snap-core- Snap: A Haskell Web Framework (core interfaces and types)

Safe HaskellNone




The Snap.Test module contains primitives and combinators for testing Snap applications.


Combinators and types for testing Snap handlers.


data RequestBuilder m a Source

RequestBuilder is a monad transformer that allows you to conveniently build a snap Request for testing.

type MultipartParams = [(ByteString, MultipartParam)] Source

A request body of type "multipart/form-data" consists of a set of named form parameters, each of which can by either a list of regular form values or a set of file uploads.

data MultipartParam Source


FormData [ByteString]

a form variable consisting of the given ByteString values.

Files [FileData]

a file upload consisting of the given FileData values.


data FileData Source




fdFileName :: ByteString

the file's name

fdContentType :: ByteString

the file's content-type

fdContents :: ByteString

the file contents


data RequestType Source

The RequestType datatype enumerates the different kinds of HTTP requests you can generate using the testing interface. Most users will prefer to use the get, postUrlEncoded, postMultipart, put, and delete convenience functions.


Building Requests and testing handlers

buildRequest :: MonadIO m => RequestBuilder m () -> m Request Source

Runs a RequestBuilder, producing the desired Request.

N.B. please don't use the request you get here in a real Snap application; things will probably break. Don't say you weren't warned :-)

runHandler Source


:: MonadIO m 
=> RequestBuilder m ()

a request builder

-> Snap a

a web handler

-> m Response 

Given a web handler in the Snap monad, and a RequestBuilder defining a test request, runs the handler, producing an HTTP Response.

This function will produce almost exactly the same output as running the handler in a real server, except that chunked transfer encoding is not applied, and the "Transfer-Encoding" header is not set (this makes it easier to test response output).

runHandlerM Source


:: (MonadIO m, MonadSnap n) 
=> (forall a. Request -> n a -> m Response)

a function defining how the MonadSnap monad should be run

-> RequestBuilder m ()

a request builder

-> n b

a web handler

-> m Response 

Given a web handler in some arbitrary MonadSnap monad, a function specifying how to evaluate it within the context of the test monad, and a RequestBuilder defining a test request, runs the handler, producing an HTTP Response.

evalHandler :: MonadIO m => RequestBuilder m () -> Snap a -> m a Source

Given a web handler in the Snap monad, and a RequestBuilder defining a test request, runs the handler and returns the monadic value it produces.

Throws an exception if the Snap handler early-terminates with finishWith or mzero.

evalHandlerM Source


:: (MonadIO m, MonadSnap n) 
=> (forall a. Request -> n a -> m a)

a function defining how the MonadSnap monad should be run

-> RequestBuilder m ()

a request builder

-> n b

a web handler

-> m b 

Given a web handler in some arbitrary MonadSnap monad, a function specifying how to evaluate it within the context of the test monad, and a RequestBuilder defining a test request, runs the handler, returning the monadic value it produces.

Throws an exception if the Snap handler early-terminates with finishWith or mzero.

Convenience functions for generating common types of HTTP requests

get Source


:: MonadIO m 
=> ByteString

request path

-> Params

request's form parameters

-> RequestBuilder m () 

Builds an HTTP "GET" request with the given query parameters.

postUrlEncoded Source


:: MonadIO m 
=> ByteString

request path

-> Params

request's form parameters

-> RequestBuilder m () 

Builds an HTTP "POST" request with the given form parameters, using the "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" MIME type.

postMultipart Source


:: MonadIO m 
=> ByteString

request path

-> MultipartParams

multipart form parameters

-> RequestBuilder m () 

Builds an HTTP "POST" request with the given form parameters, using the "form-data/multipart" MIME type.

put Source


:: MonadIO m 
=> ByteString

request path

-> ByteString

request body MIME content-type

-> ByteString

request body contents

-> RequestBuilder m () 

Builds an HTTP "PUT" request.

postRaw Source


:: MonadIO m 
=> ByteString

request path

-> ByteString

request body MIME content-type

-> ByteString

request body contents

-> RequestBuilder m () 

Builds a "raw" HTTP "POST" request, with the given MIME type and body contents.

delete Source


:: MonadIO m 
=> ByteString

request path

-> Params

request's form parameters

-> RequestBuilder m () 

Builds an HTTP "DELETE" request with the given query parameters.

Precise control over building Requests

addHeader :: Monad m => CI ByteString -> ByteString -> RequestBuilder m () Source

Adds the given header to the request being built.

setContentType :: Monad m => ByteString -> RequestBuilder m () Source

Sets the request's content-type to the given MIME type.

setHeader :: Monad m => CI ByteString -> ByteString -> RequestBuilder m () Source

Sets the given header in the request being built, overwriting any header with the same name already present.

setHttpVersion :: Monad m => (Int, Int) -> RequestBuilder m () Source

Sets the test request's http version

setQueryString :: Monad m => Params -> RequestBuilder m () Source

Escapes the given parameter mapping and sets it as the request's query string.

setQueryStringRaw :: Monad m => ByteString -> RequestBuilder m () Source

Sets the request's query string to be the raw bytestring provided, without any escaping or other interpretation. Most users should instead choose the setQueryString function, which takes a parameter mapping.

setRequestPath :: Monad m => ByteString -> RequestBuilder m () Source

Sets the request's path. The path provided must begin with a "/" and must not contain a query string; if you want to provide a query string in your test request, you must use setQueryString or setQueryStringRaw. Note that rqContextPath is never set by any RequestBuilder function.

setRequestType :: MonadIO m => RequestType -> RequestBuilder m () Source

Sets the type of the Request being built.

setSecure :: Monad m => Bool -> RequestBuilder m () Source

Controls whether the test request being generated appears to be an https request or not.

HUnit Assertions

assertSuccess :: Response -> Assertion Source

Given a Response, asserts that its HTTP status code is 200 (success).

assert404 :: Response -> Assertion Source

Given a Response, asserts that its HTTP status code is 404 (Not Found).

assertRedirectTo Source


:: ByteString

The Response should redirect to this URI

-> Response 
-> Assertion 

Given a Response, asserts that its HTTP status code is between 300 and 399 (a redirect), and that the Location header of the Response points to the specified URI.

assertRedirect :: Response -> Assertion Source

Given a Response, asserts that its HTTP status code is between 300 and 399 (a redirect).

assertBodyContains Source


:: ByteString

Regexp that will match the body content

-> Response 
-> Assertion 

Given a Response, asserts that its body matches the given regular expression.

Getting response bodies

Dumping HTTP Responses

dumpResponse :: Response -> IO () Source

Dumps the given response to stdout.

responseToString :: Response -> IO ByteString Source

Converts the given response to a bytestring.