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shake-0.18.5: Build system library, like Make, but more accurate dependencies.

Safe HaskellNone



A module for useful utility functions for Shake build systems.



parseMakefile :: String -> [(FilePath, [FilePath])] Source #

Given the text of a Makefile, extract the list of targets and dependencies. Assumes a small subset of Makefile syntax, mostly that generated by gcc -MM.

parseMakefile "a: b c\nd : e" == [("a",["b","c"]),("d",["e"])]

needMakefileDependencies :: FilePath -> Action () Source #

Depend on the dependencies listed in a Makefile. Does not depend on the Makefile itself.

needMakefileDependencies file = need . concatMap snd . parseMakefile =<< liftIO (readFile file)

neededMakefileDependencies :: FilePath -> Action () Source #

Depend on the dependencies listed in a Makefile. Does not depend on the Makefile itself. Use this function to indicate that you have already used the files in question.

neededMakefileDependencies file = needed . concatMap snd . parseMakefile =<< liftIO (readFile file)

shakeArgsAccumulate :: ShakeOptions -> [OptDescr (Either String (a -> a))] -> a -> (a -> [String] -> IO (Maybe (Rules ()))) -> IO () Source #

Like shakeArgsWith, but instead of accumulating a list of flags, apply functions to a default value. Usually used to populate a record structure. As an example of a build system that can use either gcc or distcc for compiling:

import System.Console.GetOpt

data Flags = Flags {distCC :: Bool} deriving Eq
flags = [Option "" ["distcc"] (NoArg $ Right $ \x -> x{distCC=True}) "Run distributed."]

main = shakeArgsAccumulate shakeOptions flags (Flags False) $ \flags targets -> return $ Just $ do
    if null targets then want ["result.exe"] else want targets
    let compiler = if distCC flags then "distcc" else "gcc"
    "*.o" %> \out -> do
        need ...
        cmd compiler ...

Now you can pass --distcc to use the distcc compiler.

shakeArgsPrune :: ShakeOptions -> ([FilePath] -> IO ()) -> Rules () -> IO () Source #

Like shakeArgs but also takes a pruning function. If --prune is passed, then after the build has completed, the second argument is called with a list of the files that the build checked were up-to-date.

shakeArgsPruneWith :: ShakeOptions -> ([FilePath] -> IO ()) -> [OptDescr (Either String a)] -> ([a] -> [String] -> IO (Maybe (Rules ()))) -> IO () Source #

A version of shakeArgsPrune that also takes a list of extra options to use.