{-# LANGUAGE CPP, RecordWildCards #-}
module Network.Socket.SendFile.Internal (
    ) where

import Network.Socket.SendFile.Portable (sendFileMode, sendFile'', sendFileIterWith'', unsafeSendFile'', unsafeSendFileIterWith'')
import Network.Socket (fdSocket)
import Network.Socket.SendFile.Util
import System.Posix.Types (Fd(..))
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 611
import GHC.IO.Handle.Internals (withHandle_)
import GHC.IO.Handle.Types (Handle__(..))
import qualified GHC.IO.FD as FD
-- import qualified GHC.IO.Handle.FD as FD
import GHC.IO.Exception
import Data.Typeable (cast)
import GHC.IOBase
import GHC.Handle hiding (fdToHandle)
import qualified GHC.Handle

import Network.Socket (Socket)
import Network.Socket.SendFile.Iter (Iter(..))
import System.IO (Handle, IOMode(..), hFileSize, hFlush, withBinaryFile)
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 611
import System.IO.Error

#if defined(WIN32_SENDFILE)
import Network.Socket.SendFile.Win32 (_sendFile, sendFileIter)

sendFileMode :: String
sendFileMode = "WIN32_SENDFILE"

#if defined(LINUX_SENDFILE)
import Network.Socket.SendFile.Linux (_sendFile, sendFileIter)

sendFileMode :: String
sendFileMode = "LINUX_SENDFILE"

import Network.Socket.SendFile.FreeBSD (_sendFile, sendFileIter)

sendFileMode :: String

#if defined(DARWIN_SENDFILE)
import Network.Socket.SendFile.Darwin (_sendFile, sendFileIter)

sendFileMode :: String
sendFileMode = "DARWIN_SENDFILE"


sendFile'' :: Socket -> Handle -> Integer -> Integer -> IO ()
sendFile'' outs inh off count =
#if MIN_VERSION_network(3,0,0)
    do out_fd <- fmap Fd (fdSocket outs)
    do let out_fd = Fd (fdSocket outs)
       withFd inh $ \in_fd ->
         wrapSendFile' (\out_fd_ in_fd_ _blockSize_ off_ count_ -> _sendFile out_fd_ in_fd_ off_ count_)
                       out_fd in_fd count off count

sendFileIterWith'' :: (IO Iter -> IO a) -> Socket -> Handle -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> IO a
sendFileIterWith'' stepper outs inp blockSize off count =
#if MIN_VERSION_network(3,0,0)
    do out_fd <- fmap Fd (fdSocket outs)
    do let out_fd = Fd (fdSocket outs)
       withFd inp $ \in_fd ->
         stepper $ wrapSendFile' sendFileIter out_fd in_fd blockSize off count

unsafeSendFile'' :: Handle -> Handle -> Integer -> Integer -> IO ()
unsafeSendFile'' outp inp off count =
    do hFlush outp
       withFd outp $ \out_fd ->
         withFd inp $ \in_fd ->
          wrapSendFile' (\out_fd_ in_fd_ _blockSize_ off_ count_ -> _sendFile out_fd_ in_fd_ off_ count_)
                        out_fd in_fd count off count
--            wrapSendFile' _sendFile out_fd in_fd off count

unsafeSendFileIterWith'' :: (IO Iter -> IO a) -> Handle -> Handle -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> IO a
unsafeSendFileIterWith'' stepper outp inp blockSize off count =
    do hFlush outp
       withFd outp $ \out_fd ->
         withFd inp $ \in_fd ->
             stepper $ wrapSendFile' sendFileIter out_fd in_fd blockSize off count

-- The Fd should not be used after the action returns because the
-- Handler may be garbage collected and than will cause the finalizer
-- to close the fd.
withFd :: Handle -> (Fd -> IO a) -> IO a
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 611
withFd h f = withHandle_ "withFd" h $ \ Handle__{..} -> do
  case cast haDevice of
    Nothing -> ioError (ioeSetErrorString (mkIOError IllegalOperation
                                           "withFd" (Just h) Nothing)
                        "handle is not a file descriptor")
    Just fd -> f (Fd (fromIntegral (FD.fdFD fd)))
withFd h f =
    withHandle_ "withFd" h $ \ h_ ->
      f (Fd (fromIntegral (haFD h_)))


sendFile :: Socket -> FilePath -> IO ()
sendFile outs infp =
    withBinaryFile infp ReadMode $ \inp -> do
      count <- hFileSize inp
      sendFile'' outs inp 0 count

sendFileIterWith :: (IO Iter -> IO a) -> Socket -> FilePath -> Integer -> IO a
sendFileIterWith stepper outs infp blockSize =
    withBinaryFile infp ReadMode $ \inp -> do
      count <- hFileSize inp
      sendFileIterWith'' stepper outs inp blockSize 0 count

sendFile' :: Socket -> FilePath -> Integer -> Integer -> IO ()
sendFile' outs infp offset count =
    withBinaryFile infp ReadMode $ \inp ->
        sendFile'' outs inp offset count

sendFileIterWith' :: (IO Iter -> IO a) -> Socket -> FilePath -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> IO a
sendFileIterWith' stepper outs infp blockSize offset count =
    withBinaryFile infp ReadMode $ \inp ->
        sendFileIterWith'' stepper outs inp blockSize offset count

unsafeSendFile :: Handle -> FilePath -> IO ()
unsafeSendFile outp infp =
    withBinaryFile infp ReadMode $ \inp -> do
      count <- hFileSize inp
      unsafeSendFile'' outp inp 0 count

unsafeSendFileIterWith :: (IO Iter -> IO a) -> Handle -> FilePath -> Integer -> IO a
unsafeSendFileIterWith stepper outp infp blockSize =
    withBinaryFile infp ReadMode $ \inp -> do
      count <- hFileSize inp
      unsafeSendFileIterWith'' stepper outp inp blockSize 0 count

    :: Handle    -- ^ The output handle
    -> FilePath  -- ^ The input filepath
    -> Integer    -- ^ The offset to start at
    -> Integer -- ^ The number of bytes to send
    -> IO ()
unsafeSendFile' outp infp offset count =
    withBinaryFile infp ReadMode $ \inp -> do
      unsafeSendFile'' outp inp offset count

    :: (IO Iter -> IO a)
    -> Handle    -- ^ The output handle
    -> FilePath  -- ^ The input filepath
    -> Integer   -- ^ maximum block size
    -> Integer   -- ^ The offset to start at
    -> Integer   -- ^ The number of bytes to send
    -> IO a
unsafeSendFileIterWith' stepper outp infp blockSize offset count =
    withBinaryFile infp ReadMode $ \inp -> do
      unsafeSendFileIterWith'' stepper outp inp blockSize offset count