{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Safe #-}
module Test.SmallCheck.Property.Result
( PropertySuccess(..)
, PropertyFailure(..)
, ppFailure
, Reason
, Argument
) where
import Text.PrettyPrint (Doc, empty, hsep, nest, render, text, (<+>), ($+$), ($$))
type Argument = String
type Reason = String
data PropertySuccess
= Exist [Argument] PropertySuccess
| ExistUnique [Argument] PropertySuccess
| PropertyTrue (Maybe Reason)
| Vacuously PropertyFailure
deriving (Eq, Show)
data PropertyFailure
= NotExist
| AtLeastTwo [Argument] PropertySuccess [Argument] PropertySuccess
| CounterExample [Argument] PropertyFailure
| PropertyFalse (Maybe Reason)
deriving (Eq, Show)
class Pretty a where
pretty :: a -> Doc
instance Pretty PropertyFailure where
pretty NotExist = text "argument does not exist"
pretty (AtLeastTwo args1 s1 args2 s2) =
text "there are at least two" <+>
plural args1 empty (text "sets of") <+>
text "arguments satisfying the property:" $$
formatExample args1 s1 $$ formatExample args2 s2
formatExample args s = nest ind $ text "for" <+> prettyArgs args </> pretty s
pretty (CounterExample args f) =
text "there" <+>
text (plural args "exists" "exist") <+>
prettyArgs args <+>
text "such that"
</> pretty f
pretty (PropertyFalse Nothing) = text "condition is false"
pretty (PropertyFalse (Just s)) = text s
instance Pretty PropertySuccess where
pretty (PropertyTrue Nothing) = text "condition is true"
pretty (PropertyTrue (Just s)) = text s
pretty (Exist args s) = existsMsg False args s
pretty (ExistUnique args s) = existsMsg True args s
pretty (Vacuously s) = text "property is vacuously true because" </> pretty s
ind :: Int
ind = 2
infixl 5 </>
(</>) :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc
a </> b = a $+$ nest ind b
prettyArgs :: [Argument] -> Doc
prettyArgs = hsep . map text
existsMsg :: Pretty a => Bool -> [Argument] -> a -> Doc
existsMsg unique args s =
text "there" <+> text (plural args "exists" "exist") <+>
(if unique then text "unique" else empty) <+>
prettyArgs args <+>
text "such that" </>
pretty s
plural :: [a] -> b -> b -> b
plural lst sing pl =
case lst of
_:_:_ -> pl
_ -> sing
ppFailure :: PropertyFailure -> String
ppFailure = render . pretty