{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable, PatternGuards, RecordWildCards, CPP #-}
module Development.Shake.Internal.Errors(
errorNoRuleToBuildType, errorRuleDefinedMultipleTimes,
errorMultipleRulesMatch, errorRuleRecursion, errorComplexRecursion, errorNoApply,
) where
import Data.Tuple.Extra
import Control.Exception.Extra
import Data.Typeable
import Data.List
errorInternal :: String -> a
errorInternal msg = error $ "Development.Shake: Internal error, please report to Neil Mitchell (" ++ msg ++ ")"
alternatives = let (*) = (,) in
["_rule_" * "oracle"
,"_Rule_" * "Oracle"
,"_key_" * "question"
,"_Key_" * "Question"
,"_result_" * "answer"
,"_Result_" * "Answer"
,"_addBuiltinRule_" * "addOracle"
,"_apply_" * "askOracle"]
errorStructured :: String -> [(String, Maybe String)] -> String -> IO a
errorStructured msg args hint = errorIO $ errorStructuredContents msg args hint
errorStructuredContents :: String -> [(String, Maybe String)] -> String -> String
errorStructuredContents msg args hint = unlines $
[msg ++ ":"] ++
[" " ++ a ++ [':' | a /= ""] ++ replicate (as - length a + 2) ' ' ++ b | (a,b) <- args2] ++
[hint | hint /= ""]
as = maximum $ 0 : map (length . fst) args2
args2 = [(a,b) | (a,Just b) <- args]
structured :: Bool -> String -> [(String, Maybe String)] -> String -> IO a
structured alt msg args hint = errorStructured (f msg) (map (first f) args) (f hint)
f = filter (/= '_') . (if alt then g else id)
g xs | (a,b):_ <- filter (\(a,b) -> a `isPrefixOf` xs) alternatives = b ++ g (drop (length a) xs)
g (x:xs) = x : g xs
g [] = []
errorDirectoryNotFile :: FilePath -> IO a
errorDirectoryNotFile dir = errorStructured
"Build system error - expected a file, got a directory"
[("Directory", Just dir)]
"Probably due to calling 'need' on a directory. Shake only permits 'need' on files."
errorNoRuleToBuildType :: TypeRep -> Maybe String -> Maybe TypeRep -> IO a
errorNoRuleToBuildType tk k tv = structured (specialIsOracleKey tk)
"Build system error - no _rule_ matches the _key_ type"
[("_Key_ type", Just $ show tk)
,("_Key_ value", k)
,("_Result_ type", fmap show tv)]
"You are missing a call to _addBuiltinRule_, or your call to _apply_ has the wrong _key_ type"
errorRuleDefinedMultipleTimes :: TypeRep-> IO a
errorRuleDefinedMultipleTimes tk = structured (specialIsOracleKey tk)
"Build system error - _rule_ defined twice at one _key_ type"
[("_Key_ type", Just $ show tk)]
"You have called _addBuiltinRule_ more than once on the same key type"
errorMultipleRulesMatch :: TypeRep -> String -> Int -> IO a
errorMultipleRulesMatch tk k count
| specialIsOracleKey tk, count == 0 =
errorInternal $ "no oracle match for " ++ show tk
| specialIsOracleKey tk = errorStructured
"Build system error - duplicate oracles for the same question type"
[("Question type",Just $ show tk)
,("Question value",Just k)]
"Only one call to addOracle is allowed per question type"
| otherwise = errorStructured
("Build system error - key matches " ++ (if count == 0 then "no" else "multiple") ++ " rules")
[("Key type",Just $ show tk)
,("Key value",Just k)
,("Rules matched",Just $ show count)]
(if count == 0 then "Either add a rule that produces the above key, or stop requiring the above key"
else "Modify your rules/defaultRules so only one can produce the above key")
errorRuleRecursion :: [String] -> TypeRep -> String -> IO a
errorRuleRecursion stack tk k = throwIO $ wrap $ toException $ ErrorCall $ errorStructuredContents
"Build system error - recursion detected"
[("Key type",Just $ show tk)
,("Key value",Just k)]
"Rules may not be recursive"
wrap = if null stack then id else toException . ShakeException (last stack) stack
errorComplexRecursion :: [String] -> IO a
errorComplexRecursion ks = errorStructured
"Build system error - indirect recursion detected"
[("Key value " ++ show i, Just k) | (i, k) <- zip [1..] ks]
"Rules may not be recursive"
errorNoApply :: TypeRep -> Maybe String -> String -> IO a
errorNoApply tk k msg = structured (specialIsOracleKey tk)
"Build system error - cannot currently call _apply_"
[("Reason", Just msg)
,("_Key_ type", Just $ show tk)
,("_Key_ value", k)]
"Move the _apply_ call earlier/later"
specialIsOracleKey :: TypeRep -> Bool
specialIsOracleKey t = con == "OracleQ"
where con = show $ fst $ splitTyConApp t
data ShakeException = ShakeException
{shakeExceptionTarget :: String
,shakeExceptionStack :: [String]
,shakeExceptionInner :: SomeException
deriving Typeable
instance Exception ShakeException
instance Show ShakeException where
show ShakeException{..} = unlines $
"Error when running Shake build system:" :
map ("* " ++) shakeExceptionStack ++
[displayException shakeExceptionInner]