-- | The Snap.Snaplet.Test module contains primitives and combinators for
-- testing Snaplets.
module Snap.Snaplet.Test
    -- ** Testing handlers
  , evalHandler'
  , runHandler
  , runHandler'
  , getSnaplet
  , closeSnaplet
  , InitializerState
  , withTemporaryFile

import           Control.Concurrent.MVar
import           Control.Exception.Base (finally)
import qualified Control.Exception as E
import           Control.Monad.IO.Class
import           Control.Monad (join)
import           Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import           Data.IORef
import           Data.Text
import           System.Directory
import           System.IO.Error

import           Snap.Core
import           Snap.Snaplet
import           Snap.Snaplet.Internal.Types
import           Snap.Test hiding (evalHandler, runHandler)
import qualified Snap.Test as ST
import           Snap.Snaplet.Internal.Initializer

-- | Remove the given file after running an IO computation. Obviously it
-- can be used with 'Assertion'.
withTemporaryFile :: FilePath -> IO () -> IO ()
withTemporaryFile f = finally (removeFileMayNotExist f)

-- | Utility function taken from Darcs
removeFileMayNotExist :: FilePath -> IO ()
removeFileMayNotExist f = catchNonExistence (removeFile f) ()
    catchNonExistence :: IO a -> a -> IO a
    catchNonExistence job nonexistval =
        E.catch job $
        \e -> if isDoesNotExistError e then return nonexistval
                                      else ioError e

-- | Helper to keep "runHandler" and "evalHandler" DRY.
execHandlerComputation :: MonadIO m
                       => (RequestBuilder m () -> Snap v -> m a)
                       -> Maybe String
                       -> RequestBuilder m ()
                       -> Handler b b v
                       -> SnapletInit b b
                       -> m (Either Text a)
execHandlerComputation f env rq h s = do
    app <- getSnaplet env s
    case app of
      (Left e) -> return $ Left e
      (Right (a, is)) -> execHandlerSnaplet a is f rq h

-- | Helper to allow multiple calls to "runHandler" or "evalHandler" without
-- multiple initializations.
execHandlerSnaplet :: MonadIO m
                   => Snaplet b
                   -> InitializerState b
                   -> (RequestBuilder m () -> Snap v -> m a)
                   -> RequestBuilder m ()
                   -> Handler b b v
                   -> m (Either Text a)
execHandlerSnaplet a is f rq h = do
  res <- f rq $ runPureBase h a
  closeSnaplet is
  return $ Right res

-- | Given a Snaplet Handler and a 'RequestBuilder' defining
-- a test request, runs the Handler, producing an HTTP 'Response'.
-- Note that the output of this function is slightly different from
-- 'runHandler' defined in Snap.Test, because due to the fact running
-- the initializer inside 'SnapletInit' can throw an exception.
runHandler :: MonadIO m
           => Maybe String
           -> RequestBuilder m ()
           -> Handler b b v
           -> SnapletInit b b
           -> m (Either Text Response)
runHandler = execHandlerComputation ST.runHandler

-- | A variant of runHandler that takes the Snaplet and InitializerState as
-- produced by getSnaplet, so those can be re-used across requests. It does not
-- run cleanup actions, so closeSnaplet should be used when finished.
runHandler' :: MonadIO m
            => Snaplet b
            -> InitializerState b
            -> RequestBuilder m ()
            -> Handler b b v
            -> m (Either Text Response)
runHandler' a is = execHandlerSnaplet a is ST.runHandler

-- | Given a Snaplet Handler, a 'SnapletInit' specifying the initial state,
--  and a 'RequestBuilder' defining a test request, runs the handler,
--  returning the monadic value it produces.
-- Throws an exception if the 'Snap' handler early-terminates with 'finishWith'
-- or 'mzero'.
-- Note that the output of this function is slightly different from
-- 'evalHandler defined in Snap.Test, because due to the fact running
-- the initializer inside 'SnapletInit' can throw an exception.
evalHandler :: MonadIO m
            => Maybe String
            -> RequestBuilder m ()
            -> Handler b b a
            -> SnapletInit b b
            -> m (Either Text a)
evalHandler = execHandlerComputation ST.evalHandler

-- | A variant of evalHandler that takes the Snaplet and InitializerState as
-- produced by getSnaplet, so those can be re-used across requests. It does not
-- run cleanup actions, so closeSnaplet should be used when finished.
evalHandler' :: MonadIO m
             => Snaplet b
             -> InitializerState b
             -> RequestBuilder m ()
             -> Handler b b a
             -> m (Either Text a)
evalHandler' a is = execHandlerSnaplet a is ST.evalHandler

-- | Run the given initializer, yielding a tuple where the first element is
-- a @Snaplet b@, or an error message whether the initializer threw an
-- exception. This is only needed for runHandler'/evalHandler'.
getSnaplet :: MonadIO m
           => Maybe String
           -> SnapletInit b b
           -> m (Either Text (Snaplet b, InitializerState b))
getSnaplet env (SnapletInit initializer) = liftIO $ do
    mvar <- newEmptyMVar
    let resetter f = modifyMVar_ mvar (return . f)
    runInitializer resetter (fromMaybe "devel" env) initializer

-- | Run cleanup for an initializer. Should be run after finished using the
-- state that getSnaplet returned. Only needed if using getSnaplet and
-- evalHandler'/runHandler'.
closeSnaplet :: MonadIO m
             => InitializerState b
             -> m ()
closeSnaplet is = liftIO $ join (readIORef $ _cleanup is)