Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
Smith API errors, these represent application, authn/authz and network errors that can occur when making actual requests to the Smith API.
data SmithError Source #
Eq SmithError Source # | |
Defined in Smith.Client.Error (==) :: SmithError -> SmithError -> Bool # (/=) :: SmithError -> SmithError -> Bool # | |
Show SmithError Source # | |
Defined in Smith.Client.Error showsPrec :: Int -> SmithError -> ShowS # show :: SmithError -> String # showList :: [SmithError] -> ShowS # |
newtype ErrorMessage Source #
Eq ErrorMessage Source # | |
Defined in Smith.Client.Error (==) :: ErrorMessage -> ErrorMessage -> Bool # (/=) :: ErrorMessage -> ErrorMessage -> Bool # | |
Ord ErrorMessage Source # | |
Defined in Smith.Client.Error compare :: ErrorMessage -> ErrorMessage -> Ordering # (<) :: ErrorMessage -> ErrorMessage -> Bool # (<=) :: ErrorMessage -> ErrorMessage -> Bool # (>) :: ErrorMessage -> ErrorMessage -> Bool # (>=) :: ErrorMessage -> ErrorMessage -> Bool # max :: ErrorMessage -> ErrorMessage -> ErrorMessage # min :: ErrorMessage -> ErrorMessage -> ErrorMessage # | |
Show ErrorMessage Source # | |
Defined in Smith.Client.Error showsPrec :: Int -> ErrorMessage -> ShowS # show :: ErrorMessage -> String # showList :: [ErrorMessage] -> ShowS # |