{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE CPP                 #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Snap.Internal.Http.Server.Socket
  ( bindSocket
  , bindSocketImpl
  , bindUnixSocket
  , httpAcceptFunc
  , haProxyAcceptFunc
  , sendFileFunc
  , acceptAndInitialize
  ) where

import           Control.Exception                 (bracketOnError, finally, throwIO)
import           Control.Monad                     (when)
import           Data.Bits                         (complement, (.&.))
import           Data.ByteString.Char8             (ByteString)
import           Network.Socket                    (Socket, SocketOption (NoDelay, ReuseAddr), accept, close, getSocketName, listen, setSocketOption, socket)
import qualified Network.Socket                    as N
import           Network.Socket                    (fdSocket)
import           System.Posix.IO                   (OpenMode (..), closeFd, defaultFileFlags, openFd)
import           System.Posix.Types                (Fd (..))
import           System.SendFile                   (sendFile, sendHeaders)
import           Data.ByteString.Builder           (byteString)
import           Data.ByteString.Builder.Extra     (flush)
import           Network.Socket.ByteString         (sendAll)
import           Control.Exception                 (bracket)
import qualified Control.Exception                 as E (catch)
import           System.FilePath                   (isRelative)
import           System.IO.Error                   (isDoesNotExistError)
import           System.Posix.Files                (accessModes, removeLink, setFileCreationMask)

import qualified System.IO.Streams                 as Streams
import           Snap.Internal.Http.Server.Address (AddressNotSupportedException (..), getAddress, getSockAddr)
import           Snap.Internal.Http.Server.Types   (AcceptFunc (..), SendFileHandler)
import qualified System.IO.Streams.Network.HAProxy as HA

bindSocket :: ByteString -> Int -> IO Socket
bindSocket = bindSocketImpl setSocketOption N.bindSocket listen
{-# INLINE bindSocket #-}

    :: (Socket -> SocketOption -> Int -> IO ()) -- ^ mock setSocketOption
    -> (Socket -> N.SockAddr -> IO ())          -- ^ bindSocket
    -> (Socket -> Int -> IO ())                 -- ^ listen
    -> ByteString
    -> Int
    -> IO Socket
bindSocketImpl _setSocketOption _bindSocket _listen bindAddr bindPort = do
    (family, addr) <- getSockAddr bindPort bindAddr
    bracketOnError (socket family N.Stream 0) N.close $ \sock -> do
        _setSocketOption sock ReuseAddr 1
        _setSocketOption sock NoDelay 1
        _bindSocket sock addr
        _listen sock 150
        return $! sock

bindUnixSocket :: Maybe Int -> String -> IO Socket
bindUnixSocket mode path = do
   when (isRelative path) $
      throwIO $ AddressNotSupportedException
                $! "Refusing to bind unix socket to non-absolute path: " ++ path

   bracketOnError (socket N.AF_UNIX N.Stream 0) N.close $ \sock -> do
      E.catch (removeLink path) $ \e -> when (not $ isDoesNotExistError e) $ throwIO e
      case mode of
         Nothing -> N.bindSocket sock (N.SockAddrUnix path)
         Just mode' -> bracket (setFileCreationMask $ modeToMask mode')
                              (const $ N.bindSocket sock (N.SockAddrUnix path))
      N.listen sock 150
      return $! sock
     modeToMask p = accessModes .&. complement (fromIntegral p)
bindUnixSocket _ path = throwIO (AddressNotSupportedException $ "unix:" ++ path)

-- TODO(greg): move buffer size configuration into config
bUFSIZ :: Int
bUFSIZ = 4064

acceptAndInitialize :: Socket        -- ^ bound socket
                    -> (forall b . IO b -> IO b)
                    -> ((Socket, N.SockAddr) -> IO a)
                    -> IO a
acceptAndInitialize boundSocket restore f =
    bracketOnError (restore $ accept boundSocket)
                   (close . fst)

haProxyAcceptFunc :: Socket     -- ^ bound socket
                  -> AcceptFunc
haProxyAcceptFunc boundSocket =
    AcceptFunc $ \restore ->
    acceptAndInitialize boundSocket restore $ \(sock, saddr) -> do
        (readEnd, writeEnd)      <- Streams.socketToStreamsWithBufferSize
                                        bUFSIZ sock
        localPInfo               <- HA.socketToProxyInfo sock saddr
        pinfo                    <- HA.decodeHAProxyHeaders localPInfo readEnd
        (localPort, localHost)   <- getAddress $ HA.getDestAddr pinfo
        (remotePort, remoteHost) <- getAddress $ HA.getSourceAddr pinfo
        let cleanup              =  Streams.write Nothing writeEnd
                                        `finally` close sock
        return $! ( sendFileFunc sock
                  , localHost
                  , localPort
                  , remoteHost
                  , remotePort
                  , readEnd
                  , writeEnd
                  , cleanup

httpAcceptFunc :: Socket                     -- ^ bound socket
               -> AcceptFunc
httpAcceptFunc boundSocket =
    AcceptFunc $ \restore ->
    acceptAndInitialize boundSocket restore $ \(sock, remoteAddr) -> do
        localAddr                <- getSocketName sock
        (localPort, localHost)   <- getAddress localAddr
        (remotePort, remoteHost) <- getAddress remoteAddr
        (readEnd, writeEnd)      <- Streams.socketToStreamsWithBufferSize bUFSIZ
        let cleanup              =  Streams.write Nothing writeEnd
                                      `finally` close sock
        return $! ( sendFileFunc sock
                  , localHost
                  , localPort
                  , remoteHost
                  , remotePort
                  , readEnd
                  , writeEnd
                  , cleanup

sendFileFunc :: Socket -> SendFileHandler
sendFileFunc sock !_ builder fPath offset nbytes = bracket acquire closeFd go
    sockFd    = Fd (fdSocket sock)
    acquire   = openFd fPath ReadOnly Nothing defaultFileFlags
    go fileFd = do sendHeaders builder sockFd
                   sendFile sockFd fileFd offset nbytes

sendFileFunc sock buffer builder fPath offset nbytes =
    Streams.unsafeWithFileAsInputStartingAt (fromIntegral offset) fPath $
            \fileInput0 -> do
        fileInput <- Streams.takeBytes (fromIntegral nbytes) fileInput0 >>=
                     Streams.map byteString
        input     <- Streams.fromList [builder] >>=
                     flip Streams.appendInputStream fileInput
        output    <- Streams.makeOutputStream sendChunk >>=
                     Streams.unsafeBuilderStream (return buffer)
        Streams.supply input output
        Streams.write (Just flush) output

    sendChunk (Just s) = sendAll sock s
    sendChunk Nothing  = return $! ()