Changelog for species- 10 April 2018 * bug fix in 'structureType' function ( 0.4-r1 12 October 2017 * Allow base-4.10 (GHC 8.2) 0.4 9 August 2016 * Add support for GHC 8.0.1. Unfortunately, the price to pay for this is that the TH module is now gone. GHC 8 broke it in a bunch of places and I don't remember how it works or have the will to fix it. 16 June 2015 * fix compilation error 16 June 2015 [BROKEN] * fix ogfs for cycles & bracelets 0.3.4 15 June 2015 * re-export Bracelet type from Math.Combinatorics.Species module 0.3.3 11 June 2015 * add primitive species of bracelets 17 April 2015 * update to work with GHC 7.8 and 7.10 * drop support for GHC < 7.8 * allow base-4.7 or 4.8 * allow numeric-prelude-0.4 * allow template-haskell-2.9 18 Oct 2012 * drop support for GHC < 7.4, and update to work with 7.4 and 7.6 15 Sep 2011 * update to build with GHC 7.2 12 Sep 2011 * update to build with GHC 7 0.3.2 31 July 2010 * rename M.C.S.Unlabelled to M.C.S.Unlabeled and M.C.S.Labelled to M.C.S.Labeled; add 'labeled' and 'unlabeled' as aliases for 'labelled' and 'unlabelled' * export Interp from M.C.Species 0.3.1 18 July 2010 * rename 'unerase' to the more descriptive 'annotate' * export more stuff from Math.Combinatorics.Species and add some docs 15 July 2010 * General cleanup, and added documentation 30 June 2010 * Fix broken dependency versions 0.3 12 June 2010 * A bunch of new features including: - Template Haskell support for deriving instances for user-defined data types - simplifier - Newton-Raphson iteration