{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds                  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies               #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances       #-}

module SizedGrid.Grid.Grid where

import           SizedGrid.Coord
import           SizedGrid.Coord.Class

import           Control.Lens          hiding (index)
import           Data.Aeson
import           Data.Distributive
import           Data.Functor.Classes
import           Data.Functor.Rep
import           Data.Proxy            (Proxy (..))
import qualified Data.Vector           as V
import           Generics.SOP
import           GHC.Exts
import qualified GHC.TypeLits          as GHC

-- | A multi dimensional sized grid
newtype Grid (cs :: [*]) a = Grid
  { unGrid :: V.Vector a
  } deriving (Eq, Show, Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Eq1, Show1)

instance GHC.KnownNat (MaxCoordSize cs) => Applicative (Grid cs) where
  pure =
    Grid .
    V.replicate (fromIntegral $ GHC.natVal (Proxy :: Proxy (MaxCoordSize cs)))
  Grid fs <*> Grid as = Grid $ V.zipWith ($) fs as

instance (GHC.KnownNat (MaxCoordSize cs), All IsCoord cs) =>
         Monad (Grid cs) where
  g >>= f = imap (\p a -> f a `index` p) g

instance (GHC.KnownNat (MaxCoordSize cs), All IsCoord cs) =>
         Distributive (Grid cs) where
  distribute = distributeRep

instance (All IsCoord cs, GHC.KnownNat (MaxCoordSize cs)) =>
         Representable (Grid cs) where
  type Rep (Grid cs) = Coord cs
  tabulate func = Grid $ V.fromList $ map func $ allCoord
  index (Grid v) c = v V.! coordPosition c

instance (All IsCoord cs) => FunctorWithIndex (Coord cs) (Grid cs) where
  imap func (Grid v) = Grid $ V.zipWith func (V.fromList allCoord) v

instance (All IsCoord cs) => FoldableWithIndex (Coord cs) (Grid cs) where
  ifoldMap func (Grid v) = foldMap id $ V.zipWith func (V.fromList allCoord) v

instance (All IsCoord cs) => TraversableWithIndex (Coord cs) (Grid cs) where
  itraverse func (Grid v) =
    Grid <$> sequenceA (V.zipWith func (V.fromList allCoord) v)

-- | The first element of a type level list
type family Head xs where
  Head (x ': xs) = x

-- | All but the first elements of a type level list
type family Tail xs where
  Tail (x ': xs) = xs

-- | Given a grid type, give back a series of nested lists repesenting the grid. The lists will have a number of layers equal to the dimensionality.
type family CollapseGrid cs a where
  CollapseGrid '[] a = a
  CollapseGrid (c ': cs) a = [CollapseGrid cs a]

-- | A Constraint that all grid sizes are instances of `KnownNat`
type family AllGridSizeKnown cs :: Constraint where
  AllGridSizeKnown '[] = ()
  AllGridSizeKnown cs = ( GHC.KnownNat (CoordSized (Head cs))
                        , GHC.KnownNat (MaxCoordSize (Tail cs))
                        , AllGridSizeKnown (Tail cs))

-- | Convert a vector into a list of `Vector`s, where all the elements of the list have the given size.
splitVectorBySize :: Int -> V.Vector a -> [V.Vector a]
splitVectorBySize n v
  | V.length v >= n = V.take n v : splitVectorBySize n (V.drop n v)
  | V.null v = []
  | otherwise = [v]

-- | Convert a grid to a series of nested lists. This removes type level information, but it is sometimes easier to work with lists
collapseGrid ::
     forall cs a. (SListI cs, AllGridSizeKnown cs)
  => Grid cs a
  -> CollapseGrid cs a
collapseGrid (Grid v) =
  case (shape :: Shape cs) of
    ShapeNil -> v V.! 0
    ShapeCons _ ->
      map (collapseGrid . Grid @(Tail cs)) $
        (fromIntegral $ GHC.natVal (Proxy @(MaxCoordSize (Tail cs))))

-- | Convert a series of nested lists to a grid. If the size of the grid does not match the size of lists this will be `Nothing`
gridFromList ::
     forall cs a. (SListI cs, AllGridSizeKnown cs)
  => CollapseGrid cs a
  -> Maybe (Grid cs a)
gridFromList cg =
  case (shape :: Shape cs) of
    ShapeNil -> Just $ Grid $ V.singleton $ cg
    ShapeCons _ ->
      if length cg == fromIntegral (GHC.natVal (Proxy @(CoordSized (Head cs))))
        then Grid . mconcat <$>
             traverse (fmap unGrid . gridFromList @(Tail cs)) cg
        else Nothing

instance (AllGridSizeKnown cs, ToJSON a, SListI cs) => ToJSON (Grid cs a) where
  toJSON (Grid v) =
    case (shape :: Shape cs) of
      ShapeNil -> toJSON (v V.! 0)
      ShapeCons _ ->
        toJSON $
        map (toJSON . Grid @(Tail cs)) $
          (fromIntegral $ GHC.natVal (Proxy @(MaxCoordSize (Tail cs))))

instance (All IsCoord cs, FromJSON a) => FromJSON (Grid cs a) where
  parseJSON v =
    case (shape :: Shape cs) of
      ShapeNil -> Grid . V.singleton <$> parseJSON v
      ShapeCons _ -> do
        a :: [Grid (Tail cs) a] <- parseJSON v
        return $ Grid $ foldMap unGrid a

transposeGrid ::
     ( IsCoord h
     , IsCoord w
     , GHC.KnownNat (MaxCoordSize '[ w, h])
     , GHC.KnownNat (MaxCoordSize '[ h, w])
  => Grid '[ w, h] a
  -> Grid '[ h, w] a
transposeGrid g = tabulate $ \i -> index g $ tranposeCoord i