servant-flatten-0.1: Utilities for flattening servant API types

Safe HaskellNone





flatten :: Proxy api -> Proxy (Flat api) Source #

Flatten (a Proxy to) an API type.

This performs a number of transformations on the API type so as to end up with all combinators distributed over endpoints. For example, the following API type:

  type API = Capture "foo" Int :>
    ( Capture "bar" String :>
        ( Get '[JSON] String :<|>
          ReqBody '[JSON] Int :> Post '[JSON] Int
        ) :<|>
      Get '[JSON] Int
    ) :<|>
    Get '[JSON] [String]

gets transformed into:

  Capture "foo" Int :> Capture "bar" String :> Get '[JSON] String :<|>
  Capture "foo" Int :> Capture "bar" String :> ReqBody '[JSON] Int :> Post '[JSON] Int :<|>
  Capture "foo" Int :> Get '[JSON] Int :<|>
  Get '[JSON] [String]

The main point of doing this is to avoid "nested types" for server-side handlers and client functions. See this cookbook recipe (particularly the notes on FactoringAPI) for more about "nested types".

To derive "flat" client functions for the API type above, API, you can do:

  getfoobar :<|> postfoobar :<|> getfoo :<|> getstrings
    = client $ flatten (Proxy :: Proxy API)

To serve an implementation for that API with "flat" handler types, you can do:

  -- we define all our handlers assuming all the arguments are distributed,
  -- and declare that this is an implementation for Flat API, not API.
  server :: Server (Flat API)
  server = (foo bar -> return $ show (foo + bar))
      :<|> (foo bar body -> return $ show (foo + bar - body^2))
      :<|> (foo -> return (foo * 2))
      :<|> (return ["hello", "world"])

  api :: Proxy API
  api = Proxy

  main :: IO ()
  main = 8080 $
    serve (flatten api) server

type Flat api = Reassoc (Flatten (Reassoc (Flatten api))) Source #

Flatten and transform the API type a little bit.

type family Flatten (api :: k) :: k where ... Source #

Completely flattens an API type by applying a few simple transformations. The goal is to end up with an API type where things like a :> (b :<|> c) are rewritten to a :> b :<|> a :> c, so as to have client with very simple types, instead of "nested clients".


Flatten ((a :: k) :> (b :<|> c)) = Flatten (a :> b) :<|> Flatten (a :> c) 
Flatten ((a :: k) :> b) = Redex b (Flatten b) a 
Flatten (a :<|> b) = Flatten a :<|> Flatten b 
Flatten (a :: k) = a 

type family Redex a b (c :: k) :: * where ... Source #


Redex a a first = Flatten first :> a 
Redex a b first = Flatten (first :> b) 

type family Reassoc api where ... Source #

Reassociates '(:|)' to the right.


Reassoc ((a :<|> b) :<|> c) = Reassoc a :<|> Reassoc (b :<|> c) 
Reassoc (a :<|> b) = a :<|> Reassoc b 
Reassoc a = a 

Utilities that we can define on a flat representation

type family Nths (idxs :: [Nat]) api where ... Source #

Get the endpoints with given indices in the all-flat representation of the API type, glueing them together with :<|>.


Nths '[i] api = Nth i api 
Nths (i ': is) api = Nth i api :<|> Nths is api 

type family Nth (i :: Nat) api where ... Source #

Get the endpoint with given index in the all-flat representation of the API type.


Nth 0 (a :<|> b) = a 
Nth 0 a = a 
Nth n (a :<|> b) = Nth (n - 1) b