{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DoAndIfThenElse #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExplicitNamespaces #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
module SMR.Core.Codec.Poke
        ( type Poke
        , pokeFileDecls
        , pokeDecl
        , pokeExp
        , pokeRef)
import SMR.Core.Codec.Word
import SMR.Prim.Op.Base
import SMR.Core.Exp

import qualified Foreign.Marshal.Utils          as F
import qualified Foreign.Marshal.Alloc          as F
import qualified Foreign.Storable               as F
import qualified Foreign.Ptr                    as F

import qualified Data.Text                      as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding             as T
import qualified Data.ByteString.Unsafe         as BS

import Data.Text                                (Text)
import Foreign.Ptr                              (Ptr)
import Control.Monad
import Data.Bits
import Data.Word

-- | Type of a function that pokes an `a` thing into memory.
--   It takes a pointer to the next byte to use,
--   and returns an updated pointer.
type Poke a = a -> Ptr Word8 -> IO (Ptr Word8)

-- | Poke a list of `Decl` into memory, including the SMR file header.
pokeFileDecls :: Poke [Decl Text Prim]
pokeFileDecls ds
        =   pokeWord8 0x53              -- 'S'
        >=> pokeWord8 0x4d              -- 'M'
        >=> pokeWord8 0x52              -- 'R'
        >=> pokeWord8 0x31              -- '1'
        >=> pokeList  pokeDecl ds
{-# NOINLINE pokeFileDecls #-}

-- | Poke a `Decl` into memory.
pokeDecl :: Poke (Decl Text Prim)
pokeDecl xx
 = case xx of
        DeclMac name x
         ->     pokeWord8 0xd0 >=> pokeText name >=> pokeExp x

        DeclSet name x
         ->     pokeWord8 0xd1 >=> pokeText name >=> pokeExp x
{-# NOINLINE pokeDecl #-}

-- | Poke an `Exp` into memory.
pokeExp :: Poke (Exp Text Prim)
pokeExp xx
 = case xx of
        -- Short circuit XRef.
        XRef ref
         ->     pokeRef ref

        XKey key x
         ->     pokeWord8 0xb1 >=> pokeKey key >=> pokeExp x

        XApp x1 xs
         -- Short circuit to App.
         | length xs <= 15
         ->     pokeApp (x1, xs)

         | otherwise
         ->     pokeWord8 0xb2 >=> pokeExp x1  >=> pokeList pokeExp xs

        XVar name i
         -- Short circuit to Var.
         | T.length name <= 15, i == 0
         ->     pokeVar name

         | otherwise
         ->     pokeWord8 0xb3 >=> pokeName name >=> pokeBump i

        XAbs ps x
         -- Short circuit to Abs
         | length ps <= 15
         ->     pokeAbs (ps, x)

         | otherwise
         ->     pokeWord8 0xb4 >=> pokeList pokeParam ps >=> pokeExp x

        XSub cs x
         ->     pokeWord8 0xb5 >=> pokeList pokeCar cs >=> pokeExp x
{-# NOINLINE pokeExp #-}

-- | Poke an `Exp` abstraction into memory with packed length.
pokeAbs :: Poke ([Param], Exp Text Prim)
pokeAbs (ps, x)
 =      pokeWord8 (0x90 + fromIntegral (length ps))
         >=> go ps
         >=> pokeExp x

 where  go [] !p0 = return p0
        go (p : ps1) !p0
         = do   p1 <- pokeParam p p0
                go ps1 p1
        {-# NOINLINE go #-}
{-# INLINE pokeAbs #-}

-- | Poke an `Exp` application into memory with packed length.
pokeApp :: Poke (Exp Text Prim, [Exp Text Prim])
pokeApp (x1, xs1)
 =      pokeWord8 (0xa0 + fromIntegral (length xs1))
         >=> pokeExp x1
         >=> go xs1

 where  go [] !p0 = return p0
        go (x : xs) !p0
         = do   p1 <- pokeExp x p0
                go xs p1
        {-# NOINLINE go #-}
{-# INLINE pokeApp #-}

-- | Poke a `Key` into memory.
pokeKey :: Poke Key
pokeKey key
 = case key of
        KBox -> pokeWord8 0xb6
        KRun -> pokeWord8 0xb7
{-# INLINE pokeKey #-}

-- | Poke a `Param` into memory.
pokeParam :: Poke Param
pokeParam pp
 = case pp of
        PParam tx PVal
         ->     pokeWord8 0xb8 >=> pokeName tx

        PParam tx PExp
         ->     pokeWord8 0xb9 >=> pokeName tx
{-# INLINE pokeParam #-}

-- | Poke a `Car` into memory.
pokeCar :: Poke (Car Text Prim)
pokeCar car
 = case car of
        CSim (SSnv sbs)
         ->     pokeWord8 0xba >=> pokeList pokeSnvBind sbs

        CRec (SSnv sbs)
         ->     pokeWord8 0xbb >=> pokeList pokeSnvBind sbs

        CUps (UUps ups)
         ->     pokeWord8 0xbc >=> pokeList pokeUpsBump ups
{-# INLINE pokeCar #-}

-- | Poke an `SnvBind` into memory.
pokeSnvBind :: Poke (SnvBind Text Prim)
pokeSnvBind !b
 = case b of
        BindVar n d x
         ->     pokeWord8 0xbd >=> pokeName n >=> pokeBump d >=> pokeExp x

        BindNom n x
         ->     pokeWord8 0xbe >=> pokeNom  n >=> pokeExp x
{-# INLINE pokeSnvBind #-}

-- | Poke an `UpsBump` into memory.
pokeUpsBump :: Poke UpsBump
pokeUpsBump ((n, d), i)
 =      pokeWord8 0xbf >=> pokeName n >=> pokeBump d >=> pokeBump i
{-# INLINE pokeUpsBump #-}

-- | Poke a `Var` into memory.
pokeVar :: Poke Text
pokeVar !tx !p0
 = do   let bs = T.encodeUtf8 tx
        BS.unsafeUseAsCStringLen bs $ \(pStr, nBytes)
         -> if nBytes <= 15 then
             do p1 <- pokeWord8 (0x80 + (fromIntegral nBytes)) p0
                F.copyBytes (F.castPtr p1) pStr nBytes
                return (F.plusPtr p1 nBytes)
            else error "shimmer.pokeVar: var length too long"
{-# INLINE pokeVar #-}

-- | Poke a `Ref` into memory.
pokeRef :: Poke (Ref Text Prim)
pokeRef !r
 = case r of
        -- Short Circuit to Sym Name.
        RSym tx -> pokeName tx

        RPrm p  -> pokeWord8 0xc1 >=> pokePrim p
        RTxt tx -> pokeWord8 0xc2 >=> pokeName tx
        RMac tx -> pokeWord8 0xc3 >=> pokeName tx
        RSet tx -> pokeWord8 0xc4 >=> pokeName tx
        RNom i  -> pokeWord8 0xc5 >=> pokeNom  i
{-# INLINE pokeRef #-}

-- | Peek a `Name` from memory.
pokeName :: Poke Name
pokeName !p n
 =      pokeText p n
{-# INLINE pokeName #-}

-- | Poke a `Bump` into memory.
pokeBump :: Poke Integer
pokeBump !n !p
 = if n <= 2^(16 :: Int) then
    do  pokeWord16 (fromIntegral n) p
   else error "shimmer.pokeBump: bump counter too large."
{-# NOINLINE pokeBump #-}

-- | Poke a `Nom` into memory.
pokeNom  :: Poke Integer
pokeNom !n !p
 = if n <= 2^(28 :: Int) then
    do  pokeWord32 (fromIntegral n) p
   else error "shimmer.pokeNom: nominal constant index too large."
{-# NOINLINE pokeNom #-}

-- | Poke a prim into memory.
pokePrim :: Poke Prim
pokePrim !pp
 = case pp of
        PrimTagUnit             -> pokeWord8 0xe0
        PrimTagList             -> pokeWord8 0xe1

        PrimLitBool True        -> pokeWord8 0xe2
        PrimLitBool False       -> pokeWord8 0xe3

        PrimLitWord8  w8        -> pokeWord8 0xe4 >=> pokeWord8  w8
        PrimLitWord16 w16       -> pokeWord8 0xe5 >=> pokeWord16 w16
        PrimLitWord32 w32       -> pokeWord8 0xe6 >=> pokeWord32 w32
        PrimLitWord64 w64       -> pokeWord8 0xe7 >=> pokeWord64 w64

        PrimLitInt8   i8        -> pokeWord8 0xe8 >=> pokeWord8  (fromIntegral i8)
        PrimLitInt16  i16       -> pokeWord8 0xe9 >=> pokeWord16 (fromIntegral i16)
        PrimLitInt32  i32       -> pokeWord8 0xea >=> pokeWord32 (fromIntegral i32)
        PrimLitInt64  i64       -> pokeWord8 0xeb >=> pokeWord64 (fromIntegral i64)

        PrimLitFloat32 f        -> pokeWord8 0xec >=> pokeFloat32 f
        PrimLitFloat64 f        -> pokeWord8 0xed >=> pokeFloat64 f

        PrimOp tx               -> pokeWord8 0xee >=> pokeText tx

        -- TODO: handle arbitrary length nats instead of squashing into Word64.
        PrimLitNat n
         -> pokeWord8 0xef
                >=> pokeName (T.pack "nat")
                >=> pokeList pokeWord8
                        [ fromIntegral $ (n .&. 0xff00000000000000) `shiftR` 56
                        , fromIntegral $ (n .&. 0x00ff000000000000) `shiftR` 48
                        , fromIntegral $ (n .&. 0x0000ff0000000000) `shiftR` 40
                        , fromIntegral $ (n .&. 0x000000ff00000000) `shiftR` 32
                        , fromIntegral $ (n .&. 0x00000000ff000000) `shiftR` 24
                        , fromIntegral $ (n .&. 0x0000000000ff0000) `shiftR` 16
                        , fromIntegral $ (n .&. 0x000000000000ff00) `shiftR` 8
                        , fromIntegral $ (n .&. 0x00000000000000ff)]

        -- TOOD: handle arbitrary length ints instead of squashing into Word64.
        PrimLitInt n
         -> pokeWord8 0xef
                >=> pokeName (T.pack "int")
                >=> pokeList pokeWord8
                        [ fromIntegral $ (n .&. 0xff00000000000000) `shiftR` 56
                        , fromIntegral $ (n .&. 0x00ff000000000000) `shiftR` 48
                        , fromIntegral $ (n .&. 0x0000ff0000000000) `shiftR` 40
                        , fromIntegral $ (n .&. 0x000000ff00000000) `shiftR` 32
                        , fromIntegral $ (n .&. 0x00000000ff000000) `shiftR` 24
                        , fromIntegral $ (n .&. 0x0000000000ff0000) `shiftR` 16
                        , fromIntegral $ (n .&. 0x000000000000ff00) `shiftR` 8
                        , fromIntegral $ (n .&. 0x00000000000000ff)]

{-# INLINE pokePrim #-}

-- | Poke a list of things into memory, including size info.
pokeList :: Poke a -> Poke [a]
pokeList pokeA ls
 = do   let  n     = length ls
        if n < 13 then
         do     pokeWord8 (0xf0 + (fromIntegral n)) >=> go ls

        else if n <= 2^(8 :: Int) - 1
         then   pokeWord8 0xfd >=> pokeWord8  (fromIntegral n) >=> go ls

        else if n <= 2^(16 :: Int) - 1
         then   pokeWord8 0xfe >=> pokeWord16 (fromIntegral n) >=> go ls

        else if n <= 2^(28 :: Int)
         then   pokeWord8 0xff >=> pokeWord32 (fromIntegral n) >=> go ls

        else error "shimmer.pokeList: list too long."

 where  go [] !p0 = return p0
        go (x : xs) !p0
         = do   p1 <- pokeA x p0
                go xs p1
        {-# NOINLINE go #-}

{-# INLINE pokeList #-}

-- | Poke a text value into memory as UTF8 characters.
pokeText :: Poke Text
pokeText !tx !p0
 = do   let bs = T.encodeUtf8 tx

        BS.unsafeUseAsCStringLen bs $ \(pStr, nBytes)
         -> if nBytes < 13 then
             do p1 <- pokeWord8 (0xf0 + (fromIntegral nBytes)) p0
                F.copyBytes (F.castPtr p1) pStr nBytes
                return (F.plusPtr p1 nBytes)

            else if nBytes <= 255 then
             do p1 <- pokeWord8 0xfd p0
                p2 <- pokeWord8 (fromIntegral nBytes) p1
                F.copyBytes (F.castPtr p2) pStr nBytes
                return (F.plusPtr p2 nBytes)

            else if nBytes <= 65535 then
             do p1 <- pokeWord8  0xfe p0
                p2 <- pokeWord16 (fromIntegral nBytes) p1
                F.copyBytes (F.castPtr p2) pStr nBytes
                return (F.plusPtr p2 nBytes)

            -- The Haskell Int type is only guaranteed to have at least 29
            -- bits of precision. We just limit the string size to 2^28,
            -- as 256MB should be enough for any sort of program text.
            else if nBytes <= 2^(28 :: Int) then
             do p1 <- pokeWord8  0xff p0
                p2 <- pokeWord32 (fromIntegral nBytes) p1
                F.copyBytes (F.castPtr p2) pStr nBytes
                return (F.plusPtr p2 nBytes)

            else error "shimmer.pokeText: text string too large."
{-# NOINLINE pokeText #-}

-- | Poke a `Word8` into memory.
pokeWord8 :: Poke Word8
pokeWord8 w p
 = do   F.poke p w
        return (F.plusPtr p 1)
{-# INLINE pokeWord8 #-}

-- | Poke a `Word16` into memory, in network byte order.
pokeWord16 :: Poke Word16
pokeWord16 w p
 = do   poke16 p 0 (toBE16 w)
        return (F.plusPtr p 2)
{-# INLINE pokeWord16 #-}

-- | Poke a `Word32` into memory, in network byte order.
pokeWord32 :: Poke Word32
pokeWord32 w p
 = do   poke32 p 0 (toBE32 w)
        return (F.plusPtr p 4)
{-# INLINE pokeWord32 #-}

-- | Poke a `Word64` into memory, in network byte order.
pokeWord64 :: Poke Word64
pokeWord64 w p
 = do   poke64 p 0 (toBE64 w)
        return (F.plusPtr p 8)
{-# INLINE pokeWord64 #-}

-- | Poke a `Float32` into memory, in network byte order.
pokeFloat32 :: Poke Float
pokeFloat32 f p
 = F.allocaBytes 4 $ \p'
 -> do  F.poke (F.castPtr p' :: Ptr Float) f
        w32 <- F.peek (F.castPtr p' :: Ptr Word32)
        pokeWord32 w32 p
{-# INLINE pokeFloat32 #-}

-- | Poke a `Float64` into memory, in network byte order.
pokeFloat64 :: Poke Double
pokeFloat64 f p
 = F.allocaBytes 8 $ \p'
 -> do  F.poke (F.castPtr p' :: Ptr Double) f
        w64 <- F.peek (F.castPtr p' :: Ptr Word64)
        pokeWord64 w64 p
{-# INLINE pokeFloat64 #-}

from16 :: Word16 -> Word8
from16 = fromIntegral
{-# INLINE from16 #-}

from32 :: Word32 -> Word8
from32 = fromIntegral
{-# INLINE from32 #-}

from64 :: Word64 -> Word8
from64 = fromIntegral
{-# INLINE from64 #-}

poke8 :: Ptr a -> Int -> Word8 -> IO ()
poke8 p i w = F.pokeByteOff p i w
{-# INLINE poke8 #-}

poke16 :: Ptr a -> Int -> Word16 -> IO ()
poke16 p i w = F.pokeByteOff p i w
{-# INLINE poke16 #-}

poke32 :: Ptr a -> Int -> Word32 -> IO ()
poke32 p i w = F.pokeByteOff p i w
{-# INLINE poke32 #-}

poke64 :: Ptr a -> Int -> Word64 -> IO ()
poke64 p i w = F.pokeByteOff p i w
{-# INLINE poke64 #-}