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singletons-2.2: A framework for generating singleton types

Copyright(C) 2013 Richard Eisenberg
LicenseBSD-style (see LICENSE)
MaintainerRichard Eisenberg (
Safe HaskellNone




Mimics the Haskell Prelude, but with singleton types. Includes the basic singleton definitions. Note: This is currently very incomplete!

Because many of these definitions are produced by Template Haskell, it is not possible to create proper Haddock documentation. Also, please excuse the apparent repeated variable names. This is due to an interaction between Template Haskell and Haddock.


Basic singleton definitions

data family Sing (a :: k) Source #

The singleton kind-indexed data family.


data Sing Bool Source # 
data Sing Bool where
data Sing Ordering Source # 
data Sing * Source # 
data Sing * where
data Sing Nat Source # 
data Sing Nat where
data Sing Symbol Source # 
data Sing Symbol where
data Sing () Source # 
data Sing () where
data Sing [a0] Source # 
data Sing [a0] where
data Sing (Maybe a0) Source # 
data Sing (Maybe a0) where
data Sing (NonEmpty a0) Source # 
data Sing (NonEmpty a0) where
data Sing (Either a0 b0) Source # 
data Sing (Either a0 b0) where
data Sing (a0, b0) Source # 
data Sing (a0, b0) where
data Sing ((~>) k1 k2) Source # 
data Sing ((~>) k1 k2) = SLambda {}
data Sing (a0, b0, c0) Source # 
data Sing (a0, b0, c0) where
data Sing (a0, b0, c0, d0) Source # 
data Sing (a0, b0, c0, d0) where
data Sing (a0, b0, c0, d0, e0) Source # 
data Sing (a0, b0, c0, d0, e0) where
data Sing (a0, b0, c0, d0, e0, f0) Source # 
data Sing (a0, b0, c0, d0, e0, f0) where
data Sing (a0, b0, c0, d0, e0, f0, g0) Source # 
data Sing (a0, b0, c0, d0, e0, f0, g0) where

Singleton type synonyms

These synonyms are all kind-restricted synonyms of Sing. For example SBool requires an argument of kind Bool.

type SBool = (Sing :: Bool -> Type) Source #

type SList = (Sing :: [a] -> Type) Source #

type SMaybe = (Sing :: Maybe a -> Type) Source #

type SEither = (Sing :: Either a b -> Type) Source #

type STuple0 = (Sing :: () -> Type) Source #

type STuple2 = (Sing :: (a, b) -> Type) Source #

type STuple3 = (Sing :: (a, b, c) -> Type) Source #

type STuple4 = (Sing :: (a, b, c, d) -> Type) Source #

type STuple5 = (Sing :: (a, b, c, d, e) -> Type) Source #

type STuple6 = (Sing :: (a, b, c, d, e, f) -> Type) Source #

type STuple7 = (Sing :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) -> Type) Source #

Functions working with Bool

type family If k (cond :: Bool) (tru :: k) (fls :: k) :: k where ... #

Type-level If. If True a b ==> a; If False a b ==> b


If k True tru fls = tru 
If k False tru fls = fls 

sIf :: Sing a -> Sing b -> Sing c -> Sing (If a b c) Source #

Conditional over singletons

type family Not (a :: Bool) :: Bool where ... Source #

sNot :: forall t. Sing t -> Sing (Apply NotSym0 t :: Bool) Source #

type family (a :: Bool) :&& (a :: Bool) :: Bool where ... infixr 3 Source #


False :&& _z_1627658356 = FalseSym0 
True :&& x = x 

type family (a :: Bool) :|| (a :: Bool) :: Bool where ... infixr 2 Source #


False :|| x = x 
True :|| _z_1627658344 = TrueSym0 

(%:&&) :: forall t t. Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply (:&&$) t) t :: Bool) infixr 3 Source #

(%:||) :: forall t t. Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply (:||$) t) t :: Bool) infixr 2 Source #

type family Otherwise :: Bool where ... Source #


Otherwise = TrueSym0 

Error reporting

type family Error (str :: k0) :: k Source #

The promotion of error. This version is more poly-kinded for easier use.

data ErrorSym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun k01627810588 k1627810590 -> *) (ErrorSym0 k01627810588 k1627810590) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (ErrorSym0 k01627810588 k1627810590) t -> () Source #

type Apply k01627810588 k2 (ErrorSym0 k01627810588 k2) l0 Source # 
type Apply k01627810588 k2 (ErrorSym0 k01627810588 k2) l0 = ErrorSym1 k01627810588 k2 l0

sError :: Sing (str :: Symbol) -> a Source #

The singleton for error

Singleton equality

Singleton comparisons

Singleton Enum and Bounded

As a matter of convenience, the singletons Prelude does not export promoted/singletonized succ and pred, due to likely conflicts with unary numbers. Please import Enum directly if you want these.

Singletons numbers

Miscellaneous functions

type family Id (a :: a) :: a where ... Source #


Id x = x 

sId :: forall t. Sing t -> Sing (Apply IdSym0 t :: a) Source #

type family Const (a :: a) (a :: b) :: a where ... Source #


Const x _z_1627796772 = x 

sConst :: forall t t. Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply ConstSym0 t) t :: a) Source #

type family ((a :: TyFun b c -> Type) :. (a :: TyFun a b -> Type)) (a :: a) :: c where ... infixr 9 Source #


(f :. g) a_1627796735 = Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply Lambda_1627796740Sym0 f) g) a_1627796735) a_1627796735 

(%:.) :: forall t t t. Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply (Apply (:.$) t) t) t :: c) infixr 9 Source #

type family (f :: TyFun a b -> *) $ (x :: a) :: b infixr 0 Source #


type ($) k1 k2 f x Source # 
type ($) k1 k2 f x = (@@) k1 k2 f x

(%$) :: forall f x. Sing f -> Sing x -> Sing ((($$) @@ f) @@ x) infixr 0 Source #

type family (f :: TyFun a b -> *) $! (x :: a) :: b infixr 0 Source #


type ($!) k1 k2 f x Source # 
type ($!) k1 k2 f x = (@@) k1 k2 f x

(%$!) :: forall f x. Sing f -> Sing x -> Sing ((($!$) @@ f) @@ x) infixr 0 Source #

type family Flip (a :: TyFun a (TyFun b c -> Type) -> Type) (a :: b) (a :: a) :: c where ... Source #


Flip f x y = Apply (Apply f y) x 

sFlip :: forall t t t. Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply (Apply FlipSym0 t) t) t :: c) Source #

type family AsTypeOf (a :: a) (a :: a) :: a where ... Source #


AsTypeOf a_1627796775 a_1627796777 = Apply (Apply ConstSym0 a_1627796775) a_1627796777 

sAsTypeOf :: forall t t. Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply AsTypeOfSym0 t) t :: a) Source #

type family Seq (a :: a) (a :: b) :: b where ... infixr 0 Source #


Seq _z_1627796698 x = x 

sSeq :: forall t t. Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply SeqSym0 t) t :: b) infixr 0 Source #

List operations

type family Map (a :: TyFun a b -> Type) (a :: [a]) :: [b] where ... Source #


Map _z_1627796817 '[] = '[] 
Map f ((:) x xs) = Apply (Apply (:$) (Apply f x)) (Apply (Apply MapSym0 f) xs) 

sMap :: forall t t. Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply MapSym0 t) t :: [b]) Source #

type family (a :: [a]) :++ (a :: [a]) :: [a] where ... infixr 5 Source #


'[] :++ ys = ys 
((:) x xs) :++ ys = Apply (Apply (:$) x) (Apply (Apply (:++$) xs) ys) 

(%:++) :: forall t t. Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply (:++$) t) t :: [a]) infixr 5 Source #

type family Head (a :: [a]) :: a where ... Source #


Head ((:) a _z_1627957326) = a 
Head '[] = Apply ErrorSym0 "Data.Singletons.List.head: empty list" 

sHead :: forall t. Sing t -> Sing (Apply HeadSym0 t :: a) Source #

type family Last (a :: [a]) :: a where ... Source #


Last '[] = Apply ErrorSym0 "Data.Singletons.List.last: empty list" 
Last '[x] = x 
Last ((:) _z_1627957316 ((:) x xs)) = Apply LastSym0 (Apply (Apply (:$) x) xs) 

sLast :: forall t. Sing t -> Sing (Apply LastSym0 t :: a) Source #

type family Tail (a :: [a]) :: [a] where ... Source #


Tail ((:) _z_1627957307 t) = t 
Tail '[] = Apply ErrorSym0 "Data.Singletons.List.tail: empty list" 

sTail :: forall t. Sing t -> Sing (Apply TailSym0 t :: [a]) Source #

type family Init (a :: [a]) :: [a] where ... Source #


Init '[] = Apply ErrorSym0 "Data.Singletons.List.init: empty list" 
Init ((:) x xs) = Apply (Apply (Let1627957276Init'Sym2 x xs) x) xs 

sInit :: forall t. Sing t -> Sing (Apply InitSym0 t :: [a]) Source #

type family Null (a :: [a]) :: Bool where ... Source #


Null '[] = TrueSym0 
Null ((:) _z_1627957205 _z_1627957208) = FalseSym0 

sNull :: forall t. Sing t -> Sing (Apply NullSym0 t :: Bool) Source #

type family Reverse (a :: [a]) :: [a] where ... Source #


Reverse l = Apply (Apply (Let1627957171RevSym1 l) l) '[] 

sReverse :: forall t. Sing t -> Sing (Apply ReverseSym0 t :: [a]) Source #

Reducing lists (folds)

type family Foldl (a :: TyFun b (TyFun a b -> Type) -> Type) (a :: b) (a :: [a]) :: b where ... Source #


Foldl f z0 xs0 = Apply (Apply (Let1627619941LgoSym3 f z0 xs0) z0) xs0 

sFoldl :: forall t t t. Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply (Apply FoldlSym0 t) t) t :: b) Source #

type family Foldl1 (a :: TyFun a (TyFun a a -> Type) -> Type) (a :: [a]) :: a where ... Source #


Foldl1 f ((:) x xs) = Apply (Apply (Apply FoldlSym0 f) x) xs 
Foldl1 _z_1627956415 '[] = Apply ErrorSym0 "Data.Singletons.List.foldl1: empty list" 

sFoldl1 :: forall t t. Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply Foldl1Sym0 t) t :: a) Source #

type family Foldr (a :: TyFun a (TyFun b b -> Type) -> Type) (a :: b) (a :: [a]) :: b where ... Source #


Foldr k z a_1627796838 = Apply (Let1627796843GoSym3 k z a_1627796838) a_1627796838 

sFoldr :: forall t t t. Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply (Apply FoldrSym0 t) t) t :: b) Source #

type family Foldr1 (a :: TyFun a (TyFun a a -> Type) -> Type) (a :: [a]) :: a where ... Source #


Foldr1 _z_1627956373 '[x] = x 
Foldr1 f ((:) x ((:) wild_1627953856 wild_1627953858)) = Apply (Apply f x) (Apply (Apply Foldr1Sym0 f) (Let1627956381XsSym4 f x wild_1627953856 wild_1627953858)) 
Foldr1 _z_1627956400 '[] = Apply ErrorSym0 "Data.Singletons.List.foldr1: empty list" 

sFoldr1 :: forall t t. Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply Foldr1Sym0 t) t :: a) Source #

Special folds

type family And (a :: [Bool]) :: Bool where ... Source #


And '[] = TrueSym0 
And ((:) x xs) = Apply (Apply (:&&$) x) (Apply AndSym0 xs) 

sAnd :: forall t. Sing t -> Sing (Apply AndSym0 t :: Bool) Source #

type family Or (a :: [Bool]) :: Bool where ... Source #


Or '[] = FalseSym0 
Or ((:) x xs) = Apply (Apply (:||$) x) (Apply OrSym0 xs) 

sOr :: forall t. Sing t -> Sing (Apply OrSym0 t :: Bool) Source #

type family Any_ (a :: TyFun a Bool -> Type) (a :: [a]) :: Bool where ... Source #


Any_ _z_1627942726 '[] = FalseSym0 
Any_ p ((:) x xs) = Apply (Apply (:||$) (Apply p x)) (Apply (Apply Any_Sym0 p) xs) 

sAny_ :: forall t t. Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply Any_Sym0 t) t :: Bool) Source #

type family All (a :: TyFun a Bool -> Type) (a :: [a]) :: Bool where ... Source #


All _z_1627956326 '[] = TrueSym0 
All p ((:) x xs) = Apply (Apply (:&&$) (Apply p x)) (Apply (Apply AllSym0 p) xs) 

sAll :: forall t t. Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply AllSym0 t) t :: Bool) Source #

type family Concat (a :: [[a]]) :: [a] where ... Source #


Concat a_1627956357 = Apply (Apply (Apply FoldrSym0 (:++$)) '[]) a_1627956357 

sConcat :: forall t. Sing t -> Sing (Apply ConcatSym0 t :: [a]) Source #

type family ConcatMap (a :: TyFun a [b] -> Type) (a :: [a]) :: [b] where ... Source #


ConcatMap f a_1627956353 = Apply (Apply (Apply FoldrSym0 (Apply (Apply (:.$) (:++$)) f)) '[]) a_1627956353 

sConcatMap :: forall t t. Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply ConcatMapSym0 t) t :: [b]) Source #


type family Scanl (a :: TyFun b (TyFun a b -> Type) -> Type) (a :: b) (a :: [a]) :: [b] where ... Source #


Scanl f q ls = Apply (Apply (:$) q) (Case_1627956297 f q ls ls) 

sScanl :: forall t t t. Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply (Apply ScanlSym0 t) t) t :: [b]) Source #

type family Scanl1 (a :: TyFun a (TyFun a a -> Type) -> Type) (a :: [a]) :: [a] where ... Source #


Scanl1 f ((:) x xs) = Apply (Apply (Apply ScanlSym0 f) x) xs 
Scanl1 _z_1627956314 '[] = '[] 

sScanl1 :: forall t t. Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply Scanl1Sym0 t) t :: [a]) Source #

type family Scanr (a :: TyFun a (TyFun b b -> Type) -> Type) (a :: b) (a :: [a]) :: [b] where ... Source #


Scanr _z_1627956247 q0 '[] = Apply (Apply (:$) q0) '[] 
Scanr f q0 ((:) x xs) = Case_1627956274 f q0 x xs (Let1627956255Scrutinee_1627953860Sym4 f q0 x xs) 

sScanr :: forall t t t. Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply (Apply ScanrSym0 t) t) t :: [b]) Source #

type family Scanr1 (a :: TyFun a (TyFun a a -> Type) -> Type) (a :: [a]) :: [a] where ... Source #


Scanr1 _z_1627956178 '[] = '[] 
Scanr1 _z_1627956181 '[x] = Apply (Apply (:$) x) '[] 
Scanr1 f ((:) x ((:) wild_1627953864 wild_1627953866)) = Case_1627956227 f x wild_1627953864 wild_1627953866 (Let1627956208Scrutinee_1627953862Sym4 f x wild_1627953864 wild_1627953866) 

sScanr1 :: forall t t. Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply Scanr1Sym0 t) t :: [a]) Source #

Searching lists

type family Elem (a :: a) (a :: [a]) :: Bool where ... Source #


Elem _z_1627955689 '[] = FalseSym0 
Elem x ((:) y ys) = Apply (Apply (:||$) (Apply (Apply (:==$) x) y)) (Apply (Apply ElemSym0 x) ys) 

sElem :: forall t t. SEq a => Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply ElemSym0 t) t :: Bool) Source #

type family NotElem (a :: a) (a :: [a]) :: Bool where ... Source #


NotElem _z_1627955674 '[] = TrueSym0 
NotElem x ((:) y ys) = Apply (Apply (:&&$) (Apply (Apply (:/=$) x) y)) (Apply (Apply NotElemSym0 x) ys) 

sNotElem :: forall t t. SEq a => Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply NotElemSym0 t) t :: Bool) Source #

type family Lookup (a :: a) (a :: [(a, b)]) :: Maybe b where ... Source #


Lookup _key '[] = NothingSym0 
Lookup key ((:) '(x, y) xys) = Case_1627954257 key x y xys (Let1627954238Scrutinee_1627953944Sym4 key x y xys) 

sLookup :: forall t t. SEq a => Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply LookupSym0 t) t :: Maybe b) Source #

Zipping and unzipping lists

type family Zip (a :: [a]) (a :: [b]) :: [(a, b)] where ... Source #


Zip ((:) x xs) ((:) y ys) = Apply (Apply (:$) (Apply (Apply Tuple2Sym0 x) y)) (Apply (Apply ZipSym0 xs) ys) 
Zip '[] '[] = '[] 
Zip ((:) _z_1627955551 _z_1627955554) '[] = '[] 
Zip '[] ((:) _z_1627955557 _z_1627955560) = '[] 

sZip :: forall t t. Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply ZipSym0 t) t :: [(a, b)]) Source #

type family Zip3 (a :: [a]) (a :: [b]) (a :: [c]) :: [(a, b, c)] where ... Source #


Zip3 ((:) a as) ((:) b bs) ((:) c cs) = Apply (Apply (:$) (Apply (Apply (Apply Tuple3Sym0 a) b) c)) (Apply (Apply (Apply Zip3Sym0 as) bs) cs) 
Zip3 '[] '[] '[] = '[] 
Zip3 '[] '[] ((:) _z_1627955484 _z_1627955487) = '[] 
Zip3 '[] ((:) _z_1627955490 _z_1627955493) '[] = '[] 
Zip3 '[] ((:) _z_1627955496 _z_1627955499) ((:) _z_1627955502 _z_1627955505) = '[] 
Zip3 ((:) _z_1627955508 _z_1627955511) '[] '[] = '[] 
Zip3 ((:) _z_1627955514 _z_1627955517) '[] ((:) _z_1627955520 _z_1627955523) = '[] 
Zip3 ((:) _z_1627955526 _z_1627955529) ((:) _z_1627955532 _z_1627955535) '[] = '[] 

sZip3 :: forall t t t. Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply (Apply Zip3Sym0 t) t) t :: [(a, b, c)]) Source #

type family ZipWith (a :: TyFun a (TyFun b c -> Type) -> Type) (a :: [a]) (a :: [b]) :: [c] where ... Source #


ZipWith f ((:) x xs) ((:) y ys) = Apply (Apply (:$) (Apply (Apply f x) y)) (Apply (Apply (Apply ZipWithSym0 f) xs) ys) 
ZipWith _z_1627955442 '[] '[] = '[] 
ZipWith _z_1627955445 ((:) _z_1627955448 _z_1627955451) '[] = '[] 
ZipWith _z_1627955454 '[] ((:) _z_1627955457 _z_1627955460) = '[] 

sZipWith :: forall t t t. Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply (Apply ZipWithSym0 t) t) t :: [c]) Source #

type family ZipWith3 (a :: TyFun a (TyFun b (TyFun c d -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (a :: [a]) (a :: [b]) (a :: [c]) :: [d] where ... Source #


ZipWith3 z ((:) a as) ((:) b bs) ((:) c cs) = Apply (Apply (:$) (Apply (Apply (Apply z a) b) c)) (Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply ZipWith3Sym0 z) as) bs) cs) 
ZipWith3 _z_1627955347 '[] '[] '[] = '[] 
ZipWith3 _z_1627955350 '[] '[] ((:) _z_1627955353 _z_1627955356) = '[] 
ZipWith3 _z_1627955359 '[] ((:) _z_1627955362 _z_1627955365) '[] = '[] 
ZipWith3 _z_1627955368 '[] ((:) _z_1627955371 _z_1627955374) ((:) _z_1627955377 _z_1627955380) = '[] 
ZipWith3 _z_1627955383 ((:) _z_1627955386 _z_1627955389) '[] '[] = '[] 
ZipWith3 _z_1627955392 ((:) _z_1627955395 _z_1627955398) '[] ((:) _z_1627955401 _z_1627955404) = '[] 
ZipWith3 _z_1627955407 ((:) _z_1627955410 _z_1627955413) ((:) _z_1627955416 _z_1627955419) '[] = '[] 

sZipWith3 :: forall t t t t. Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply ZipWith3Sym0 t) t) t) t :: [d]) Source #

type family Unzip (a :: [(a, b)]) :: ([a], [b]) where ... Source #


Unzip xs = Apply (Apply (Apply FoldrSym0 (Apply Lambda_1627955293Sym0 xs)) (Apply (Apply Tuple2Sym0 '[]) '[])) xs 

sUnzip :: forall t. Sing t -> Sing (Apply UnzipSym0 t :: ([a], [b])) Source #

type family Unzip3 (a :: [(a, b, c)]) :: ([a], [b], [c]) where ... Source #


Unzip3 xs = Apply (Apply (Apply FoldrSym0 (Apply Lambda_1627955261Sym0 xs)) (Apply (Apply (Apply Tuple3Sym0 '[]) '[]) '[])) xs 

sUnzip3 :: forall t. Sing t -> Sing (Apply Unzip3Sym0 t :: ([a], [b], [c])) Source #

Other datatypes

type family Maybe_ (a :: b) (a :: TyFun a b -> Type) (a :: Maybe a) :: b where ... Source #


Maybe_ n _z_1627847793 Nothing = n 
Maybe_ _z_1627847796 f (Just x) = Apply f x 

sMaybe_ :: forall t t t. Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply (Apply Maybe_Sym0 t) t) t :: b) Source #

type family Either_ (a :: TyFun a c -> Type) (a :: TyFun b c -> Type) (a :: Either a b) :: c where ... Source #


Either_ f _z_1627829204 (Left x) = Apply f x 
Either_ _z_1627829208 g (Right y) = Apply g y 

sEither_ :: forall t t t. Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply (Apply Either_Sym0 t) t) t :: c) Source #

type family Fst (a :: (a, b)) :: a where ... Source #


Fst '(x, _z_1627840782) = x 

sFst :: forall t. Sing t -> Sing (Apply FstSym0 t :: a) Source #

type family Snd (a :: (a, b)) :: b where ... Source #


Snd '(_z_1627840773, y) = y 

sSnd :: forall t. Sing t -> Sing (Apply SndSym0 t :: b) Source #

type family Curry (a :: TyFun (a, b) c -> Type) (a :: a) (a :: b) :: c where ... Source #


Curry f x y = Apply f (Apply (Apply Tuple2Sym0 x) y) 

sCurry :: forall t t t. Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply (Apply CurrySym0 t) t) t :: c) Source #

type family Uncurry (a :: TyFun a (TyFun b c -> Type) -> Type) (a :: (a, b)) :: c where ... Source #


Uncurry f p = Apply (Apply f (Apply FstSym0 p)) (Apply SndSym0 p) 

sUncurry :: forall t t. Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply UncurrySym0 t) t :: c) Source #

data Symbol :: * #

(Kind) This is the kind of type-level symbols. Declared here because class IP needs it


KnownSymbol a => SingI Symbol a 


sing :: Sing a a

SingKind Symbol (KProxy Symbol) 

Associated Types

type DemoteRep (KProxy Symbol) (kparam :: KProxy (KProxy Symbol)) :: *


fromSing :: Sing (KProxy Symbol) a -> DemoteRep (KProxy Symbol) kparam

data Sing Symbol 
data Sing Symbol where
type DemoteRep Symbol Source # 
data Sing Symbol Source # 
data Sing Symbol where
type (==) Symbol a b 
type (==) Symbol a b = EqSymbol a b
type (:==) Symbol a b Source # 
type (:==) Symbol a b = (==) Symbol a b
type (:/=) Symbol x y Source # 
type (:/=) Symbol x y = Not ((:==) Symbol x y)
type Compare Symbol a b Source # 
type Compare Symbol a b = CmpSymbol a b
type (:<) Symbol arg0 arg1 Source # 
type (:<) Symbol arg0 arg1
type (:<=) Symbol arg0 arg1 Source # 
type (:<=) Symbol arg0 arg1
type (:>) Symbol arg0 arg1 Source # 
type (:>) Symbol arg0 arg1
type (:>=) Symbol arg0 arg1 Source # 
type (:>=) Symbol arg0 arg1
type Max Symbol arg0 arg1 Source # 
type Max Symbol arg0 arg1
type Min Symbol arg0 arg1 Source # 
type Min Symbol arg0 arg1
type DemoteRep Symbol (KProxy Symbol) 
type DemoteRep Symbol (KProxy Symbol) = String

Other functions

either_ :: forall a c b. (a -> c) -> (b -> c) -> Either a b -> c Source #

maybe_ :: forall b a. b -> (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> b Source #

bool_ :: forall a. a -> a -> Bool -> a Source #

any_ :: forall a. (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Bool Source #

Defunctionalization symbols

type NotSym1 t = Not t Source #

type (:&&$$$) t t = (:&&) t t Source #

type (:||$$$) t t = (:||) t t Source #

data JustSym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun a822083586 (Maybe a822083586) -> *) (JustSym0 a822083586) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (JustSym0 a822083586) t -> () Source #

type Apply a822083586 (Maybe a822083586) (JustSym0 a822083586) l0 Source # 
type Apply a822083586 (Maybe a822083586) (JustSym0 a822083586) l0 = JustSym1 a822083586 l0

type JustSym1 t = Just t Source #

data Maybe_Sym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun b1627847771 (TyFun (TyFun a1627847772 b1627847771 -> Type) (TyFun (Maybe a1627847772) b1627847771 -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (Maybe_Sym0 a1627847772 b1627847771) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Maybe_Sym0 a1627847772 b1627847771) t -> () Source #

type Apply b1627847771 (TyFun (TyFun a1627847772 b1627847771 -> Type) (TyFun (Maybe a1627847772) b1627847771 -> Type) -> Type) (Maybe_Sym0 a1627847772 b1627847771) l0 Source # 
type Apply b1627847771 (TyFun (TyFun a1627847772 b1627847771 -> Type) (TyFun (Maybe a1627847772) b1627847771 -> Type) -> Type) (Maybe_Sym0 a1627847772 b1627847771) l0 = Maybe_Sym1 a1627847772 b1627847771 l0

data Maybe_Sym1 l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (b1627847771 -> TyFun (TyFun a1627847772 b1627847771 -> Type) (TyFun (Maybe a1627847772) b1627847771 -> Type) -> *) (Maybe_Sym1 a1627847772 b1627847771) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Maybe_Sym1 a1627847772 b1627847771) t -> () Source #

type Apply (TyFun a1627847772 b1627847771 -> Type) (TyFun (Maybe a1627847772) b1627847771 -> Type) (Maybe_Sym1 a1627847772 b1627847771 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply (TyFun a1627847772 b1627847771 -> Type) (TyFun (Maybe a1627847772) b1627847771 -> Type) (Maybe_Sym1 a1627847772 b1627847771 l1) l0 = Maybe_Sym2 a1627847772 b1627847771 l1 l0

data Maybe_Sym2 l l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (b1627847771 -> (TyFun a1627847772 b1627847771 -> Type) -> TyFun (Maybe a1627847772) b1627847771 -> *) (Maybe_Sym2 a1627847772 b1627847771) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Maybe_Sym2 a1627847772 b1627847771) t -> () Source #

type Apply (Maybe a1627847772) b1627847771 (Maybe_Sym2 a1627847772 b1627847771 l1 l2) l0 Source # 
type Apply (Maybe a1627847772) b1627847771 (Maybe_Sym2 a1627847772 b1627847771 l1 l2) l0 = Maybe_Sym3 b1627847771 a1627847772 l1 l2 l0

type Maybe_Sym3 t t t = Maybe_ t t t Source #

data LeftSym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun a1627437720 (Either a1627437720 b1627437721) -> *) (LeftSym0 a1627437720 b1627437721) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (LeftSym0 a1627437720 b1627437721) t -> () Source #

type Apply a1627437720 (Either a1627437720 b1627437721) (LeftSym0 a1627437720 b1627437721) l0 Source # 
type Apply a1627437720 (Either a1627437720 b1627437721) (LeftSym0 a1627437720 b1627437721) l0 = LeftSym1 a1627437720 b1627437721 l0

type LeftSym1 t = Left t Source #

data RightSym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun b1627437721 (Either a1627437720 b1627437721) -> *) (RightSym0 a1627437720 b1627437721) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (RightSym0 a1627437720 b1627437721) t -> () Source #

type Apply b1627437721 (Either a1627437720 b1627437721) (RightSym0 a1627437720 b1627437721) l0 Source # 
type Apply b1627437721 (Either a1627437720 b1627437721) (RightSym0 a1627437720 b1627437721) l0 = RightSym1 b1627437721 a1627437720 l0

type RightSym1 t = Right t Source #

data Either_Sym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun (TyFun a1627829180 c1627829181 -> Type) (TyFun (TyFun b1627829182 c1627829181 -> Type) (TyFun (Either a1627829180 b1627829182) c1627829181 -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (Either_Sym0 a1627829180 b1627829182 c1627829181) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Either_Sym0 a1627829180 b1627829182 c1627829181) t -> () Source #

type Apply (TyFun a1627829180 c1627829181 -> Type) (TyFun (TyFun b1627829182 c1627829181 -> Type) (TyFun (Either a1627829180 b1627829182) c1627829181 -> Type) -> Type) (Either_Sym0 a1627829180 b1627829182 c1627829181) l0 Source # 
type Apply (TyFun a1627829180 c1627829181 -> Type) (TyFun (TyFun b1627829182 c1627829181 -> Type) (TyFun (Either a1627829180 b1627829182) c1627829181 -> Type) -> Type) (Either_Sym0 a1627829180 b1627829182 c1627829181) l0 = Either_Sym1 b1627829182 a1627829180 c1627829181 l0

data Either_Sym1 l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a1627829180 c1627829181 -> Type) -> TyFun (TyFun b1627829182 c1627829181 -> Type) (TyFun (Either a1627829180 b1627829182) c1627829181 -> Type) -> *) (Either_Sym1 b1627829182 a1627829180 c1627829181) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Either_Sym1 b1627829182 a1627829180 c1627829181) t -> () Source #

type Apply (TyFun b1627829182 c1627829181 -> Type) (TyFun (Either a1627829180 b1627829182) c1627829181 -> Type) (Either_Sym1 b1627829182 a1627829180 c1627829181 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply (TyFun b1627829182 c1627829181 -> Type) (TyFun (Either a1627829180 b1627829182) c1627829181 -> Type) (Either_Sym1 b1627829182 a1627829180 c1627829181 l1) l0 = Either_Sym2 b1627829182 a1627829180 c1627829181 l1 l0

data Either_Sym2 l l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a1627829180 c1627829181 -> Type) -> (TyFun b1627829182 c1627829181 -> Type) -> TyFun (Either a1627829180 b1627829182) c1627829181 -> *) (Either_Sym2 b1627829182 a1627829180 c1627829181) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Either_Sym2 b1627829182 a1627829180 c1627829181) t -> () Source #

type Apply (Either a1627829180 b1627829182) c1627829181 (Either_Sym2 b1627829182 a1627829180 c1627829181 l1 l2) l0 Source # 
type Apply (Either a1627829180 b1627829182) c1627829181 (Either_Sym2 b1627829182 a1627829180 c1627829181 l1 l2) l0 = Either_Sym3 a1627829180 c1627829181 b1627829182 l1 l2 l0

type Either_Sym3 t t t = Either_ t t t Source #

type Tuple0Sym0 = '() Source #

data Tuple2Sym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun a822083586 (TyFun b822083587 (a822083586, b822083587) -> Type) -> *) (Tuple2Sym0 a822083586 b822083587) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Tuple2Sym0 a822083586 b822083587) t -> () Source #

type Apply a822083586 (TyFun b822083587 (a822083586, b822083587) -> Type) (Tuple2Sym0 a822083586 b822083587) l0 Source # 
type Apply a822083586 (TyFun b822083587 (a822083586, b822083587) -> Type) (Tuple2Sym0 a822083586 b822083587) l0 = Tuple2Sym1 b822083587 a822083586 l0

data Tuple2Sym1 l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (a822083586 -> TyFun b822083587 (a822083586, b822083587) -> *) (Tuple2Sym1 b822083587 a822083586) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Tuple2Sym1 b822083587 a822083586) t -> () Source #

type Apply b822083587 (a822083586, b822083587) (Tuple2Sym1 b822083587 a822083586 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply b822083587 (a822083586, b822083587) (Tuple2Sym1 b822083587 a822083586 l1) l0 = Tuple2Sym2 a822083586 b822083587 l1 l0

type Tuple2Sym2 t t = '(t, t) Source #

data Tuple3Sym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun a822083586 (TyFun b822083587 (TyFun c822083588 (a822083586, b822083587, c822083588) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (Tuple3Sym0 a822083586 b822083587 c822083588) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Tuple3Sym0 a822083586 b822083587 c822083588) t -> () Source #

type Apply a822083586 (TyFun b822083587 (TyFun c822083588 (a822083586, b822083587, c822083588) -> Type) -> Type) (Tuple3Sym0 a822083586 b822083587 c822083588) l0 Source # 
type Apply a822083586 (TyFun b822083587 (TyFun c822083588 (a822083586, b822083587, c822083588) -> Type) -> Type) (Tuple3Sym0 a822083586 b822083587 c822083588) l0 = Tuple3Sym1 b822083587 c822083588 a822083586 l0

data Tuple3Sym1 l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (a822083586 -> TyFun b822083587 (TyFun c822083588 (a822083586, b822083587, c822083588) -> Type) -> *) (Tuple3Sym1 b822083587 c822083588 a822083586) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Tuple3Sym1 b822083587 c822083588 a822083586) t -> () Source #

type Apply b822083587 (TyFun c822083588 (a822083586, b822083587, c822083588) -> Type) (Tuple3Sym1 b822083587 c822083588 a822083586 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply b822083587 (TyFun c822083588 (a822083586, b822083587, c822083588) -> Type) (Tuple3Sym1 b822083587 c822083588 a822083586 l1) l0 = Tuple3Sym2 c822083588 b822083587 a822083586 l1 l0

data Tuple3Sym2 l l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (a822083586 -> b822083587 -> TyFun c822083588 (a822083586, b822083587, c822083588) -> *) (Tuple3Sym2 c822083588 b822083587 a822083586) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Tuple3Sym2 c822083588 b822083587 a822083586) t -> () Source #

type Apply c822083588 (a822083586, b822083587, c822083588) (Tuple3Sym2 c822083588 b822083587 a822083586 l1 l2) l0 Source # 
type Apply c822083588 (a822083586, b822083587, c822083588) (Tuple3Sym2 c822083588 b822083587 a822083586 l1 l2) l0 = Tuple3Sym3 a822083586 b822083587 c822083588 l1 l2 l0

type Tuple3Sym3 t t t = '(t, t, t) Source #

data Tuple4Sym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun a822083586 (TyFun b822083587 (TyFun c822083588 (TyFun d822083589 (a822083586, b822083587, c822083588, d822083589) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (Tuple4Sym0 a822083586 b822083587 c822083588 d822083589) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Tuple4Sym0 a822083586 b822083587 c822083588 d822083589) t -> () Source #

type Apply a822083586 (TyFun b822083587 (TyFun c822083588 (TyFun d822083589 (a822083586, b822083587, c822083588, d822083589) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (Tuple4Sym0 a822083586 b822083587 c822083588 d822083589) l0 Source # 
type Apply a822083586 (TyFun b822083587 (TyFun c822083588 (TyFun d822083589 (a822083586, b822083587, c822083588, d822083589) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (Tuple4Sym0 a822083586 b822083587 c822083588 d822083589) l0 = Tuple4Sym1 b822083587 c822083588 d822083589 a822083586 l0

data Tuple4Sym1 l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (a822083586 -> TyFun b822083587 (TyFun c822083588 (TyFun d822083589 (a822083586, b822083587, c822083588, d822083589) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (Tuple4Sym1 b822083587 c822083588 d822083589 a822083586) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Tuple4Sym1 b822083587 c822083588 d822083589 a822083586) t -> () Source #

type Apply b822083587 (TyFun c822083588 (TyFun d822083589 (a822083586, b822083587, c822083588, d822083589) -> Type) -> Type) (Tuple4Sym1 b822083587 c822083588 d822083589 a822083586 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply b822083587 (TyFun c822083588 (TyFun d822083589 (a822083586, b822083587, c822083588, d822083589) -> Type) -> Type) (Tuple4Sym1 b822083587 c822083588 d822083589 a822083586 l1) l0 = Tuple4Sym2 c822083588 d822083589 b822083587 a822083586 l1 l0

data Tuple4Sym2 l l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (a822083586 -> b822083587 -> TyFun c822083588 (TyFun d822083589 (a822083586, b822083587, c822083588, d822083589) -> Type) -> *) (Tuple4Sym2 c822083588 d822083589 b822083587 a822083586) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Tuple4Sym2 c822083588 d822083589 b822083587 a822083586) t -> () Source #

type Apply c822083588 (TyFun d822083589 (a822083586, b822083587, c822083588, d822083589) -> Type) (Tuple4Sym2 c822083588 d822083589 b822083587 a822083586 l1 l2) l0 Source # 
type Apply c822083588 (TyFun d822083589 (a822083586, b822083587, c822083588, d822083589) -> Type) (Tuple4Sym2 c822083588 d822083589 b822083587 a822083586 l1 l2) l0 = Tuple4Sym3 d822083589 c822083588 b822083587 a822083586 l1 l2 l0

data Tuple4Sym3 l l l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (a822083586 -> b822083587 -> c822083588 -> TyFun d822083589 (a822083586, b822083587, c822083588, d822083589) -> *) (Tuple4Sym3 d822083589 c822083588 b822083587 a822083586) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Tuple4Sym3 d822083589 c822083588 b822083587 a822083586) t -> () Source #

type Apply d822083589 (a822083586, b822083587, c822083588, d822083589) (Tuple4Sym3 d822083589 c822083588 b822083587 a822083586 l1 l2 l3) l0 Source # 
type Apply d822083589 (a822083586, b822083587, c822083588, d822083589) (Tuple4Sym3 d822083589 c822083588 b822083587 a822083586 l1 l2 l3) l0 = Tuple4Sym4 a822083586 b822083587 c822083588 d822083589 l1 l2 l3 l0

type Tuple4Sym4 t t t t = '(t, t, t, t) Source #

data Tuple5Sym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun a822083586 (TyFun b822083587 (TyFun c822083588 (TyFun d822083589 (TyFun e822083590 (a822083586, b822083587, c822083588, d822083589, e822083590) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (Tuple5Sym0 a822083586 b822083587 c822083588 d822083589 e822083590) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Tuple5Sym0 a822083586 b822083587 c822083588 d822083589 e822083590) t -> () Source #

type Apply a822083586 (TyFun b822083587 (TyFun c822083588 (TyFun d822083589 (TyFun e822083590 (a822083586, b822083587, c822083588, d822083589, e822083590) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (Tuple5Sym0 a822083586 b822083587 c822083588 d822083589 e822083590) l0 Source # 
type Apply a822083586 (TyFun b822083587 (TyFun c822083588 (TyFun d822083589 (TyFun e822083590 (a822083586, b822083587, c822083588, d822083589, e822083590) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (Tuple5Sym0 a822083586 b822083587 c822083588 d822083589 e822083590) l0 = Tuple5Sym1 b822083587 c822083588 d822083589 e822083590 a822083586 l0

data Tuple5Sym1 l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (a822083586 -> TyFun b822083587 (TyFun c822083588 (TyFun d822083589 (TyFun e822083590 (a822083586, b822083587, c822083588, d822083589, e822083590) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (Tuple5Sym1 b822083587 c822083588 d822083589 e822083590 a822083586) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Tuple5Sym1 b822083587 c822083588 d822083589 e822083590 a822083586) t -> () Source #

type Apply b822083587 (TyFun c822083588 (TyFun d822083589 (TyFun e822083590 (a822083586, b822083587, c822083588, d822083589, e822083590) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (Tuple5Sym1 b822083587 c822083588 d822083589 e822083590 a822083586 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply b822083587 (TyFun c822083588 (TyFun d822083589 (TyFun e822083590 (a822083586, b822083587, c822083588, d822083589, e822083590) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (Tuple5Sym1 b822083587 c822083588 d822083589 e822083590 a822083586 l1) l0 = Tuple5Sym2 c822083588 d822083589 e822083590 b822083587 a822083586 l1 l0

data Tuple5Sym2 l l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (a822083586 -> b822083587 -> TyFun c822083588 (TyFun d822083589 (TyFun e822083590 (a822083586, b822083587, c822083588, d822083589, e822083590) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (Tuple5Sym2 c822083588 d822083589 e822083590 b822083587 a822083586) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Tuple5Sym2 c822083588 d822083589 e822083590 b822083587 a822083586) t -> () Source #

type Apply c822083588 (TyFun d822083589 (TyFun e822083590 (a822083586, b822083587, c822083588, d822083589, e822083590) -> Type) -> Type) (Tuple5Sym2 c822083588 d822083589 e822083590 b822083587 a822083586 l1 l2) l0 Source # 
type Apply c822083588 (TyFun d822083589 (TyFun e822083590 (a822083586, b822083587, c822083588, d822083589, e822083590) -> Type) -> Type) (Tuple5Sym2 c822083588 d822083589 e822083590 b822083587 a822083586 l1 l2) l0 = Tuple5Sym3 d822083589 e822083590 c822083588 b822083587 a822083586 l1 l2 l0

data Tuple5Sym3 l l l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (a822083586 -> b822083587 -> c822083588 -> TyFun d822083589 (TyFun e822083590 (a822083586, b822083587, c822083588, d822083589, e822083590) -> Type) -> *) (Tuple5Sym3 d822083589 e822083590 c822083588 b822083587 a822083586) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Tuple5Sym3 d822083589 e822083590 c822083588 b822083587 a822083586) t -> () Source #

type Apply d822083589 (TyFun e822083590 (a822083586, b822083587, c822083588, d822083589, e822083590) -> Type) (Tuple5Sym3 d822083589 e822083590 c822083588 b822083587 a822083586 l1 l2 l3) l0 Source # 
type Apply d822083589 (TyFun e822083590 (a822083586, b822083587, c822083588, d822083589, e822083590) -> Type) (Tuple5Sym3 d822083589 e822083590 c822083588 b822083587 a822083586 l1 l2 l3) l0 = Tuple5Sym4 e822083590 d822083589 c822083588 b822083587 a822083586 l1 l2 l3 l0

data Tuple5Sym4 l l l l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (a822083586 -> b822083587 -> c822083588 -> d822083589 -> TyFun e822083590 (a822083586, b822083587, c822083588, d822083589, e822083590) -> *) (Tuple5Sym4 e822083590 d822083589 c822083588 b822083587 a822083586) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Tuple5Sym4 e822083590 d822083589 c822083588 b822083587 a822083586) t -> () Source #

type Apply e822083590 (a822083586, b822083587, c822083588, d822083589, e822083590) (Tuple5Sym4 e822083590 d822083589 c822083588 b822083587 a822083586 l1 l2 l3 l4) l0 Source # 
type Apply e822083590 (a822083586, b822083587, c822083588, d822083589, e822083590) (Tuple5Sym4 e822083590 d822083589 c822083588 b822083587 a822083586 l1 l2 l3 l4) l0 = Tuple5Sym5 a822083586 b822083587 c822083588 d822083589 e822083590 l1 l2 l3 l4 l0

type Tuple5Sym5 t t t t t = '(t, t, t, t, t) Source #

data Tuple6Sym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun a822083586 (TyFun b822083587 (TyFun c822083588 (TyFun d822083589 (TyFun e822083590 (TyFun f822083591 (a822083586, b822083587, c822083588, d822083589, e822083590, f822083591) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (Tuple6Sym0 a822083586 b822083587 c822083588 d822083589 e822083590 f822083591) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Tuple6Sym0 a822083586 b822083587 c822083588 d822083589 e822083590 f822083591) t -> () Source #

type Apply a822083586 (TyFun b822083587 (TyFun c822083588 (TyFun d822083589 (TyFun e822083590 (TyFun f822083591 (a822083586, b822083587, c822083588, d822083589, e822083590, f822083591) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (Tuple6Sym0 a822083586 b822083587 c822083588 d822083589 e822083590 f822083591) l0 Source # 
type Apply a822083586 (TyFun b822083587 (TyFun c822083588 (TyFun d822083589 (TyFun e822083590 (TyFun f822083591 (a822083586, b822083587, c822083588, d822083589, e822083590, f822083591) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (Tuple6Sym0 a822083586 b822083587 c822083588 d822083589 e822083590 f822083591) l0 = Tuple6Sym1 b822083587 c822083588 d822083589 e822083590 f822083591 a822083586 l0

data Tuple6Sym1 l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (a822083586 -> TyFun b822083587 (TyFun c822083588 (TyFun d822083589 (TyFun e822083590 (TyFun f822083591 (a822083586, b822083587, c822083588, d822083589, e822083590, f822083591) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (Tuple6Sym1 b822083587 c822083588 d822083589 e822083590 f822083591 a822083586) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Tuple6Sym1 b822083587 c822083588 d822083589 e822083590 f822083591 a822083586) t -> () Source #

type Apply b822083587 (TyFun c822083588 (TyFun d822083589 (TyFun e822083590 (TyFun f822083591 (a822083586, b822083587, c822083588, d822083589, e822083590, f822083591) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (Tuple6Sym1 b822083587 c822083588 d822083589 e822083590 f822083591 a822083586 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply b822083587 (TyFun c822083588 (TyFun d822083589 (TyFun e822083590 (TyFun f822083591 (a822083586, b822083587, c822083588, d822083589, e822083590, f822083591) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (Tuple6Sym1 b822083587 c822083588 d822083589 e822083590 f822083591 a822083586 l1) l0 = Tuple6Sym2 c822083588 d822083589 e822083590 f822083591 b822083587 a822083586 l1 l0

data Tuple6Sym2 l l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (a822083586 -> b822083587 -> TyFun c822083588 (TyFun d822083589 (TyFun e822083590 (TyFun f822083591 (a822083586, b822083587, c822083588, d822083589, e822083590, f822083591) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (Tuple6Sym2 c822083588 d822083589 e822083590 f822083591 b822083587 a822083586) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Tuple6Sym2 c822083588 d822083589 e822083590 f822083591 b822083587 a822083586) t -> () Source #

type Apply c822083588 (TyFun d822083589 (TyFun e822083590 (TyFun f822083591 (a822083586, b822083587, c822083588, d822083589, e822083590, f822083591) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (Tuple6Sym2 c822083588 d822083589 e822083590 f822083591 b822083587 a822083586 l1 l2) l0 Source # 
type Apply c822083588 (TyFun d822083589 (TyFun e822083590 (TyFun f822083591 (a822083586, b822083587, c822083588, d822083589, e822083590, f822083591) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (Tuple6Sym2 c822083588 d822083589 e822083590 f822083591 b822083587 a822083586 l1 l2) l0 = Tuple6Sym3 d822083589 e822083590 f822083591 c822083588 b822083587 a822083586 l1 l2 l0

data Tuple6Sym3 l l l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (a822083586 -> b822083587 -> c822083588 -> TyFun d822083589 (TyFun e822083590 (TyFun f822083591 (a822083586, b822083587, c822083588, d822083589, e822083590, f822083591) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (Tuple6Sym3 d822083589 e822083590 f822083591 c822083588 b822083587 a822083586) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Tuple6Sym3 d822083589 e822083590 f822083591 c822083588 b822083587 a822083586) t -> () Source #

type Apply d822083589 (TyFun e822083590 (TyFun f822083591 (a822083586, b822083587, c822083588, d822083589, e822083590, f822083591) -> Type) -> Type) (Tuple6Sym3 d822083589 e822083590 f822083591 c822083588 b822083587 a822083586 l1 l2 l3) l0 Source # 
type Apply d822083589 (TyFun e822083590 (TyFun f822083591 (a822083586, b822083587, c822083588, d822083589, e822083590, f822083591) -> Type) -> Type) (Tuple6Sym3 d822083589 e822083590 f822083591 c822083588 b822083587 a822083586 l1 l2 l3) l0 = Tuple6Sym4 e822083590 f822083591 d822083589 c822083588 b822083587 a822083586 l1 l2 l3 l0

data Tuple6Sym4 l l l l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (a822083586 -> b822083587 -> c822083588 -> d822083589 -> TyFun e822083590 (TyFun f822083591 (a822083586, b822083587, c822083588, d822083589, e822083590, f822083591) -> Type) -> *) (Tuple6Sym4 e822083590 f822083591 d822083589 c822083588 b822083587 a822083586) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Tuple6Sym4 e822083590 f822083591 d822083589 c822083588 b822083587 a822083586) t -> () Source #

type Apply e822083590 (TyFun f822083591 (a822083586, b822083587, c822083588, d822083589, e822083590, f822083591) -> Type) (Tuple6Sym4 e822083590 f822083591 d822083589 c822083588 b822083587 a822083586 l1 l2 l3 l4) l0 Source # 
type Apply e822083590 (TyFun f822083591 (a822083586, b822083587, c822083588, d822083589, e822083590, f822083591) -> Type) (Tuple6Sym4 e822083590 f822083591 d822083589 c822083588 b822083587 a822083586 l1 l2 l3 l4) l0 = Tuple6Sym5 f822083591 e822083590 d822083589 c822083588 b822083587 a822083586 l1 l2 l3 l4 l0

data Tuple6Sym5 l l l l l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (a822083586 -> b822083587 -> c822083588 -> d822083589 -> e822083590 -> TyFun f822083591 (a822083586, b822083587, c822083588, d822083589, e822083590, f822083591) -> *) (Tuple6Sym5 f822083591 e822083590 d822083589 c822083588 b822083587 a822083586) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Tuple6Sym5 f822083591 e822083590 d822083589 c822083588 b822083587 a822083586) t -> () Source #

type Apply f822083591 (a822083586, b822083587, c822083588, d822083589, e822083590, f822083591) (Tuple6Sym5 f822083591 e822083590 d822083589 c822083588 b822083587 a822083586 l1 l2 l3 l4 l5) l0 Source # 
type Apply f822083591 (a822083586, b822083587, c822083588, d822083589, e822083590, f822083591) (Tuple6Sym5 f822083591 e822083590 d822083589 c822083588 b822083587 a822083586 l1 l2 l3 l4 l5) l0 = Tuple6Sym6 a822083586 b822083587 c822083588 d822083589 e822083590 f822083591 l1 l2 l3 l4 l5 l0

type Tuple6Sym6 t t t t t t = '(t, t, t, t, t, t) Source #

data Tuple7Sym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun a822083586 (TyFun b822083587 (TyFun c822083588 (TyFun d822083589 (TyFun e822083590 (TyFun f822083591 (TyFun g822083592 (a822083586, b822083587, c822083588, d822083589, e822083590, f822083591, g822083592) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (Tuple7Sym0 a822083586 b822083587 c822083588 d822083589 e822083590 f822083591 g822083592) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Tuple7Sym0 a822083586 b822083587 c822083588 d822083589 e822083590 f822083591 g822083592) t -> () Source #

type Apply a822083586 (TyFun b822083587 (TyFun c822083588 (TyFun d822083589 (TyFun e822083590 (TyFun f822083591 (TyFun g822083592 (a822083586, b822083587, c822083588, d822083589, e822083590, f822083591, g822083592) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (Tuple7Sym0 a822083586 b822083587 c822083588 d822083589 e822083590 f822083591 g822083592) l0 Source # 
type Apply a822083586 (TyFun b822083587 (TyFun c822083588 (TyFun d822083589 (TyFun e822083590 (TyFun f822083591 (TyFun g822083592 (a822083586, b822083587, c822083588, d822083589, e822083590, f822083591, g822083592) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (Tuple7Sym0 a822083586 b822083587 c822083588 d822083589 e822083590 f822083591 g822083592) l0 = Tuple7Sym1 b822083587 c822083588 d822083589 e822083590 f822083591 g822083592 a822083586 l0

data Tuple7Sym1 l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (a822083586 -> TyFun b822083587 (TyFun c822083588 (TyFun d822083589 (TyFun e822083590 (TyFun f822083591 (TyFun g822083592 (a822083586, b822083587, c822083588, d822083589, e822083590, f822083591, g822083592) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (Tuple7Sym1 b822083587 c822083588 d822083589 e822083590 f822083591 g822083592 a822083586) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Tuple7Sym1 b822083587 c822083588 d822083589 e822083590 f822083591 g822083592 a822083586) t -> () Source #

type Apply b822083587 (TyFun c822083588 (TyFun d822083589 (TyFun e822083590 (TyFun f822083591 (TyFun g822083592 (a822083586, b822083587, c822083588, d822083589, e822083590, f822083591, g822083592) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (Tuple7Sym1 b822083587 c822083588 d822083589 e822083590 f822083591 g822083592 a822083586 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply b822083587 (TyFun c822083588 (TyFun d822083589 (TyFun e822083590 (TyFun f822083591 (TyFun g822083592 (a822083586, b822083587, c822083588, d822083589, e822083590, f822083591, g822083592) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (Tuple7Sym1 b822083587 c822083588 d822083589 e822083590 f822083591 g822083592 a822083586 l1) l0 = Tuple7Sym2 c822083588 d822083589 e822083590 f822083591 g822083592 b822083587 a822083586 l1 l0

data Tuple7Sym2 l l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (a822083586 -> b822083587 -> TyFun c822083588 (TyFun d822083589 (TyFun e822083590 (TyFun f822083591 (TyFun g822083592 (a822083586, b822083587, c822083588, d822083589, e822083590, f822083591, g822083592) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (Tuple7Sym2 c822083588 d822083589 e822083590 f822083591 g822083592 b822083587 a822083586) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Tuple7Sym2 c822083588 d822083589 e822083590 f822083591 g822083592 b822083587 a822083586) t -> () Source #

type Apply c822083588 (TyFun d822083589 (TyFun e822083590 (TyFun f822083591 (TyFun g822083592 (a822083586, b822083587, c822083588, d822083589, e822083590, f822083591, g822083592) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (Tuple7Sym2 c822083588 d822083589 e822083590 f822083591 g822083592 b822083587 a822083586 l1 l2) l0 Source # 
type Apply c822083588 (TyFun d822083589 (TyFun e822083590 (TyFun f822083591 (TyFun g822083592 (a822083586, b822083587, c822083588, d822083589, e822083590, f822083591, g822083592) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (Tuple7Sym2 c822083588 d822083589 e822083590 f822083591 g822083592 b822083587 a822083586 l1 l2) l0 = Tuple7Sym3 d822083589 e822083590 f822083591 g822083592 c822083588 b822083587 a822083586 l1 l2 l0

data Tuple7Sym3 l l l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (a822083586 -> b822083587 -> c822083588 -> TyFun d822083589 (TyFun e822083590 (TyFun f822083591 (TyFun g822083592 (a822083586, b822083587, c822083588, d822083589, e822083590, f822083591, g822083592) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (Tuple7Sym3 d822083589 e822083590 f822083591 g822083592 c822083588 b822083587 a822083586) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Tuple7Sym3 d822083589 e822083590 f822083591 g822083592 c822083588 b822083587 a822083586) t -> () Source #

type Apply d822083589 (TyFun e822083590 (TyFun f822083591 (TyFun g822083592 (a822083586, b822083587, c822083588, d822083589, e822083590, f822083591, g822083592) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (Tuple7Sym3 d822083589 e822083590 f822083591 g822083592 c822083588 b822083587 a822083586 l1 l2 l3) l0 Source # 
type Apply d822083589 (TyFun e822083590 (TyFun f822083591 (TyFun g822083592 (a822083586, b822083587, c822083588, d822083589, e822083590, f822083591, g822083592) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (Tuple7Sym3 d822083589 e822083590 f822083591 g822083592 c822083588 b822083587 a822083586 l1 l2 l3) l0 = Tuple7Sym4 e822083590 f822083591 g822083592 d822083589 c822083588 b822083587 a822083586 l1 l2 l3 l0

data Tuple7Sym4 l l l l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (a822083586 -> b822083587 -> c822083588 -> d822083589 -> TyFun e822083590 (TyFun f822083591 (TyFun g822083592 (a822083586, b822083587, c822083588, d822083589, e822083590, f822083591, g822083592) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (Tuple7Sym4 e822083590 f822083591 g822083592 d822083589 c822083588 b822083587 a822083586) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Tuple7Sym4 e822083590 f822083591 g822083592 d822083589 c822083588 b822083587 a822083586) t -> () Source #

type Apply e822083590 (TyFun f822083591 (TyFun g822083592 (a822083586, b822083587, c822083588, d822083589, e822083590, f822083591, g822083592) -> Type) -> Type) (Tuple7Sym4 e822083590 f822083591 g822083592 d822083589 c822083588 b822083587 a822083586 l1 l2 l3 l4) l0 Source # 
type Apply e822083590 (TyFun f822083591 (TyFun g822083592 (a822083586, b822083587, c822083588, d822083589, e822083590, f822083591, g822083592) -> Type) -> Type) (Tuple7Sym4 e822083590 f822083591 g822083592 d822083589 c822083588 b822083587 a822083586 l1 l2 l3 l4) l0 = Tuple7Sym5 f822083591 g822083592 e822083590 d822083589 c822083588 b822083587 a822083586 l1 l2 l3 l4 l0

data Tuple7Sym5 l l l l l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (a822083586 -> b822083587 -> c822083588 -> d822083589 -> e822083590 -> TyFun f822083591 (TyFun g822083592 (a822083586, b822083587, c822083588, d822083589, e822083590, f822083591, g822083592) -> Type) -> *) (Tuple7Sym5 f822083591 g822083592 e822083590 d822083589 c822083588 b822083587 a822083586) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Tuple7Sym5 f822083591 g822083592 e822083590 d822083589 c822083588 b822083587 a822083586) t -> () Source #

type Apply f822083591 (TyFun g822083592 (a822083586, b822083587, c822083588, d822083589, e822083590, f822083591, g822083592) -> Type) (Tuple7Sym5 f822083591 g822083592 e822083590 d822083589 c822083588 b822083587 a822083586 l1 l2 l3 l4 l5) l0 Source # 
type Apply f822083591 (TyFun g822083592 (a822083586, b822083587, c822083588, d822083589, e822083590, f822083591, g822083592) -> Type) (Tuple7Sym5 f822083591 g822083592 e822083590 d822083589 c822083588 b822083587 a822083586 l1 l2 l3 l4 l5) l0 = Tuple7Sym6 g822083592 f822083591 e822083590 d822083589 c822083588 b822083587 a822083586 l1 l2 l3 l4 l5 l0

data Tuple7Sym6 l l l l l l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (a822083586 -> b822083587 -> c822083588 -> d822083589 -> e822083590 -> f822083591 -> TyFun g822083592 (a822083586, b822083587, c822083588, d822083589, e822083590, f822083591, g822083592) -> *) (Tuple7Sym6 g822083592 f822083591 e822083590 d822083589 c822083588 b822083587 a822083586) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Tuple7Sym6 g822083592 f822083591 e822083590 d822083589 c822083588 b822083587 a822083586) t -> () Source #

type Apply g822083592 (a822083586, b822083587, c822083588, d822083589, e822083590, f822083591, g822083592) (Tuple7Sym6 g822083592 f822083591 e822083590 d822083589 c822083588 b822083587 a822083586 l1 l2 l3 l4 l5 l6) l0 Source # 
type Apply g822083592 (a822083586, b822083587, c822083588, d822083589, e822083590, f822083591, g822083592) (Tuple7Sym6 g822083592 f822083591 e822083590 d822083589 c822083588 b822083587 a822083586 l1 l2 l3 l4 l5 l6) l0 = Tuple7Sym7 a822083586 b822083587 c822083588 d822083589 e822083590 f822083591 g822083592 l1 l2 l3 l4 l5 l6 l0

type Tuple7Sym7 t t t t t t t = '(t, t, t, t, t, t, t) Source #

data FstSym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun (a1627840729, b1627840730) a1627840729 -> *) (FstSym0 b1627840730 a1627840729) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (FstSym0 b1627840730 a1627840729) t -> () Source #

type Apply (a1627840729, b1627840730) a1627840729 (FstSym0 b1627840730 a1627840729) l0 Source # 
type Apply (a1627840729, b1627840730) a1627840729 (FstSym0 b1627840730 a1627840729) l0 = FstSym1 a1627840729 b1627840730 l0

type FstSym1 t = Fst t Source #

data SndSym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun (a1627840727, b1627840728) b1627840728 -> *) (SndSym0 a1627840727 b1627840728) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (SndSym0 a1627840727 b1627840728) t -> () Source #

type Apply (a1627840727, b1627840728) b1627840728 (SndSym0 a1627840727 b1627840728) l0 Source # 
type Apply (a1627840727, b1627840728) b1627840728 (SndSym0 a1627840727 b1627840728) l0 = SndSym1 a1627840727 b1627840728 l0

type SndSym1 t = Snd t Source #

data CurrySym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun (TyFun (a1627840724, b1627840725) c1627840726 -> Type) (TyFun a1627840724 (TyFun b1627840725 c1627840726 -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (CurrySym0 a1627840724 b1627840725 c1627840726) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (CurrySym0 a1627840724 b1627840725 c1627840726) t -> () Source #

type Apply (TyFun (a1627840724, b1627840725) c1627840726 -> Type) (TyFun a1627840724 (TyFun b1627840725 c1627840726 -> Type) -> Type) (CurrySym0 a1627840724 b1627840725 c1627840726) l0 Source # 
type Apply (TyFun (a1627840724, b1627840725) c1627840726 -> Type) (TyFun a1627840724 (TyFun b1627840725 c1627840726 -> Type) -> Type) (CurrySym0 a1627840724 b1627840725 c1627840726) l0 = CurrySym1 a1627840724 b1627840725 c1627840726 l0

data CurrySym1 l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun (a1627840724, b1627840725) c1627840726 -> Type) -> TyFun a1627840724 (TyFun b1627840725 c1627840726 -> Type) -> *) (CurrySym1 a1627840724 b1627840725 c1627840726) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (CurrySym1 a1627840724 b1627840725 c1627840726) t -> () Source #

type Apply a1627840724 (TyFun b1627840725 c1627840726 -> Type) (CurrySym1 a1627840724 b1627840725 c1627840726 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply a1627840724 (TyFun b1627840725 c1627840726 -> Type) (CurrySym1 a1627840724 b1627840725 c1627840726 l1) l0 = CurrySym2 a1627840724 b1627840725 c1627840726 l1 l0

data CurrySym2 l l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun (a1627840724, b1627840725) c1627840726 -> Type) -> a1627840724 -> TyFun b1627840725 c1627840726 -> *) (CurrySym2 a1627840724 b1627840725 c1627840726) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (CurrySym2 a1627840724 b1627840725 c1627840726) t -> () Source #

type Apply b1627840725 c1627840726 (CurrySym2 a1627840724 b1627840725 c1627840726 l1 l2) l0 Source # 
type Apply b1627840725 c1627840726 (CurrySym2 a1627840724 b1627840725 c1627840726 l1 l2) l0 = CurrySym3 a1627840724 b1627840725 c1627840726 l1 l2 l0

type CurrySym3 t t t = Curry t t t Source #

data UncurrySym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun (TyFun a1627840721 (TyFun b1627840722 c1627840723 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun (a1627840721, b1627840722) c1627840723 -> Type) -> *) (UncurrySym0 a1627840721 b1627840722 c1627840723) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (UncurrySym0 a1627840721 b1627840722 c1627840723) t -> () Source #

type Apply (TyFun a1627840721 (TyFun b1627840722 c1627840723 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun (a1627840721, b1627840722) c1627840723 -> Type) (UncurrySym0 a1627840721 b1627840722 c1627840723) l0 Source # 
type Apply (TyFun a1627840721 (TyFun b1627840722 c1627840723 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun (a1627840721, b1627840722) c1627840723 -> Type) (UncurrySym0 a1627840721 b1627840722 c1627840723) l0 = UncurrySym1 a1627840721 b1627840722 c1627840723 l0

data UncurrySym1 l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a1627840721 (TyFun b1627840722 c1627840723 -> Type) -> Type) -> TyFun (a1627840721, b1627840722) c1627840723 -> *) (UncurrySym1 a1627840721 b1627840722 c1627840723) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (UncurrySym1 a1627840721 b1627840722 c1627840723) t -> () Source #

type Apply (a1627840721, b1627840722) c1627840723 (UncurrySym1 a1627840721 b1627840722 c1627840723 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply (a1627840721, b1627840722) c1627840723 (UncurrySym1 a1627840721 b1627840722 c1627840723 l1) l0 = UncurrySym2 a1627840721 b1627840722 c1627840723 l1 l0

type UncurrySym2 t t = Uncurry t t Source #

data IdSym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun a1627796653 a1627796653 -> *) (IdSym0 a1627796653) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (IdSym0 a1627796653) t -> () Source #

type Apply a1627796653 a1627796653 (IdSym0 a1627796653) l0 Source # 
type Apply a1627796653 a1627796653 (IdSym0 a1627796653) l0 = IdSym1 a1627796653 l0

type IdSym1 t = Id t Source #

data ConstSym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun a1627796651 (TyFun b1627796652 a1627796651 -> Type) -> *) (ConstSym0 b1627796652 a1627796651) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (ConstSym0 b1627796652 a1627796651) t -> () Source #

type Apply a1627796651 (TyFun b1627796652 a1627796651 -> Type) (ConstSym0 b1627796652 a1627796651) l0 Source # 
type Apply a1627796651 (TyFun b1627796652 a1627796651 -> Type) (ConstSym0 b1627796652 a1627796651) l0 = ConstSym1 b1627796652 a1627796651 l0

data ConstSym1 l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (a1627796651 -> TyFun b1627796652 a1627796651 -> *) (ConstSym1 b1627796652 a1627796651) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (ConstSym1 b1627796652 a1627796651) t -> () Source #

type Apply b1627796652 a1627796651 (ConstSym1 b1627796652 a1627796651 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply b1627796652 a1627796651 (ConstSym1 b1627796652 a1627796651 l1) l0 = ConstSym2 a1627796651 b1627796652 l1 l0

type ConstSym2 t t = Const t t Source #

data (:.$) l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun (TyFun b1627796648 c1627796649 -> Type) (TyFun (TyFun a1627796650 b1627796648 -> Type) (TyFun a1627796650 c1627796649 -> Type) -> Type) -> *) ((:.$) b1627796648 a1627796650 c1627796649) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy ((b1627796648 :.$ a1627796650) c1627796649) t -> () Source #

type Apply (TyFun b1627796648 c1627796649 -> Type) (TyFun (TyFun a1627796650 b1627796648 -> Type) (TyFun a1627796650 c1627796649 -> Type) -> Type) ((:.$) b1627796648 a1627796650 c1627796649) l0 Source # 
type Apply (TyFun b1627796648 c1627796649 -> Type) (TyFun (TyFun a1627796650 b1627796648 -> Type) (TyFun a1627796650 c1627796649 -> Type) -> Type) ((:.$) b1627796648 a1627796650 c1627796649) l0 = (:.$$) a1627796650 b1627796648 c1627796649 l0

data l :.$$ l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun b1627796648 c1627796649 -> Type) -> TyFun (TyFun a1627796650 b1627796648 -> Type) (TyFun a1627796650 c1627796649 -> Type) -> *) ((:.$$) a1627796650 b1627796648 c1627796649) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy ((a1627796650 :.$$ b1627796648) c1627796649) t -> () Source #

type Apply (TyFun a1627796650 b1627796648 -> Type) (TyFun a1627796650 c1627796649 -> Type) ((:.$$) a1627796650 b1627796648 c1627796649 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply (TyFun a1627796650 b1627796648 -> Type) (TyFun a1627796650 c1627796649 -> Type) ((:.$$) a1627796650 b1627796648 c1627796649 l1) l0 = (:.$$$) a1627796650 b1627796648 c1627796649 l1 l0

data (l :.$$$ l) l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun b1627796648 c1627796649 -> Type) -> (TyFun a1627796650 b1627796648 -> Type) -> TyFun a1627796650 c1627796649 -> *) ((:.$$$) a1627796650 b1627796648 c1627796649) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy ((a1627796650 :.$$$ b1627796648) c1627796649) t -> () Source #

type Apply a1627796650 c1627796649 ((:.$$$) a1627796650 b1627796648 c1627796649 l1 l2) l0 Source # 
type Apply a1627796650 c1627796649 ((:.$$$) a1627796650 b1627796648 c1627796649 l1 l2) l0 = (:.) b1627796648 c1627796649 a1627796650 l1 l2 l0

data ($$) :: TyFun (TyFun a b -> *) (TyFun a b -> *) -> * Source #


type Apply (TyFun a b -> *) (TyFun a b -> *) (($$) a b) arg Source # 
type Apply (TyFun a b -> *) (TyFun a b -> *) (($$) a b) arg = ($$$) a b arg

data ($$$) :: (TyFun a b -> *) -> TyFun a b -> * Source #


type Apply a b (($$$) a b f) arg Source # 
type Apply a b (($$$) a b f) arg = () a b f arg

type () a b = ($) a b Source #

data ($!$) :: TyFun (TyFun a b -> *) (TyFun a b -> *) -> * Source #


type Apply (TyFun a b -> *) (TyFun a b -> *) (($!$) a b) arg Source # 
type Apply (TyFun a b -> *) (TyFun a b -> *) (($!$) a b) arg = ($!$$) a b arg

data ($!$$) :: (TyFun a b -> *) -> TyFun a b -> * Source #


type Apply a b (($!$$) a b f) arg Source # 
type Apply a b (($!$$) a b f) arg = ($!$$$) a b f arg

type ($!$$$) a b = ($!) a b Source #

data FlipSym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun (TyFun a1627796645 (TyFun b1627796646 c1627796647 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun b1627796646 (TyFun a1627796645 c1627796647 -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (FlipSym0 b1627796646 a1627796645 c1627796647) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (FlipSym0 b1627796646 a1627796645 c1627796647) t -> () Source #

type Apply (TyFun a1627796645 (TyFun b1627796646 c1627796647 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun b1627796646 (TyFun a1627796645 c1627796647 -> Type) -> Type) (FlipSym0 b1627796646 a1627796645 c1627796647) l0 Source # 
type Apply (TyFun a1627796645 (TyFun b1627796646 c1627796647 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun b1627796646 (TyFun a1627796645 c1627796647 -> Type) -> Type) (FlipSym0 b1627796646 a1627796645 c1627796647) l0 = FlipSym1 a1627796645 b1627796646 c1627796647 l0

data FlipSym1 l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a1627796645 (TyFun b1627796646 c1627796647 -> Type) -> Type) -> TyFun b1627796646 (TyFun a1627796645 c1627796647 -> Type) -> *) (FlipSym1 a1627796645 b1627796646 c1627796647) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (FlipSym1 a1627796645 b1627796646 c1627796647) t -> () Source #

type Apply b1627796646 (TyFun a1627796645 c1627796647 -> Type) (FlipSym1 a1627796645 b1627796646 c1627796647 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply b1627796646 (TyFun a1627796645 c1627796647 -> Type) (FlipSym1 a1627796645 b1627796646 c1627796647 l1) l0 = FlipSym2 a1627796645 b1627796646 c1627796647 l1 l0

data FlipSym2 l l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a1627796645 (TyFun b1627796646 c1627796647 -> Type) -> Type) -> b1627796646 -> TyFun a1627796645 c1627796647 -> *) (FlipSym2 a1627796645 b1627796646 c1627796647) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (FlipSym2 a1627796645 b1627796646 c1627796647) t -> () Source #

type Apply a1627796645 c1627796647 (FlipSym2 a1627796645 b1627796646 c1627796647 l1 l2) l0 Source # 
type Apply a1627796645 c1627796647 (FlipSym2 a1627796645 b1627796646 c1627796647 l1 l2) l0 = FlipSym3 a1627796645 b1627796646 c1627796647 l1 l2 l0

data AsTypeOfSym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun a1627796644 (TyFun a1627796644 a1627796644 -> Type) -> *) (AsTypeOfSym0 a1627796644) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (AsTypeOfSym0 a1627796644) t -> () Source #

type Apply a1627796644 (TyFun a1627796644 a1627796644 -> Type) (AsTypeOfSym0 a1627796644) l0 Source # 
type Apply a1627796644 (TyFun a1627796644 a1627796644 -> Type) (AsTypeOfSym0 a1627796644) l0 = AsTypeOfSym1 a1627796644 l0

data AsTypeOfSym1 l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (a1627796644 -> TyFun a1627796644 a1627796644 -> *) (AsTypeOfSym1 a1627796644) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (AsTypeOfSym1 a1627796644) t -> () Source #

type Apply a1627796644 a1627796644 (AsTypeOfSym1 a1627796644 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply a1627796644 a1627796644 (AsTypeOfSym1 a1627796644 l1) l0 = AsTypeOfSym2 a1627796644 l1 l0

type AsTypeOfSym2 t t = AsTypeOf t t Source #

data SeqSym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun a1627796642 (TyFun b1627796643 b1627796643 -> Type) -> *) (SeqSym0 a1627796642 b1627796643) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (SeqSym0 a1627796642 b1627796643) t -> () Source #

type Apply a1627796642 (TyFun b1627796643 b1627796643 -> Type) (SeqSym0 a1627796642 b1627796643) l0 Source # 
type Apply a1627796642 (TyFun b1627796643 b1627796643 -> Type) (SeqSym0 a1627796642 b1627796643) l0 = SeqSym1 b1627796643 a1627796642 l0

data SeqSym1 l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (a1627796642 -> TyFun b1627796643 b1627796643 -> *) (SeqSym1 b1627796643 a1627796642) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (SeqSym1 b1627796643 a1627796642) t -> () Source #

type Apply b1627796643 b1627796643 (SeqSym1 b1627796643 a1627796642 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply b1627796643 b1627796643 (SeqSym1 b1627796643 a1627796642 l1) l0 = SeqSym2 a1627796642 b1627796643 l1 l0

type SeqSym2 t t = Seq t t Source #

data (:$) l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun a822083586 (TyFun [a822083586] [a822083586] -> Type) -> *) ((:$) a822083586) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy ((:$) a822083586) t -> () Source #

type Apply a822083586 (TyFun [a822083586] [a822083586] -> Type) ((:$) a822083586) l0 Source # 
type Apply a822083586 (TyFun [a822083586] [a822083586] -> Type) ((:$) a822083586) l0 = (:$$) a822083586 l0

data l :$$ l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (a822083586 -> TyFun [a822083586] [a822083586] -> *) ((:$$) a822083586) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy ((:$$) a822083586) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a822083586] [a822083586] ((:$$) a822083586 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a822083586] [a822083586] ((:$$) a822083586 l1) l0 = (:$$$) a822083586 l1 l0

type (:$$$) t t = (:) t t Source #

type NilSym0 = '[] Source #

data MapSym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun (TyFun a1627796655 b1627796656 -> Type) (TyFun [a1627796655] [b1627796656] -> Type) -> *) (MapSym0 a1627796655 b1627796656) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (MapSym0 a1627796655 b1627796656) t -> () Source #

type Apply (TyFun a1627796655 b1627796656 -> Type) (TyFun [a1627796655] [b1627796656] -> Type) (MapSym0 a1627796655 b1627796656) l0 Source # 
type Apply (TyFun a1627796655 b1627796656 -> Type) (TyFun [a1627796655] [b1627796656] -> Type) (MapSym0 a1627796655 b1627796656) l0 = MapSym1 a1627796655 b1627796656 l0

data MapSym1 l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a1627796655 b1627796656 -> Type) -> TyFun [a1627796655] [b1627796656] -> *) (MapSym1 a1627796655 b1627796656) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (MapSym1 a1627796655 b1627796656) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627796655] [b1627796656] (MapSym1 a1627796655 b1627796656 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627796655] [b1627796656] (MapSym1 a1627796655 b1627796656 l1) l0 = MapSym2 a1627796655 b1627796656 l1 l0

type MapSym2 t t = Map t t Source #

data ReverseSym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun [a1627953404] [a1627953404] -> *) (ReverseSym0 a1627953404) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (ReverseSym0 a1627953404) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627953404] [a1627953404] (ReverseSym0 a1627953404) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627953404] [a1627953404] (ReverseSym0 a1627953404) l0 = ReverseSym1 a1627953404 l0

data l :++$$ l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ([a1627796654] -> TyFun [a1627796654] [a1627796654] -> *) ((:++$$) a1627796654) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy ((:++$$) a1627796654) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627796654] [a1627796654] ((:++$$) a1627796654 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627796654] [a1627796654] ((:++$$) a1627796654 l1) l0 = (:++$$$) a1627796654 l1 l0

data (:++$) l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun [a1627796654] (TyFun [a1627796654] [a1627796654] -> Type) -> *) ((:++$) a1627796654) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy ((:++$) a1627796654) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627796654] (TyFun [a1627796654] [a1627796654] -> Type) ((:++$) a1627796654) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627796654] (TyFun [a1627796654] [a1627796654] -> Type) ((:++$) a1627796654) l0 = (:++$$) a1627796654 l0

data HeadSym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun [a1627953409] a1627953409 -> *) (HeadSym0 a1627953409) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (HeadSym0 a1627953409) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627953409] a1627953409 (HeadSym0 a1627953409) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627953409] a1627953409 (HeadSym0 a1627953409) l0 = HeadSym1 a1627953409 l0

type HeadSym1 t = Head t Source #

data LastSym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun [a1627953408] a1627953408 -> *) (LastSym0 a1627953408) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (LastSym0 a1627953408) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627953408] a1627953408 (LastSym0 a1627953408) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627953408] a1627953408 (LastSym0 a1627953408) l0 = LastSym1 a1627953408 l0

type LastSym1 t = Last t Source #

data TailSym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun [a1627953407] [a1627953407] -> *) (TailSym0 a1627953407) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (TailSym0 a1627953407) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627953407] [a1627953407] (TailSym0 a1627953407) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627953407] [a1627953407] (TailSym0 a1627953407) l0 = TailSym1 a1627953407 l0

type TailSym1 t = Tail t Source #

data InitSym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun [a1627953406] [a1627953406] -> *) (InitSym0 a1627953406) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (InitSym0 a1627953406) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627953406] [a1627953406] (InitSym0 a1627953406) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627953406] [a1627953406] (InitSym0 a1627953406) l0 = InitSym1 a1627953406 l0

type InitSym1 t = Init t Source #

data NullSym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun [a1627953405] Bool -> *) (NullSym0 a1627953405) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (NullSym0 a1627953405) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627953405] Bool (NullSym0 a1627953405) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627953405] Bool (NullSym0 a1627953405) l0 = NullSym1 a1627953405 l0

type NullSym1 t = Null t Source #

data FoldlSym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun (TyFun b1627619913 (TyFun a1627619912 b1627619913 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun b1627619913 (TyFun [a1627619912] b1627619913 -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (FoldlSym0 a1627619912 b1627619913) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (FoldlSym0 a1627619912 b1627619913) t -> () Source #

type Apply (TyFun b1627619913 (TyFun a1627619912 b1627619913 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun b1627619913 (TyFun [a1627619912] b1627619913 -> Type) -> Type) (FoldlSym0 a1627619912 b1627619913) l0 Source # 
type Apply (TyFun b1627619913 (TyFun a1627619912 b1627619913 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun b1627619913 (TyFun [a1627619912] b1627619913 -> Type) -> Type) (FoldlSym0 a1627619912 b1627619913) l0 = FoldlSym1 a1627619912 b1627619913 l0

data FoldlSym1 l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun b1627619913 (TyFun a1627619912 b1627619913 -> Type) -> Type) -> TyFun b1627619913 (TyFun [a1627619912] b1627619913 -> Type) -> *) (FoldlSym1 a1627619912 b1627619913) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (FoldlSym1 a1627619912 b1627619913) t -> () Source #

type Apply b1627619913 (TyFun [a1627619912] b1627619913 -> Type) (FoldlSym1 a1627619912 b1627619913 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply b1627619913 (TyFun [a1627619912] b1627619913 -> Type) (FoldlSym1 a1627619912 b1627619913 l1) l0 = FoldlSym2 a1627619912 b1627619913 l1 l0

data FoldlSym2 l l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun b1627619913 (TyFun a1627619912 b1627619913 -> Type) -> Type) -> b1627619913 -> TyFun [a1627619912] b1627619913 -> *) (FoldlSym2 a1627619912 b1627619913) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (FoldlSym2 a1627619912 b1627619913) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627619912] b1627619913 (FoldlSym2 a1627619912 b1627619913 l1 l2) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627619912] b1627619913 (FoldlSym2 a1627619912 b1627619913 l1 l2) l0 = FoldlSym3 b1627619913 a1627619912 l1 l2 l0

type FoldlSym3 t t t = Foldl t t t Source #

data Foldl1Sym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun (TyFun a1627953395 (TyFun a1627953395 a1627953395 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a1627953395] a1627953395 -> Type) -> *) (Foldl1Sym0 a1627953395) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Foldl1Sym0 a1627953395) t -> () Source #

type Apply (TyFun a1627953395 (TyFun a1627953395 a1627953395 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a1627953395] a1627953395 -> Type) (Foldl1Sym0 a1627953395) l0 Source # 
type Apply (TyFun a1627953395 (TyFun a1627953395 a1627953395 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a1627953395] a1627953395 -> Type) (Foldl1Sym0 a1627953395) l0 = Foldl1Sym1 a1627953395 l0

data Foldl1Sym1 l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a1627953395 (TyFun a1627953395 a1627953395 -> Type) -> Type) -> TyFun [a1627953395] a1627953395 -> *) (Foldl1Sym1 a1627953395) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Foldl1Sym1 a1627953395) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627953395] a1627953395 (Foldl1Sym1 a1627953395 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627953395] a1627953395 (Foldl1Sym1 a1627953395 l1) l0 = Foldl1Sym2 a1627953395 l1 l0

type Foldl1Sym2 t t = Foldl1 t t Source #

data FoldrSym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun (TyFun a1627796657 (TyFun b1627796658 b1627796658 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun b1627796658 (TyFun [a1627796657] b1627796658 -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (FoldrSym0 a1627796657 b1627796658) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (FoldrSym0 a1627796657 b1627796658) t -> () Source #

type Apply (TyFun a1627796657 (TyFun b1627796658 b1627796658 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun b1627796658 (TyFun [a1627796657] b1627796658 -> Type) -> Type) (FoldrSym0 a1627796657 b1627796658) l0 Source # 
type Apply (TyFun a1627796657 (TyFun b1627796658 b1627796658 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun b1627796658 (TyFun [a1627796657] b1627796658 -> Type) -> Type) (FoldrSym0 a1627796657 b1627796658) l0 = FoldrSym1 a1627796657 b1627796658 l0

data FoldrSym1 l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a1627796657 (TyFun b1627796658 b1627796658 -> Type) -> Type) -> TyFun b1627796658 (TyFun [a1627796657] b1627796658 -> Type) -> *) (FoldrSym1 a1627796657 b1627796658) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (FoldrSym1 a1627796657 b1627796658) t -> () Source #

type Apply b1627796658 (TyFun [a1627796657] b1627796658 -> Type) (FoldrSym1 a1627796657 b1627796658 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply b1627796658 (TyFun [a1627796657] b1627796658 -> Type) (FoldrSym1 a1627796657 b1627796658 l1) l0 = FoldrSym2 a1627796657 b1627796658 l1 l0

data FoldrSym2 l l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a1627796657 (TyFun b1627796658 b1627796658 -> Type) -> Type) -> b1627796658 -> TyFun [a1627796657] b1627796658 -> *) (FoldrSym2 a1627796657 b1627796658) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (FoldrSym2 a1627796657 b1627796658) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627796657] b1627796658 (FoldrSym2 a1627796657 b1627796658 l1 l2) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627796657] b1627796658 (FoldrSym2 a1627796657 b1627796658 l1 l2) l0 = FoldrSym3 a1627796657 b1627796658 l1 l2 l0

type FoldrSym3 t t t = Foldr t t t Source #

data Foldr1Sym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun (TyFun a1627953393 (TyFun a1627953393 a1627953393 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a1627953393] a1627953393 -> Type) -> *) (Foldr1Sym0 a1627953393) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Foldr1Sym0 a1627953393) t -> () Source #

type Apply (TyFun a1627953393 (TyFun a1627953393 a1627953393 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a1627953393] a1627953393 -> Type) (Foldr1Sym0 a1627953393) l0 Source # 
type Apply (TyFun a1627953393 (TyFun a1627953393 a1627953393 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a1627953393] a1627953393 -> Type) (Foldr1Sym0 a1627953393) l0 = Foldr1Sym1 a1627953393 l0

data Foldr1Sym1 l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a1627953393 (TyFun a1627953393 a1627953393 -> Type) -> Type) -> TyFun [a1627953393] a1627953393 -> *) (Foldr1Sym1 a1627953393) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Foldr1Sym1 a1627953393) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627953393] a1627953393 (Foldr1Sym1 a1627953393 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627953393] a1627953393 (Foldr1Sym1 a1627953393 l1) l0 = Foldr1Sym2 a1627953393 l1 l0

type Foldr1Sym2 t t = Foldr1 t t Source #

data ConcatSym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun [[a1627953392]] [a1627953392] -> *) (ConcatSym0 a1627953392) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (ConcatSym0 a1627953392) t -> () Source #

type Apply [[a1627953392]] [a1627953392] (ConcatSym0 a1627953392) l0 Source # 
type Apply [[a1627953392]] [a1627953392] (ConcatSym0 a1627953392) l0 = ConcatSym1 a1627953392 l0

data ConcatMapSym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun (TyFun a1627953390 [b1627953391] -> Type) (TyFun [a1627953390] [b1627953391] -> Type) -> *) (ConcatMapSym0 a1627953390 b1627953391) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (ConcatMapSym0 a1627953390 b1627953391) t -> () Source #

type Apply (TyFun a1627953390 [b1627953391] -> Type) (TyFun [a1627953390] [b1627953391] -> Type) (ConcatMapSym0 a1627953390 b1627953391) l0 Source # 
type Apply (TyFun a1627953390 [b1627953391] -> Type) (TyFun [a1627953390] [b1627953391] -> Type) (ConcatMapSym0 a1627953390 b1627953391) l0 = ConcatMapSym1 a1627953390 b1627953391 l0

data ConcatMapSym1 l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a1627953390 [b1627953391] -> Type) -> TyFun [a1627953390] [b1627953391] -> *) (ConcatMapSym1 a1627953390 b1627953391) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (ConcatMapSym1 a1627953390 b1627953391) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627953390] [b1627953391] (ConcatMapSym1 a1627953390 b1627953391 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627953390] [b1627953391] (ConcatMapSym1 a1627953390 b1627953391 l1) l0 = ConcatMapSym2 a1627953390 b1627953391 l1 l0

type AndSym1 t = And t Source #

type OrSym1 t = Or t Source #

data Any_Sym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun (TyFun a1627942712 Bool -> Type) (TyFun [a1627942712] Bool -> Type) -> *) (Any_Sym0 a1627942712) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Any_Sym0 a1627942712) t -> () Source #

type Apply (TyFun a1627942712 Bool -> Type) (TyFun [a1627942712] Bool -> Type) (Any_Sym0 a1627942712) l0 Source # 
type Apply (TyFun a1627942712 Bool -> Type) (TyFun [a1627942712] Bool -> Type) (Any_Sym0 a1627942712) l0 = Any_Sym1 a1627942712 l0

data Any_Sym1 l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a1627942712 Bool -> Type) -> TyFun [a1627942712] Bool -> *) (Any_Sym1 a1627942712) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Any_Sym1 a1627942712) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627942712] Bool (Any_Sym1 a1627942712 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627942712] Bool (Any_Sym1 a1627942712 l1) l0 = Any_Sym2 a1627942712 l1 l0

type Any_Sym2 t t = Any_ t t Source #

data AllSym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun (TyFun a1627953389 Bool -> Type) (TyFun [a1627953389] Bool -> Type) -> *) (AllSym0 a1627953389) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (AllSym0 a1627953389) t -> () Source #

type Apply (TyFun a1627953389 Bool -> Type) (TyFun [a1627953389] Bool -> Type) (AllSym0 a1627953389) l0 Source # 
type Apply (TyFun a1627953389 Bool -> Type) (TyFun [a1627953389] Bool -> Type) (AllSym0 a1627953389) l0 = AllSym1 a1627953389 l0

data AllSym1 l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a1627953389 Bool -> Type) -> TyFun [a1627953389] Bool -> *) (AllSym1 a1627953389) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (AllSym1 a1627953389) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627953389] Bool (AllSym1 a1627953389 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627953389] Bool (AllSym1 a1627953389 l1) l0 = AllSym2 a1627953389 l1 l0

type AllSym2 t t = All t t Source #

data ScanlSym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun (TyFun b1627953387 (TyFun a1627953388 b1627953387 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun b1627953387 (TyFun [a1627953388] [b1627953387] -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (ScanlSym0 a1627953388 b1627953387) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (ScanlSym0 a1627953388 b1627953387) t -> () Source #

type Apply (TyFun b1627953387 (TyFun a1627953388 b1627953387 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun b1627953387 (TyFun [a1627953388] [b1627953387] -> Type) -> Type) (ScanlSym0 a1627953388 b1627953387) l0 Source # 
type Apply (TyFun b1627953387 (TyFun a1627953388 b1627953387 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun b1627953387 (TyFun [a1627953388] [b1627953387] -> Type) -> Type) (ScanlSym0 a1627953388 b1627953387) l0 = ScanlSym1 a1627953388 b1627953387 l0

data ScanlSym1 l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun b1627953387 (TyFun a1627953388 b1627953387 -> Type) -> Type) -> TyFun b1627953387 (TyFun [a1627953388] [b1627953387] -> Type) -> *) (ScanlSym1 a1627953388 b1627953387) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (ScanlSym1 a1627953388 b1627953387) t -> () Source #

type Apply b1627953387 (TyFun [a1627953388] [b1627953387] -> Type) (ScanlSym1 a1627953388 b1627953387 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply b1627953387 (TyFun [a1627953388] [b1627953387] -> Type) (ScanlSym1 a1627953388 b1627953387 l1) l0 = ScanlSym2 a1627953388 b1627953387 l1 l0

data ScanlSym2 l l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun b1627953387 (TyFun a1627953388 b1627953387 -> Type) -> Type) -> b1627953387 -> TyFun [a1627953388] [b1627953387] -> *) (ScanlSym2 a1627953388 b1627953387) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (ScanlSym2 a1627953388 b1627953387) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627953388] [b1627953387] (ScanlSym2 a1627953388 b1627953387 l1 l2) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627953388] [b1627953387] (ScanlSym2 a1627953388 b1627953387 l1 l2) l0 = ScanlSym3 b1627953387 a1627953388 l1 l2 l0

type ScanlSym3 t t t = Scanl t t t Source #

data Scanl1Sym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun (TyFun a1627953386 (TyFun a1627953386 a1627953386 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a1627953386] [a1627953386] -> Type) -> *) (Scanl1Sym0 a1627953386) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Scanl1Sym0 a1627953386) t -> () Source #

type Apply (TyFun a1627953386 (TyFun a1627953386 a1627953386 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a1627953386] [a1627953386] -> Type) (Scanl1Sym0 a1627953386) l0 Source # 
type Apply (TyFun a1627953386 (TyFun a1627953386 a1627953386 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a1627953386] [a1627953386] -> Type) (Scanl1Sym0 a1627953386) l0 = Scanl1Sym1 a1627953386 l0

data Scanl1Sym1 l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a1627953386 (TyFun a1627953386 a1627953386 -> Type) -> Type) -> TyFun [a1627953386] [a1627953386] -> *) (Scanl1Sym1 a1627953386) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Scanl1Sym1 a1627953386) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627953386] [a1627953386] (Scanl1Sym1 a1627953386 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627953386] [a1627953386] (Scanl1Sym1 a1627953386 l1) l0 = Scanl1Sym2 a1627953386 l1 l0

type Scanl1Sym2 t t = Scanl1 t t Source #

data ScanrSym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun (TyFun a1627953384 (TyFun b1627953385 b1627953385 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun b1627953385 (TyFun [a1627953384] [b1627953385] -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (ScanrSym0 a1627953384 b1627953385) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (ScanrSym0 a1627953384 b1627953385) t -> () Source #

type Apply (TyFun a1627953384 (TyFun b1627953385 b1627953385 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun b1627953385 (TyFun [a1627953384] [b1627953385] -> Type) -> Type) (ScanrSym0 a1627953384 b1627953385) l0 Source # 
type Apply (TyFun a1627953384 (TyFun b1627953385 b1627953385 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun b1627953385 (TyFun [a1627953384] [b1627953385] -> Type) -> Type) (ScanrSym0 a1627953384 b1627953385) l0 = ScanrSym1 a1627953384 b1627953385 l0

data ScanrSym1 l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a1627953384 (TyFun b1627953385 b1627953385 -> Type) -> Type) -> TyFun b1627953385 (TyFun [a1627953384] [b1627953385] -> Type) -> *) (ScanrSym1 a1627953384 b1627953385) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (ScanrSym1 a1627953384 b1627953385) t -> () Source #

type Apply b1627953385 (TyFun [a1627953384] [b1627953385] -> Type) (ScanrSym1 a1627953384 b1627953385 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply b1627953385 (TyFun [a1627953384] [b1627953385] -> Type) (ScanrSym1 a1627953384 b1627953385 l1) l0 = ScanrSym2 a1627953384 b1627953385 l1 l0

data ScanrSym2 l l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a1627953384 (TyFun b1627953385 b1627953385 -> Type) -> Type) -> b1627953385 -> TyFun [a1627953384] [b1627953385] -> *) (ScanrSym2 a1627953384 b1627953385) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (ScanrSym2 a1627953384 b1627953385) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627953384] [b1627953385] (ScanrSym2 a1627953384 b1627953385 l1 l2) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627953384] [b1627953385] (ScanrSym2 a1627953384 b1627953385 l1 l2) l0 = ScanrSym3 a1627953384 b1627953385 l1 l2 l0

type ScanrSym3 t t t = Scanr t t t Source #

data Scanr1Sym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun (TyFun a1627953383 (TyFun a1627953383 a1627953383 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a1627953383] [a1627953383] -> Type) -> *) (Scanr1Sym0 a1627953383) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Scanr1Sym0 a1627953383) t -> () Source #

type Apply (TyFun a1627953383 (TyFun a1627953383 a1627953383 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a1627953383] [a1627953383] -> Type) (Scanr1Sym0 a1627953383) l0 Source # 
type Apply (TyFun a1627953383 (TyFun a1627953383 a1627953383 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a1627953383] [a1627953383] -> Type) (Scanr1Sym0 a1627953383) l0 = Scanr1Sym1 a1627953383 l0

data Scanr1Sym1 l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a1627953383 (TyFun a1627953383 a1627953383 -> Type) -> Type) -> TyFun [a1627953383] [a1627953383] -> *) (Scanr1Sym1 a1627953383) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Scanr1Sym1 a1627953383) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627953383] [a1627953383] (Scanr1Sym1 a1627953383 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627953383] [a1627953383] (Scanr1Sym1 a1627953383 l1) l0 = Scanr1Sym2 a1627953383 l1 l0

type Scanr1Sym2 t t = Scanr1 t t Source #

data ElemSym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun a1627953369 (TyFun [a1627953369] Bool -> Type) -> *) (ElemSym0 a1627953369) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (ElemSym0 a1627953369) t -> () Source #

type Apply a1627953369 (TyFun [a1627953369] Bool -> Type) (ElemSym0 a1627953369) l0 Source # 
type Apply a1627953369 (TyFun [a1627953369] Bool -> Type) (ElemSym0 a1627953369) l0 = ElemSym1 a1627953369 l0

data ElemSym1 l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (a1627953369 -> TyFun [a1627953369] Bool -> *) (ElemSym1 a1627953369) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (ElemSym1 a1627953369) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627953369] Bool (ElemSym1 a1627953369 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627953369] Bool (ElemSym1 a1627953369 l1) l0 = ElemSym2 a1627953369 l1 l0

type ElemSym2 t t = Elem t t Source #

data NotElemSym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun a1627953368 (TyFun [a1627953368] Bool -> Type) -> *) (NotElemSym0 a1627953368) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (NotElemSym0 a1627953368) t -> () Source #

type Apply a1627953368 (TyFun [a1627953368] Bool -> Type) (NotElemSym0 a1627953368) l0 Source # 
type Apply a1627953368 (TyFun [a1627953368] Bool -> Type) (NotElemSym0 a1627953368) l0 = NotElemSym1 a1627953368 l0

data NotElemSym1 l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (a1627953368 -> TyFun [a1627953368] Bool -> *) (NotElemSym1 a1627953368) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (NotElemSym1 a1627953368) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627953368] Bool (NotElemSym1 a1627953368 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627953368] Bool (NotElemSym1 a1627953368 l1) l0 = NotElemSym2 a1627953368 l1 l0

type NotElemSym2 t t = NotElem t t Source #

data ZipSym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun [a1627953366] (TyFun [b1627953367] [(a1627953366, b1627953367)] -> Type) -> *) (ZipSym0 a1627953366 b1627953367) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (ZipSym0 a1627953366 b1627953367) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627953366] (TyFun [b1627953367] [(a1627953366, b1627953367)] -> Type) (ZipSym0 a1627953366 b1627953367) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627953366] (TyFun [b1627953367] [(a1627953366, b1627953367)] -> Type) (ZipSym0 a1627953366 b1627953367) l0 = ZipSym1 b1627953367 a1627953366 l0

data ZipSym1 l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ([a1627953366] -> TyFun [b1627953367] [(a1627953366, b1627953367)] -> *) (ZipSym1 b1627953367 a1627953366) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (ZipSym1 b1627953367 a1627953366) t -> () Source #

type Apply [b1627953367] [(a1627953366, b1627953367)] (ZipSym1 b1627953367 a1627953366 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply [b1627953367] [(a1627953366, b1627953367)] (ZipSym1 b1627953367 a1627953366 l1) l0 = ZipSym2 a1627953366 b1627953367 l1 l0

type ZipSym2 t t = Zip t t Source #

data Zip3Sym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun [a1627953363] (TyFun [b1627953364] (TyFun [c1627953365] [(a1627953363, b1627953364, c1627953365)] -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (Zip3Sym0 a1627953363 b1627953364 c1627953365) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Zip3Sym0 a1627953363 b1627953364 c1627953365) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627953363] (TyFun [b1627953364] (TyFun [c1627953365] [(a1627953363, b1627953364, c1627953365)] -> Type) -> Type) (Zip3Sym0 a1627953363 b1627953364 c1627953365) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627953363] (TyFun [b1627953364] (TyFun [c1627953365] [(a1627953363, b1627953364, c1627953365)] -> Type) -> Type) (Zip3Sym0 a1627953363 b1627953364 c1627953365) l0 = Zip3Sym1 b1627953364 c1627953365 a1627953363 l0

data Zip3Sym1 l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ([a1627953363] -> TyFun [b1627953364] (TyFun [c1627953365] [(a1627953363, b1627953364, c1627953365)] -> Type) -> *) (Zip3Sym1 b1627953364 c1627953365 a1627953363) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Zip3Sym1 b1627953364 c1627953365 a1627953363) t -> () Source #

type Apply [b1627953364] (TyFun [c1627953365] [(a1627953363, b1627953364, c1627953365)] -> Type) (Zip3Sym1 b1627953364 c1627953365 a1627953363 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply [b1627953364] (TyFun [c1627953365] [(a1627953363, b1627953364, c1627953365)] -> Type) (Zip3Sym1 b1627953364 c1627953365 a1627953363 l1) l0 = Zip3Sym2 c1627953365 b1627953364 a1627953363 l1 l0

data Zip3Sym2 l l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ([a1627953363] -> [b1627953364] -> TyFun [c1627953365] [(a1627953363, b1627953364, c1627953365)] -> *) (Zip3Sym2 c1627953365 b1627953364 a1627953363) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Zip3Sym2 c1627953365 b1627953364 a1627953363) t -> () Source #

type Apply [c1627953365] [(a1627953363, b1627953364, c1627953365)] (Zip3Sym2 c1627953365 b1627953364 a1627953363 l1 l2) l0 Source # 
type Apply [c1627953365] [(a1627953363, b1627953364, c1627953365)] (Zip3Sym2 c1627953365 b1627953364 a1627953363 l1 l2) l0 = Zip3Sym3 a1627953363 b1627953364 c1627953365 l1 l2 l0

type Zip3Sym3 t t t = Zip3 t t t Source #

data ZipWithSym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun (TyFun a1627953360 (TyFun b1627953361 c1627953362 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a1627953360] (TyFun [b1627953361] [c1627953362] -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (ZipWithSym0 a1627953360 b1627953361 c1627953362) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (ZipWithSym0 a1627953360 b1627953361 c1627953362) t -> () Source #

type Apply (TyFun a1627953360 (TyFun b1627953361 c1627953362 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a1627953360] (TyFun [b1627953361] [c1627953362] -> Type) -> Type) (ZipWithSym0 a1627953360 b1627953361 c1627953362) l0 Source # 
type Apply (TyFun a1627953360 (TyFun b1627953361 c1627953362 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a1627953360] (TyFun [b1627953361] [c1627953362] -> Type) -> Type) (ZipWithSym0 a1627953360 b1627953361 c1627953362) l0 = ZipWithSym1 a1627953360 b1627953361 c1627953362 l0

data ZipWithSym1 l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a1627953360 (TyFun b1627953361 c1627953362 -> Type) -> Type) -> TyFun [a1627953360] (TyFun [b1627953361] [c1627953362] -> Type) -> *) (ZipWithSym1 a1627953360 b1627953361 c1627953362) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (ZipWithSym1 a1627953360 b1627953361 c1627953362) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627953360] (TyFun [b1627953361] [c1627953362] -> Type) (ZipWithSym1 a1627953360 b1627953361 c1627953362 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627953360] (TyFun [b1627953361] [c1627953362] -> Type) (ZipWithSym1 a1627953360 b1627953361 c1627953362 l1) l0 = ZipWithSym2 a1627953360 b1627953361 c1627953362 l1 l0

data ZipWithSym2 l l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a1627953360 (TyFun b1627953361 c1627953362 -> Type) -> Type) -> [a1627953360] -> TyFun [b1627953361] [c1627953362] -> *) (ZipWithSym2 a1627953360 b1627953361 c1627953362) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (ZipWithSym2 a1627953360 b1627953361 c1627953362) t -> () Source #

type Apply [b1627953361] [c1627953362] (ZipWithSym2 a1627953360 b1627953361 c1627953362 l1 l2) l0 Source # 
type Apply [b1627953361] [c1627953362] (ZipWithSym2 a1627953360 b1627953361 c1627953362 l1 l2) l0 = ZipWithSym3 a1627953360 b1627953361 c1627953362 l1 l2 l0

type ZipWithSym3 t t t = ZipWith t t t Source #

data ZipWith3Sym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun (TyFun a1627953356 (TyFun b1627953357 (TyFun c1627953358 d1627953359 -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a1627953356] (TyFun [b1627953357] (TyFun [c1627953358] [d1627953359] -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (ZipWith3Sym0 a1627953356 b1627953357 c1627953358 d1627953359) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (ZipWith3Sym0 a1627953356 b1627953357 c1627953358 d1627953359) t -> () Source #

type Apply (TyFun a1627953356 (TyFun b1627953357 (TyFun c1627953358 d1627953359 -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a1627953356] (TyFun [b1627953357] (TyFun [c1627953358] [d1627953359] -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (ZipWith3Sym0 a1627953356 b1627953357 c1627953358 d1627953359) l0 Source # 
type Apply (TyFun a1627953356 (TyFun b1627953357 (TyFun c1627953358 d1627953359 -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a1627953356] (TyFun [b1627953357] (TyFun [c1627953358] [d1627953359] -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (ZipWith3Sym0 a1627953356 b1627953357 c1627953358 d1627953359) l0 = ZipWith3Sym1 a1627953356 b1627953357 c1627953358 d1627953359 l0

data ZipWith3Sym1 l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a1627953356 (TyFun b1627953357 (TyFun c1627953358 d1627953359 -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> TyFun [a1627953356] (TyFun [b1627953357] (TyFun [c1627953358] [d1627953359] -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (ZipWith3Sym1 a1627953356 b1627953357 c1627953358 d1627953359) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (ZipWith3Sym1 a1627953356 b1627953357 c1627953358 d1627953359) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627953356] (TyFun [b1627953357] (TyFun [c1627953358] [d1627953359] -> Type) -> Type) (ZipWith3Sym1 a1627953356 b1627953357 c1627953358 d1627953359 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627953356] (TyFun [b1627953357] (TyFun [c1627953358] [d1627953359] -> Type) -> Type) (ZipWith3Sym1 a1627953356 b1627953357 c1627953358 d1627953359 l1) l0 = ZipWith3Sym2 a1627953356 b1627953357 c1627953358 d1627953359 l1 l0

data ZipWith3Sym2 l l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a1627953356 (TyFun b1627953357 (TyFun c1627953358 d1627953359 -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> [a1627953356] -> TyFun [b1627953357] (TyFun [c1627953358] [d1627953359] -> Type) -> *) (ZipWith3Sym2 a1627953356 b1627953357 c1627953358 d1627953359) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (ZipWith3Sym2 a1627953356 b1627953357 c1627953358 d1627953359) t -> () Source #

type Apply [b1627953357] (TyFun [c1627953358] [d1627953359] -> Type) (ZipWith3Sym2 a1627953356 b1627953357 c1627953358 d1627953359 l1 l2) l0 Source # 
type Apply [b1627953357] (TyFun [c1627953358] [d1627953359] -> Type) (ZipWith3Sym2 a1627953356 b1627953357 c1627953358 d1627953359 l1 l2) l0 = ZipWith3Sym3 a1627953356 b1627953357 c1627953358 d1627953359 l1 l2 l0

data ZipWith3Sym3 l l l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a1627953356 (TyFun b1627953357 (TyFun c1627953358 d1627953359 -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> [a1627953356] -> [b1627953357] -> TyFun [c1627953358] [d1627953359] -> *) (ZipWith3Sym3 a1627953356 b1627953357 c1627953358 d1627953359) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (ZipWith3Sym3 a1627953356 b1627953357 c1627953358 d1627953359) t -> () Source #

type Apply [c1627953358] [d1627953359] (ZipWith3Sym3 a1627953356 b1627953357 c1627953358 d1627953359 l1 l2 l3) l0 Source # 
type Apply [c1627953358] [d1627953359] (ZipWith3Sym3 a1627953356 b1627953357 c1627953358 d1627953359 l1 l2 l3) l0 = ZipWith3Sym4 a1627953356 b1627953357 c1627953358 d1627953359 l1 l2 l3 l0

data UnzipSym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun [(a1627953354, b1627953355)] ([a1627953354], [b1627953355]) -> *) (UnzipSym0 a1627953354 b1627953355) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (UnzipSym0 a1627953354 b1627953355) t -> () Source #

type Apply [(a1627953354, b1627953355)] ([a1627953354], [b1627953355]) (UnzipSym0 a1627953354 b1627953355) l0 Source # 
type Apply [(a1627953354, b1627953355)] ([a1627953354], [b1627953355]) (UnzipSym0 a1627953354 b1627953355) l0 = UnzipSym1 a1627953354 b1627953355 l0

type UnzipSym1 t = Unzip t Source #