{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings  #-}

module Servant.Server.Internal.BasicAuth where

import           Control.Monad
import           Control.Monad.Trans
import qualified Data.ByteString                            as BS
import           Data.ByteString.Base64
import           Data.Monoid
import           Data.Typeable
import           Data.Word8
                 (isSpace, toLower, _colon)
import           GHC.Generics
import           Network.HTTP.Types
import           Network.Wai
                 (Request, requestHeaders)

import           Servant.API.BasicAuth
                 (BasicAuthData (BasicAuthData))
import           Servant.Server.Internal.RoutingApplication
import           Servant.Server.Internal.ServantErr

-- * Basic Auth

-- | servant-server's current implementation of basic authentication is not
-- immune to certian kinds of timing attacks. Decoding payloads does not take
-- a fixed amount of time.

-- | The result of authentication/authorization
data BasicAuthResult usr
  = Unauthorized
  | BadPassword
  | NoSuchUser
  | Authorized usr
  deriving (Eq, Show, Read, Generic, Typeable, Functor)

-- | Datatype wrapping a function used to check authentication.
newtype BasicAuthCheck usr = BasicAuthCheck
  { unBasicAuthCheck :: BasicAuthData
                     -> IO (BasicAuthResult usr)
  deriving (Generic, Typeable, Functor)

-- | Internal method to make a basic-auth challenge
mkBAChallengerHdr :: BS.ByteString -> Header
mkBAChallengerHdr realm = ("WWW-Authenticate", "Basic realm=\"" <> realm <> "\"")

-- | Find and decode an 'Authorization' header from the request as Basic Auth
decodeBAHdr :: Request -> Maybe BasicAuthData
decodeBAHdr req = do
    ah <- lookup "Authorization" $ requestHeaders req
    let (b, rest) = BS.break isSpace ah
    guard (BS.map toLower b == "basic")
    let decoded = decodeLenient (BS.dropWhile isSpace rest)
    let (username, passWithColonAtHead) = BS.break (== _colon) decoded
    (_, password) <- BS.uncons passWithColonAtHead
    return (BasicAuthData username password)

-- | Run and check basic authentication, returning the appropriate http error per
-- the spec.
runBasicAuth :: Request -> BS.ByteString -> BasicAuthCheck usr -> DelayedIO usr
runBasicAuth req realm (BasicAuthCheck ba) =
  case decodeBAHdr req of
     Nothing -> plzAuthenticate
     Just e  -> liftIO (ba e) >>= \res -> case res of
       BadPassword    -> plzAuthenticate
       NoSuchUser     -> plzAuthenticate
       Unauthorized   -> delayedFailFatal err403
       Authorized usr -> return usr
  where plzAuthenticate = delayedFailFatal err401 { errHeaders = [mkBAChallengerHdr realm] }