snap- Top-level package for the Snap Web Framework
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



A module exporting only generic functions that choose between compiled and interpreted mode based on the setting specified in the initializer. This module is most useful for writitng general snaplets that use Heist and are meant to be used in applications that might use either interpreted or compiled templates.



data Heist b Source #

The state for the Heist snaplet. To use the Heist snaplet in your app include this in your application state and use heistInit to initialize it. The type parameter b will typically be the base state type for your application.

class HasHeist b where Source #

A single snaplet should never need more than one instance of Heist as a subsnaplet. This type class allows you to make it easy for other snaplets to get the lens that identifies the heist snaplet. Here's an example of how the heist snaplet might be declared:

data App = App { _heist :: Snaplet (Heist App) }
makeLenses ''App

instance HasHeist App where heistLens = subSnaplet heist

appInit = makeSnaplet "app" "" Nothing $ do
    h <- nestSnaplet "heist" heist $ heistInit "templates"
    addConfig h heistConfigWithMyAppSplices
    return $ App h


heistLens :: SnapletLens (Snaplet b) (Heist b) Source #

A lens to the Heist snaplet. The b parameter to Heist will typically be the base state of your application.

type SnapletHeist b m a = HeistT (Handler b b) m a Source #

Initializer Functions

addTemplates Source #


:: HasHeist b 
=> Snaplet (Heist b) 
-> ByteString

The url prefix for the template routes

-> Initializer b v () 

Adds templates to the Heist HeistState. Other snaplets should use this function to add their own templates. The templates are automatically read from the templates directory in the current snaplet's filesystem root.

addTemplatesAt Source #


:: HasHeist b 
=> Snaplet (Heist b) 
-> ByteString

URL prefix for template routes

-> FilePath

Path to templates

-> Initializer b v () 

Adds templates to the Heist HeistState, and lets you specify where they are found in the filesystem. Note that the path to the template directory is an absolute path. This allows you more flexibility in where your templates are located, but means that you have to explicitly call getSnapletFilePath if you want your snaplet to use templates within its normal directory structure.

addConfig :: Snaplet (Heist b) -> SpliceConfig (Handler b b) -> Initializer b v () Source #

Adds more HeistConfig data using mappend with whatever is currently there. This is the preferred method for adding all four kinds of splices as well as new templates.

getHeistState :: HasHeist b => Handler b v (HeistState (Handler b b)) Source #

More general function allowing arbitrary HeistState modification.

modifyHeistState Source #


:: HasHeist b 
=> (HeistState (Handler b b) -> HeistState (Handler b b))

HeistState modifying function

-> Initializer b v () 

More general function allowing arbitrary HeistState modification.

withHeistState Source #


:: HasHeist b 
=> (HeistState (Handler b b) -> a)

HeistState function to run

-> Handler b v a 

Runs a function on with the Heist snaplet's HeistState.

Handler Functions

gRender Source #


:: HasHeist b 
=> ByteString

Template name

-> Handler b v () 

Generic version of render/cRender.

gRenderAs Source #


:: HasHeist b 
=> ByteString

Content type to render with

-> ByteString

Template name

-> Handler b v () 

Generic version of renderAs/cRenderAs.

gHeistServe :: HasHeist b => Handler b v () Source #

Generic version of heistServe/cHeistServe.

gHeistServeSingle Source #


:: HasHeist b 
=> ByteString

Template name

-> Handler b v () 

chooseMode Source #


:: HasHeist b 
=> Handler b v a

A compiled action

-> Handler b v a

An interpreted action

-> Handler b v a 

Chooses between a compiled action and an interpreted action based on the configured default.

clearHeistCache :: Heist b -> IO () Source #

Clears data stored by the cache tag. The cache tag automatically reloads its data when the specified TTL expires, but sometimes you may want to trigger a manual reload. This function lets you do that.