module Math.Tensor.Internal.LinearAlgebra (
import Numeric.LinearAlgebra
import Numeric.LinearAlgebra.Data
import Numeric.LinearAlgebra.Devel
import Data.List (maximumBy)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.ST
pivotsU :: Matrix Double -> [Int]
pivotsU mat = go (0,0)
go (i,j)
= case findPivot mat e (i,j) of
Nothing -> []
Just (i', j') -> j' : go (i'+1, j'+1)
maxAbs = maximum $ map (maximum . map abs) $ toLists mat
e = eps * maxAbs
eps :: Double
eps = 1e-12
findPivot :: Matrix Double -> Double -> (Int, Int) -> Maybe (Int, Int)
findPivot mat e (i, j)
| n == j = Nothing
| m == i = Nothing
| otherwise = case nonZeros of
[] -> if n == j+1
then Nothing
else findPivot mat e (i, j+1)
(pi, pj):_ -> Just (pi, pj+j)
m = rows mat
n = cols mat
col = mat ¿ [j]
nonZeros = filter (\(i', _) -> i' >= i) $ find (not . (< e) . abs) col
findPivotMax :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> STMatrix s Double -> ST s (Maybe (Int, Int))
findPivotMax m n i j mat
| n == j = return Nothing
| m == i = return Nothing
| otherwise =
col <- mapM (\i' -> do
x <- readMatrix mat i' j
return (i', abs x))
let nonZeros = filter (not . (<eps) . abs . snd) col
let (pi, _) = maximumBy (\(_, x) (_, y) -> x `compare` y) nonZeros
case nonZeros of
[] -> if n == j+1
then return Nothing
else findPivotMax m n i (j+1) mat
_ -> return $ Just (pi, j)
gaussian' :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> STMatrix s Double -> ST s ()
gaussian' m n i j mat = do
iPivot' <- findPivotMax m n i j mat
case iPivot' of
Nothing -> return ()
Just (r, p) -> do
rowOper (SWAP i r (FromCol j)) mat
pv <- readMatrix mat i p
mapM_ (reduce pv p) [i+1 .. m-1]
gaussian' m n (i+1) (p+1) mat
reduce pv p r = do
rv <- readMatrix mat r p
if abs rv < eps
then return ()
let frac = -rv / pv
op = AXPY frac i r (FromCol p)
in do
rowOper op mat
mapM_ (\j' -> modifyMatrix mat r j' (\x -> if abs x < eps then 0 else x)) [p..n-1]
gaussianST :: Int -> Int -> STMatrix s Double -> ST s ()
gaussianST m n = gaussian' m n 0 0
gaussian :: Matrix Double -> Matrix Double
gaussian mat = runST $ do
matST <- thawMatrix mat
gaussianST m n matST
freezeMatrix matST
m = rows mat
n = cols mat
independentColumns :: Matrix Double -> [Int]
independentColumns mat = pivotsU mat'
mat' = gaussian mat
independentColumnsMat :: Matrix Double -> Matrix Double
independentColumnsMat mat =
case independentColumns mat of
[] -> (rows mat >< 1) $ repeat 0
cs -> mat ¿ cs