shake-0.2.2: Build system library, like Make, but properly supports generated files.

Safe HaskellSafe-Infered




Main module for defining Shake build systems. You may also want to include Development.Shake.FilePath, for manipulating file paths. As a simple example, let us build a result.tar file from the contents of result.txt:

import Development.Shake
import Development.Shake.FilePath

main = shake shakeOptions $ do
    want ["result.tar"]
    "*.tar" *> \out -> do
        contents <- readFileLines $ replaceExtension out "txt"
        need contents
        system' "tar" $ ["-cf",out] ++ contents

For the background theory behind a previous version of Shake the online video:



shake :: ShakeOptions -> Rules () -> IO ()Source

Main entry point for running Shake build systems. For an example see the top of the module Development.Shake. Use ShakeOptions to specify how the system runs, and Rules to specify what to build.

Core of Shake

data ShakeOptions Source

Options to control the execution of Shake, usually specified by overriding fields in shakeOptions:

shakeOptions{shakeThreads=4, shakeDump=True}




shakeFiles :: FilePath

Where shall I store the database and journal files (defaults to .shake).

shakeThreads :: Int

What is the maximum number of rules I should run in parallel (defaults to 1). To enable parallelism you may need to compile with -threaded.

shakeVersion :: Int

What is the version of your build system, increment to force a complete rebuild (defaults to 1).

shakeVerbosity :: Verbosity

What messages to print out (defaults to Normal).

shakeStaunch :: Bool

Operate in staunch mode, where building continues even after errors (defaults to False).

shakeDump :: Bool

Dump all profiling information to shakeFiles plus the extension .js (defaults to False).

shakeLint :: Bool

Perform basic sanity checks after building.

class (Show key, Typeable key, Eq key, Hashable key, Binary key, NFData key, Show value, Typeable value, Eq value, Hashable value, Binary value, NFData value) => Rule key value | key -> value whereSource

Define a pair of types that can be used by Shake rules.


validStored :: key -> value -> IO BoolSource

Given that the database contains key/value, does that still match the on-disk contents?

As an example for filenames/timestamps, if the file exists and had the same timestamp, you would return True, but otherwise return False. For rule values which are not also stored on disk, validStored should always return True.


Rule GetDir GetDir_ 
Rule Exist Bool 
Rule File FileTime 
Rule Question Answer 
Rule AlwaysRerun Dirty 
Rule Files FileTimes 

data Rules a Source

Define a set of rules. Rules can be created with calls to rule, defaultRule or action. Rules are combined with either the Monoid instance, or (more commonly) the Monad instance and do notation.


defaultRule :: Rule key value => (key -> Maybe (Action value)) -> Rules ()Source

Like rule, but lower priority, if no rule exists then defaultRule is checked. All default rules must be disjoint.

rule :: Rule key value => (key -> Maybe (Action value)) -> Rules ()Source

Add a rule to build a key, returning an appropriate Action. All rules must be disjoint. To define lower priority rules use defaultRule.

action :: Action a -> Rules ()Source

Run an action, usually used for specifying top-level requirements.

data Action a Source

The Action monad, use liftIO to raise IO actions into it, and need to execute files. Action values are used by rule and action.

apply :: Rule key value => [key] -> Action [value]Source

Execute a rule, returning the associated values. If possible, the rules will be run in parallel. This function requires that appropriate rules have been added with rule or defaultRule.

apply1 :: Rule key value => key -> Action valueSource

Apply a single rule, equivalent to calling apply with a singleton list. Where possible, use apply to allow parallelism.

traced :: String -> IO a -> Action aSource

Write an action to the trace list, along with the start/end time of running the IO action. The system' command automatically calls traced. The trace list is used for profile reports (see shakeDump).

data Verbosity Source

The verbosity data type, specified in shakeVerbosity.



Don't print any messages.


Only print essential messages (typically errors).


Print normal messages (typically errors and warnings).


Print lots of messages (typically errors, warnings and status updates).


Print messages for virtually everything (for debugging a build system).

getVerbosity :: Action VerbositySource

Get the current verbosity level, as set by shakeVerbosity. If you want to output information to the console, you are recommended to use putLoud / putNormal / putQuiet, which ensures multiple messages are not interleaved.

putLoud, putQuiet, putNormal :: String -> Action ()Source

Write a message to the output when the verbosity is appropriate. The output will not be interleaved with any other Shake messages (other than those generated by system commands).

liftIO :: MonadIO m => forall a. IO a -> m a

Lift a computation from the IO monad.

Utility functions

system' :: FilePath -> [String] -> Action ()Source

Execute a system command. This function will raise an error if the exit code is non-zero. Before running system' make sure you need any required files.

systemOutput :: FilePath -> [String] -> Action (String, String)Source

Execute a system command, returning (stdout,stderr). This function will raise an error if the exit code is non-zero. Before running systemOutput make sure you need any required files.

copyFile' :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Action ()Source

copyFile old new copies the existing file from old to new. The old file is has need called on it before copying the file.

readFile' :: FilePath -> Action StringSource

Read a file, after calling need.

writeFile' :: FilePath -> String -> Action ()Source

Write a file, lifted to the Action monad.

readFileLines :: FilePath -> Action [String]Source

A version of readFile' which also splits the result into lines.

writeFileLines :: FilePath -> [String] -> Action ()Source

A version of writeFile' which writes out a list of lines.

writeFileChanged :: FilePath -> String -> Action ()Source

Write a file, but only if the contents would change.

File rules

need :: [FilePath] -> Action ()Source

Require that the following files are built before continuing. Particularly necessary when calling system'. As an example:

   "*.rot13" *> out -> do
       let src = dropExtension out
       need [src]
       system' ["rot13",src,"-o",out]

want :: [FilePath] -> Rules ()Source

Require that the following are built by the rules, used to specify the target.

   main = shake shakeOptions $ do
      want ["Main.exe"]

This program will build Main.exe, given sufficient rules.

(*>) :: FilePattern -> (FilePath -> Action ()) -> Rules ()Source

Define a rule that matches a FilePattern. No file required by the system must be matched by more than one pattern. For the pattern rules, see ?==.

   "*.asm.o" *> out -> do
       let src = dropExtension out
       need [src]
       system' ["as",src,"-o",out]

To define a build system for multiple compiled languages, we recommend using .asm.o, .cpp.o, .hs.o, to indicate which language produces an object file. I.e., the file foo.cpp produces object file foo.cpp.o.

Note that matching is case-sensitive, even on Windows.

(**>) :: [FilePattern] -> (FilePath -> Action ()) -> Rules ()Source

Define a set of patterns, and if any of them match, run the associated rule. See *>.

(?>) :: (FilePath -> Bool) -> (FilePath -> Action ()) -> Rules ()Source

Define a rule to build files. If the first argument returns True for a given file, the second argument will be used to build it. Usually *> is sufficient, but ?> gives additional power. For any file used by the build system, only one rule should return True.

   (all isUpper . takeBaseName) *> out -> do
       let src = replaceBaseName out $ map toLower $ takeBaseName out
       writeFile' . map toUpper =<< readFile' src

(*>>) :: [FilePattern] -> ([FilePath] -> Action ()) -> Rules ()Source

Define a rule for building multiple files at the same time. As an example, a single invokation of GHC produces both .hi and .o files:

 ["*.o","*.hi"] *>> \[o,hi] -> do
    let hs = replaceExtension o "hs"
    need ... -- all files the .hs import
    system' "ghc" ["-c",hs]

However, in practice, it's usually easier to define rules with *> and make the .hi depend on the .o. When defining rules that build multiple files, all the FilePattern values must have the same sequence of // and * wildcards in the same order.

type FilePattern = StringSource

A type synonym for file patterns, containing // and *. For the syntax and semantics of FilePattern see ?==.

(?==) :: FilePattern -> FilePath -> BoolSource

Match a FilePattern against a FilePath, There are only two special forms:

  • * matches an entire path component, excluding any separators.
  • // matches an arbitrary number of path componenets.

Some examples that match:

 "//*.c" ?== "foo/bar/baz.c"
 "*.c" ?== "baz.c"
 "//*.c" ?== "baz.c"
 "test.c" ?== "test.c"

Examples that don't match:

 "*.c" ?== "foor/bar.c"
 "*/*.c" ?== "foo/bar/baz.c"

Directory rules

doesFileExist :: FilePath -> Action BoolSource

Returns True if the file exists.

getDirectoryContents :: FilePath -> Action [FilePath]Source

Get the contents of a directory. The result will be sorted, and will not contain the files . or .. (unlike the standard Haskell version). It is usually better to call either getDirectoryFiles or getDirectoryDirs. The resulting paths will be relative to the first argument.

getDirectoryFiles :: FilePath -> FilePattern -> Action [FilePath]Source

Get the files in a directory that match a particular pattern. For the interpretation of the pattern see ?==.

getDirectoryDirs :: FilePath -> Action [FilePath]Source

Get the directories contained by a directory, does not include . or ...

Additional rules

addOracle :: [String] -> Action [String] -> Rules ()Source

Add extra information which your build should depend on. For example:

 addOracle ["ghc"] $ return ["7.2.1"]
 addOracle ["ghc-pkg","shake"] $ return ["1.0"]

If a rule depends on the GHC version, it can then use getOracle [ghc], and if the GHC version changes, the rule will rebuild. It is common for the value returned by askOracle to be ignored.

The Oracle maps questions of [String] and answers of [String]. This type is a compromise. Questions will often be the singleton list, but allowing a list of strings there is more flexibility for heirarchical schemes and grouping - i.e. to have ghc-pkg shake, ghc-pkg base etc. The answers are often singleton lists, but sometimes are used as sets - for example the list of packages returned by ghc-pkg.

Actions passed to addOracle will be run in every Shake execution they are required, there value will not be kept between runs. To get a similar behaviour using files, see alwaysRerun.

askOracle :: [String] -> Action [String]Source

Get information previously added with addOracle.

alwaysRerun :: Action ()Source

Always rerun the associated action. Useful for defining rules that query the environment. For example:

   "ghcVersion.txt" *> out -> do
       (stdout,_) <- systemOutput "ghc" ["--version"]
       writeFileChanged out stdout