{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}

-- | A wrapping of createProcess to provide a more flexible interface.
module General.Process(
    Buffer, newBuffer, readBuffer,
    process, ProcessOpts(..), Source(..), Destination(..)
    ) where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.DeepSeq
import Control.Exception.Extra as C
import Control.Monad.Extra
import Data.List.Extra
import Data.Maybe
import Foreign.C.Error
import System.Exit
import System.IO.Extra
import System.Info.Extra
import System.Process
import System.Time.Extra
import Data.Unique
import Data.IORef
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Internal as BS(createAndTrim)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
import General.Extra
import Prelude

import GHC.IO.Exception (IOErrorType(..), IOException(..))


data Buffer a = Buffer Unique (IORef [a])
instance Eq (Buffer a) where Buffer x _ == Buffer y _ = x == y
instance Ord (Buffer a) where compare (Buffer x _) (Buffer y _) = compare x y

newBuffer :: IO (Buffer a)
newBuffer = liftM2 Buffer newUnique (newIORef [])

addBuffer :: Buffer a -> a -> IO ()
addBuffer (Buffer _ ref) x = atomicModifyIORef ref $ \xs -> (x:xs, ())

readBuffer :: Buffer a -> IO [a]
readBuffer (Buffer _ ref) = reverse <$> readIORef ref


data Source
    = SrcFile FilePath
    | SrcString String
    | SrcBytes LBS.ByteString

data Destination
    = DestEcho
    | DestFile FilePath
    | DestString (Buffer String)
    | DestBytes (Buffer BS.ByteString)
      deriving (Eq,Ord)

isDestString DestString{} = True; isDestString _ = False
isDestBytes  DestBytes{}  = True; isDestBytes  _ = False

data ProcessOpts = ProcessOpts
    {poCommand :: CmdSpec
    ,poCwd :: Maybe FilePath
    ,poEnv :: Maybe [(String, String)]
    ,poTimeout :: Maybe Double
    ,poStdin :: [Source]
    ,poStdout :: [Destination]
    ,poStderr :: [Destination]
    ,poAsync :: Bool


-- | If two buffers can be replaced by one and a copy, do that (only if they start empty)
optimiseBuffers :: ProcessOpts -> IO (ProcessOpts, IO ())
optimiseBuffers po@ProcessOpts{..} = return (po{poStdout = nubOrd poStdout, poStderr = nubOrd poStderr}, return ())

stdStream :: (FilePath -> Handle) -> [Destination] -> [Destination] -> StdStream
stdStream file [DestEcho] other = Inherit
stdStream file [DestFile x] other | other == [DestFile x] || DestFile x `notElem` other = UseHandle $ file x
stdStream file _ _ = CreatePipe

stdIn :: (FilePath -> Handle) -> [Source] -> (StdStream, Handle -> IO ())
stdIn file [] = (Inherit, const $ return ())
stdIn file [SrcFile x] = (UseHandle $ file x, const $ return ())
stdIn file src = (,) CreatePipe $ \h ->
    void $ tryBool isPipeGone $ do
        forM_ src $ \x -> case x of
            SrcString x -> hPutStr h x
            SrcBytes x -> LBS.hPutStr h x
            SrcFile x -> LBS.hPutStr h =<< LBS.hGetContents (file x)
        hFlush h
        hClose h
        isPipeGone IOError{ioe_type=ResourceVanished, ioe_errno=Just ioe} = Errno ioe == ePIPE
        isPipeGone _ = False

withTimeout :: Maybe Double -> IO () -> IO a -> IO a
withTimeout Nothing stop go = go
withTimeout (Just s) stop go = bracket (forkIO $ sleep s >> stop) killThread $ const go

cmdSpec :: CmdSpec -> CreateProcess
cmdSpec (ShellCommand x) = shell x
cmdSpec (RawCommand x xs) = proc x xs

forkWait :: IO a -> IO (IO a)
forkWait a = do
    res <- newEmptyMVar
    _ <- mask $ \restore -> forkIO $ try_ (restore a) >>= putMVar res
    return $ takeMVar res >>= either throwIO return

abort :: ProcessHandle -> IO ()
abort pid = do
    interruptProcessGroupOf pid
    sleep 5 -- give the process a few seconds grace period to die nicely
    -- seems to happen with some GHC 7.2 compiled binaries with FFI etc
    terminateProcess pid

withCreateProcess :: CreateProcess -> ((Maybe Handle, Maybe Handle, Maybe Handle, ProcessHandle) -> IO a) -> IO a
withCreateProcess cp act = mask $ \restore -> do
    ans@(inh, outh, errh, pid) <- createProcess cp
    onException (restore $ act ans) $ do
        mapM_ (`whenJust` hClose) [inh, outh, errh]
        ignore $ do
            -- sometimes we fail before the process is valid
            -- therefore if terminate process fails, skip waiting on the process
            terminateProcess pid
            void $ waitForProcess pid

withFiles :: IOMode -> [FilePath] -> ((FilePath -> Handle) -> IO a) -> IO a
withFiles mode files act = withs (map (`withFile` mode) files) $ \handles ->
    act $ \x -> fromJust $ lookup x $ zip files handles

-- General approach taken from readProcessWithExitCode
process :: ProcessOpts -> IO (ProcessHandle, ExitCode)
process po = do
    (ProcessOpts{..}, flushBuffers) <- optimiseBuffers po
    let outFiles = nubOrd [x | DestFile x <- poStdout ++ poStderr]
    let inFiles = nubOrd [x | SrcFile x <- poStdin]
    withFiles WriteMode outFiles $ \outHandle -> withFiles ReadMode inFiles $ \inHandle -> do
        let cp = (cmdSpec poCommand){cwd = poCwd, env = poEnv, create_group = isJust poTimeout, close_fds = True
                 ,std_in = fst $ stdIn inHandle poStdin
                 ,std_out = stdStream outHandle poStdout poStderr, std_err = stdStream outHandle poStderr poStdout}
        withCreateProcess cp $ \(inh, outh, errh, pid) ->
            withTimeout poTimeout (abort pid) $ do

                let streams = [(outh, stdout, poStdout) | Just outh <- [outh], CreatePipe <- [std_out cp]] ++
                              [(errh, stderr, poStderr) | Just errh <- [errh], CreatePipe <- [std_err cp]]
                wait <- forM streams $ \(h, hh, dest) -> do
                    -- no point tying the streams together if one is being streamed directly
                    let isTied = not (poStdout `disjoint` poStderr) && length streams == 2
                    let isBinary = not $ any isDestString dest && not (any isDestBytes dest)
                    when isTied $ hSetBuffering h LineBuffering
                    when (DestEcho `elem` dest) $ do
                        buf <- hGetBuffering hh
                        case buf of
                            BlockBuffering{} -> return ()
                            _ -> hSetBuffering h buf

                    if isBinary then do
                        hSetBinaryMode h True
                        dest <- return $ for dest $ \d -> case d of
                            DestEcho -> BS.hPut hh
                            DestFile x -> BS.hPut (outHandle x)
                            DestString x -> addBuffer x . (if isWindows then replace "\r\n" "\n" else id) . BS.unpack
                            DestBytes x -> addBuffer x
                        forkWait $ whileM $ do
                            src <- bs_hGetSome h 4096
                            mapM_ ($ src) dest
                            notM $ hIsEOF h
                     else if isTied then do
                        dest <- return $ for dest $ \d -> case d of
                            DestEcho -> hPutStrLn hh
                            DestFile x -> hPutStrLn (outHandle x)
                            DestString x -> addBuffer x . (++ "\n")
                        forkWait $ whileM $
                            ifM (hIsEOF h) (return False) $ do
                                src <- hGetLine h
                                mapM_ ($ src) dest
                                return True
                     else do
                        src <- hGetContents h
                        wait1 <- forkWait $ C.evaluate $ rnf src
                        waits <- forM dest $ \d -> case d of
                            DestEcho -> forkWait $ hPutStr hh src
                            DestFile x -> forkWait $ hPutStr (outHandle x) src
                            DestString x -> do addBuffer x src; return $ return ()
                        return $ sequence_ $ wait1 : waits

                whenJust inh $ snd $ stdIn inHandle poStdin
                if poAsync then
                    return (pid, ExitSuccess)
                 else do
                    sequence_ wait
                    res <- waitForProcess pid
                    whenJust outh hClose
                    whenJust errh hClose
                    return (pid, res)


-- available in bytestring- and above
-- implementation copied below
bs_hGetSome :: Handle -> Int -> IO BS.ByteString
bs_hGetSome h i = BS.createAndTrim i $ \p -> hGetBufSome h p i