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singletons-2.5.1: A framework for generating singleton types

Copyright(C) 2017 Ryan Scott
LicenseBSD-style (see LICENSE)
MaintainerRyan Scott
Safe HaskellNone




Defines the class ShowSing type synonym, which is useful for defining Show instances for singleton types.


The ShowSing type

class (forall (z :: k). Show (Sing z)) => ShowSing k Source #

In addition to the promoted and singled versions of the Show class that singletons provides, it is also useful to be able to directly define Show instances for singleton types themselves. Doing so is almost entirely straightforward, as a derived Show instance does 90 percent of the work. The last 10 percent—getting the right instance context—is a bit tricky, and that's where ShowSing comes into play.

As an example, let's consider the singleton type for lists. We want to write an instance with the following shape:

deriving instance ??? => Show (Sing (x :: [k]))

To figure out what should go in place of ???, observe that we require the type of each field to also be Show instances. In other words, we need something like (Show (Sing (a :: k))). But this isn't quite right, as the type variable a doesn't appear in the instance head. In fact, this a type is really referring to an existentially quantified type variable in the SCons constructor, so it doesn't make sense to try and use it like this.

Luckily, the QuantifiedConstraints language extension provides a solution to this problem. This lets you write a context of the form (forall a. Show (Sing (a :: k))), which demands that there be an instance for Show (Sing (a :: k)) that is parametric in the use of a. Thus, our final instance looks like:

deriving instance (forall a. Show (Sing (a :: k))) => Show (Sing (x :: [k]))

Because that quantified constraint is somewhat lengthy, we provide the ShowSing class synonym as a convenient shorthand. Thus, the above instance is equivalent to:

deriving instance ShowSing k => Show (Sing (x :: [k]))

When singling a derived Show instance, singletons will also derive a Show instance for the corresponding singleton type using ShowSing. In other words, if you give singletons a derived Show instance, then you'll receive the following in return:

  • A promoted (PShow) instance
  • A singled (SShow) instance
  • A Show instance for the singleton type

What a bargain!

(forall (z :: k). Show (Sing z)) => ShowSing k Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Singletons.ShowSing

Orphan instances

Show (SSymbol s) Source # 
Instance details


showsPrec :: Int -> SSymbol s -> ShowS #

show :: SSymbol s -> String #

showList :: [SSymbol s] -> ShowS #

Show (SNat n) Source # 
Instance details


showsPrec :: Int -> SNat n -> ShowS #

show :: SNat n -> String #

showList :: [SNat n] -> ShowS #

Show (Sing z) Source # 
Instance details


showsPrec :: Int -> Sing z -> ShowS #

show :: Sing z -> String #

showList :: [Sing z] -> ShowS #

(ShowSing a, ShowSing [a]) => Show (Sing z) Source # 
Instance details


showsPrec :: Int -> Sing z -> ShowS #

show :: Sing z -> String #

showList :: [Sing z] -> ShowS #

ShowSing a => Show (Sing z) Source # 
Instance details


showsPrec :: Int -> Sing z -> ShowS #

show :: Sing z -> String #

showList :: [Sing z] -> ShowS #

Show (Sing z) Source # 
Instance details


showsPrec :: Int -> Sing z -> ShowS #

show :: Sing z -> String #

showList :: [Sing z] -> ShowS #

(ShowSing a, ShowSing b) => Show (Sing z) Source # 
Instance details


showsPrec :: Int -> Sing z -> ShowS #

show :: Sing z -> String #

showList :: [Sing z] -> ShowS #

Show (Sing z) Source # 
Instance details


showsPrec :: Int -> Sing z -> ShowS #

show :: Sing z -> String #

showList :: [Sing z] -> ShowS #

(ShowSing a, ShowSing b) => Show (Sing z) Source # 
Instance details


showsPrec :: Int -> Sing z -> ShowS #

show :: Sing z -> String #

showList :: [Sing z] -> ShowS #

(ShowSing a, ShowSing b, ShowSing c) => Show (Sing z) Source # 
Instance details


showsPrec :: Int -> Sing z -> ShowS #

show :: Sing z -> String #

showList :: [Sing z] -> ShowS #

(ShowSing a, ShowSing b, ShowSing c, ShowSing d) => Show (Sing z) Source # 
Instance details


showsPrec :: Int -> Sing z -> ShowS #

show :: Sing z -> String #

showList :: [Sing z] -> ShowS #

(ShowSing a, ShowSing b, ShowSing c, ShowSing d, ShowSing e) => Show (Sing z) Source # 
Instance details


showsPrec :: Int -> Sing z -> ShowS #

show :: Sing z -> String #

showList :: [Sing z] -> ShowS #

(ShowSing a, ShowSing b, ShowSing c, ShowSing d, ShowSing e, ShowSing f) => Show (Sing z) Source # 
Instance details


showsPrec :: Int -> Sing z -> ShowS #

show :: Sing z -> String #

showList :: [Sing z] -> ShowS #

(ShowSing a, ShowSing b, ShowSing c, ShowSing d, ShowSing e, ShowSing f, ShowSing g) => Show (Sing z) Source # 
Instance details


showsPrec :: Int -> Sing z -> ShowS #

show :: Sing z -> String #

showList :: [Sing z] -> ShowS #

Show (Sing z) Source # 
Instance details


showsPrec :: Int -> Sing z -> ShowS #

show :: Sing z -> String #

showList :: [Sing z] -> ShowS #

ShowSing a => Show (Sing z) Source # 
Instance details


showsPrec :: Int -> Sing z -> ShowS #

show :: Sing z -> String #

showList :: [Sing z] -> ShowS #

(ShowSing a, ShowSing [a]) => Show (Sing z) Source # 
Instance details


showsPrec :: Int -> Sing z -> ShowS #

show :: Sing z -> String #

showList :: [Sing z] -> ShowS #