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servant-swagger-1.1.8: Generate a Swagger/OpenAPI/OAS 2.0 specification for your servant API.

MaintainerNickolay Kudasov <nickolay@getshoptv.com>
Safe HaskellNone



Automatic tests for servant API against Swagger spec.



validateEveryToJSON Source #


:: TMap (Every [Typeable, Show, Arbitrary, ToJSON, ToSchema]) (BodyTypes JSON api) 
=> proxy api

Servant API.

-> Spec 

Verify that every type used with JSON content type in a servant API has compatible ToJSON and ToSchema instances using validateToJSON.

NOTE: validateEveryToJSON does not perform string pattern validation. See validateEveryToJSONWithPatternChecker.

validateEveryToJSON will produce one prop specification for every type in the API. Each type only gets one test, even if it occurs multiple times in the API.

>>> data User = User { name :: String, age :: Maybe Int } deriving (Show, Generic, Typeable)
>>> newtype UserId = UserId String deriving (Show, Generic, Typeable, ToJSON, Arbitrary)
>>> instance ToJSON User
>>> instance ToSchema User
>>> instance ToSchema UserId
>>> instance Arbitrary User where arbitrary = User <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
>>> type UserAPI = (Capture "user_id" UserId :> Get '[JSON] User) :<|> (ReqBody '[JSON] User :> Post '[JSON] UserId)
>>> hspec $ context "ToJSON matches ToSchema" $ validateEveryToJSON (Proxy :: Proxy UserAPI)

ToJSON matches ToSchema
Finished in ... seconds
2 examples, 0 failures

For the test to compile all body types should have the following instances:

If any of the instances is missing, you'll get a descriptive type error:

>>> data Contact = Contact { fullname :: String, phone :: Integer } deriving (Show, Generic)
>>> instance ToJSON Contact
>>> instance ToSchema Contact
>>> type ContactAPI = Get '[JSON] Contact
>>> hspec $ validateEveryToJSON (Proxy :: Proxy ContactAPI)
...No instance for (Arbitrary Contact)
...  arising from a use of ‘validateEveryToJSON’

validateEveryToJSONWithPatternChecker Source #


:: TMap (Every [Typeable, Show, Arbitrary, ToJSON, ToSchema]) (BodyTypes JSON api) 
=> (Pattern -> Text -> Bool)

Pattern checker.

-> proxy api

Servant API.

-> Spec 

Verify that every type used with JSON content type in a servant API has compatible ToJSON and ToSchema instances using validateToJSONWithPatternChecker.

For validation without patterns see validateEveryToJSON.