{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
module Servant.API.Verbs
( module Servant.API.Verbs
) where
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import Data.Proxy (Proxy)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import GHC.TypeLits (Nat)
import Network.HTTP.Types.Method (Method, StdMethod (..),
methodDelete, methodGet, methodHead,
methodPatch, methodPost, methodPut,
methodTrace, methodConnect,
data Verb (method :: k1) (statusCode :: Nat) (contentTypes :: [*]) a
deriving (Typeable, Generic)
type Get = Verb 'GET 200
-- | 'POST' with 200 status code.
type Post = Verb 'POST 200
-- | 'PUT' with 200 status code.
type Put = Verb 'PUT 200
-- | 'DELETE' with 200 status code.
type Delete = Verb 'DELETE 200
-- | 'PATCH' with 200 status code.
type Patch = Verb 'PATCH 200
-- * Other responses
-- ** 201 Created
-- Indicates that a new resource has been created. The URI corresponding to the
-- resource should be given in the @Location@ header field.
-- If the resource cannot be created immediately, use 'PostAccepted'.
-- Consider using 'Servant.Utils.Links.safeLink' for the @Location@ header
-- field.
-- | 'POST' with 201 status code.
type PostCreated = Verb 'POST 201
-- ** 202 Accepted
-- Indicates that the request has been accepted for processing, but the
-- processing has not yet completed. The status of the processing should be
-- included, as well as either a link to a status monitoring endpoint or an
-- estimate of when the processing will be finished.
-- | 'GET' with 202 status code.
type GetAccepted = Verb 'GET 202
-- | 'POST' with 202 status code.
type PostAccepted = Verb 'POST 202
-- | 'DELETE' with 202 status code.
type DeleteAccepted = Verb 'DELETE 202
-- | 'PATCH' with 202 status code.
type PatchAccepted = Verb 'PATCH 202
-- | 'PUT' with 202 status code.
type PutAccepted = Verb 'PUT 202
-- ** 203 Non-Authoritative Information
-- Indicates that the request has been successfully processed, but the
-- information may come from a third-party.
-- | 'GET' with 203 status code.
type GetNonAuthoritative = Verb 'GET 203
-- | 'POST' with 203 status code.
type PostNonAuthoritative = Verb 'POST 203
-- | 'DELETE' with 203 status code.
type DeleteNonAuthoritative = Verb 'DELETE 203
-- | 'PATCH' with 203 status code.
type PatchNonAuthoritative = Verb 'PATCH 203
-- | 'PUT' with 203 status code.
type PutNonAuthoritative = Verb 'PUT 203
-- ** 204 No Content
-- Indicates that no response body is being returned. Handlers for these should
-- return 'NoContent', possibly with headers.
-- If the document view should be reset, use @205 Reset Content@.
-- | 'GET' with 204 status code.
type GetNoContent = Verb 'GET 204
-- | 'POST' with 204 status code.
type PostNoContent = Verb 'POST 204
-- | 'DELETE' with 204 status code.
type DeleteNoContent = Verb 'DELETE 204
-- | 'PATCH' with 204 status code.
type PatchNoContent = Verb 'PATCH 204
-- | 'PUT' with 204 status code.
type PutNoContent = Verb 'PUT 204
-- ** 205 Reset Content
-- Indicates that no response body is being returned. Handlers for these should
-- return 'NoContent', possibly with Headers.
-- If the document view should not be reset, use @204 No Content@.
-- | 'GET' with 205 status code.
type GetResetContent = Verb 'GET 205
-- | 'POST' with 205 status code.
type PostResetContent = Verb 'POST 205
-- | 'DELETE' with 205 status code.
type DeleteResetContent = Verb 'DELETE 205
-- | 'PATCH' with 205 status code.
type PatchResetContent = Verb 'PATCH 205
-- | 'PUT' with 205 status code.
type PutResetContent = Verb 'PUT 205
-- ** 206 Partial Content
-- Indicates that the server is delivering part of the resource due to a range
-- header in the request.
-- For more information, see <https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7233#section-4.1
-- RFC7233 Section 4.1>
-- | 'GET' with 206 status code.
type GetPartialContent = Verb 'GET 206
class ReflectMethod a where
reflectMethod :: Proxy a -> Method
instance ReflectMethod 'GET where
reflectMethod _ = methodGet
instance ReflectMethod 'POST where
reflectMethod _ = methodPost
instance ReflectMethod 'PUT where
reflectMethod _ = methodPut
instance ReflectMethod 'DELETE where
reflectMethod _ = methodDelete
instance ReflectMethod 'PATCH where
reflectMethod _ = methodPatch
instance ReflectMethod 'HEAD where
reflectMethod _ = methodHead
instance ReflectMethod 'OPTIONS where
reflectMethod _ = methodOptions
instance ReflectMethod 'TRACE where
reflectMethod _ = methodTrace
instance ReflectMethod 'CONNECT where
reflectMethod _ = methodConnect