{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}

-- | Main module of the stochastic gradient descent (SGD) library. 
-- SGD is a method for optimizing a global objective function defined as a sum
-- of smaller, differentiable functions.  The individual component functions
-- share the same set of parameters, represented by the `ParamSet` class.
-- To perform SGD, the gradients of the individual functions need to be
-- determined.  This can be done manually or automatically, using one of the
-- automatic differentiation libraries (ad, backprop) available in Haskell.
-- For instance, let's say we have a list of functions defined as:
-- > funs = [\x -> 0.3*x^2, \x -> -2*x, const 3, sin]
-- The global objective is then defined as:
-- > objective x = sum $ map ($x) funs
-- We can manually determine the individual derivatives:
-- > derivs = [\x -> 0.6*x, const (-2), const 0, cos]
-- or use an automatic differentiation library, for instance:
-- > import qualified Numeric.AD as AD
-- > derivs = map
-- >   (\k -> AD.diff (funs !! k))
-- >   [0..length funs-1]
-- Finally, `run` allows to approach a (potentially local) minimum of the
-- global objective function:
-- >>> run (momentum def id) (take 10000 $ cycle derivs) 0.0
-- 4.180177042912455
-- where:
--     * @(take 10000 $ cycle derivs)@ is the stream of training examples
--     * @(momentum def id)@ is the selected SGD variant (`Mom.momentum`),
--     supplied with the default configuration (`def`) and the function (`id`)
--     for calculating the gradient from a training example
--     * @0.0@ is the initial parameter value

module Numeric.SGD
  -- * SGD variants
  , Ada.adaDelta
  , Adam.adam

  -- * Pure SGD
  , run

  -- * IO-based SGD
  , Config (..)
  , runIO

  -- * Combinators
  , pipeSeq
  , pipeRan
  , result
  , every

  -- * Re-exports
  , def
  ) where

import           GHC.Generics (Generic)
import           Numeric.Natural (Natural)

import qualified System.Random as R

import           Control.Monad (when, forM_)

import           Data.Functor.Identity (Identity(..))
import qualified Data.IORef as IO
import           Data.Default

import qualified Pipes as P
import qualified Pipes.Prelude as P
import           Pipes ((>->))

import qualified Numeric.SGD.Momentum as Mom
import qualified Numeric.SGD.AdaDelta as Ada
import qualified Numeric.SGD.Adam as Adam
import           Numeric.SGD.Type
import           Numeric.SGD.ParamSet
import           Numeric.SGD.DataSet

-- Pure SGD

-- | Traverse all the elements in the training data stream in one pass,
-- calculate the subsequent gradients, and apply them progressively starting
-- from the initial parameter values.
-- Consider using `runIO` if your training dataset is large.
  :: (ParamSet p)
  => SGD Identity e p
    -- ^ Selected SGD method
  -> [e]
    -- ^ Training data stream
  -> p
    -- ^ Initial parameters
  -> p
run sgd dataSet p0 = runIdentity $
  result p0
    (P.each dataSet >-> sgd p0)

-- Higher-level SGD

-- | High-level IO-based SGD configuration
data Config = Config
  { iterNum :: Natural
    -- ^ Number of iteration over the entire training dataset
  , batchRandom :: Bool
    -- ^ Should the mini-batch be selected at random?  If not, the subsequent
    -- training elements will be picked sequentially.  Random selection gives
    -- no guarantee of seeing each training sample in every epoch.
  , reportEvery :: Double
    -- ^ How often the value of the objective function should be reported (with
    -- @1@ meaning once per pass over the training data)
  } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)

instance Default Config where
  def = Config
    { iterNum = 100
    , batchRandom = False
    , reportEvery = 1.0

-- | Perform SGD in the IO monad, regularly reporting the value of the
-- objective function on the entire dataset.  A higher-level wrapper which
-- should be convenient to use when the training dataset is large.
-- An alternative is to use the simpler function `run`, or to build a custom
-- SGD pipeline based on lower-level combinators (`pipeSeq`, `Ada.adaDelta`,
-- `every`, `result`, etc.).
  :: (ParamSet p)
  => Config
    -- ^ SGD configuration
  -> SGD IO e p
    -- ^ Selected SGD method
  -> (e -> p -> Double)
    -- ^ Value of the objective function on a sample element (needed for model
    -- quality reporting)
  -> DataSet e
    -- ^ Training dataset
  -> p
    -- ^ Initial parameter values
  -> IO p
runIO Config{..} sgd quality0 dataSet net0 = do
  report net0
  result net0 $ pipeSeq dataSet
    >-> sgd net0
    >-> P.take realIterNum
    >-> every realReportPeriod report
    -- Iteration scaling
    iterScale x = fromIntegral (size dataSet) * x
    -- Number of iterations and reporting period
    realIterNum = ceiling $ iterScale (fromIntegral iterNum :: Double)
    realReportPeriod = ceiling $ iterScale reportEvery
    -- Network quality over the entire training dataset
    report net = do
      putStr . show =<< quality net
      putStrLn $ " (norm_2 = " ++ show (norm_2 net) ++ ")"
    quality net = do
      res <- IO.newIORef 0.0
      forM_ [0 .. size dataSet - 1] $ \ix -> do
        x <- elemAt dataSet ix
        IO.modifyIORef' res (+ quality0 x net)
      IO.readIORef res

-- Lower-level combinators

-- | Pipe the dataset sequentially in a loop.
pipeSeq :: DataSet e -> P.Producer e IO ()
pipeSeq dataSet = do
  go (0 :: Int)
    go k
      | k >= size dataSet = go 0
      | otherwise = do
          x <- P.lift $ elemAt dataSet k
          P.yield x
          go (k+1)

-- | Pipe the dataset randomly in a loop.
pipeRan :: DataSet e -> P.Producer e IO ()
pipeRan dataSet = do
  x <- P.lift $ do
    ix <- R.randomRIO (0, size dataSet - 1)
    elemAt dataSet ix
  P.yield x
  pipeRan dataSet

-- | Extract the result of the SGD calculation (the last parameter
-- set flowing downstream).
  :: (Monad m)
  => p
    -- ^ Default value (in case the stream is empty)
  -> P.Producer p m ()
    -- ^ Stream of parameter sets
  -> m p
result pDef = fmap (maybe pDef id) . P.last

-- | Apply the given function every @k@ param sets flowing downstream.
every :: (Monad m) => Int -> (p -> m ()) -> P.Pipe p p m x
every k f = do
  go (1 `mod` k)
    go i = do
      paramSet <- P.await
      when (i == 0) $ do
        P.lift $ f paramSet
      P.yield paramSet
      go $ (i+1) `mod` k