module Network.Socket.SendFile.Portable
( sendFile
, sendFileIterWith
, sendFile'
, sendFileIterWith'
, sendFile''
, sendFileIterWith''
, unsafeSendFile
, unsafeSendFileIterWith
, unsafeSendFile'
, unsafeSendFile''
, unsafeSendFileIterWith'
, unsafeSendFileIterWith''
, sendFileMode
import Data.ByteString.Char8 (hGet, hPut, length, ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C
import Network.Socket.ByteString (send)
import Network.Socket (Socket(..), fdSocket)
import Network.Socket.SendFile.Iter (Iter(..), runIter)
import Network.Socket.SendFile.Util (wrapSendFile')
import Prelude hiding (length)
import System.IO (Handle, IOMode(..), SeekMode(..), hFileSize, hFlush, hIsEOF, hSeek, withBinaryFile)
import System.Posix.Types (Fd(..))
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 611
import System.IO.Error
sendFileMode :: String
sendFileIterWith'' :: (IO Iter -> IO a) -> Socket -> Handle -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> IO a
sendFileIterWith'' stepper =
wrapSendFile' $ \outs inp blockSize off count ->
do hSeek inp AbsoluteSeek off
stepper (sendFileIterS outs inp blockSize count Nothing)
sendFile'' :: Socket -> Handle -> Integer -> Integer -> IO ()
sendFile'' outs inh off count =
do _ <- sendFileIterWith'' runIter outs inh count off count
return ()
unsafeSendFileIterWith'' :: (IO Iter -> IO a) -> Handle -> Handle -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> IO a
unsafeSendFileIterWith'' stepper =
wrapSendFile' $ \outp inp blockSize off count ->
do hSeek inp AbsoluteSeek off
a <- stepper (unsafeSendFileIter outp inp blockSize count Nothing)
hFlush outp
return a
unsafeSendFile'' :: Handle -> Handle -> Integer -> Integer -> IO ()
unsafeSendFile'' outh inh off count =
do _ <- unsafeSendFileIterWith'' runIter outh inh count off count
return ()
sendFileIterS :: Socket
-> Handle
-> Integer
-> Integer
-> Maybe ByteString
-> IO Iter
sendFileIterS _socket _inh _blockSize 0 _ = return (Done 0)
sendFileIterS socket inh blockSize remaining mBuf =
do buf <- nextBlock
nsent <- send socket buf
let leftOver =
if nsent < (C.length buf)
then Just (C.drop nsent buf)
else Nothing
let cont = sendFileIterS socket inh blockSize (remaining `safeMinus` (fromIntegral nsent)) leftOver
if nsent < (length buf)
#if MIN_VERSION_network(3,0,0)
then do fd <- fdSocket socket
return (WouldBlock (fromIntegral nsent) (Fd fd) cont)
then return (WouldBlock (fromIntegral nsent) (Fd $ fdSocket socket) cont)
else return (Sent (fromIntegral nsent) cont)
nextBlock =
case mBuf of
(Just b) -> return b
Nothing ->
do eof <- hIsEOF inh
if eof
then ioError (mkIOError eofErrorType ("Reached EOF but was hoping to read " ++ show remaining ++ " more byte(s).") (Just inh) Nothing)
else do let bytes = min 32768 (min blockSize remaining)
hGet inh (fromIntegral bytes)
safeMinus :: (Show a, Ord a, Num a) => a -> a -> a
safeMinus x y
| y > x = error $ "y > x " ++ show (y,x)
| otherwise = x - y
unsafeSendFileIter :: Handle
-> Handle
-> Integer
-> Integer
-> Maybe ByteString
-> IO Iter
unsafeSendFileIter _outh _inh _blockSize 0 _mBuf = return (Done 0)
unsafeSendFileIter outh inh blockSize remaining mBuf =
do buf <- nextBlock
hPut outh buf
let nsent = length buf
cont = unsafeSendFileIter outh inh blockSize (remaining - (fromIntegral nsent)) Nothing
if nsent < (length buf)
then do error "unsafeSendFileIter: internal error"
else return (Sent (fromIntegral nsent) cont)
nextBlock =
case mBuf of
(Just b) -> return b
Nothing ->
do eof <- hIsEOF inh
if eof
then ioError (mkIOError eofErrorType ("Reached EOF but was hoping to read " ++ show remaining ++ " more byte(s).") (Just inh) Nothing)
else do let bytes = min 32768 (min blockSize remaining)
hGet inh (fromIntegral bytes)
sendFile :: Socket -> FilePath -> IO ()
sendFile outs infp =
withBinaryFile infp ReadMode $ \inp -> do
count <- hFileSize inp
sendFile'' outs inp 0 count
sendFileIterWith :: (IO Iter -> IO a) -> Socket -> FilePath -> Integer -> IO a
sendFileIterWith stepper outs infp blockSize =
withBinaryFile infp ReadMode $ \inp -> do
count <- hFileSize inp
sendFileIterWith'' stepper outs inp blockSize 0 count
sendFile' :: Socket -> FilePath -> Integer -> Integer -> IO ()
sendFile' outs infp offset count =
withBinaryFile infp ReadMode $ \inp ->
sendFile'' outs inp offset count
sendFileIterWith' :: (IO Iter -> IO a) -> Socket -> FilePath -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> IO a
sendFileIterWith' stepper outs infp blockSize offset count =
withBinaryFile infp ReadMode $ \inp ->
sendFileIterWith'' stepper outs inp blockSize offset count
unsafeSendFile :: Handle -> FilePath -> IO ()
unsafeSendFile outp infp =
withBinaryFile infp ReadMode $ \inp -> do
count <- hFileSize inp
unsafeSendFile'' outp inp 0 count
unsafeSendFileIterWith :: (IO Iter -> IO a) -> Handle -> FilePath -> Integer -> IO a
unsafeSendFileIterWith stepper outp infp blockSize =
withBinaryFile infp ReadMode $ \inp -> do
count <- hFileSize inp
unsafeSendFileIterWith'' stepper outp inp blockSize 0 count
:: Handle
-> FilePath
-> Integer
-> Integer
-> IO ()
unsafeSendFile' outp infp offset count =
withBinaryFile infp ReadMode $ \inp -> do
unsafeSendFile'' outp inp offset count
:: (IO Iter -> IO a)
-> Handle
-> FilePath
-> Integer
-> Integer
-> Integer
-> IO a
unsafeSendFileIterWith' stepper outp infp blockSize offset count =
withBinaryFile infp ReadMode $ \inp -> do
unsafeSendFileIterWith'' stepper outp inp blockSize offset count