{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK not-home #-}
module Servant.Links (
module Servant.API.TypeLevel,
, safeLink'
, allLinks
, allLinks'
, URI(..)
, AsLink
, fieldLink
, fieldLink'
, allFieldLinks
, allFieldLinks'
, HasLink(..)
, Link
, linkURI
, linkURI'
, LinkArrayElementStyle (..)
, Param (..)
, linkSegments
, linkQueryParams
) where
import Data.List
import Data.Proxy
(Proxy (..))
import Data.Semigroup
import Data.Singletons.Bool
(SBool (..), SBoolI (..))
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TE
import Data.Type.Bool
import GHC.TypeLits
(KnownSymbol, symbolVal)
import Network.URI
(URI (..), escapeURIString, isUnreserved)
import Prelude ()
import Prelude.Compat
import Servant.API.Alternative
((:<|>) ((:<|>)))
import Servant.API.BasicAuth
import Servant.API.Capture
(Capture', CaptureAll)
import Servant.API.Description
(Description, Summary)
import Servant.API.Empty
(EmptyAPI (..))
import Servant.API.Experimental.Auth
import Servant.API.Generic
import Servant.API.Header
import Servant.API.HttpVersion
import Servant.API.IsSecure
import Servant.API.Modifiers
import Servant.API.QueryParam
(QueryFlag, QueryParam', QueryParams)
import Servant.API.Raw
import Servant.API.RemoteHost
import Servant.API.ReqBody
import Servant.API.Stream
(Stream, StreamBody')
import Servant.API.Sub
(type (:>))
import Servant.API.TypeLevel
import Servant.API.Vault
import Servant.API.Verbs
import Servant.API.WithNamedContext
import Web.HttpApiData
data Link = Link
{ _segments :: [Escaped]
, _queryParams :: [Param]
} deriving Show
newtype Escaped = Escaped String
escaped :: String -> Escaped
escaped = Escaped . escapeURIString isUnreserved
getEscaped :: Escaped -> String
getEscaped (Escaped s) = s
instance Show Escaped where
showsPrec d (Escaped s) = showsPrec d s
show (Escaped s) = show s
linkSegments :: Link -> [String]
linkSegments = map getEscaped . _segments
linkQueryParams :: Link -> [Param]
linkQueryParams = _queryParams
instance ToHttpApiData Link where
toHeader = TE.encodeUtf8 . toUrlPiece
toUrlPiece l =
let uri = linkURI l
in Text.pack $ uriPath uri ++ uriQuery uri
data Param
= SingleParam String Text.Text
| ArrayElemParam String Text.Text
| FlagParam String
deriving Show
addSegment :: Escaped -> Link -> Link
addSegment seg l = l { _segments = _segments l <> [seg] }
addQueryParam :: Param -> Link -> Link
addQueryParam qp l =
l { _queryParams = _queryParams l <> [qp] }
linkURI :: Link -> URI
linkURI = linkURI' LinkArrayElementBracket
data LinkArrayElementStyle
= LinkArrayElementBracket
| LinkArrayElementPlain
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Enum, Bounded)
linkURI' :: LinkArrayElementStyle -> Link -> URI
linkURI' addBrackets (Link segments q_params) =
URI mempty
(intercalate "/" $ map getEscaped segments)
(makeQueries q_params) mempty
makeQueries :: [Param] -> String
makeQueries [] = ""
makeQueries xs =
"?" <> intercalate "&" (fmap makeQuery xs)
makeQuery :: Param -> String
makeQuery (ArrayElemParam k v) = escape k <> style <> escape (Text.unpack v)
makeQuery (SingleParam k v) = escape k <> "=" <> escape (Text.unpack v)
makeQuery (FlagParam k) = escape k
style = case addBrackets of
LinkArrayElementBracket -> "[]="
LinkArrayElementPlain -> "="
escape :: String -> String
escape = escapeURIString isUnreserved
:: forall endpoint api. (IsElem endpoint api, HasLink endpoint)
=> Proxy api
-> Proxy endpoint
-> MkLink endpoint Link
safeLink = safeLink' id
:: forall endpoint api a. (IsElem endpoint api, HasLink endpoint)
=> (Link -> a)
-> Proxy api
-> Proxy endpoint
-> MkLink endpoint a
safeLink' toA _ endpoint = toLink toA endpoint (Link mempty mempty)
:: forall api. HasLink api
=> Proxy api
-> MkLink api Link
allLinks = allLinks' id
:: forall api a. HasLink api
=> (Link -> a)
-> Proxy api
-> MkLink api a
allLinks' toA api = toLink toA api (Link mempty mempty)
:: ( IsElem endpoint (ToServantApi routes), HasLink endpoint
, GenericServant routes AsApi
=> (routes AsApi -> endpoint)
-> MkLink endpoint Link
fieldLink = fieldLink' id
:: forall routes endpoint a.
( IsElem endpoint (ToServantApi routes), HasLink endpoint
, GenericServant routes AsApi
=> (Link -> a)
-> (routes AsApi -> endpoint)
-> MkLink endpoint a
fieldLink' toA _ = safeLink' toA (genericApi (Proxy :: Proxy routes)) (Proxy :: Proxy endpoint)
data AsLink (a :: *)
instance GenericMode (AsLink a) where
type (AsLink a) :- api = MkLink api a
:: ( HasLink (ToServantApi routes)
, GenericServant routes (AsLink Link)
, ToServant routes (AsLink Link) ~ MkLink (ToServantApi routes) Link
=> routes (AsLink Link)
allFieldLinks = allFieldLinks' id
:: forall routes a.
( HasLink (ToServantApi routes)
, GenericServant routes (AsLink a)
, ToServant routes (AsLink a) ~ MkLink (ToServantApi routes) a
=> (Link -> a)
-> routes (AsLink a)
allFieldLinks' toA
= fromServant
$ allLinks' toA (Proxy :: Proxy (ToServantApi routes))
class HasLink endpoint where
type MkLink endpoint (a :: *)
:: (Link -> a)
-> Proxy endpoint
-> Link
-> MkLink endpoint a
instance (KnownSymbol sym, HasLink sub) => HasLink (sym :> sub) where
type MkLink (sym :> sub) a = MkLink sub a
toLink toA _ =
toLink toA (Proxy :: Proxy sub) . addSegment (escaped seg)
seg = symbolVal (Proxy :: Proxy sym)
instance (KnownSymbol sym, ToHttpApiData v, HasLink sub, SBoolI (FoldRequired mods))
=> HasLink (QueryParam' mods sym v :> sub)
type MkLink (QueryParam' mods sym v :> sub) a = If (FoldRequired mods) v (Maybe v) -> MkLink sub a
toLink toA _ l mv =
toLink toA (Proxy :: Proxy sub) $
case sbool :: SBool (FoldRequired mods) of
STrue -> (addQueryParam . SingleParam k . toQueryParam) mv l
SFalse -> maybe id (addQueryParam . SingleParam k . toQueryParam) mv l
k :: String
k = symbolVal (Proxy :: Proxy sym)
instance (KnownSymbol sym, ToHttpApiData v, HasLink sub)
=> HasLink (QueryParams sym v :> sub)
type MkLink (QueryParams sym v :> sub) a = [v] -> MkLink sub a
toLink toA _ l =
toLink toA (Proxy :: Proxy sub) .
foldl' (\l' v -> addQueryParam (ArrayElemParam k (toQueryParam v)) l') l
k = symbolVal (Proxy :: Proxy sym)
instance (KnownSymbol sym, HasLink sub)
=> HasLink (QueryFlag sym :> sub)
type MkLink (QueryFlag sym :> sub) a = Bool -> MkLink sub a
toLink toA _ l False =
toLink toA (Proxy :: Proxy sub) l
toLink toA _ l True =
toLink toA (Proxy :: Proxy sub) $ addQueryParam (FlagParam k) l
k = symbolVal (Proxy :: Proxy sym)
instance (HasLink a, HasLink b) => HasLink (a :<|> b) where
type MkLink (a :<|> b) r = MkLink a r :<|> MkLink b r
toLink toA _ l = toLink toA (Proxy :: Proxy a) l :<|> toLink toA (Proxy :: Proxy b) l
instance HasLink sub => HasLink (ReqBody' mods ct a :> sub) where
type MkLink (ReqBody' mods ct a :> sub) r = MkLink sub r
toLink toA _ = toLink toA (Proxy :: Proxy sub)
instance HasLink sub => HasLink (StreamBody' mods framing ct a :> sub) where
type MkLink (StreamBody' mods framing ct a :> sub) r = MkLink sub r
toLink toA _ = toLink toA (Proxy :: Proxy sub)
instance (ToHttpApiData v, HasLink sub)
=> HasLink (Capture' mods sym v :> sub)
type MkLink (Capture' mods sym v :> sub) a = v -> MkLink sub a
toLink toA _ l v =
toLink toA (Proxy :: Proxy sub) $
addSegment (escaped . Text.unpack $ toUrlPiece v) l
instance (ToHttpApiData v, HasLink sub)
=> HasLink (CaptureAll sym v :> sub)
type MkLink (CaptureAll sym v :> sub) a = [v] -> MkLink sub a
toLink toA _ l vs = toLink toA (Proxy :: Proxy sub) $
foldl' (flip $ addSegment . escaped . Text.unpack . toUrlPiece) l vs
instance HasLink sub => HasLink (Header' mods sym (a :: *) :> sub) where
type MkLink (Header' mods sym a :> sub) r = MkLink sub r
toLink = simpleToLink (Proxy :: Proxy sub)
instance HasLink sub => HasLink (Vault :> sub) where
type MkLink (Vault :> sub) a = MkLink sub a
toLink = simpleToLink (Proxy :: Proxy sub)
instance HasLink sub => HasLink (Description s :> sub) where
type MkLink (Description s :> sub) a = MkLink sub a
toLink = simpleToLink (Proxy :: Proxy sub)
instance HasLink sub => HasLink (Summary s :> sub) where
type MkLink (Summary s :> sub) a = MkLink sub a
toLink = simpleToLink (Proxy :: Proxy sub)
instance HasLink sub => HasLink (HttpVersion :> sub) where
type MkLink (HttpVersion:> sub) a = MkLink sub a
toLink = simpleToLink (Proxy :: Proxy sub)
instance HasLink sub => HasLink (IsSecure :> sub) where
type MkLink (IsSecure :> sub) a = MkLink sub a
toLink = simpleToLink (Proxy :: Proxy sub)
instance HasLink sub => HasLink (WithNamedContext name context sub) where
type MkLink (WithNamedContext name context sub) a = MkLink sub a
toLink toA _ = toLink toA (Proxy :: Proxy sub)
instance HasLink sub => HasLink (RemoteHost :> sub) where
type MkLink (RemoteHost :> sub) a = MkLink sub a
toLink = simpleToLink (Proxy :: Proxy sub)
instance HasLink sub => HasLink (BasicAuth realm a :> sub) where
type MkLink (BasicAuth realm a :> sub) r = MkLink sub r
toLink = simpleToLink (Proxy :: Proxy sub)
instance HasLink EmptyAPI where
type MkLink EmptyAPI a = EmptyAPI
toLink _ _ _ = EmptyAPI
instance HasLink (Verb m s ct a) where
type MkLink (Verb m s ct a) r = r
toLink toA _ = toA
instance HasLink Raw where
type MkLink Raw a = a
toLink toA _ = toA
instance HasLink (Stream m status fr ct a) where
type MkLink (Stream m status fr ct a) r = r
toLink toA _ = toA
instance HasLink sub => HasLink (AuthProtect tag :> sub) where
type MkLink (AuthProtect tag :> sub) a = MkLink sub a
toLink = simpleToLink (Proxy :: Proxy sub)
:: forall sub a combinator.
(HasLink sub, MkLink sub a ~ MkLink (combinator :> sub) a)
=> Proxy sub
-> (Link -> a)
-> Proxy (combinator :> sub)
-> Link
-> MkLink (combinator :> sub) a
simpleToLink _ toA _ = toLink toA (Proxy :: Proxy sub)