{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, GADTs, FlexibleContexts #-}
module Database.Selda.Migrations
( Migration (..)
, migrate, migrateM, migrateAll, autoMigrate
) where
import Control.Monad (void, when)
import Control.Monad.Catch
import Database.Selda hiding (from)
import Database.Selda.Frontend
( OnError (..)
, createTableWithoutIndexes, createTableIndexes
import Database.Selda.Backend.Internal
import Database.Selda.Table.Type (tableName)
import Database.Selda.Table.Validation (ValidationError (..))
import Database.Selda.Types (mkTableName, fromTableName, rawTableName)
import Database.Selda.Validation
data Migration backend where
Migration :: (Relational a, Relational b)
=> Table a
-> Table b
-> (Row backend a -> Query backend (Row backend b))
-> Migration backend
type MigrationStep backend = [Migration backend]
migrate :: (MonadSelda m, MonadMask m, Relational a, Relational b)
=> Table a
-> Table b
-> (Row (Backend m) a -> Row (Backend m) b)
-> m ()
migrate t1 t2 upg = migrateM t1 t2 (pure . upg)
migrateM :: (MonadSelda m, MonadMask m, Relational a, Relational b)
=> Table a
-> Table b
-> (Row (Backend m) a -> Query (Backend m) (Row (Backend m) b))
-> m ()
migrateM t1 t2 upg = migrateAll True [Migration t1 t2 upg]
wrap :: (MonadSelda m, MonadMask m) => Bool -> m a -> m a
wrap enforceFKs
| enforceFKs = transaction
| otherwise = withoutForeignKeyEnforcement
migrateAll :: (MonadSelda m, MonadMask m)
=> Bool
-> MigrationStep (Backend m)
-> m ()
migrateAll fks =
wrap fks . mapM_ (\(Migration t1 t2 upg) -> migrateInternal t1 t2 upg)
autoMigrate :: (MonadSelda m, MonadMask m)
=> Bool
-> [MigrationStep (Backend m)]
-> m ()
autoMigrate _ [] = do
return ()
autoMigrate fks steps = wrap fks $ do
diffs <- sequence finalState
when (any (/= TableOK) diffs) $ do
steps' <- reverse <$> calculateSteps revSteps
mapM_ performStep steps'
revSteps = reverse steps
finalState = [diffTable to | Migration _ to _ <- head revSteps]
calculateSteps (step:ss) = do
diffs <- mapM (\(Migration from _ _) -> diffTable from) step
if all (== TableOK) diffs
then return [step]
else (step:) <$> calculateSteps ss
calculateSteps [] = do
throwM $ ValidationError "no starting state matches the current state of the database"
performStep = mapM_ (\(Migration t1 t2 upg) -> migrateInternal t1 t2 upg)
migrateInternal :: (MonadSelda m, MonadThrow m, Relational a, Relational b)
=> Table a
-> Table b
-> (Row (Backend m) a -> Query (Backend m) (Row (Backend m) b))
-> m ()
migrateInternal t1 t2 upg = withBackend $ \b -> do
validateTable t1
validateSchema t2
createTableWithoutIndexes Fail t2'
void . queryInto t2' $ select t1 >>= upg
void . liftIO $ runStmt b (dropQuery (tableName t1)) []
void . liftIO $ runStmt b renameQuery []
createTableIndexes Fail t2
t2' = t2 {tableName = mkTableName newName} `asTypeOf` t2
newName = mconcat ["__selda_migration_", rawTableName (tableName t2)]
renameQuery = mconcat
[ "ALTER TABLE ", newName
, " RENAME TO ", fromTableName (tableName t2), ";"
dropQuery t = mconcat ["DROP TABLE ", fromTableName t, ";"]