{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, RankNTypes, TypeFamilies, MultiParamTypeClasses, LambdaCase #-}

{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, InstanceSigs, NoMonomorphismRestriction, FlexibleInstances #-}

{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, UndecidableInstances, TypeOperators #-}

{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}

-- | Provides the 'Bracket' effect for handing resource acquisition and safe cleanup.

module Control.Effects.Resource where

import Import hiding (bracket)

import Control.Effects

import Control.Monad.Runnable

import qualified Control.Exception as Ex

import GHC.TypeLits

import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict as SS

import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State.Lazy as LS

import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.Writer.Strict as SW

import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.Writer.Lazy as LW

import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.RWS.Strict as SR

import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.RWS.Lazy as LR

-- | Class of transformers that don't introduce additional exit points to a computation.


-- Examples: @'StateT' s@, @'ReaderT' e@, 'IdentityT'


-- Counter-examples: @'ExceptT' e@, @'ErrorT' e@, 'MaybeT', 'ListT'

class Unexceptional (t :: (* -> *) -> * -> *)

newtype Bracket m = BracketMethods

    { _bracket ::

        forall resource result cleanupRes.

        m resource

        -> (resource -> Maybe result -> m cleanupRes)

        -> (resource -> m result)

        -> m result }

instance Effect Bracket where

    type CanLift Bracket t = (RunnableTrans t, Unexceptional t)

    liftThrough :: forall m t. (RunnableTrans t, Monad (t m), Monad m)

        => Bracket m -> Bracket (t m)

    liftThrough (BracketMethods f) = BracketMethods g


        g :: forall a b c. t m a -> (a -> Maybe c -> t m b) -> (a -> t m c) -> t m c

        g acq cleanup use = do

            st <- currentTransState

            res <- lift (f

                (runTransformer acq st)

                (\tra mtrc -> flip runTransformer st $ do

                    a <- restoreTransState tra

                    c <- case mtrc of

                        Nothing -> return Nothing

                        Just trc -> Just <$> restoreTransState trc

                    cleanup a c)

                (\tra -> flip runTransformer st $ do

                    a <- restoreTransState tra

                    use a))

            restoreTransState res

    mergeContext mm = BracketMethods $ \acq cln use -> do

        BracketMethods f <- mm

        f acq cln use

-- | @'bracket' acq cln use@ acquires the resource by running @acq@.

-- If this computation aborts, the exception won't be handled and no cleanup will be performed since

-- the resource wasn't acquired. Then @use@ is called with the resource. Regardless if @use@ threw

-- an exception/aborted or finished normally, @cln@ is called with the resource and possibly with

-- the result of @use@ (if it didn't abort). If there was an exception, it's rethrown: bracket

-- is not meant to be used for exception handling.


-- An exception in this context is anything from actual @IO@ exceptions for pure ones \"thrown\" by

-- 'ExceptT' or 'MaybeT'. In case of 'IO', the resource acquisition and cleanup are masked from

-- async exceptions.


-- Since this function can be used on almost any transformer stack, care needs to be taken that

-- all the transformers that /can/ throw exceptions get handled. This is why the effect isn't

-- implicitly lifted through unknown transformers, only though ones that are instances of

-- 'Unexceptional'. If your transformer doesn't introduce new exit points, give it an instance of

-- that class. There are no methods to implement.

bracket :: MonadEffect Bracket m =>

    m resource -> (resource -> Maybe result -> m cleanupRes) -> (resource -> m result) -> m result

BracketMethods bracket = effect

-- | Use bracketing and masking for IO exceptions

instance MonadEffect Bracket IO where

    effect = BracketMethods $ \acq cln use -> Ex.mask $ \unmasked -> do

        resource <- acq

        b <- unmasked (use resource) `Ex.catch` \(e :: SomeException) -> do

            _ <- cln resource Nothing

            throwM e

        _ <- cln resource (Just b)

        return b

-- | Identity can't throw or acquire in a meaningful way

instance MonadEffect Bracket Identity where

    effect = BracketMethods $ \acq _ use -> do

        res <- acq

        use res

-- | Source: http://hackage.haskell.org/package/exceptions-0.10.0/docs/src/Control-Monad-Catch.html#line-674

instance MonadEffect Bracket m => MonadEffect Bracket (ExceptT e m) where

    effect = BracketMethods $ \acq cln use -> do

        eres <- lift $ bracket

            (runExceptT acq)

            (\eres exitCase -> case eres of

                Left e -> return (Left e) -- nothing to release, acquire didn't succeed

                Right res -> case exitCase of

                    Just (Right b) -> runExceptT (cln res (Just b))

                    _ -> runExceptT (cln res Nothing))


                Right res -> runExceptT $ use res

                Left e -> return (Left e))

        case eres of

            Left e -> throwE e

            Right res -> return res

instance MonadEffect Bracket m => MonadEffect Bracket (MaybeT m) where

    effect = BracketMethods $ \acq cln use -> do

        eres <- lift $ bracket

            (runMaybeT acq)

            (\mres exitCase -> case mres of

                Nothing -> return Nothing

                Just res -> case exitCase of

                    Just (Just b) -> runMaybeT (cln res (Just b))

                    _ -> runMaybeT (cln res Nothing))


                Just res -> runMaybeT $ use res

                Nothing -> return Nothing)

        case eres of

            Nothing -> mzero

            Just res -> return res

-- | Warn about unknown transformers with a type error.

instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} UnexceptionalError t => Unexceptional t

instance Unexceptional (SS.StateT s)

instance Unexceptional (LS.StateT s)

instance Unexceptional (SW.WriterT s)

instance Unexceptional (LW.WriterT s)

instance Unexceptional (SR.RWST r w s)

instance Unexceptional (LR.RWST r w s)

instance Unexceptional IdentityT

instance Unexceptional (ReaderT r)

instance Unexceptional (RuntimeImplemented e)

-- | A simpler version of 'bracket' that doesn't use the results of the parameters.

bracket_ :: MonadEffect Bracket m => m resource -> m cleanupRes -> m result -> m result

bracket_ ack cln use = bracket ack (\_ _ -> cln) (const use)

type family UnexceptionalError (t :: (* -> *) -> * -> *) :: Constraint where

    UnexceptionalError ListT = TypeError

        ( 'Text "ListT is an exceptional transformer since it can produce zero results. The reason \
        \why it isn't handled like ExceptT or MaybeT is because it's unclear what the behavior should \

        ':$$: 'Text "Firstly, it might acquire more than one resource. Is that expected?"

        ':$$: 'Text "More importantly, it may produce more than one result of using a single \
        \resource. How many times should the cleanup function be called then?"

        ':$$: 'Text "Also, should all the resources be acquired at the beginning and released at \
        \the end, or should they be processed one by one?"

        ':$$: 'Text "If you need this instance, please let me know what you think should happen." )

    UnexceptionalError t = TypeError

        ( 'Text "The Bracket effect doesn't know about the transformer " ':<>: 'ShowType t ':$$:

        'Text "While the effect can be used with any transformer that has a RunnableTrans instance, \
        \it's dangerous to do so implicitly because the transformer might introduce an additional \
        \exit point to the computation (like IO, MaybeT, ExceptT and friends do)" ':$$:

        'Text "If you're sure that it doesn't, give it an 'Unexceptional' instance:" ':$$:

        'Text "instance Unexceptional (" ':<>: 'ShowType t ':<>: 'Text ")" )