{-#LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-#LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-#LANGUAGE OverloadedLists #-}
{-#LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-#LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-#LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-#LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-#LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-#LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
module Web.Sprinkles.Handlers.Common

import Web.Sprinkles.Prelude
import Web.Sprinkles.Exceptions
import Web.Sprinkles.Backends
import qualified Network.Wai as Wai
import Web.Sprinkles.Logger as Logger
import Web.Sprinkles.Project
import Web.Sprinkles.ProjectConfig
import Network.HTTP.Types
       (Status, status200, status302, status400, status404, status405, status500)
import Web.Sprinkles.Handlers.Respond
import Text.Ginger.Html (Html, htmlSource, unsafeRawHtml)
import qualified Text.Ginger as Ginger
import Web.Sprinkles.Backends.Loader.Type
       (RequestContext (..), pbsFromRequest, pbsInvalid)
import Web.Sprinkles.Backends.Data
       (BackendData (..), BackendSource (..), Verification (..))
import Web.Sprinkles.Rule (expandReplacementBackend)
import Data.AList (AList)
import qualified Data.AList as AList
import Text.Ginger (GVal, ToGVal (..), Run, marshalGValEx, hoistRun, SourcePos)
import Text.Ginger.Run.VM (withEncoder)
import Control.Monad.Writer (Writer)
import Web.Sprinkles.SessionHandle
import Web.Sprinkles.Exceptions
import qualified Data.Foldable as Foldable
import qualified Data.Aeson as JSON
import Data.Aeson (FromJSON (..))
import Text.Printf (printf)

data NotFoundException = NotFoundException
    deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)

instance Exception NotFoundException where

data MethodNotAllowedException = MethodNotAllowedException
    deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)

instance Exception MethodNotAllowedException where

data NotAllowedException = NotAllowedException
    deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)

instance Exception NotAllowedException where

data RequestValidationException = RequestValidationException
    deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)

instance Exception RequestValidationException

type ContextualHandler =
    HashMap Text (Items (BackendData SourcePos IO Html)) ->
    Project ->
    Maybe SessionHandle ->

handleNotFound :: Project -> Wai.Request -> (Wai.Response -> IO Wai.ResponseReceived) -> NotFoundException -> IO Wai.ResponseReceived
handleNotFound project request respond _ = do

handleMethodNotAllowed :: Project -> Wai.Request -> (Wai.Response -> IO Wai.ResponseReceived) -> MethodNotAllowedException -> IO Wai.ResponseReceived
handleMethodNotAllowed project request respond _ = do

handleNotAllowed :: Project -> Wai.Request -> (Wai.Response -> IO Wai.ResponseReceived) -> NotAllowedException -> IO Wai.ResponseReceived
handleNotAllowed project request respond _ = do
    respond $ Wai.responseLBS
        [("Content-type", "text/plain")]
        "Not allowed"

handleRequestValidation :: Project -> Wai.Request -> (Wai.Response -> IO Wai.ResponseReceived) -> RequestValidationException -> IO Wai.ResponseReceived
handleRequestValidation project request respond _ = do
    respond $ Wai.responseLBS
        [("Content-type", "text/plain")]
        "Invalid Request"

handleHttpError :: Status
                -> Text
                -> Text
                -> Project
                -> Wai.Application
handleHttpError status templateName message project request respond =
    respondNormally `catch` handleTemplateNotFound
        cache = projectBackendCache project
        backendPaths = pcContextData . projectConfig $ project
        logger = projectLogger project
        respondNormally = do
            backendData <- loadBackendDict
                                (writeLog logger)
                                (pbsFromRequest request Nothing)
                                (setFromList [])
                                (mapFromList [])
        handleTemplateNotFound (e :: TemplateNotFoundException) = do
            writeLog logger Logger.Warning $ "Template " ++ templateName ++ " not found, using built-in fallback"
            let headers = [("Content-type", "text/plain;charset=utf8")]
            respond . Wai.responseLBS status headers . fromStrict . encodeUtf8 $ message

handle404 :: Project
          -> Wai.Application
handle404 = handleHttpError status404 "404.html" "Not Found"

handle405 :: Project
          -> Wai.Application
handle405 = handleHttpError status405 "405.html" "Method Not Allowed"

handle500 :: SomeException
          -> Project
          -> Wai.Application
handle500 err project request respond = do
    writeLog (projectLogger project) Logger.Error $ formatException err
    handleHttpError status500 "500.html" message project request respond
        message = "Something went pear-shaped. The problem seems to be on our side."

loadBackendDict :: (LogLevel -> Text -> IO ())
                -> RequestContext
                -> RawBackendCache
                -> AList Text BackendSpec
                -> Set Text
                -> HashMap Text (GVal (Run SourcePos IO Text))
                -> IO (HashMap Text (Items (BackendData SourcePos IO Html)))
loadBackendDict writeLog reqCtx cache backendPaths required globalContext = do
    mapFromList <$> go globalContext (AList.toList backendPaths)
        go :: HashMap Text (GVal (Run SourcePos IO Text))
           -> [(Text, BackendSpec)]
           -> IO [(Text, Items (BackendData SourcePos IO Html))]
        go context ((key, backendSpec):specs) = do
            expBackendSpec <- expandReplacementBackend context backendSpec
            bd :: Items (BackendData SourcePos IO Html)
               <- loadBackendData
            Foldable.traverse_ (verifyBD writeLog reqCtx) bd
            resultItem <- case bd of
                NotFound ->
                    if key `elem` required
                        then throwM NotFoundException
                        else return (key, NotFound)
                _ -> return (key, bd)
            let bdG :: GVal (Run SourcePos IO Html)
                bdG = toGVal bd
                bdGP :: GVal (Run SourcePos IO Text)
                bdGP = marshalGValHtmlToText bdG
                context' = insertMap key bdGP context
            remainder <- go context' specs
            return $ resultItem:remainder
        go _ _ = return []

verifyBD :: (LogLevel -> Text -> IO ()) -> RequestContext -> BackendData SourcePos IO Html -> IO ()
verifyBD writeLog reqCtx bd =
    case bdVerification bd of
        Trusted -> do
            writeLog Debug "Trusted"
            return ()
        VerifyCSRF -> do
            writeLog Debug "CSRF"
            let csrfHeaderMay = decodeUtf8 <$> lookupHeader reqCtx "X-Form-Token"
                csrfFormFieldMay =
                    (fromJSONMay (bdJSON bd) :: Maybe (HashMap Text JSON.Value))
                    >>= lookup "__form_token"
                    >>= fromJSONMay
            writeLog Debug $ "POST (JSON): " <> tshow (bdJSON bd)
            case sessionHandle reqCtx of
                Nothing -> do
                    -- No session means there's no need to check the
                    -- CSRF token, because without a session, the user
                    -- cannot be holding an authenticated identity.
                    writeLog Notice "No session, not performing CSRF validation"
                    return ()
                Just session -> do
                    writeLog Notice "Session found, checking CSRF token"
                    csrfToken <- maybe
                        (throwM RequestValidationException)
                        =<< sessionGet session "csrf"
                    let candidates :: [Text]
                        candidates = catMaybes [csrfHeaderMay, csrfFormFieldMay]
                    writeLog Notice . pack $ printf "CSRF token: %s; candidates: %s"
                        (show csrfToken) (show candidates)
                    when (null candidates)
                        (throwM RequestValidationException)
                    when (any (/= csrfToken) candidates)
                        (throwM RequestValidationException)

fromJSONMay :: FromJSON a => JSON.Value -> Maybe a
fromJSONMay x = case JSON.fromJSON x of
    JSON.Error _ -> Nothing
    JSON.Success a -> Just a

marshalGValHtmlToText :: GVal (Run SourcePos IO Html) -> GVal (Run SourcePos IO Text)
marshalGValHtmlToText = marshalGValEx hoistRunToText hoistRunFromText

hoistRunToText :: Run SourcePos IO Html a -> Run SourcePos IO Text a
hoistRunToText =
    hoistRun htmlSource unsafeRawHtml
        . withEncoder (unsafeRawHtml . Ginger.asText)
hoistRunFromText:: Run SourcePos IO Text a -> Run SourcePos IO Html a
hoistRunFromText =
    hoistRun unsafeRawHtml htmlSource