sexpresso- A flexible library for parsing and printing S-expression

Copyright© 2019 Vincent Archambault
MaintainerVincent Archambault <>
Safe HaskellNone



This module includes everything you need to write a parser for S-expression (SExpr). It is based on the Text.Megaparsec library and parsers can be defined for any kind of (MonadParsec e s m) instance. This is quite generic, if you are working with streams of Char, we suggest you also import Data.SExpresso.Parse.Char or simply Data.SExpresso.Parse which re-exports everything.

You can customize your SExpr parser by specifying the following:

  • The parser for atoms
  • The opening tag, the closing tag, and a possible dependency of the closing tag on the opening one.
  • If some space is required or optional between any pair of atoms.
  • How to parse space (ex: treat comments as whitespace)


data SExprParser m b a Source #

The SExprParser m b a datatype defines how to parse an SExpr b a. Most parsing functions require the underlying monad m to be an instance of (MonadParsec e s m).



The c parameter in the first two arguments is the type of the relation between the opening tag and the closing one.


  • (m c)

    The parser for the opening tag. Returns an object of an arbitrary type c that will be used to create the closing tag parser.

  • (c -> m b)

    A function that takes the object returned by the opening tag parser and provide a parser for the closing tag.

  • (m a)

    The parser for atoms

  • (m ())

    A parser for space tokens which does not accept empty input (e.g. space1)

  • (a -> a -> SpacingRule)

    A function to tell if two consecutive atoms must be separated by space or not. See also mkSpacingRule and setSpacingRule

getAtom :: SExprParser m b a -> m a Source #

The getAtom function returns the parser for atoms of an SExprParser object.

getSpace :: SExprParser m b a -> m () Source #

The getSpace function returns the parser for whitespace of an SExprParser object.

getSpacingRule :: SExprParser m b a -> a -> a -> SpacingRule Source #

The getSpacingRule function returns spacing rule function of an SExprParser object.

setTags :: m c -> (c -> m b) -> SExprParser m b' a -> SExprParser m b a Source #

The setTags function updates a parser with a new parser for the opening and closing tags.

setTagsFromList :: MonadParsec e s m => [(Tokens s, Tokens s, b)] -> SExprParser m b' a -> SExprParser m b a Source #

The setTagsFromList function helps you build the opening and closing parsers from a list of triplets. Each triplet specifies a stream of tokens to parse as the opening tag, a stream of tokens to parse at the closing tag and what to return when this pair is encountered. The setTagsFromList can handle multiple triplets with the same opening tags. See also setTagsFromMap.

The example e1 parses "()" as SList () [].

e1 = setTagsFromList [("(", ")", ()] p

The example e2 parses both "()" and "[]" as SList () [] but does not parse "(]" or "[)"

e2 = setTagsFromList [("(", ")", ()), ("[", "]", ())] p 

The example e3 parses "()" as SList List [] and "#()" as SList Vector [], but does not parse "(]" or "[)"

e3 = setTagsFromList [("(", ")", List), ("#(",")",Vector)] p

The example e4 parses "()" as SList ')' [] and "(]" as SList ']' [], but does not parse "])"

e4 = setTagsFromList [("(", ")", ')'), ("(", "]", ']')] p 

setTagsFromMap :: MonadParsec e s m => Map (Tokens s) [(Tokens s, b)] -> SExprParser m b' a -> SExprParser m b a Source #

The setTagsFromMap function helps you build the opening and closing parsers from a map. Each key specifies a stream of tokens to parse as the opening tag and the value of the map specifies one or more streams of tokens to parse at the closing tag and what to return when this pair is encountered. See also setTagsFromList.

The example e1 parses "()" as SList () [].

e1 = setTagsFromList $ M.fromList [("(", [")", ()]] p

The example e2 parses both "()" and "[]" as SList () [] but does not parse "(]" or "[)"

e2 = setTagsFromList $ M.fromList [("(", [")", ()]), ("[", ["]", ()])] p 

The example e3 parses "()" as SList List [] and "#()" as SList Vector [], but does not parse "(]" or "[)"

e3 = setTagsFromList $ M.fromList [("(", [")", List]), ("#(", [")",Vector])] p

The example e4 parses "()" as SList ')' [] and "(]" as SList ']' [], but does not parse "])"

e4 = setTagsFromList $ M.fromList [("(", [(")", ')'), ("]", ']')])] p 

setSpace :: m () -> SExprParser m b a -> SExprParser m b a Source #

The setSpace function modifies a SExprParser by setting the parser to parse whitespace. The parser for whitespace must not accept the empty input (e.g. space1)

setSpacingRule :: (a -> a -> SpacingRule) -> SExprParser m b a -> SExprParser m b a Source #

The setSpacingRule function modifies a SExprParser by setting the function to tell if two consecutive atoms must be separated by space or not. See also mkSpacingRule.

setAtom :: m a -> (a -> a -> SpacingRule) -> SExprParser m b a' -> SExprParser m b a Source #

The setAtom function updates a parser with a new parser for atoms and and new spacing rule function.

data SpacingRule Source #

The SpacingRule datatype is used to indicate if space is optional or mandatory between two consecutive SAtom _.



Space is mandatory


Space is optional

spaceIsMandatory :: a -> a -> SpacingRule Source #

The spaceIsMandatory function is a spacing rule where space is always mandatory. See also getSpacingRule.

spaceIsOptional :: a -> a -> SpacingRule Source #

The spaceIsOptional function is a spacing rule where space is always optional. See also getSpacingRule.

mkSpacingRule :: (a -> SpacingRule) -> a -> a -> SpacingRule Source #

The mkSpacingRule function is a helper to create a valid spacing rule function for SExprParser when some atoms have the same SpacingRule both before and after no matter what the other atom is. It takes as argument a function f that takes a single atom and returns the SpacingRule that applies both before and after this atom.

For example, to create a spacing rule where space is optional both before and after the fictitious MyString token:

s (MyString _) = SOptional
s _ = Mandatory
spacingRule = mkSpacingRule s

The above is equivalent to :

spacingRule (MyString _) _ = SOptional
spacingRule _ (MyString _) = SOptional
spacingRule _ _ = SMandatory

withLocation :: MonadParsec e s m => SExprParser m b a -> SExprParser m (Located b) (Located a) Source #

The withLocation function adds source location to a SExprParser. See also Location.

parseSExprList :: MonadParsec e s m => SExprParser m b a -> m (SExpr b a) Source #

The parseSExprList function return a parser for parsing S-expression of the form SList _ _.

parseSExpr :: MonadParsec e s m => SExprParser m b a -> m (SExpr b a) Source #

The parseSExpr function return a parser for parsing S-expression (SExpr), that is either an atom (SAtom _) or a list SList _ _. See also decodeOne and decode.

decodeOne :: MonadParsec e s m => SExprParser m b a -> m (SExpr b a) Source #

The decodeOne function return a parser for parsing a file containing only one S-expression (SExpr). It can parse extra whitespace at the beginning and at the end of the file. See also parseSExpr and decode.

decode :: MonadParsec e s m => SExprParser m b a -> m [SExpr b a] Source #

The decode function return a parser for parsing a file containing many S-expression (SExpr). It can parse extra whitespace at the beginning and at the end of the file. See also parseSExpr and decodeOne.