{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards, RecordWildCards #-}
module Development.Shake.Internal.Profile(ProfileEntry(..), ProfileTrace(..), writeProfile) where
import General.Template
import Data.Tuple.Extra
import Data.Function
import Data.List
import System.FilePath
import Numeric.Extra
import General.Extra
import Development.Shake.Internal.Paths
import System.Time.Extra
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as LBS
data ProfileEntry = ProfileEntry
{prfName :: String, prfBuilt :: Int, prfChanged :: Int, prfDepends :: [Int], prfExecution :: Double, prfTraces :: [ProfileTrace]}
data ProfileTrace = ProfileTrace
{prfCommand :: String, prfStart :: Double, prfStop :: Double}
prfTime ProfileTrace{..} = prfStop - prfStart
writeProfile :: FilePath -> [ProfileEntry] -> IO ()
writeProfile out xs
| takeExtension out == ".js" = writeFile out $ "var shake = \n" ++ generateJSON xs
| takeExtension out == ".json" = writeFile out $ generateJSON xs
| takeExtension out == ".trace" = writeFile out $ generateTrace xs
| out == "-" = putStr $ unlines $ generateSummary xs
| otherwise = LBS.writeFile out =<< generateHTML xs
generateSummary :: [ProfileEntry] -> [String]
generateSummary xs =
["* This database has tracked " ++ show (maximum (0 : map prfChanged xs) + 1) ++ " runs."
,let f = show . length in "* There are " ++ f xs ++ " rules (" ++ f ls ++ " rebuilt in the last run)."
,let f = show . sum . map (length . prfTraces) in "* Building required " ++ f xs ++ " traced commands (" ++ f ls ++ " in the last run)."
,"* The total (unparallelised) time is " ++ showDuration (sum $ map prfExecution xs) ++
" of which " ++ showDuration (sum $ map prfTime $ concatMap prfTraces xs) ++ " is traced commands."
,let f xs = if null xs then "0s" else (\(a,b) -> showDuration a ++ " (" ++ b ++ ")") $ maximumBy' (compare `on` fst) xs in
"* The longest rule takes " ++ f (map (prfExecution &&& prfName) xs) ++
", and the longest traced command takes " ++ f (map (prfTime &&& prfCommand) $ concatMap prfTraces xs) ++ "."
,let sumLast = sum $ map prfTime $ concatMap prfTraces ls
maxStop = maximum $ 0 : map prfStop (concatMap prfTraces ls) in
"* Last run gave an average parallelism of " ++ showDP 2 (if maxStop == 0 then 0 else sumLast / maxStop) ++
" times over " ++ showDuration maxStop ++ "."
where ls = filter ((==) 0 . prfBuilt) xs
generateHTML :: [ProfileEntry] -> IO LBS.ByteString
generateHTML xs = do
report <- readDataFileHTML "profile.html"
let f name | name == "profile-data.js" = return $ LBS.pack $ "var profile =\n" ++ generateJSON xs
| name == "version.js" = return $ LBS.pack $ "var version = " ++ show shakeVersionString
| otherwise = readDataFileHTML name
runTemplate f report
generateTrace :: [ProfileEntry] -> String
generateTrace xs = jsonListLines $
showEntries 0 [y{prfCommand=prfName x} | x <- xs, y <- prfTraces x] ++
showEntries 1 (concatMap prfTraces xs)
showEntries pid xs = map (showEntry pid) $ snd $ mapAccumL alloc [] $ sortBy (compare `on` prfStart) xs
alloc as r | (a1,an:a2) <- break (\a -> prfStop a <= prfStart r) as = (a1++r:a2, (length a1,r))
| otherwise = (as++[r], (length as,r))
showEntry pid (tid, ProfileTrace{..}) = jsonObject
[("args","{}"), ("ph",show "X"), ("cat",show "target")
,("name",show prfCommand), ("tid",show tid), ("pid",show pid)
,("ts",show $ 1000000*prfStart), ("dur",show $ 1000000*(prfStop-prfStart))]
generateJSON :: [ProfileEntry] -> String
generateJSON = jsonListLines . map showEntry
showEntry ProfileEntry{..} = jsonObject $
[("name", show prfName)
,("built", show prfBuilt)
,("changed", show prfChanged)
,("depends", show prfDepends)
,("execution", showDP 4 prfExecution)] ++
[("traces", jsonList $ map showTrace prfTraces) | not $ null prfTraces]
showTrace ProfileTrace{..} = jsonObject
[("command",show prfCommand), ("start",show prfStart), ("stop",show prfStop)]
jsonListLines xs = "[" ++ intercalate "\n," xs ++ "\n]"
jsonList xs = "[" ++ intercalate "," xs ++ "]"
jsonObject xs = "{" ++ intercalate "," [show a ++ ":" ++ b | (a,b) <- xs] ++ "}"