servant-client-core-0.14: Core functionality and class for client function generation for servant APIs

Safe HaskellNone




Accessing APIs as a Client

clientIn :: HasClient m api => Proxy api -> Proxy m -> Client m api Source #

clientIn allows you to produce operations to query an API from a client within a RunClient monad.

type MyApi = "books" :> Get '[JSON] [Book] -- GET /books
        :<|> "books" :> ReqBody '[JSON] Book :> Post '[JSON] Book -- POST /books

myApi :: Proxy MyApi
myApi = Proxy

clientM :: Proxy ClientM
clientM = Proxy

getAllBooks :: ClientM [Book]
postNewBook :: Book -> ClientM Book
(getAllBooks :<|> postNewBook) = myApi `clientIn` clientM

class RunClient m => HasClient m api where Source #

This class lets us define how each API combinator influences the creation of an HTTP request.

Unless you are writing a new backend for servant-client-core or new combinators that you want to support client-generation, you can ignore this class.

Minimal complete definition

clientWithRoute, hoistClientMonad

Associated Types

type Client (m :: * -> *) (api :: *) :: * Source #


clientWithRoute :: Proxy m -> Proxy api -> Request -> Client m api Source #

hoistClientMonad :: Proxy m -> Proxy api -> (forall x. mon x -> mon' x) -> Client mon api -> Client mon' api Source #


RunClient m => HasClient m Raw Source #

Pick a Method and specify where the server you want to query is. You get back the full Response.

Associated Types

type Client (m :: * -> *) Raw :: * Source #


clientWithRoute :: Proxy (* -> *) m -> Proxy * Raw -> Request -> Client m Raw Source #

hoistClientMonad :: Proxy (* -> *) m -> Proxy * Raw -> (forall x. mon x -> mon' x) -> Client mon Raw -> Client mon' Raw Source #

RunClient m => HasClient m EmptyAPI Source #

The client for EmptyAPI is simply EmptyClient.

type MyAPI = "books" :> Get '[JSON] [Book] -- GET /books
        :<|> "nothing" :> EmptyAPI

myApi :: Proxy MyApi
myApi = Proxy

getAllBooks :: ClientM [Book]
(getAllBooks :<|> EmptyClient) = client myApi

Associated Types

type Client (m :: * -> *) EmptyAPI :: * Source #


clientWithRoute :: Proxy (* -> *) m -> Proxy * EmptyAPI -> Request -> Client m EmptyAPI Source #

hoistClientMonad :: Proxy (* -> *) m -> Proxy * EmptyAPI -> (forall x. mon x -> mon' x) -> Client mon EmptyAPI -> Client mon' EmptyAPI Source #

(HasClient m a, HasClient m b) => HasClient m ((:<|>) a b) Source #

A client querying function for a :<|> b will actually hand you one function for querying a and another one for querying b, stitching them together with :<|>, which really is just like a pair.

type MyApi = "books" :> Get '[JSON] [Book] -- GET /books
        :<|> "books" :> ReqBody '[JSON] Book :> Post Book -- POST /books

myApi :: Proxy MyApi
myApi = Proxy

getAllBooks :: ClientM [Book]
postNewBook :: Book -> ClientM Book
(getAllBooks :<|> postNewBook) = client myApi

Associated Types

type Client (m :: * -> *) (a :<|> b) :: * Source #


clientWithRoute :: Proxy (* -> *) m -> Proxy * (a :<|> b) -> Request -> Client m (a :<|> b) Source #

hoistClientMonad :: Proxy (* -> *) m -> Proxy * (a :<|> b) -> (forall x. mon x -> mon' x) -> Client mon (a :<|> b) -> Client mon' (a :<|> b) Source #

HasClient m api => HasClient m ((:>) * (BasicAuth realm usr) api) Source # 

Associated Types

type Client (m :: * -> *) ((* :> BasicAuth realm usr) api) :: * Source #


clientWithRoute :: Proxy (* -> *) m -> Proxy * ((* :> BasicAuth realm usr) api) -> Request -> Client m ((* :> BasicAuth realm usr) api) Source #

hoistClientMonad :: Proxy (* -> *) m -> Proxy * ((* :> BasicAuth realm usr) api) -> (forall x. mon x -> mon' x) -> Client mon ((* :> BasicAuth realm usr) api) -> Client mon' ((* :> BasicAuth realm usr) api) Source #

HasClient m api => HasClient m ((:>) * (AuthProtect k tag) api) Source # 

Associated Types

type Client (m :: * -> *) ((* :> AuthProtect k tag) api) :: * Source #


clientWithRoute :: Proxy (* -> *) m -> Proxy * ((* :> AuthProtect k tag) api) -> Request -> Client m ((* :> AuthProtect k tag) api) Source #

hoistClientMonad :: Proxy (* -> *) m -> Proxy * ((* :> AuthProtect k tag) api) -> (forall x. mon x -> mon' x) -> Client mon ((* :> AuthProtect k tag) api) -> Client mon' ((* :> AuthProtect k tag) api) Source #

HasClient m subapi => HasClient m (WithNamedContext name context subapi) Source # 

Associated Types

type Client (m :: * -> *) (WithNamedContext name context subapi) :: * Source #


clientWithRoute :: Proxy (* -> *) m -> Proxy * (WithNamedContext name context subapi) -> Request -> Client m (WithNamedContext name context subapi) Source #

hoistClientMonad :: Proxy (* -> *) m -> Proxy * (WithNamedContext name context subapi) -> (forall x. mon x -> mon' x) -> Client mon (WithNamedContext name context subapi) -> Client mon' (WithNamedContext name context subapi) Source #

HasClient m api => HasClient m ((:>) * IsSecure api) Source # 

Associated Types

type Client (m :: * -> *) ((* :> IsSecure) api) :: * Source #


clientWithRoute :: Proxy (* -> *) m -> Proxy * ((* :> IsSecure) api) -> Request -> Client m ((* :> IsSecure) api) Source #

hoistClientMonad :: Proxy (* -> *) m -> Proxy * ((* :> IsSecure) api) -> (forall x. mon x -> mon' x) -> Client mon ((* :> IsSecure) api) -> Client mon' ((* :> IsSecure) api) Source #

HasClient m api => HasClient m ((:>) * RemoteHost api) Source # 

Associated Types

type Client (m :: * -> *) ((* :> RemoteHost) api) :: * Source #


clientWithRoute :: Proxy (* -> *) m -> Proxy * ((* :> RemoteHost) api) -> Request -> Client m ((* :> RemoteHost) api) Source #

hoistClientMonad :: Proxy (* -> *) m -> Proxy * ((* :> RemoteHost) api) -> (forall x. mon x -> mon' x) -> Client mon ((* :> RemoteHost) api) -> Client mon' ((* :> RemoteHost) api) Source #

HasClient m api => HasClient m ((:>) * Vault api) Source # 

Associated Types

type Client (m :: * -> *) ((* :> Vault) api) :: * Source #


clientWithRoute :: Proxy (* -> *) m -> Proxy * ((* :> Vault) api) -> Request -> Client m ((* :> Vault) api) Source #

hoistClientMonad :: Proxy (* -> *) m -> Proxy * ((* :> Vault) api) -> (forall x. mon x -> mon' x) -> Client mon ((* :> Vault) api) -> Client mon' ((* :> Vault) api) Source #

(KnownSymbol path, HasClient m api) => HasClient m ((:>) Symbol path api) Source #

Make the querying function append path to the request path.

Associated Types

type Client (m :: * -> *) ((Symbol :> path) api) :: * Source #


clientWithRoute :: Proxy (* -> *) m -> Proxy * ((Symbol :> path) api) -> Request -> Client m ((Symbol :> path) api) Source #

hoistClientMonad :: Proxy (* -> *) m -> Proxy * ((Symbol :> path) api) -> (forall x. mon x -> mon' x) -> Client mon ((Symbol :> path) api) -> Client mon' ((Symbol :> path) api) Source #

(MimeRender * ct a, HasClient m api) => HasClient m ((:>) * (ReqBody' mods ((:) * ct cts) a) api) Source #

If you use a ReqBody in one of your endpoints in your API, the corresponding querying function will automatically take an additional argument of the type specified by your ReqBody. That function will take care of encoding this argument as JSON and of using it as the request body.

All you need is for your type to have a ToJSON instance.


type MyApi = "books" :> ReqBody '[JSON] Book :> Post '[JSON] Book

myApi :: Proxy MyApi
myApi = Proxy

addBook :: Book -> ClientM Book
addBook = client myApi
-- then you can just use "addBook" to query that endpoint

Associated Types

type Client (m :: * -> *) ((* :> ReqBody' mods ((* ': ct) cts) a) api) :: * Source #


clientWithRoute :: Proxy (* -> *) m -> Proxy * ((* :> ReqBody' mods ((* ': ct) cts) a) api) -> Request -> Client m ((* :> ReqBody' mods ((* ': ct) cts) a) api) Source #

hoistClientMonad :: Proxy (* -> *) m -> Proxy * ((* :> ReqBody' mods ((* ': ct) cts) a) api) -> (forall x. mon x -> mon' x) -> Client mon ((* :> ReqBody' mods ((* ': ct) cts) a) api) -> Client mon' ((* :> ReqBody' mods ((* ': ct) cts) a) api) Source #

(KnownSymbol sym, HasClient m api) => HasClient m ((:>) * (QueryFlag sym) api) Source #

If you use a QueryFlag in one of your endpoints in your API, the corresponding querying function will automatically take an additional Bool argument.

If you give False, nothing will be added to the query string.

Otherwise, this function will insert a value-less query string parameter under the name associated to your QueryFlag.


type MyApi = "books" :> QueryFlag "published" :> Get '[JSON] [Book]

myApi :: Proxy MyApi
myApi = Proxy

getBooks :: Bool -> ClientM [Book]
getBooks = client myApi
-- then you can just use "getBooks" to query that endpoint.
-- 'getBooksBy False' for all books
-- 'getBooksBy True' to only get _already published_ books

Associated Types

type Client (m :: * -> *) ((* :> QueryFlag sym) api) :: * Source #


clientWithRoute :: Proxy (* -> *) m -> Proxy * ((* :> QueryFlag sym) api) -> Request -> Client m ((* :> QueryFlag sym) api) Source #

hoistClientMonad :: Proxy (* -> *) m -> Proxy * ((* :> QueryFlag sym) api) -> (forall x. mon x -> mon' x) -> Client mon ((* :> QueryFlag sym) api) -> Client mon' ((* :> QueryFlag sym) api) Source #

(KnownSymbol sym, ToHttpApiData a, HasClient m api) => HasClient m ((:>) * (QueryParams sym a) api) Source #

If you use a QueryParams in one of your endpoints in your API, the corresponding querying function will automatically take an additional argument, a list of values of the type specified by your QueryParams.

If you give an empty list, nothing will be added to the query string.

Otherwise, this function will take care of inserting a textual representation of your values in the query string, under the same query string parameter name.

You can control how values for your type are turned into text by specifying a ToHttpApiData instance for your type.


type MyApi = "books" :> QueryParams "authors" Text :> Get '[JSON] [Book]

myApi :: Proxy MyApi
myApi = Proxy

getBooksBy :: [Text] -> ClientM [Book]
getBooksBy = client myApi
-- then you can just use "getBooksBy" to query that endpoint.
-- 'getBooksBy []' for all books
-- 'getBooksBy ["Isaac Asimov", "Robert A. Heinlein"]'
--   to get all books by Asimov and Heinlein

Associated Types

type Client (m :: * -> *) ((* :> QueryParams sym a) api) :: * Source #


clientWithRoute :: Proxy (* -> *) m -> Proxy * ((* :> QueryParams sym a) api) -> Request -> Client m ((* :> QueryParams sym a) api) Source #

hoistClientMonad :: Proxy (* -> *) m -> Proxy * ((* :> QueryParams sym a) api) -> (forall x. mon x -> mon' x) -> Client mon ((* :> QueryParams sym a) api) -> Client mon' ((* :> QueryParams sym a) api) Source #

(KnownSymbol sym, ToHttpApiData a, HasClient m api, SBoolI (FoldRequired mods)) => HasClient m ((:>) * (QueryParam' mods sym a) api) Source #

If you use a QueryParam in one of your endpoints in your API, the corresponding querying function will automatically take an additional argument of the type specified by your QueryParam, enclosed in Maybe.

If you give Nothing, nothing will be added to the query string.

If you give a non-Nothing value, this function will take care of inserting a textual representation of this value in the query string.

You can control how values for your type are turned into text by specifying a ToHttpApiData instance for your type.


type MyApi = "books" :> QueryParam "author" Text :> Get '[JSON] [Book]

myApi :: Proxy MyApi
myApi = Proxy

getBooksBy :: Maybe Text -> ClientM [Book]
getBooksBy = client myApi
-- then you can just use "getBooksBy" to query that endpoint.
-- 'getBooksBy Nothing' for all books
-- 'getBooksBy (Just "Isaac Asimov")' to get all books by Isaac Asimov

Associated Types

type Client (m :: * -> *) ((* :> QueryParam' mods sym a) api) :: * Source #


clientWithRoute :: Proxy (* -> *) m -> Proxy * ((* :> QueryParam' mods sym a) api) -> Request -> Client m ((* :> QueryParam' mods sym a) api) Source #

hoistClientMonad :: Proxy (* -> *) m -> Proxy * ((* :> QueryParam' mods sym a) api) -> (forall x. mon x -> mon' x) -> Client mon ((* :> QueryParam' mods sym a) api) -> Client mon' ((* :> QueryParam' mods sym a) api) Source #

HasClient m api => HasClient m ((:>) * (Description desc) api) Source #

Ignore Description in client functions.

Associated Types

type Client (m :: * -> *) ((* :> Description desc) api) :: * Source #


clientWithRoute :: Proxy (* -> *) m -> Proxy * ((* :> Description desc) api) -> Request -> Client m ((* :> Description desc) api) Source #

hoistClientMonad :: Proxy (* -> *) m -> Proxy * ((* :> Description desc) api) -> (forall x. mon x -> mon' x) -> Client mon ((* :> Description desc) api) -> Client mon' ((* :> Description desc) api) Source #

HasClient m api => HasClient m ((:>) * (Summary desc) api) Source #

Ignore Summary in client functions.

Associated Types

type Client (m :: * -> *) ((* :> Summary desc) api) :: * Source #


clientWithRoute :: Proxy (* -> *) m -> Proxy * ((* :> Summary desc) api) -> Request -> Client m ((* :> Summary desc) api) Source #

hoistClientMonad :: Proxy (* -> *) m -> Proxy * ((* :> Summary desc) api) -> (forall x. mon x -> mon' x) -> Client mon ((* :> Summary desc) api) -> Client mon' ((* :> Summary desc) api) Source #

HasClient m api => HasClient m ((:>) * HttpVersion api) Source #

Using a HttpVersion combinator in your API doesn't affect the client functions.

Associated Types

type Client (m :: * -> *) ((* :> HttpVersion) api) :: * Source #


clientWithRoute :: Proxy (* -> *) m -> Proxy * ((* :> HttpVersion) api) -> Request -> Client m ((* :> HttpVersion) api) Source #

hoistClientMonad :: Proxy (* -> *) m -> Proxy * ((* :> HttpVersion) api) -> (forall x. mon x -> mon' x) -> Client mon ((* :> HttpVersion) api) -> Client mon' ((* :> HttpVersion) api) Source #

(KnownSymbol sym, ToHttpApiData a, HasClient m api, SBoolI (FoldRequired mods)) => HasClient m ((:>) * (Header' * mods sym a) api) Source #

If you use a Header in one of your endpoints in your API, the corresponding querying function will automatically take an additional argument of the type specified by your Header, wrapped in Maybe.

That function will take care of encoding this argument as Text in the request headers.

All you need is for your type to have a ToHttpApiData instance.


newtype Referer = Referer { referrer :: Text }
  deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, ToHttpApiData)

           -- GET /view-my-referer
type MyApi = "view-my-referer" :> Header "Referer" Referer :> Get '[JSON] Referer

myApi :: Proxy MyApi
myApi = Proxy

viewReferer :: Maybe Referer -> ClientM Book
viewReferer = client myApi
-- then you can just use "viewRefer" to query that endpoint
-- specifying Nothing or e.g Just "" as arguments

Associated Types

type Client (m :: * -> *) ((* :> Header' * mods sym a) api) :: * Source #


clientWithRoute :: Proxy (* -> *) m -> Proxy * ((* :> Header' * mods sym a) api) -> Request -> Client m ((* :> Header' * mods sym a) api) Source #

hoistClientMonad :: Proxy (* -> *) m -> Proxy * ((* :> Header' * mods sym a) api) -> (forall x. mon x -> mon' x) -> Client mon ((* :> Header' * mods sym a) api) -> Client mon' ((* :> Header' * mods sym a) api) Source #

(KnownSymbol capture, ToHttpApiData a, HasClient m sublayout) => HasClient m ((:>) * (CaptureAll capture a) sublayout) Source #

If you use a CaptureAll in one of your endpoints in your API, the corresponding querying function will automatically take an additional argument of a list of the type specified by your CaptureAll. That function will take care of inserting a textual representation of this value at the right place in the request path.

You can control how these values are turned into text by specifying a ToHttpApiData instance of your type.


type MyAPI = "src" :> CaptureAll Text -> Get '[JSON] SourceFile

myApi :: Proxy
myApi = Proxy
getSourceFile :: [Text] -> ClientM SourceFile
getSourceFile = client myApi
-- then you can use "getSourceFile" to query that endpoint

Associated Types

type Client (m :: * -> *) ((* :> CaptureAll capture a) sublayout) :: * Source #


clientWithRoute :: Proxy (* -> *) m -> Proxy * ((* :> CaptureAll capture a) sublayout) -> Request -> Client m ((* :> CaptureAll capture a) sublayout) Source #

hoistClientMonad :: Proxy (* -> *) m -> Proxy * ((* :> CaptureAll capture a) sublayout) -> (forall x. mon x -> mon' x) -> Client mon ((* :> CaptureAll capture a) sublayout) -> Client mon' ((* :> CaptureAll capture a) sublayout) Source #

(KnownSymbol capture, ToHttpApiData a, HasClient m api) => HasClient m ((:>) * (Capture' mods capture a) api) Source #

If you use a Capture in one of your endpoints in your API, the corresponding querying function will automatically take an additional argument of the type specified by your Capture. That function will take care of inserting a textual representation of this value at the right place in the request path.

You can control how values for this type are turned into text by specifying a ToHttpApiData instance for your type.


type MyApi = "books" :> Capture "isbn" Text :> Get '[JSON] Book

myApi :: Proxy MyApi
myApi = Proxy

getBook :: Text -> ClientM Book
getBook = client myApi
-- then you can just use "getBook" to query that endpoint

Associated Types

type Client (m :: * -> *) ((* :> Capture' mods capture a) api) :: * Source #


clientWithRoute :: Proxy (* -> *) m -> Proxy * ((* :> Capture' mods capture a) api) -> Request -> Client m ((* :> Capture' mods capture a) api) Source #

hoistClientMonad :: Proxy (* -> *) m -> Proxy * ((* :> Capture' mods capture a) api) -> (forall x. mon x -> mon' x) -> Client mon ((* :> Capture' mods capture a) api) -> Client mon' ((* :> Capture' mods capture a) api) Source #

(RunClient m, BuildHeadersTo ls, ReflectMethod k1 method) => HasClient m (Verb k1 method status cts (Headers ls NoContent)) Source # 

Associated Types

type Client (m :: * -> *) (Verb k1 method status cts (Headers ls NoContent)) :: * Source #


clientWithRoute :: Proxy (* -> *) m -> Proxy * (Verb k1 method status cts (Headers ls NoContent)) -> Request -> Client m (Verb k1 method status cts (Headers ls NoContent)) Source #

hoistClientMonad :: Proxy (* -> *) m -> Proxy * (Verb k1 method status cts (Headers ls NoContent)) -> (forall x. mon x -> mon' x) -> Client mon (Verb k1 method status cts (Headers ls NoContent)) -> Client mon' (Verb k1 method status cts (Headers ls NoContent)) Source #

(RunClient m, MimeUnrender * ct a, BuildHeadersTo ls, ReflectMethod k1 method, (~) [*] cts' ((:) * ct cts)) => HasClient m (Verb k1 method status cts' (Headers ls a)) Source # 

Associated Types

type Client (m :: * -> *) (Verb k1 method status cts' (Headers ls a)) :: * Source #


clientWithRoute :: Proxy (* -> *) m -> Proxy * (Verb k1 method status cts' (Headers ls a)) -> Request -> Client m (Verb k1 method status cts' (Headers ls a)) Source #

hoistClientMonad :: Proxy (* -> *) m -> Proxy * (Verb k1 method status cts' (Headers ls a)) -> (forall x. mon x -> mon' x) -> Client mon (Verb k1 method status cts' (Headers ls a)) -> Client mon' (Verb k1 method status cts' (Headers ls a)) Source #

(RunClient m, ReflectMethod k1 method) => HasClient m (Verb k1 method status cts NoContent) Source # 

Associated Types

type Client (m :: * -> *) (Verb k1 method status cts NoContent) :: * Source #


clientWithRoute :: Proxy (* -> *) m -> Proxy * (Verb k1 method status cts NoContent) -> Request -> Client m (Verb k1 method status cts NoContent) Source #

hoistClientMonad :: Proxy (* -> *) m -> Proxy * (Verb k1 method status cts NoContent) -> (forall x. mon x -> mon' x) -> Client mon (Verb k1 method status cts NoContent) -> Client mon' (Verb k1 method status cts NoContent) Source #

(RunClient m, MimeUnrender * ct a, ReflectMethod k1 method, (~) [*] cts' ((:) * ct cts)) => HasClient m (Verb k1 method status cts' a) Source # 

Associated Types

type Client (m :: * -> *) (Verb k1 method status cts' a) :: * Source #


clientWithRoute :: Proxy (* -> *) m -> Proxy * (Verb k1 method status cts' a) -> Request -> Client m (Verb k1 method status cts' a) Source #

hoistClientMonad :: Proxy (* -> *) m -> Proxy * (Verb k1 method status cts' a) -> (forall x. mon x -> mon' x) -> Client mon (Verb k1 method status cts' a) -> Client mon' (Verb k1 method status cts' a) Source #

(RunClient m, MimeUnrender * ct a, ReflectMethod k1 method, FramingUnrender * * framing a, BuildFromStream a (f a)) => HasClient m (Stream k1 method status framing ct (f a)) Source # 

Associated Types

type Client (m :: * -> *) (Stream k1 method status framing ct (f a)) :: * Source #


clientWithRoute :: Proxy (* -> *) m -> Proxy * (Stream k1 method status framing ct (f a)) -> Request -> Client m (Stream k1 method status framing ct (f a)) Source #

hoistClientMonad :: Proxy (* -> *) m -> Proxy * (Stream k1 method status framing ct (f a)) -> (forall x. mon x -> mon' x) -> Client mon (Stream k1 method status framing ct (f a)) -> Client mon' (Stream k1 method status framing ct (f a)) Source #

Basic Authentication