # max_ :: forall (null :: PGType -> NullType) (ty :: PGType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). AggregateArg '[null ty] lat with db params from -> Expression ('Grouped bys) lat with db params from ('Null ty) Source # min_ :: forall (null :: PGType -> NullType) (ty :: PGType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). AggregateArg '[null ty] lat with db params from -> Expression ('Grouped bys) lat with db params from ('Null ty) Source # avg :: forall (null :: PGType -> NullType) (ty :: PGType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). AggregateArg '[null ty] lat with db params from -> Expression ('Grouped bys) lat with db params from ('Null (PGAvg ty)) Source # corr :: forall (null :: PGType -> NullType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). AggregateArg '[null 'PGfloat8, null 'PGfloat8] lat with db params from -> Expression ('Grouped bys) lat with db params from ('Null 'PGfloat8) Source # covarPop :: forall (null :: PGType -> NullType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). AggregateArg '[null 'PGfloat8, null 'PGfloat8] lat with db params from -> Expression ('Grouped bys) lat with db params from ('Null 'PGfloat8) Source # covarSamp :: forall (null :: PGType -> NullType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). AggregateArg '[null 'PGfloat8, null 'PGfloat8] lat with db params from -> Expression ('Grouped bys) lat with db params from ('Null 'PGfloat8) Source # regrAvgX :: forall (null :: PGType -> NullType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). AggregateArg '[null 'PGfloat8, null 'PGfloat8] lat with db params from -> Expression ('Grouped bys) lat with db params from ('Null 'PGfloat8) Source # regrAvgY :: forall (null :: PGType -> NullType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). AggregateArg '[null 'PGfloat8, null 'PGfloat8] lat with db params from -> Expression ('Grouped bys) lat with db params from ('Null 'PGfloat8) Source # regrCount :: forall (null :: PGType -> NullType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). AggregateArg '[null 'PGfloat8, null 'PGfloat8] lat with db params from -> Expression ('Grouped bys) lat with db params from ('Null 'PGint8) Source # regrIntercept :: forall (null :: PGType -> NullType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). AggregateArg '[null 'PGfloat8, null 'PGfloat8] lat with db params from -> Expression ('Grouped bys) lat with db params from ('Null 'PGfloat8) Source # regrR2 :: forall (null :: PGType -> NullType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). AggregateArg '[null 'PGfloat8, null 'PGfloat8] lat with db params from -> Expression ('Grouped bys) lat with db params from ('Null 'PGfloat8) Source # regrSlope :: forall (null :: PGType -> NullType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). AggregateArg '[null 'PGfloat8, null 'PGfloat8] lat with db params from -> Expression ('Grouped bys) lat with db params from ('Null 'PGfloat8) Source # regrSxx :: forall (null :: PGType -> NullType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). AggregateArg '[null 'PGfloat8, null 'PGfloat8] lat with db params from -> Expression ('Grouped bys) lat with db params from ('Null 'PGfloat8) Source # regrSxy :: forall (null :: PGType -> NullType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). AggregateArg '[null 'PGfloat8, null 'PGfloat8] lat with db params from -> Expression ('Grouped bys) lat with db params from ('Null 'PGfloat8) Source # regrSyy :: forall (null :: PGType -> NullType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). AggregateArg '[null 'PGfloat8, null 'PGfloat8] lat with db params from -> Expression ('Grouped bys) lat with db params from ('Null 'PGfloat8) Source # stddev :: forall (null :: PGType -> NullType) (ty :: PGType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). AggregateArg '[null ty] lat with db params from -> Expression ('Grouped bys) lat with db params from ('Null (PGAvg ty)) Source # stddevPop :: forall (null :: PGType -> NullType) (ty :: PGType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). AggregateArg '[null ty] lat with db params from -> Expression ('Grouped bys) lat with db params from ('Null (PGAvg ty)) Source # stddevSamp :: forall (null :: PGType -> NullType) (ty :: PGType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). AggregateArg '[null ty] lat with db params from -> Expression ('Grouped bys) lat with db params from ('Null (PGAvg ty)) Source # variance :: forall (null :: PGType -> NullType) (ty :: PGType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). AggregateArg '[null ty] lat with db params from -> Expression ('Grouped bys) lat with db params from ('Null (PGAvg ty)) Source # varPop :: forall (null :: PGType -> NullType) (ty :: PGType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). AggregateArg '[null ty] lat with db params from -> Expression ('Grouped bys) lat with db params from ('Null (PGAvg ty)) Source # varSamp :: forall (null :: PGType -> NullType) (ty :: PGType) (lat :: k) (with :: k) (db :: k) (params :: k) (from :: k). AggregateArg '[null ty] lat with db params from -> Expression ('Grouped bys) lat with db params from ('Null (PGAvg ty)) Source # | |
(Has tab (Join from lat) row, Has col row ty) => IsQualified tab col (AggregateArg '[ty] lat with db params from) Source # | |
Defined in Squeal.PostgreSQL.Expression.Aggregate | |
(HasUnique tab (Join from lat) row, Has col row ty) => IsLabel col (AggregateArg '[ty] lat with db params from) Source # | |
Defined in Squeal.PostgreSQL.Expression.Aggregate Methods fromLabel :: AggregateArg '[ty] lat with db params from # | |
OrderBy (AggregateArg xs) 'Ungrouped Source # | |
Defined in Squeal.PostgreSQL.Expression.Aggregate Methods orderBy :: forall (lat :: FromType) (with :: FromType) (db :: SchemasType) (params :: [NullType]) (from :: FromType). [SortExpression 'Ungrouped lat with db params from] -> AggregateArg xs lat with db params from -> AggregateArg xs lat with db params from Source # | |
FilterWhere AggregateArg 'Ungrouped Source # | |
Defined in Squeal.PostgreSQL.Expression.Aggregate Methods filterWhere :: forall (lat :: FromType) (with :: FromType) (db :: SchemasType) (params :: [NullType]) (from :: FromType) (xs :: k). Condition 'Ungrouped lat with db params from -> AggregateArg xs lat with db params from -> AggregateArg xs lat with db params from Source # | |
SListI xs => RenderSQL (AggregateArg xs lat with db params from) Source # | |
Defined in Squeal.PostgreSQL.Expression.Aggregate Methods renderSQL :: AggregateArg xs lat with db params from -> ByteString Source # |
:: Expression 'Ungrouped lat with db params from x | argument |
-> AggregateArg '[x] lat with db params from |
invokes the aggregate on a single
argument once for each input row.
:: NP (Expression 'Ungrouped lat with db params from) xs | arguments |
-> AggregateArg xs lat with db params from |
invokes the aggregate on multiple
arguments once for each input row.
:: Expression 'Ungrouped lat with db params from ('Null x) | argument |
-> AggregateArg '['NotNull x] lat with db params from |
invokes the aggregate on a single
argument once for each input row where the argument
is not null
:: Expression 'Ungrouped lat with db params from x | argument |
-> AggregateArg '[x] lat with db params from |
invokes the aggregate once for each
distinct value of the expression found in the input.
:: NP (Expression 'Ungrouped lat with db params from) xs | arguments |
-> AggregateArg xs lat with db params from |
invokes the aggregate once for each
distinct set of values, for multiple expressions, found in the input.
:: Expression 'Ungrouped lat with db params from ('Null x) | argument |
-> AggregateArg '['NotNull x] lat with db params from |
invokes the aggregate once for each
distinct, not null value of the expression found in the input.
class FilterWhere arg grp | arg -> grp where Source #
Permits filtering
s and AggregateArg
:: Condition grp lat with db params from | include rows which evaluate to true |
-> arg xs lat with db params from | |
-> arg xs lat with db params from |
If filterWhere
is specified, then only the input rows for which
the Condition
evaluates to true are fed to the aggregate function;
other rows are discarded.
FilterWhere AggregateArg 'Ungrouped Source # | |
Defined in Squeal.PostgreSQL.Expression.Aggregate Methods filterWhere :: forall (lat :: FromType) (with :: FromType) (db :: SchemasType) (params :: [NullType]) (from :: FromType) (xs :: k). Condition 'Ungrouped lat with db params from -> AggregateArg xs lat with db params from -> AggregateArg xs lat with db params from Source # | |
FilterWhere (WindowArg grp :: [NullType] -> FromType -> FromType -> SchemasType -> [NullType] -> FromType -> Type) grp Source # | |
Defined in Squeal.PostgreSQL.Expression.Window |
Aggregate Types
type family PGSum ty where ... Source #
PGSum 'PGint2 = 'PGint8 | |
PGSum 'PGint4 = 'PGint8 | |
PGSum 'PGint8 = 'PGnumeric | |
PGSum 'PGfloat4 = 'PGfloat4 | |
PGSum 'PGfloat8 = 'PGfloat8 | |
PGSum 'PGnumeric = 'PGnumeric | |
PGSum 'PGinterval = 'PGinterval | |
PGSum 'PGmoney = 'PGmoney | |
PGSum pg = TypeError ('Text "Squeal type error: Cannot sum with argument type " :<>: 'ShowType pg) |