{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeInType #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 800
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-redundant-constraints #-}
Module      : Servant.API.Auth.Token
Description : API for token based authorisation.
Copyright   : (c) Anton Gushcha, 2016
License     : MIT
Maintainer  : ncrashed@gmail.com
Stability   : experimental
Portability : Portable
module Servant.API.Auth.Token(
  -- * API specs
  , AuthSigninMethod
  , AuthSigninPostMethod
  , AuthSigninGetCodeMethod
  , AuthSigninPostCodeMethod
  , AuthTouchMethod
  , AuthTokenInfoMethod
  , AuthSignoutMethod
  , AuthSignupMethod
  , AuthUsersMethod
  , AuthGetUserMethod
  , AuthPatchUserMethod
  , AuthPutUserMethod
  , AuthDeleteUserMethod
  , AuthRestoreMethod
  , AuthGetSingleUseCodes
  , AuthGetGroupMethod
  , AuthPostGroupMethod
  , AuthPutGroupMethod
  , AuthPatchGroupMethod
  , AuthDeleteGroupMethod
  , AuthGroupsMethod
  , AuthCheckPermissionsMethod
  , AuthGetUserIdMethod
  , authAPI
  , authDocs
  -- ** Permission symbol
  , PermSymbol
  , PermSymbol(..)
  , UnliftPermSymbol(..)
  , PermsList(..)
  , PlainPerms
  -- ** Token
  , Token(..)
  , Token'
  , MToken
  , MToken'
  , TokenHeader
  , TokenHeader'
  , SimpleToken
  , downgradeToken'
  , downgradeToken
  -- ** User
  , UserId
  , Login
  , Password
  , Email
  , Permission
  , Seconds
  , RestoreCode
  , SingleUseCode
  , ReqRegister(..)
  , RespUserInfo(..)
  , PatchUser(..)
  , RespUsersInfo(..)
  , AuthSigninPostBody(..)
  -- ** User groups
  , UserGroupId
  , UserGroup(..)
  , PatchUserGroup(..)
  -- ** Default permissions
  , adminPerm
  , authCheckPerm
  , authDeletePerm
  , authInfoPerm
  , authUpdatePerm
  , authUserIdPerm
  , registerPerm
  -- * Swagger helpers
  , authOperations
  ) where

import Control.Lens
import Data.Aeson.Unit
import Data.Aeson.WithField
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Swagger (Swagger, Operation)
import Data.Swagger.Internal (SwaggerType(..), _paramSchemaType)
import Data.Swagger.Internal.ParamSchema
import Data.Swagger.Internal.Schema
import Data.Swagger.Operation
import GHC.Generics
import GHC.TypeLits
import Servant.API
import Servant.Docs
import Servant.Swagger
import Text.RawString.QQ

import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T

import Servant.API.Auth.Token.Pagination
import Servant.API.Auth.Token.Internal.DeriveJson
import Servant.API.Auth.Token.Internal.Schema

instance ToSample Unit where
  toSamples _ = singleSample Unit

-- Simplified version that doesn't consume GBs of RAM
-- | Type level permission type that is simple 'Symbol' tag
type {- kind -} PermSymbol = Symbol

-- | Convertation of permission symbol into runtime string
class UnliftPermSymbol (s :: PermSymbol) where
  unliftPermSymbol :: Proxy s -> String

instance KnownSymbol s => UnliftPermSymbol s where
  unliftPermSymbol _ = symbolVal (Proxy :: Proxy s)

-- | Helper type family to wrap all symbols, with flat symbols this is id
-- function
type family PlainPerms (p :: [Symbol]) :: [PermSymbol] where
  PlainPerms a = a

-- | Type level permission type that allows to
-- construct complex permission labels
data {- kind -} PermSymbol =
    PermLabel Symbol
  | PermConcat PermSymbol PermSymbol

-- | Convertation of permission symbol into runtim string
class UnliftPermSymbol (s :: PermSymbol) where
  unliftPermSymbol :: Proxy s -> String

instance KnownSymbol s => UnliftPermSymbol ('PermLabel s) where
  unliftPermSymbol _ = symbolVal (Proxy :: Proxy s)

instance (UnliftPermSymbol p1, UnliftPermSymbol p2) => UnliftPermSymbol ('PermConcat p1 p2) where
  unliftPermSymbol _ = unliftPermSymbol (Proxy :: Proxy p1)
    ++ unliftPermSymbol (Proxy :: Proxy p2)

-- | Helper type family to wrap all symbols into 'PermLabel'
type family PlainPerms (p :: [Symbol]) :: [PermSymbol] where
  PlainPerms '[] = '[]
  PlainPerms (s ': ss) = 'PermLabel s ': PlainPerms ss

-- | Token is simple string marked by permissions that are expected
-- from the token to pass guarding functions.
newtype Token (perms :: [PermSymbol]) = Token { unToken :: Text }
  deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | Token is simple string marked by permissions that are expected
-- from the token to pass guarding functions.
-- Simplified version that takes plain symbols as permissions.
type Token' (perms :: [Symbol]) = Token (PlainPerms perms)

instance ToParamSchema (Token perms) where
  toParamSchema _ = mempty { _paramSchemaType = Just SwaggerString }

instance FromHttpApiData (Token perms) where
  parseUrlPiece = fmap Token . parseUrlPiece

instance ToHttpApiData (Token perms) where
  toUrlPiece = toUrlPiece . unToken

instance ToSample (Token perms) where
  toSamples _ = singleSample s
    where s = Token "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000"

-- | Token that doesn't have attached compile-time permissions
type SimpleToken = Text
-- | Shortcut for Maybe Token with attached permissions
type MToken (perms :: [PermSymbol]) = Maybe (Token perms)

-- | Shortcut for Maybe Token with attached permissions
-- Simplified version that takes plain symbols as permissions.
type MToken' (perms :: [Symbol]) = MToken (PlainPerms perms)

-- | User name for login
type Login = Text
-- | Password for login
type Password = Text
-- | User email
type Email = Text
-- | Special tag for a permission that a user has
type Permission = Text
-- | Amount of seconds
type Seconds = Word
-- | Special tag for password restore
type RestoreCode = Text
-- | Single use code used for authorisation via 'AuthSigninGetCodeMethod' and
-- 'AuthSigninPostCodeMethod' endpoints
type SingleUseCode = Text

-- | Token header that we require for authorization marked
-- by permissions that are expected from the token to pass guarding functions.
type TokenHeader (perms :: [PermSymbol]) =
  Header "Authorization" (Token perms)

-- | Token header that we require for authorization marked
-- by permissions that are expected from the token to pass guarding functions.
-- Simplified version that takes plain symbols as permissions.
type TokenHeader' (perms :: [Symbol]) = TokenHeader (PlainPerms perms)

-- | Id of user that is used in the API
type UserId = Word

-- | Id of user group
type UserGroupId = Word

-- | Request body for user registration
data ReqRegister = ReqRegister {
  reqRegLogin :: !Login
, reqRegPassword :: !Password
, reqRegEmail :: !Email
, reqRegPermissions :: ![Permission]
, reqRegGroups :: !(Maybe [UserGroupId])
} deriving (Generic, Show)
$(deriveJSON (derivePrefix "reqReg") ''ReqRegister)

instance ToSchema ReqRegister where
  declareNamedSchema = genericDeclareNamedSchema $
    schemaOptionsDropPrefix "reqReg"

instance ToSample ReqRegister where
  toSamples _ = singleSample s
    s = ReqRegister {
        reqRegLogin = "ncrashed"
      , reqRegPassword = "mydogishappy"
      , reqRegEmail = "ncrashed@gmail.com"
      , reqRegPermissions = ["auth-info", "auth-update"]
      , reqRegGroups = Nothing

-- | Response with user info
data RespUserInfo = RespUserInfo {
  respUserId :: !UserId
, respUserLogin :: !Login
, respUserEmail :: !Email
, respUserPermissions :: ![Permission]
, respUserGroups :: ![UserGroupId]
} deriving (Generic, Show)
$(deriveJSON (derivePrefix "respUser") ''RespUserInfo)

instance ToSchema RespUserInfo where
  declareNamedSchema = genericDeclareNamedSchema $
    schemaOptionsDropPrefix "respUser"

instance ToSample RespUserInfo where
  toSamples _ = singleSample s
    s = RespUserInfo {
        respUserId = 42
      , respUserLogin = "ncrashed"
      , respUserEmail = "ncrashed@gmail.com"
      , respUserPermissions = ["admin"]
      , respUserGroups = [0, 1]

-- | Response with users info and pagination
data RespUsersInfo = RespUsersInfo {
  respUsersItems :: ![RespUserInfo]
, respUsersPages :: !Word
} deriving (Generic, Show)
$(deriveJSON (derivePrefix "respUsers") ''RespUsersInfo)

instance ToSchema RespUsersInfo where
  declareNamedSchema = genericDeclareNamedSchema $
    schemaOptionsDropPrefix "respUsers"

instance ToSample RespUsersInfo where
  toSamples _ = singleSample s
    s = RespUsersInfo [u] 1
    u = RespUserInfo {
        respUserId = 42
      , respUserLogin = "ncrashed"
      , respUserEmail = "ncrashed@gmail.com"
      , respUserPermissions = ["admin"]
      , respUserGroups = [0, 1]

-- | Request body for patching user
data PatchUser = PatchUser {
  patchUserLogin :: !(Maybe Login)
, patchUserPassword :: !(Maybe Password)
, patchUserEmail :: !(Maybe Email)
, patchUserPermissions :: !(Maybe [Permission])
, patchUserGroups :: !(Maybe [UserGroupId])
} deriving (Generic, Show)
$(deriveJSON (derivePrefix "patchUser") ''PatchUser)

instance ToSchema PatchUser where
  declareNamedSchema = genericDeclareNamedSchema $
    schemaOptionsDropPrefix "patchUser"

instance ToSample PatchUser where
  toSamples _ = samples [s1, s2, s3]
    s1 = PatchUser {
        patchUserLogin = Just "nusicrashed"
      , patchUserPassword = Just "mycatishappy"
      , patchUserEmail = Just "ncrashed@mail.ru"
      , patchUserPermissions = Just []
      , patchUserGroups = Nothing
    s2 = PatchUser {
        patchUserLogin = Nothing
      , patchUserPassword = Nothing
      , patchUserEmail = Just "ncrashed@mail.ru"
      , patchUserPermissions = Nothing
      , patchUserGroups = Nothing
    s3 = PatchUser {
        patchUserLogin = Nothing
      , patchUserPassword = Just "mycatishappy"
      , patchUserEmail = Nothing
      , patchUserPermissions = Nothing
      , patchUserGroups = Just [1, 2]

-- | Data of user group, groups allows to group permissions
-- and assign them to particular users in batch manner.
-- Also a group hierarchy can be formed.
data UserGroup = UserGroup {
  userGroupName :: !Text
, userGroupUsers :: ![UserId]
, userGroupPermissions :: ![Permission]
, userGroupParent :: !(Maybe UserGroupId)
} deriving (Generic, Show)
$(deriveJSON (derivePrefix "userGroup") ''UserGroup)

instance ToSchema UserGroup where
  declareNamedSchema = genericDeclareNamedSchema $
    schemaOptionsDropPrefix "userGroup"

instance ToSample UserGroup where
  toSamples _ = singleSample s
    s = UserGroup {
        userGroupName = "moderators"
      , userGroupUsers = [0, 42, 3]
      , userGroupPermissions = ["auth-register", "auth-update", "auth-delete"]
      , userGroupParent = Nothing

-- | Data type that is used to patch 'UserGroup'
data PatchUserGroup = PatchUserGroup {
  patchUserGroupName :: !(Maybe Text)
, patchUserGroupUsers :: !(Maybe [UserId])
, patchUserGroupPermissions :: !(Maybe [Permission])
, patchUserGroupParent :: !(Maybe UserGroupId)
-- | Special case when you want to set parent to 'Nothing'
, patchUserGroupNoParent :: !(Maybe Bool)
} deriving (Generic, Show)
$(deriveJSON (derivePrefix "patchUserGroup") ''PatchUserGroup)

instance ToSchema PatchUserGroup where
  declareNamedSchema = genericDeclareNamedSchema $
    schemaOptionsDropPrefix "patchUserGroup"

instance ToSample PatchUserGroup where
  toSamples _ = samples [s1, s2, s3]
    s1 = PatchUserGroup {
        patchUserGroupName = Just "developers"
      , patchUserGroupUsers = Just [0, 42, 3]
      , patchUserGroupPermissions = Just ["program", "eat", "sleep"]
      , patchUserGroupParent = Just 2
      , patchUserGroupNoParent = Nothing
    s2 = PatchUserGroup {
        patchUserGroupName = Nothing
      , patchUserGroupUsers = Nothing
      , patchUserGroupPermissions = Just ["program", "sleep"]
      , patchUserGroupParent = Nothing
      , patchUserGroupNoParent = Nothing
    s3 = PatchUserGroup {
        patchUserGroupName = Nothing
      , patchUserGroupUsers = Nothing
      , patchUserGroupPermissions = Nothing
      , patchUserGroupParent = Nothing
      , patchUserGroupNoParent = Just True

-- | Body for 'AuthSigninPostMethod'
data AuthSigninPostBody = AuthSigninPostBody {
  authSigninBodyLogin    :: !Login
, authSigninBodyPassword :: !Password
, authSigninBodySeconds  :: !(Maybe Seconds) -- ^ Nothing is default server value
} deriving (Generic, Show)
$(deriveJSON (derivePrefix "authSigninBody") ''AuthSigninPostBody)

instance ToSchema AuthSigninPostBody where
  declareNamedSchema = genericDeclareNamedSchema $
    schemaOptionsDropPrefix "authSigninBody"

instance ToSample AuthSigninPostBody where
  toSamples _ = samples [s1, s2, s3]
    s1 = AuthSigninPostBody {
        authSigninBodyLogin = "admin"
      , authSigninBodyPassword = "123456"
      , authSigninBodySeconds = Nothing
    s2 = AuthSigninPostBody {
        authSigninBodyLogin = "sviborg"
      , authSigninBodyPassword = "qwerty"
      , authSigninBodySeconds = Just 360
    s3 = AuthSigninPostBody {
        authSigninBodyLogin = "schoolgirl"
      , authSigninBodyPassword = "ilovepony"
      , authSigninBodySeconds = Just 42

instance ToParam (QueryParam "login" Login) where
  toParam _ = DocQueryParam "login" ["ncrashed", "buddy"] "Any valid login for user" Normal
instance ToParam (QueryParam "password" Password) where
  toParam _ = DocQueryParam "password" ["123", "qwerty"] "Any valid password for user" Normal
instance ToParam (QueryParam "expire" Seconds) where
  toParam _ = DocQueryParam "expire" ["600", "30"] "Amount of time in seconds the returned token should be valid for, server can restrain maximum token life" Normal
instance ToParam (QueryParam "code" RestoreCode) where
  toParam _ = DocQueryParam "code" ["fdfygie", "sdf7230"] "Code that was sended to the user by some secure way" Normal
instance ToParam (QueryParam "codes-count" Word) where
  toParam _ = DocQueryParam "codes-count" ["1", "42"] "Count of single use codes to be generated by the server. Can be restricted with upper bound. If the parameter is missing, the server chooses a default value." Normal

instance ToCapture (Capture "user-id" UserId) where
  toCapture _ = DocCapture "user-id" "unique identifier"
instance ToCapture (Capture "group-id" UserGroupId) where
  toCapture _ = DocCapture "group-id" "identifier of a user group"

-- | Generic authorization API
type AuthAPI =
  :<|> AuthSigninPostMethod
  :<|> AuthSigninGetCodeMethod
  :<|> AuthSigninPostCodeMethod
  :<|> AuthTouchMethod
  :<|> AuthTokenInfoMethod
  :<|> AuthSignoutMethod
  :<|> AuthSignupMethod
  :<|> AuthUsersMethod
  :<|> AuthGetUserMethod
  :<|> AuthPatchUserMethod
  :<|> AuthPutUserMethod
  :<|> AuthDeleteUserMethod
  :<|> AuthRestoreMethod
  :<|> AuthGetSingleUseCodes
  :<|> AuthGetGroupMethod
  :<|> AuthPostGroupMethod
  :<|> AuthPutGroupMethod
  :<|> AuthPatchGroupMethod
  :<|> AuthDeleteGroupMethod
  :<|> AuthGroupsMethod
  :<|> AuthCheckPermissionsMethod
  :<|> AuthGetUserIdMethod
  :<|> AuthFindUserByLogin

-- | How to get a token, expire of 'Nothing' means
-- some default value (server config).
-- Logic of authorisation via this method is:
-- * Client sends GET request to the endpoint with
-- user specified login and password and optional expire
-- * Server responds with token or error
-- * Client uses the token with other requests as authorisation
-- header
-- * Client can extend lifetime of token by periodically pinging
-- of 'AuthTouchMethod' endpoint
-- * Client can invalidate token instantly by 'AuthSignoutMethod'
-- * Client can get info about user with 'AuthTokenInfoMethod' endpoint.
type AuthSigninMethod = "auth" :> "signin"
  :> QueryParam "login" Login
  :> QueryParam "password" Password
  :> QueryParam "expire" Seconds
  :> Get '[JSON] (OnlyField "token" SimpleToken)
{-# DEPRECATED AuthSigninMethod "AuthSigninPostMethod is more secure" #-}

-- | How to get a token, expire of 'Nothing' means
-- some default value (server config).
-- Logic of authorisation via this method is:
-- * Client sends POST request to the endpoint with
-- user specified login and password and optional expire
-- * Server responds with token or error
-- * Client uses the token with other requests as authorisation
-- header
-- * Client can extend lifetime of token by periodically pinging
-- of 'AuthTouchMethod' endpoint
-- * Client can invalidate token instantly by 'AuthSignoutMethod'
-- * Client can get info about user with 'AuthTokenInfoMethod' endpoint.
type AuthSigninPostMethod = "auth" :> "signin"
  :> ReqBody '[JSON] AuthSigninPostBody
  :> Post '[JSON] (OnlyField "token" SimpleToken)

-- | Authorisation via code of single usage.
-- Logic of authorisation via this method is:
-- * Client sends GET request to 'AuthSigninGetCodeMethod' endpoint
-- * Server generates single use token and sends it via
--   SMS or email (server specific implementation)
-- * Client sends POST request to 'AuthSigninPostCodeMethod' endpoint
-- * Server responds with auth token.
-- * Client uses the token with other requests as authorisation
-- header
-- * Client can extend lifetime of token by periodically pinging
-- of 'AuthTouchMethod' endpoint
-- * Client can invalidate token instantly by 'AuthSignoutMethod'
-- * Client can get info about user with 'AuthTokenInfoMethod' endpoint.
type AuthSigninGetCodeMethod = "auth" :> "signin" :> "code"
  :> QueryParam "login" Login
  :> Get '[JSON] Unit

-- | Authorisation via code of single usage.
-- Logic of authorisation via this method is:
-- * Client sends GET request to 'AuthSigninGetCodeMethod' endpoint
-- * Server generates single use token and sends it via
--   SMS or email (server specific implementation)
-- * Client sends POST request to 'AuthSigninPostCodeMethod' endpoint
-- * Server responds with auth token.
-- * Client uses the token with other requests as authorisation
-- header
-- * Client can extend lifetime of token by periodically pinging
-- of 'AuthTouchMethod' endpoint
-- * Client can invalidate token instantly by 'AuthSignoutMethod'
-- * Client can get info about user with 'AuthTokenInfoMethod' endpoint.
type AuthSigninPostCodeMethod = "auth" :> "signin" :> "code"
  :> QueryParam "login" Login
  :> QueryParam "code" SingleUseCode
  :> QueryParam "expire" Seconds
  :> Post '[JSON] (OnlyField "token" SimpleToken)

-- | Client cat expand the token lifetime, no permissions are required
type AuthTouchMethod = "auth" :> "touch"
  :> QueryParam "expire" Seconds
  :> TokenHeader '[]
  :> Post '[JSON] Unit

-- | Get client info that is binded to the token
type AuthTokenInfoMethod = "auth" :> "token"
  :> TokenHeader '[]
  :> Get '[JSON] RespUserInfo

-- | Close session, after call of the method the
-- token in header is not valid.
type AuthSignoutMethod = "auth" :> "signout"
  :> TokenHeader '[]
  :> Post '[JSON] Unit

-- | Creation of new user, requires 'registerPerm' for token
type AuthSignupMethod = "auth" :> "signup"
  :> ReqBody '[JSON] ReqRegister
  :> TokenHeader' '["auth-register"]
  :> Post '[JSON] (OnlyField "user" UserId)

-- | Getting list of all users, requires 'authInfoPerm' for token
type AuthUsersMethod = "auth" :> "users"
  :> PageParam
  :> PageSizeParam
  :> TokenHeader' '["auth-info"]
  :> Get '[JSON] RespUsersInfo

-- | Getting info about user, requires 'authInfoPerm' for token
type AuthGetUserMethod = "auth" :> "user"
  :> Capture "user-id" UserId
  :> TokenHeader' '["auth-info"]
  :> Get '[JSON] RespUserInfo

-- | Updating login/email/password, requires 'authUpdatePerm' for token
type AuthPatchUserMethod = "auth" :> "user"
  :> Capture "user-id" UserId
  :> ReqBody '[JSON] PatchUser
  :> TokenHeader' '["auth-update"]
  :> Patch '[JSON] Unit

-- | Replace user with the user in the body, requires 'authUpdatePerm' for token
type AuthPutUserMethod = "auth" :> "user"
  :> Capture "user-id" UserId
  :> ReqBody '[JSON] ReqRegister
  :> TokenHeader' '["auth-update"]
  :> Put '[JSON] Unit

-- | Delete user from DB, requires 'authDeletePerm' and will cause cascade
-- deletion, that is your usually want
type AuthDeleteUserMethod = "auth" :> "user"
  :> Capture "user-id" UserId
  :> TokenHeader' '["auth-delete"]
  :> Delete '[JSON] Unit

-- | Generate new password for user. There is two phases, first, the method
-- is called without 'code' parameter. The system sends email with a restore code
-- to user email or sms (its depends on server). After that a call of the method
-- with the code is needed to change password.
type AuthRestoreMethod = "auth" :> "restore"
  :> Capture "user-id" UserId
  :> QueryParam "code" RestoreCode
  :> QueryParam "password" Password
  :> Post '[JSON] Unit

-- | Generate single usage codes that user can write down and use later for emergency
-- authorisation.
-- 'Nothing' for "codes-count" parameter means some default value defined by server. Server
-- can restrict maximum count of such codes.
-- Server should invalidate previous codes on subsequent calls of the endpoint.
-- Special authorisation tag can be used to disable the feature, merely don't give
-- the tag to users and they won't be able to generate codes.
-- See also: 'AuthSigninPostCodeMethod' for utilisation of the codes.
type AuthGetSingleUseCodes = "auth" :> "codes"
  :> Capture "user-id" UserId
  :> QueryParam "codes-count" Word
  :> TokenHeader' '["auth-single-codes"]
  :> Get '[JSON] (OnlyField "codes" [SingleUseCode])

-- | Getting info about user group, requires 'authInfoPerm' for token
type AuthGetGroupMethod = "auth" :> "group"
  :> Capture "group-id" UserGroupId
  :> TokenHeader' '["auth-info"]
  :> Get '[JSON] UserGroup

-- | Inserting new user group, requires 'authUpdatePerm' for token
type AuthPostGroupMethod = "auth" :> "group"
  :> ReqBody '[JSON] UserGroup
  :> TokenHeader' '["auth-update"]
  :> Post '[JSON] (OnlyId UserGroupId)

-- | Replace info about given user group, requires 'authUpdatePerm' for token
type AuthPutGroupMethod = "auth" :> "group"
  :> Capture "group-id" UserGroupId
  :> ReqBody '[JSON] UserGroup
  :> TokenHeader' '["auth-update"]
  :> Put '[JSON] Unit

-- | Patch info about given user group, requires 'authUpdatePerm' for token
type AuthPatchGroupMethod = "auth" :> "group"
  :> Capture "group-id" UserGroupId
  :> ReqBody '[JSON] PatchUserGroup
  :> TokenHeader' '["auth-update"]
  :> Patch '[JSON] Unit

-- | Delete all info about given user group, requires 'authDeletePerm' for token
type AuthDeleteGroupMethod = "auth" :> "group"
  :> Capture "group-id" UserGroupId
  :> TokenHeader' '["auth-delete"]
  :> Delete '[JSON] Unit

-- | Get list of user groups, requires 'authInfoPerm' for token
type AuthGroupsMethod = "auth" :> "group"
  :> PageParam
  :> PageSizeParam
  :> TokenHeader' '["auth-info"]
  :> Get '[JSON] (PagedList UserGroupId UserGroup)

-- | Check permissions of the token, if the passed token doesn't have permissions
-- that are passed via body, server returns 'False'. 401 status is returned
-- if the token owner is not permitted to check self permissions.
type AuthCheckPermissionsMethod = "auth" :> "check"
  :> TokenHeader' '["auth-check"]
  :> ReqBody '[JSON] (OnlyField "permissions" [Permission])
  :> Post '[JSON] Bool

-- | Get the user id of the owner of specified token. 401 error is raised if
-- the token doesn't have 'auth-userid' token.
type AuthGetUserIdMethod = "auth" :> "userid"
  :> TokenHeader' '["auth-userid"]
  :> Get '[JSON] (OnlyId UserId)

-- | Allows to find user info by login, requires 'authInfoPerm' permission.
-- Throws 404 if cannot find account with such login.
type AuthFindUserByLogin = "auth" :> "user" :> "bylogin"
  :> QueryParam "login" Login
  :> TokenHeader' '["auth-info"]
  :> Get '[JSON] RespUserInfo

-- | Proxy type for auth API, used to pass the type-level info into
-- client/docs generation functions
authAPI :: Proxy AuthAPI
authAPI = Proxy

-- | Permission that allows everything by default
adminPerm :: Permission
adminPerm = "admin"

-- | Permission that allows registration of new users
registerPerm :: Permission
registerPerm = "auth-register"

-- | Permission that allows to query info about other users
authInfoPerm :: Permission
authInfoPerm = "auth-info"

-- | Permission that allows to update fields of an user
authUpdatePerm :: Permission
authUpdatePerm = "auth-update"

-- | Permission that allows to delete users and cause cascade deletion
authDeletePerm :: Permission
authDeletePerm = "auth-delete"

-- | Permission that allows to check permissions of token that has the
-- permission.
authCheckPerm :: Permission
authCheckPerm = "auth-check"

-- | Permission that allows to get user ID of owner of token.
authUserIdPerm :: Permission
authUserIdPerm = "auth-userid"

-- | Select only operations of the Auth API
authOperations :: Traversal' Swagger Operation
authOperations = operationsOf $ toSwagger (Proxy :: Proxy AuthAPI)

-- | "Servant.Docs" documentation of the Auth API
authDocs :: API
authDocs = docsWith defaultDocOptions [intro] extra (Proxy :: Proxy AuthAPI)
  intro = DocIntro "Authorisation API by token"
    [ "The API provides stateless way to implement authorisation for RESTful APIs. A user of the API get a token once and can query other methods of server only providing the token until it expires."
    , "Also the API provides a way to pack users in hierarchy of groups with attached permissions."
  extra =
       mkExtra' (Proxy :: Proxy AuthSigninMethod) ["How to get a token, missing expire means some default value (server config).", simpleAuthDescr]
    <> mkExtra' (Proxy :: Proxy AuthSigninGetCodeMethod) ["Authorisation via codes of single usage, that are sended to user via different channel of communication.", singleUseAuthDescr]
    <> mkExtra' (Proxy :: Proxy AuthSigninPostCodeMethod) ["Authorisation via codes of single usage, that are sended to user via different channel of communication.", singleUseAuthDescr]
    <> mkExtra (Proxy :: Proxy AuthTouchMethod) "Client cat expand the token lifetime, no permissions are required"
    <> mkExtra (Proxy :: Proxy AuthTokenInfoMethod) "Get client info that is binded to the token"
    <> mkExtra (Proxy :: Proxy AuthSignoutMethod) "Close session, after call of the method the token in header is not valid."
    <> mkExtra (Proxy :: Proxy AuthSignupMethod) "Creation of new user, requires 'registerPerm' for token"
    <> mkExtra (Proxy :: Proxy AuthUsersMethod) "Getting list of all users, requires 'authInfoPerm' for token"
    <> mkExtra (Proxy :: Proxy AuthGetUserMethod) "Getting info about user, requires 'authInfoPerm' for token"
    <> mkExtra (Proxy :: Proxy AuthPatchUserMethod) "Updating login/email/password, requires 'authUpdatePerm' for token"
    <> mkExtra (Proxy :: Proxy AuthPutUserMethod) "Replace user with the user in the body, requires 'authUpdatePerm' for token"
    <> mkExtra (Proxy :: Proxy AuthDeleteUserMethod) "Delete user from DB, requires 'authDeletePerm' and will cause cascade deletion, that is your usually want"
    <> mkExtra (Proxy :: Proxy AuthRestoreMethod) "Generate new password for user. There is two phases, first, the method is called without 'code' parameter. The system sends email with a restore code to user email or sms (its depends on server). After that a call of the method with the code is needed to change password."
    <> mkExtra (Proxy :: Proxy AuthGetSingleUseCodes) authGetSingleUseCodesDescr
    <> mkExtra (Proxy :: Proxy AuthGetGroupMethod) "Getting info about user group, requires 'authInfoPerm' for token"
    <> mkExtra (Proxy :: Proxy AuthPostGroupMethod) "Inserting new user group, requires 'authUpdatePerm' for token"
    <> mkExtra (Proxy :: Proxy AuthPutGroupMethod) "Replace info about given user group, requires 'authUpdatePerm' for token"
    <> mkExtra (Proxy :: Proxy AuthPatchGroupMethod) "Patch info about given user group, requires 'authUpdatePerm' for token"
    <> mkExtra (Proxy :: Proxy AuthDeleteGroupMethod) "Delete all info about given user group, requires 'authDeletePerm' for token"
    <> mkExtra (Proxy :: Proxy AuthGroupsMethod) "Get list of user groups, requires 'authInfoPerm' for token "
    <> mkExtra (Proxy :: Proxy AuthCheckPermissionsMethod) "Check persistence of passed permissions of the token, requires 'authCheckPerm' for token"
    <> mkExtra (Proxy :: Proxy AuthGetUserIdMethod) "Get ID of owner of specified token, requires 'authUserIdPerm'"
    <> mkExtra (Proxy :: Proxy AuthFindUserByLogin) "Find user info by login, requires 'authInfoPerm'"

  mkExtra p s = extraInfo p $
    defAction & notes <>~ [ DocNote "Description" [s] ]
  mkExtra' p ss = extraInfo p $
    defAction & notes <>~ [ DocNote "Description" ss ]

  simpleAuthDescr = [r|
    Logic of authorisation via login and password method is:

    * Client sends GET request to the endpoint with
    user specified login and password and optional expire

    * Server responds with token or error

    * Client uses the token with other requests as authorisation

    * Client can extend lifetime of token by periodically pinging
    of 'AuthTouchMethod' endpoint

    * Client can invalidate token instantly by 'AuthSignoutMethod'

    * Client can get info about user with 'AuthTokenInfoMethod' endpoint.

  singleUseAuthDescr = [r|
    Logic of authorisation via single use code method is:

    * Client sends GET request to 'AuthSigninGetCodeMethod' endpoint

    * Server generates single use token and sends it via
      SMS or email (server specific implementation)

    * Client sends POST request to 'AuthSigninPostCodeMethod' endpoint

    * Server responds with auth token.

    * Client uses the token with other requests as authorisation

    * Client can extend lifetime of token by periodically pinging
    of 'AuthTouchMethod' endpoint

    * Client can invalidate token instantly by 'AuthSignoutMethod'

    * Client can get info about user with 'AuthTokenInfoMethod' endpoint.

  authGetSingleUseCodesDescr = [r|
    Generate single usage codes that user can write down and use later for emergency

    'Nothing' for "codes-count" parameter means some default value defined by server. Server
    can restrict maximum count of such codes.

    Server should invalidate previous codes on subsequent calls of the endpoint.

    Special authorisation tag can be used to disable the feature, merely don't give
    the tag to users and they won't be able to generate codes.

    See also: 'AuthSigninPostCodeMethod' for utilisation of the codes.

instance ToSample Word where
  toSamples _ = samples [0, 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42]

instance ToSample Text where
  toSamples _ = samples ["", "some text", "magic"]

#if MIN_VERSION_servant_docs(0,8,0)
instance ToSample () where
  toSamples _ = singleSample ()

-- | Unlifting compile-time permissions into list of run-time permissions
class PermsList (a :: [PermSymbol]) where
  unliftPerms :: forall proxy . proxy a -> [Permission]

instance PermsList '[] where
  unliftPerms _ = []

instance (UnliftPermSymbol x, PermsList xs) => PermsList (x ': xs) where
  unliftPerms _ = T.pack (unliftPermSymbol (Proxy :: Proxy x))
    : unliftPerms (Proxy :: Proxy xs)

-- | Check whether a 'b' is contained in permission list of 'a'
type family ContainPerm (a :: [PermSymbol]) (b :: PermSymbol) where
  ContainPerm '[] b = 'False
  ContainPerm (a ': as) a = 'True
  ContainPerm (a ': as) b = ContainPerm as b

-- | Check that first set of permissions is subset of second
type family ConatinAllPerm (a :: [PermSymbol]) (b :: [PermSymbol]) where
  ConatinAllPerm '[] bs = '[]
  ConatinAllPerm (a ': as) bs = (ContainPerm bs a) ': (ConatinAllPerm as bs)

-- | Foldl type level list of bools, identicall to 'and'
type family TAll (a :: [Bool]) :: Bool where
  TAll '[] = 'True
  TAll ('True ': as) = TAll as
  TAll ('False ': as) = 'False

-- | Check that first set of permissions is subset of second, throw error if not
type PermsSubset (a :: [PermSymbol]) (b :: [PermSymbol]) = TAll (ConatinAllPerm a b)

-- | Cast token to permissions that are lower than original one
-- The cast is safe, the permissions are cheked on compile time.
downgradeToken' :: 'True ~ PermsSubset ts' ts => Token ts -> Token ts'
downgradeToken' = Token . unToken

-- | Cast token to permissions that are lower than original one.
-- The cast is safe, the permissions are cheked on compile time.
downgradeToken :: 'True ~ PermsSubset ts' ts => MToken ts -> MToken ts'
downgradeToken = fmap downgradeToken'