{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
module SMR.Core.Codec.Size
        ( sizeOfFileDecls
        , sizeOfDecl
        , sizeOfExp
        , sizeOfRef)
import SMR.Core.Exp
import SMR.Prim.Op.Base
import qualified Data.Text              as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding     as T
import qualified Data.Text.Foreign      as T
import qualified Data.ByteString        as BS

-- | Compute the serialized size of a shimmer file containing the given decls.
sizeOfFileDecls :: [Decl Text Prim] -> Int
sizeOfFileDecls decls
 = 4 + sizeOfList sizeOfDecl decls

-- | Compute the serialized size of a given declaration.
sizeOfDecl :: Decl Text Prim -> Int
sizeOfDecl dd
 = case dd of
        DeclMac n x     -> 1 + sizeOfName n + sizeOfExp x
        DeclSet n x     -> 1 + sizeOfName n + sizeOfExp x

-- | Compute the serialized size of the given expression.
sizeOfExp :: Exp Text Prim -> Int
sizeOfExp xx
 = case xx of
        XRef ref
         -> sizeOfRef ref

        XKey _key x
         -> 2 + sizeOfExp x

        XApp x1 xs
         | length xs <= 15
         -> 1 + sizeOfExp x1 + (sum $ map sizeOfExp xs)

         | otherwise
         -> 1 + sizeOfExp x1 + sizeOfList sizeOfExp xs

        XVar n b
         |  T.lengthWord16 n <= 15, b == 0
         -> 1 + T.lengthWord16 n

         |  otherwise
         -> 1 + sizeOfName n + sizeOfBump b

        XAbs ps x
         | length ps <= 15
         -> 1 + (sum $ map sizeOfParam ps) + sizeOfExp x

         | otherwise
         -> 1 + sizeOfList sizeOfParam ps + sizeOfExp x

        XSub cs x
         -> 1 + sizeOfList sizeOfCar cs   + sizeOfExp x

-- | Compute the serialized size of a parameter.
sizeOfParam :: Param -> Int
sizeOfParam (PParam n _form)
 = 1 + sizeOfName n

-- | Compute the serialized size of a substitution car.
sizeOfCar :: Car Text Prim -> Int
sizeOfCar cc
 = case cc of
        CSim (SSnv snv) -> 1 + sizeOfList sizeOfSnvBind snv
        CRec (SSnv snv) -> 1 + sizeOfList sizeOfSnvBind snv
        CUps (UUps ups) -> 1 + sizeOfList sizeOfUpsBump ups

-- | Compute the serialized size of a substitution bind.
sizeOfSnvBind :: SnvBind Text Prim -> Int
sizeOfSnvBind sb
 = case sb of
        BindVar n i x   -> 1 + sizeOfName n + sizeOfBump i + sizeOfExp x
        BindNom i x     -> 1 + sizeOfNom i  + sizeOfExp x

-- | Compute the serialized size of an lifting bump.
sizeOfUpsBump :: UpsBump -> Int
sizeOfUpsBump ub
 = case ub of
        ((n, d), i)     -> 1 + sizeOfName n + sizeOfBump d + sizeOfBump i

-- | Compute the serialized size of the given reference.
sizeOfRef :: Ref Text Prim -> Int
sizeOfRef rr
 = case rr of
        RSym n          -> sizeOfName n
        RPrm p          -> 1 + sizeOfPrim p
        RTxt t          -> 1 + sizeOfName t
        RMac n          -> 1 + sizeOfName n
        RSet n          -> 1 + sizeOfName n
        RNom n          -> 1 + sizeOfNom  n

sizeOfPrim :: Prim -> Int
sizeOfPrim pp
 = case pp of
        PrimTagUnit      -> 1
        PrimTagList      -> 1
        PrimLitBool   _  -> 1

        PrimLitWord8  _  -> 2
        PrimLitWord16 _  -> 3
        PrimLitWord32 _  -> 5
        PrimLitWord64 _  -> 9

        PrimLitInt8   _  -> 2
        PrimLitInt16  _  -> 3
        PrimLitInt32  _  -> 5
        PrimLitInt64  _  -> 9

        PrimLitFloat32 _ -> 5
        PrimLitFloat64 _ -> 9
        PrimOp tx        -> 1 + sizeOfName tx

        PrimLitNat _     -> 1 + sizeOfName (T.pack "nat") + 1 + 8
        PrimLitInt _     -> 1 + sizeOfName (T.pack "int") + 1 + 8

-- | Compute the serialized size of a text string.
sizeOfName :: Text -> Int
sizeOfName tt
 = result
 where  -- There doesn't seem to be to get the encoded length
        -- of a string from the text library other than actually
        -- encoding it.
        n = BS.length $ T.encodeUtf8 tt

         | n <  13           = 1 + n
         | n < 2^(8  :: Int) = 1 + 1 + n
         | n < 2^(16 :: Int) = 1 + 2 + n
         | n < 2^(32 :: Int) = 1 + 4 + n
         | otherwise         = error "shimmer.sizeOfName: name too long to serialize."

-- | Compute the serialized size of a bump bounter.
sizeOfBump :: Integer -> Int
sizeOfBump _ = 2

-- | Compute the serialized size of a nominal atom.
sizeOfNom  :: Integer -> Int
sizeOfNom _  = 4

-- | Compute the serialized size of a sequence of things.
sizeOfList :: (a -> Int) -> [a] -> Int
sizeOfList fs xs
 = result
 where  n = length xs
         | n < 13            = 1 + sum (map fs xs)
         | n < 2^(8  :: Int) = 1 + 1 + sum (map fs xs)
         | n < 2^(16 :: Int) = 1 + 2 + sum (map fs xs)
         | n < 2^(32 :: Int) = 1 + 4 + sum (map fs xs)
         | otherwise         = error "shimmer.sizeOfList: sequence too long to serialize."