Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell98 |
Sized matrixes.
Copyright: (c) 2013 University of Kansas License: BSD3
Maintainer: Andy Gill Stability: unstable Portability: ghc
- newtype Matrix ix a = Matrix (Array ix a)
- type Vector ix a = Matrix (Fin ix) a
- type Vector2 ix iy a = Matrix (Fin ix, Fin iy) a
- matrix :: forall i a. (Bounded i, Ix i) => [a] -> Matrix i a
- population :: forall i a. (Bounded i, Ix i) => Matrix i a -> Int
- allIndices :: (Bounded i, Ix i) => Matrix i a -> [i]
- zeroOf :: (Bounded i, Ix i) => Matrix i a -> i
- coord :: (Bounded i, Ix i) => Matrix i i
- zipWith :: (Bounded i, Ix i) => (a -> b -> c) -> Matrix i a -> Matrix i b -> Matrix i c
- forEach :: (Bounded i, Ix i) => Matrix i a -> (i -> a -> b) -> Matrix i b
- forAll :: (Bounded i, Ix i) => (i -> a) -> Matrix i a
- mm :: (Bounded m, Ix m, Bounded n, Ix n, Bounded o, Ix o, Num a) => Matrix (m, n) a -> Matrix (n, o) a -> Matrix (m, o) a
- transpose :: (Bounded x, Ix x, Bounded y, Ix y) => Matrix (x, y) a -> Matrix (y, x) a
- identity :: (Bounded x, Ix x, Num a) => Matrix (x, x) a
- append :: (SingI left, SingI right, SingI (left + right)) => Vector left a -> Vector right a -> Vector (left + right) a
- above :: (SingI top, SingI bottom, SingI y, SingI (top + bottom)) => Vector2 top y a -> Vector2 bottom y a -> Vector2 (top + bottom) y a
- beside :: (SingI left, SingI right, SingI x, SingI (left + right)) => Vector2 x left a -> Vector2 x right a -> Vector2 x (left + right) a
- ixfmap :: (Bounded i, Ix i, Bounded j, Ix j, Functor f) => (i -> f j) -> Matrix j a -> Matrix i (f a)
- rows :: (Bounded n, Ix n, Bounded m, Ix m) => Matrix (m, n) a -> Matrix m (Matrix n a)
- columns :: (Bounded n, Ix n, Bounded m, Ix m) => Matrix (m, n) a -> Matrix n (Matrix m a)
- joinRows :: (Bounded n, Ix n, Bounded m, Ix m) => Matrix m (Matrix n a) -> Matrix (m, n) a
- joinColumns :: (Bounded n, Ix n, Bounded m, Ix m) => Matrix n (Matrix m a) -> Matrix (m, n) a
- show2D :: (Bounded n, Ix n, Bounded m, Ix m, Show a) => Matrix (m, n) a -> String
- newtype S = S String
- showAsE :: RealFloat a => Int -> a -> S
- showAsF :: RealFloat a => Int -> a -> S
A Matrix
is an array with the size determined uniquely by the
type of the index type, ix
, with every type in ix
IArray Matrix a | |
Ix ix => Functor (Matrix ix) | |
(Bounded i, Ix i) => Applicative (Matrix i) | |
(Bounded ix, Ix ix) => Foldable (Matrix ix) | |
(Bounded ix, Ix ix) => Traversable (Matrix ix) | |
(Eq a, Ix ix) => Eq (Matrix ix a) | |
(Ord a, Ix ix) => Ord (Matrix ix a) | |
(Show a, Show ix, Bounded ix, Ix ix) => Show (Matrix ix a) | |
Typeable (* -> * -> *) Matrix |
type Vector ix a = Matrix (Fin ix) a Source
A Vector
is a 1D Matrix, using a TypeNat to define its length.
type Vector2 ix iy a = Matrix (Fin ix, Fin iy) a Source
A Vector2
is a 2D Matrix, using a TypeNat's to define its size.
matrix :: forall i a. (Bounded i, Ix i) => [a] -> Matrix i a Source
turns a finite list into a matrix. You often need to give the type of the result.
population :: forall i a. (Bounded i, Ix i) => Matrix i a -> Int Source
what is the population of a matrix?
allIndices :: (Bounded i, Ix i) => Matrix i a -> [i] Source
zeroOf :: (Bounded i, Ix i) => Matrix i a -> i Source
is for use to force typing issues, and is 0.
zipWith :: (Bounded i, Ix i) => (a -> b -> c) -> Matrix i a -> Matrix i b -> Matrix i c Source
Same as for lists.
forEach :: (Bounded i, Ix i) => Matrix i a -> (i -> a -> b) -> Matrix i b Source
takes a matrix, and calls a function for each element, to give a new matrix of the same size.
forAll :: (Bounded i, Ix i) => (i -> a) -> Matrix i a Source
creates a matrix out of a mapping from the coordinates.
mm :: (Bounded m, Ix m, Bounded n, Ix n, Bounded o, Ix o, Num a) => Matrix (m, n) a -> Matrix (n, o) a -> Matrix (m, o) a Source
is the 2D matrix multiply.
transpose :: (Bounded x, Ix x, Bounded y, Ix y) => Matrix (x, y) a -> Matrix (y, x) a Source
a 2D matrix.
identity :: (Bounded x, Ix x, Num a) => Matrix (x, x) a Source
return the identity for a specific matrix size.
append :: (SingI left, SingI right, SingI (left + right)) => Vector left a -> Vector right a -> Vector (left + right) a Source
append to 1D vectors
above :: (SingI top, SingI bottom, SingI y, SingI (top + bottom)) => Vector2 top y a -> Vector2 bottom y a -> Vector2 (top + bottom) y a Source
stack two matrixes above
each other.
beside :: (SingI left, SingI right, SingI x, SingI (left + right)) => Vector2 x left a -> Vector2 x right a -> Vector2 x (left + right) a Source
stack two matrixes beside
each other.
ixfmap :: (Bounded i, Ix i, Bounded j, Ix j, Functor f) => (i -> f j) -> Matrix j a -> Matrix i (f a) Source
look at a matrix through a functor lens, to another matrix.
rows :: (Bounded n, Ix n, Bounded m, Ix m) => Matrix (m, n) a -> Matrix m (Matrix n a) Source
grab part of a matrix. cropAt :: (Index i ~ Index ix, Bounded i, Ix i, Bounded ix, Ix ix) => Matrix ix a -> ix -> Matrix i a cropAt m corner = ixmap ( i -> (addIndex corner (toIndex i))) m
slice a 2D matrix into rows.
columns :: (Bounded n, Ix n, Bounded m, Ix m) => Matrix (m, n) a -> Matrix n (Matrix m a) Source
slice a 2D matrix into columns.
joinRows :: (Bounded n, Ix n, Bounded m, Ix m) => Matrix m (Matrix n a) -> Matrix (m, n) a Source
join a matrix of matrixes into a single matrix.
joinColumns :: (Bounded n, Ix n, Bounded m, Ix m) => Matrix n (Matrix m a) -> Matrix (m, n) a Source
join a matrix of matrixes into a single matrix.
is shown as the contents, without the quotes.
One use is a matrix of S, so that you can do show-style functions
using fmap.