seclib- A simple library for static information-flow security in Haskell

Safe HaskellTrustworthy




Provide security for computations involving side-effects.


SecIO monad

data SecIO l a Source

This monad represents side-effectful computations with observable effects, and return values, at security level, at least, l.


Monad (SecIO l) 
Functor (SecIO l)

SecIO cannot be a functor for security reasons. The member fmap is declared as undefined due to the Applicative-Monad Haskell 2014 proposal.

Applicative (SecIO l)

For the same reason as above, '(*)' is undefined.

Lifting pure values

toSecIO :: Sec l a -> SecIO l a Source

Lift pure sensitive values into secure side-effectful computations.


run :: SecIO l a -> IO (Sec l a) Source

Execute secure computations.

This function can be safely given to untrusted code. However, trusted code should not run an IO computation returned by untrusted code. After all, its origin cannot be determined, i.e., it could come from run or any other IO operation which could compromise confidentiality or integrity of data.


plug :: forall l l' a. Less l l' => SecIO l' a -> SecIO l (Sec l' a) Source

Secure coupling of side-effectul computations.