{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, RecordWildCards, GADTs, CPP #-}
-- | PostgreSQL backend for Selda.
module Database.Selda.PostgreSQL
  ( PG, PGConnectInfo (..)
  , withPostgreSQL, on, auth
  , pgOpen, pgOpen', seldaClose
  , pgConnString, pgPPConfig
  ) where
#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4, 11, 0)
import Data.Monoid
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Database.Selda.Backend hiding (toText)
import Database.Selda.JSON
import Database.Selda.Unsafe as Selda (cast, operator)
import Control.Monad.Catch
import Control.Monad.IO.Class

#ifndef __HASTE__
import Control.Monad (void)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS (foldl')
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS (pack, unpack)
import Data.Dynamic
import Data.Foldable (for_)
import Data.Text.Encoding
import Database.Selda.PostgreSQL.Encoding
import Database.PostgreSQL.LibPQ hiding (user, pass, db, host)

data PG

instance JSONBackend PG where
  (~>) = operator "->"
  jsonToText = Selda.cast

-- | PostgreSQL connection information.
data PGConnectInfo = PGConnectInfo
  { -- | Host to connect to.
    pgHost     :: T.Text
    -- | Port to connect to.
  , pgPort     :: Int
    -- | Name of database to use.
  , pgDatabase :: T.Text
    -- | Schema to use upon connection.
  , pgSchema   :: Maybe T.Text
    -- | Username for authentication, if necessary.
  , pgUsername :: Maybe T.Text
    -- | Password for authentication, if necessary.
  , pgPassword :: Maybe T.Text

-- | Connect to the given database on the given host, on the default PostgreSQL
--   port (5432):
-- > withPostgreSQL ("my_db" `on` "example.com") $ do
-- >   ...
on :: T.Text -> T.Text -> PGConnectInfo
on db host = PGConnectInfo
  { pgHost = host
  , pgPort = 5432
  , pgDatabase = db
  , pgSchema   = Nothing
  , pgUsername = Nothing
  , pgPassword = Nothing
infixl 7 `on`

-- | Add the given username and password to the given connection information:
-- > withPostgreSQL ("my_db" `on` "example.com" `auth` ("user", "pass")) $ do
-- >   ...
--   For more precise control over the connection options, you should modify
--   the 'PGConnectInfo' directly.
auth :: PGConnectInfo -> (T.Text, T.Text) -> PGConnectInfo
auth ci (user, pass) = ci
  { pgUsername = Just user
  , pgPassword = Just pass
infixl 4 `auth`

-- | Convert `PGConnectInfo` into `ByteString`
pgConnString :: PGConnectInfo -> ByteString
#ifdef __HASTE__
pgConnString PGConnectInfo{..} = error "pgConnString called in JS context"
pgConnString PGConnectInfo{..} = mconcat
  [ "host=", encodeUtf8 pgHost, " "
  , "port=", BS.pack (show pgPort), " "
  , "dbname=", encodeUtf8 pgDatabase, " "
  , case pgUsername of
      Just user -> "user=" <> encodeUtf8 user <> " "
      _         -> ""
  , case pgPassword of
      Just pass -> "password=" <> encodeUtf8 pass <> " "
      _         -> ""
  , "connect_timeout=10", " "
  , "client_encoding=UTF8"

-- | Perform the given computation over a PostgreSQL database.
--   The database connection is guaranteed to be closed when the computation
--   terminates.
withPostgreSQL :: (MonadIO m, MonadMask m)
               => PGConnectInfo
               -> SeldaT PG m a
               -> m a
#ifdef __HASTE__
withPostgreSQL _ _ = return $ error "withPostgreSQL called in JS context"
withPostgreSQL ci m = bracket (pgOpen ci) seldaClose (runSeldaT m)

-- | Open a new PostgreSQL connection. The connection will persist across
--   calls to 'runSeldaT', and must be explicitly closed using 'seldaClose'
--   when no longer needed.
pgOpen :: (MonadIO m, MonadMask m) => PGConnectInfo -> m (SeldaConnection PG)
pgOpen ci = pgOpen' (pgSchema ci) (pgConnString ci)

pgPPConfig :: PPConfig
pgOpen' :: (MonadIO m, MonadMask m)
        => Maybe T.Text
        -> ByteString
        -> m (SeldaConnection PG)
#ifdef __HASTE__
pgOpen' _ _ = return $ error "pgOpen' called in JS context"
pgPPConfig = error "pgPPConfig evaluated in JS context"
pgOpen' schema connStr =
  bracketOnError (liftIO $ connectdb connStr) (liftIO . finish) $ \conn -> do
    st <- liftIO $ status conn
    case st of
      ConnectionOk -> do
        let backend = pgBackend conn

        _ <- liftIO $ runStmt backend "SET client_min_messages TO WARNING;" []

        for_ schema $ \schema' ->
          liftIO $ runStmt backend ("SET search_path TO '" <> schema' <> "';") []

        newConnection backend (decodeUtf8 connStr)
      nope -> do
        connFailed nope
      connFailed f = throwM $ DbError $ unwords
        [ "unable to connect to postgres server: " ++ show f

pgPPConfig = defPPConfig
    { ppType = pgColType defPPConfig
    , ppTypeHook = pgTypeHook
    , ppTypePK = pgColTypePK defPPConfig
    , ppAutoIncInsert = "DEFAULT"
    , ppColAttrs = T.unwords . map pgColAttr
    , ppColAttrsHook = pgColAttrsHook
    , ppIndexMethodHook = (" USING " <>) . compileIndexMethod
    compileIndexMethod BTreeIndex = "btree"
    compileIndexMethod HashIndex  = "hash"

    pgTypeHook :: SqlTypeRep -> [ColAttr] -> (SqlTypeRep -> T.Text) -> T.Text
    pgTypeHook ty attrs fun
      | isGenericIntPrimaryKey ty attrs = pgColTypePK pgPPConfig TRowID
      | otherwise                       = pgTypeRenameHook fun ty

    pgTypeRenameHook _ TDateTime = "timestamp with time zone"
    pgTypeRenameHook _ TTime     = "time with time zone"
    pgTypeRenameHook f ty        = f ty

    pgColAttrsHook :: SqlTypeRep -> [ColAttr] -> ([ColAttr] -> T.Text) -> T.Text
    pgColAttrsHook ty attrs fun
      | isGenericIntPrimaryKey ty attrs = fun [AutoPrimary Strong]
      | otherwise = fun attrs

    bigserialQue :: [ColAttr]
    bigserialQue = [AutoPrimary Strong, Required]

    -- For when we use 'autoPrimaryGen' on 'Int' field
    isGenericIntPrimaryKey :: SqlTypeRep -> [ColAttr] -> Bool
    isGenericIntPrimaryKey ty attrs = ty == TInt && and ((`elem` attrs) <$> bigserialQue)

-- | Create a `SeldaBackend` for PostgreSQL `Connection`
pgBackend :: Connection   -- ^ PostgreSQL connection object.
          -> SeldaBackend PG
pgBackend c = SeldaBackend
  { runStmt         = \q ps -> right <$> pgQueryRunner c False q ps
  , runStmtWithPK   = \q ps -> left <$> pgQueryRunner c True q ps
  , prepareStmt     = pgPrepare c
  , runPrepared     = pgRun c
  , getTableInfo    = pgGetTableInfo c . rawTableName
  , backendId       = PostgreSQL
  , ppConfig        = pgPPConfig
  , closeConnection = \_ -> finish c
  , disableForeignKeys = disableFKs c
    left (Left x) = x
    left _        = error "impossible"
    right (Right x) = x
    right _         = error "impossible"

-- Solution to disable FKs from
-- <https://dba.stackexchange.com/questions/96961/how-to-temporarily-disable-foreign-keys-in-amazon-rds-postgresql>
disableFKs :: Connection -> Bool -> IO ()
disableFKs c True = do
    void $ pgQueryRunner c False "BEGIN TRANSACTION;" []
    void $ pgQueryRunner c False create []
    void $ pgQueryRunner c False dropTbl []
    create = mconcat
      [ "create table if not exists __selda_dropped_fks ("
      , "        seq bigserial primary key,"
      , "        sql text"
      , ");"
    dropTbl = mconcat
      [ "do $$ declare t record;"
      , "begin"
      , "    for t in select conrelid::regclass::varchar table_name, conname constraint_name,"
      , "            pg_catalog.pg_get_constraintdef(r.oid, true) constraint_definition"
      , "            from pg_catalog.pg_constraint r"
      , "            where r.contype = 'f'"
      , "            and r.connamespace = (select n.oid from pg_namespace n where n.nspname = current_schema())"
      , "        loop"
      , "        insert into __selda_dropped_fks (sql) values ("
      , "            format('alter table if exists %s add constraint %s %s',"
      , "                quote_ident(t.table_name), quote_ident(t.constraint_name), t.constraint_definition));"
      , "        execute format('alter table %s drop constraint %s', quote_ident(t.table_name), quote_ident(t.constraint_name));"
      , "    end loop;"
      , "end $$;"
disableFKs c False = do
    void $ pgQueryRunner c False restore []
    void $ pgQueryRunner c False "DROP TABLE __selda_dropped_fks;" []
    void $ pgQueryRunner c False "COMMIT;" []
    restore = mconcat
      [ "do $$ declare t record;"
      , "begin"
      , "    for t in select * from __selda_dropped_fks order by seq loop"
      , "        execute t.sql;"
      , "        delete from __selda_dropped_fks where seq = t.seq;"
      , "    end loop;"
      , "end $$;"

pgGetTableInfo :: Connection -> T.Text -> IO TableInfo
pgGetTableInfo c tbl = do
    Right (_, vals) <- pgQueryRunner c False tableinfo []
    if null vals
      then do
        pure $ TableInfo [] [] []
      else do
        Right (_, pkInfo) <- pgQueryRunner c False pkquery []
        Right (_, us) <- pgQueryRunner c False uniquequery []
        let uniques = map splitNames us
        Right (_, fks) <- pgQueryRunner c False fkquery []
        Right (_, ixs) <- pgQueryRunner c False ixquery []
        colInfos <- mapM (describe fks (map toText ixs)) vals
        x <- pure $ TableInfo
          { tableColumnInfos = colInfos
          , tableUniqueGroups = map (map mkColName) uniques
          , tablePrimaryKey = [mkColName pk | [SqlString pk] <- pkInfo]
        pure x
    splitNames = breakNames . toText
    -- TODO: this is super ugly; should really be fixed
    breakNames s =
      case T.break (== '"') s of
        (n, ns) | T.null n  -> []
                | T.null ns -> [n]
                | otherwise -> n : breakNames (T.tail ns)
    toText [SqlString s] = s
    toText _             = error "toText: unreachable"
    tableinfo = mconcat
      [ "SELECT column_name, data_type, is_nullable, column_default LIKE 'nextval(%' "
      , "FROM information_schema.columns "
      , "WHERE table_name = '", tbl, "';"
    pkquery = mconcat
      [ "SELECT a.attname "
      , "FROM pg_index i "
      , "JOIN pg_attribute a ON a.attrelid = i.indrelid "
      , "  AND a.attnum = ANY(i.indkey) "
      , "WHERE i.indrelid = '\"", tbl, "\"'::regclass "
      , "  AND i.indisprimary;"
    uniquequery = mconcat
      [ "SELECT string_agg(a.attname, '\"') "
      , "FROM pg_index i "
      , "JOIN pg_attribute a ON a.attrelid = i.indrelid "
      , "  AND a.attnum = ANY(i.indkey) "
      , "WHERE i.indrelid = '\"", tbl, "\"'::regclass "
      , "  AND i.indisunique "
      , "  AND NOT i.indisprimary "
      , "GROUP BY i.indkey;"
    fkquery = mconcat
      [ "SELECT kcu.column_name, ccu.table_name, ccu.column_name "
      , "FROM information_schema.table_constraints AS tc "
      , "JOIN information_schema.key_column_usage AS kcu "
      , "  ON tc.constraint_name = kcu.constraint_name "
      , "JOIN information_schema.constraint_column_usage AS ccu "
      , "  ON ccu.constraint_name = tc.constraint_name "
      , "WHERE constraint_type = 'FOREIGN KEY' AND tc.table_name='", tbl, "';"
    ixquery = mconcat
      [ "select a.attname as column_name "
      , "from pg_class t, pg_class i, pg_index ix, pg_attribute a "
      , "where "
      , "t.oid = ix.indrelid "
      , "and i.oid = ix.indexrelid "
      , "and a.attrelid = t.oid "
      , "and a.attnum = ANY(ix.indkey) "
      , "and t.relkind = 'r' "
      , "and not ix.indisunique "
      , "and not ix.indisprimary "
      , "and t.relkind = 'r' "
      , "and t.relname = '", tbl , "';"
    describe fks ixs [SqlString name, SqlString ty, SqlString nullable, auto] =
      return $ ColumnInfo
        { colName = mkColName name
        , colType = mkTypeRep ty'
        , colIsAutoPrimary = isAuto auto
        , colIsNullable = readBool nullable
        , colHasIndex = name `elem` ixs
        , colFKs =
            [ (mkTableName tblname, mkColName col)
            | [SqlString cname, SqlString tblname, SqlString col] <- fks
            , name == cname
        ty' = T.toLower ty
        isAuto (SqlBool x) = x
        isAuto _           = False
    describe _ _ results =
      throwM $ SqlError $ "bad result from table info query: " ++ show results

pgQueryRunner :: Connection -> Bool -> T.Text -> [Param] -> IO (Either Int (Int, [[SqlValue]]))
pgQueryRunner c return_lastid q ps = do
    mres <- execParams c (encodeUtf8 q') [fromSqlValue p | Param p <- ps] Binary
    unlessError c errmsg mres $ \res -> do
      if return_lastid
        then Left <$> getLastId res
        else Right <$> getRows res
    errmsg = "error executing query `" ++ T.unpack q' ++ "'"
    q' | return_lastid = q <> " RETURNING LASTVAL();"
       | otherwise     = q

    getLastId res = (maybe 0 id . fmap readInt) <$> getvalue res 0 0

pgRun :: Connection -> Dynamic -> [Param] -> IO (Int, [[SqlValue]])
pgRun c hdl ps = do
    let Just sid = fromDynamic hdl :: Maybe StmtID
    mres <- execPrepared c (BS.pack $ show sid) (map mkParam ps) Binary
    unlessError c errmsg mres $ getRows
    errmsg = "error executing prepared statement"
    mkParam (Param p) = case fromSqlValue p of
      Just (_, val, fmt) -> Just (val, fmt)
      Nothing            -> Nothing

-- | Get all rows from a result.
getRows :: Result -> IO (Int, [[SqlValue]])
getRows res = do
    rows <- ntuples res
    cols <- nfields res
    types <- mapM (ftype res) [0..cols-1]
    affected <- cmdTuples res
    result <- mapM (getRow res types cols) [0..rows-1]
    pure $ case affected of
      Just "" -> (0, result)
      Just s  -> (bsToPositiveInt s, result)
      _       -> (0, result)
    bsToPositiveInt = BS.foldl' (\a x -> a*10+fromIntegral x-48) 0

-- | Get all columns for the given row.
getRow :: Result -> [Oid] -> Column -> Row -> IO [SqlValue]
getRow res types cols row = do
  sequence $ zipWith (getCol res row) [0..cols-1] types

-- | Get the given column.
getCol :: Result -> Row -> Column -> Oid -> IO SqlValue
getCol res row col t = do
  mval <- getvalue res row col
  case mval of
    Just val -> pure $ toSqlValue t val
    _        -> pure SqlNull

pgPrepare :: Connection -> StmtID -> [SqlTypeRep] -> T.Text -> IO Dynamic
pgPrepare c sid types q = do
    mres <- prepare c (BS.pack $ show sid) (encodeUtf8 q) (Just types')
    unlessError c errmsg mres $ \_ -> return (toDyn sid)
    types' = map fromSqlType types
    errmsg = "error preparing query `" ++ T.unpack q ++ "'"

-- | Perform the given computation unless an error occurred previously.
unlessError :: Connection -> String -> Maybe Result -> (Result -> IO a) -> IO a
unlessError c msg mres m = do
  case mres of
    Just res -> do
      st <- resultStatus res
      case st of
        BadResponse   -> doError c msg
        FatalError    -> doError c msg
        NonfatalError -> doError c msg
        _             -> m res
    Nothing -> throwM $ DbError "unable to submit query to server"

doError :: Connection -> String -> IO a
doError c msg = do
  me <- errorMessage c
  throwM $ SqlError $ concat
    [ msg
    , maybe "" ((": " ++) . BS.unpack) me

mkTypeRep :: T.Text ->  Either T.Text SqlTypeRep
mkTypeRep "bigserial"                = Right TRowID
mkTypeRep "int8"                     = Right TInt
mkTypeRep "bigint"                   = Right TInt
mkTypeRep "float8"                   = Right TFloat
mkTypeRep "double precision"         = Right TFloat
mkTypeRep "timestamp with time zone" = Right TDateTime
mkTypeRep "bytea"                    = Right TBlob
mkTypeRep "text"                     = Right TText
mkTypeRep "boolean"                  = Right TBool
mkTypeRep "date"                     = Right TDate
mkTypeRep "time with time zone"      = Right TTime
mkTypeRep "uuid"                     = Right TUUID
mkTypeRep "jsonb"                    = Right TJSON
mkTypeRep typ                        = Left typ

-- | Custom column types for postgres.
pgColType :: PPConfig -> SqlTypeRep -> T.Text
pgColType _ TRowID    = "BIGINT"
pgColType _ TInt      = "INT8"
pgColType _ TFloat    = "FLOAT8"
pgColType _ TDateTime = "TIMESTAMP"
pgColType _ TBlob     = "BYTEA"
pgColType _ TUUID     = "UUID"
pgColType _ TJSON     = "JSONB"
pgColType cfg t       = ppType cfg t

-- | Custom attribute types for postgres.
pgColAttr :: ColAttr -> T.Text
pgColAttr Primary         = ""
pgColAttr (AutoPrimary _) = "PRIMARY KEY"
pgColAttr Required        = "NOT NULL"
pgColAttr Optional        = "NULL"
pgColAttr Unique          = "UNIQUE"
pgColAttr (Indexed _)     = ""

-- | Custom column types (primary key position) for postgres.
pgColTypePK :: PPConfig -> SqlTypeRep -> T.Text
pgColTypePK _ TRowID    = "BIGSERIAL"
pgColTypePK cfg t       = pgColType cfg t