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simple-cmd-args-0.1.2: Simple command args parsing and execution

Safe HaskellSafe



This library provides a thin layer on optparse-applicative argument and option parsing, using Parser (IO ()), applying commands directly to their argument parsing.

A few option Mod functions are also provided.



simpleCmdArgs Source #


:: Maybe Version

version string

-> String


-> String

program description

-> Parser (IO ())


-> IO () 

Parser executor (allows interspersed args and options)

simpleCmdArgs (Just version) "summary" "program description" $ myCommand <$> myOptParser <*> myargsParser

simpleCmdArgs' Source #


:: Maybe Version

version string

-> String


-> String

program description

-> Parser (IO ())


-> IO () 

Parser executor without interspersing options and args

simpleCmdArgs' Nothing "summary" "program description" $ myCommand <$> myOptParser <*> myargsParser

simpleCmdArgsWithMods Source #


:: Maybe Version

version string

-> InfoMod (IO ())


-> Parser (IO ())


-> IO () 

Generic parser executor with explicit info modifiers

Since: 0.1.1

data Subcommand Source #

Subcommand "command" "help description text" $ myCommand <$> optParser


Subcommand String String (Parser (IO ())) 

subcommands :: [Subcommand] -> Parser (IO ()) Source #

list of Subcommand that can be run by simpleCmdArgs

strArg :: String -> Parser String Source #

A string arg parser with a METAVAR for help

switchWith :: Char -> String -> String -> Parser Bool Source #

switch with Mods

switchWith 'o' "option" "help description"

Since: 0.1.1

flagWith :: a -> a -> Char -> String -> String -> Parser a Source #

flag with Mods

flagWith offVal onVal 'f' "flag" "help description"

Since: 0.1.2

flagWith' :: a -> Char -> String -> String -> Parser a Source #

flag' with Mods

flagWith' val 'f' "flag" "help description"

Since: 0.1.2

switchMods :: HasName f => Char -> String -> String -> Mod f a Source #

Mods for a switch.

switchMods 'o' "option" "help description"

strOptionWith :: Char -> String -> String -> String -> Parser String Source #

strOption with Mods

strOptionWith 'o' "option" "METAVAR" "help description"

Since: 0.1.1

optionWith :: ReadM a -> Char -> String -> String -> String -> Parser a Source #

option with Mods

optionWith auto 'o' "option" "METAVAR" "help description"

Since: 0.1.1

optionMods :: (HasMetavar f, HasName f) => Char -> String -> String -> String -> Mod f a Source #

Mods for a mandatory option.

optionMods 'o' "option" "METAVAR" "help description"

strOptionalWith :: Char -> String -> String -> String -> String -> Parser String Source #

strOptional with Mods

strOptionalWith 'o' "option" "METAVAR" "help description" default

Since: 0.1.1

optionalWith :: ReadM a -> Char -> String -> String -> String -> a -> Parser a Source #

optional option with Mods, includes a default value.

optionalWith auto 'o' "option" "METAVAR" "help description" default

Since: 0.1.1

optionalMods :: (HasMetavar f, HasName f, HasValue f) => Char -> String -> String -> String -> a -> Mod f a Source #

Mods for an optional option: includes a default value.

optionalMods 'o' "option" "METAVAR" "help description" default

argumentWith :: ReadM a -> String -> Parser a Source #

argument with METAVAR

argumentWith auto "METAVAR"

Since: 0.1.1

data Parser a #

A Parser a is an option parser returning a value of type a.

Functor Parser 
Instance details

Defined in Options.Applicative.Types


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Parser a -> Parser b #

(<$) :: a -> Parser b -> Parser a #

Applicative Parser 
Instance details

Defined in Options.Applicative.Types


pure :: a -> Parser a #

(<*>) :: Parser (a -> b) -> Parser a -> Parser b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Parser a -> Parser b -> Parser c #

(*>) :: Parser a -> Parser b -> Parser b #

(<*) :: Parser a -> Parser b -> Parser a #

Alternative Parser 
Instance details

Defined in Options.Applicative.Types


empty :: Parser a #

(<|>) :: Parser a -> Parser a -> Parser a #

some :: Parser a -> Parser [a] #

many :: Parser a -> Parser [a] #

auto :: Read a => ReadM a #

Option reader based on the Read type class.

optional :: Alternative f => f a -> f (Maybe a) #

One or none.