module Servant.Auth.Server.Internal.ConfigTypes
  ( module Servant.Auth.Server.Internal.ConfigTypes
  , Servant.API.IsSecure(..)
  ) where

import           Crypto.JOSE        as Jose
import           Crypto.JWT         as Jose
import qualified Data.ByteString    as BS
import           Data.Default.Class
import           Data.Time
import           GHC.Generics       (Generic)
import           Servant.API        (IsSecure(..))

data IsMatch = Matches | DoesNotMatch
  deriving (Eq, Show, Read, Generic, Ord)

data IsPasswordCorrect = PasswordCorrect | PasswordIncorrect
  deriving (Eq, Show, Read, Generic, Ord)

-- The @SameSite@ attribute of cookies determines whether cookies will be sent
-- on cross-origin requests.
-- See < this document>
-- for more information.
data SameSite = AnySite | SameSiteStrict | SameSiteLax
  deriving (Eq, Show, Read, Generic, Ord)

-- | @JWTSettings@ are used to generate cookies, and to verify JWTs.
data JWTSettings = JWTSettings
  -- | Key used to sign JWT.
    signingKey      :: Jose.JWK
  -- | Algorithm used to sign JWT.
  , jwtAlg          :: Maybe Jose.Alg
  -- | Keys used to validate JWT.
  , validationKeys  :: Jose.JWKSet
  -- | An @aud@ predicate. The @aud@ is a string or URI that identifies the
  -- intended recipient of the JWT.
  , audienceMatches :: Jose.StringOrURI -> IsMatch
  } deriving (Generic)

-- | A @JWTSettings@ where the audience always matches.
defaultJWTSettings :: Jose.JWK -> JWTSettings
defaultJWTSettings k = JWTSettings
   { signingKey = k
   , jwtAlg = Nothing
   , validationKeys = Jose.JWKSet [k]
   , audienceMatches = const Matches }

-- | The policies to use when generating cookies.
-- If *both* 'cookieMaxAge' and 'cookieExpires' are @Nothing@, browsers will
-- treat the cookie as a *session cookie*. These will be deleted when the
-- browser is closed.
-- Note that having the setting @Secure@ may cause testing failures if you are
-- not testing over HTTPS.
data CookieSettings = CookieSettings
  -- | 'Secure' means browsers will only send cookies over HTTPS. Default:
  -- @Secure@.
    cookieIsSecure    :: !IsSecure
  -- | How long from now until the cookie expires. Default: @Nothing@.
  , cookieMaxAge      :: !(Maybe DiffTime)
  -- | At what time the cookie expires. Default: @Nothing@.
  , cookieExpires     :: !(Maybe UTCTime)
  -- | The URL path and sub-paths for which this cookie is used. Default: @Just "/"@.
  , cookiePath        :: !(Maybe BS.ByteString)
  -- | Domain name, if set cookie also allows subdomains. Default: @Nothing@.
  , cookieDomain      :: !(Maybe BS.ByteString)
  -- | 'SameSite' settings. Default: @SameSiteLax@.
  , cookieSameSite    :: !SameSite
  -- | What name to use for the cookie used for the session.
  , sessionCookieName :: !BS.ByteString
  -- | The optional settings to use for XSRF protection. Default: @Just def@.
  , cookieXsrfSetting :: !(Maybe XsrfCookieSettings)
  } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)

instance Default CookieSettings where
  def = defaultCookieSettings

defaultCookieSettings :: CookieSettings
defaultCookieSettings = CookieSettings
    { cookieIsSecure    = Secure
    , cookieMaxAge      = Nothing
    , cookieExpires     = Nothing
    , cookiePath        = Just "/"
    , cookieDomain      = Nothing
    , cookieSameSite    = SameSiteLax
    , sessionCookieName = "JWT-Cookie"
    , cookieXsrfSetting = Just def

-- | The policies to use when generating and verifying XSRF cookies
data XsrfCookieSettings = XsrfCookieSettings
  -- | What name to use for the cookie used for XSRF protection.
    xsrfCookieName :: !BS.ByteString
  -- | What path to use for the cookie used for XSRF protection. Default @Just "/"@.
  , xsrfCookiePath :: !(Maybe BS.ByteString)
  -- | What name to use for the header used for XSRF protection.
  , xsrfHeaderName :: !BS.ByteString
  -- | Exclude GET request method from XSRF protection.
  , xsrfExcludeGet :: !Bool
  } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)

instance Default XsrfCookieSettings where
  def = defaultXsrfCookieSettings

defaultXsrfCookieSettings :: XsrfCookieSettings
defaultXsrfCookieSettings = XsrfCookieSettings
  { xsrfCookieName = "XSRF-TOKEN"
  , xsrfCookiePath = Just "/"
  , xsrfHeaderName = "X-XSRF-TOKEN"
  , xsrfExcludeGet = False

-- Internal {{{

jwtSettingsToJwtValidationSettings :: JWTSettings -> Jose.JWTValidationSettings
jwtSettingsToJwtValidationSettings s
  = defaultJWTValidationSettings (toBool <$> audienceMatches s)
    toBool Matches      = True
    toBool DoesNotMatch = False
-- }}}