speculation- A framework for safe, programmable, speculative parallelism

MaintainerEdward Kmett <ekmett@gmail.com>




Versions of the combinators from the speculation package with the signature rearranged to enable them to be used directly as actions in the Cont and ContT monads.


Basic speculation

spec :: Eq a => a -> a -> ContT r m aSource

When a is unevaluated, spec g a evaluates the current continuation with g while testing if g == a, if they differ, it re-evalutes the continuation with a. If a was already evaluated, the continuation is just directly applied to a instead.

spec' :: Eq a => a -> a -> ContT r m aSource

As per spec, without the check for whether or not the second argument is already evaluated.

specBy :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> a -> a -> ContT r m aSource

spec with a user supplied comparison function

specBy' :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> a -> a -> ContT r m aSource

spec' with a user supplied comparison function

specOn :: Eq c => (a -> c) -> a -> a -> ContT r m aSource

spec' with a user supplied comparison function

specOn' :: Eq c => (a -> c) -> a -> a -> ContT r m aSource

spec' with a user supplied comparison function

STM-based speculation

specSTM :: Eq a => STM a -> a -> ContT r STM aSource

specSTM' :: Eq a => STM a -> a -> ContT r STM aSource

specOnSTM :: Eq c => (a -> STM c) -> STM a -> a -> ContT r STM aSource

specOnSTM' :: Eq c => (a -> STM c) -> STM a -> a -> ContT r STM aSource

specBySTM :: (a -> a -> STM Bool) -> STM a -> a -> ContT r STM aSource

specBySTM' :: (a -> a -> STM Bool) -> STM a -> a -> ContT r STM aSource