
Module      : SDL.Mixer
License     : BSD3
Stability   : experimental

Bindings to the @SDL2_mixer@ library.


{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase                 #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms            #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards            #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies               #-}

module SDL.Mixer
  -- * Audio setup
  -- | In order to use the rest of the library, you need to
  -- supply 'withAudio' or 'openAudio' with an 'Audio' configuration.
  , Audio(..)
  , Format(..)
  , Output(..)
  , defaultAudio
  , ChunkSize
  , queryAudio

  -- ** Alternative
  , openAudio
  , closeAudio

  -- * Loading audio data
  -- | Use 'load' or 'decode' to get both 'Chunk' and 'Music' values.
  , Loadable(..)
  , Chunk(..)
  , chunkDecoders
  , Music(..)
  , musicDecoders

  -- * Chunks
  -- | 'Chunk's are played on 'Channel's, which can be combined into 'Group's.

  -- ** Playing chunks
  , Channel
  , pattern AllChannels
  , setChannels
  , getChannels
  , play
  , playForever
  , Times
  , pattern Once
  , pattern Forever
  , playOn
  , Milliseconds
  , Limit
  , pattern NoLimit
  , playLimit
  , fadeIn
  , fadeInOn
  , fadeInLimit

  -- ** Grouping channels
  , reserveChannels
  , Group
  , pattern DefaultGroup
  , group
  , groupSpan
  , groupCount
  , getAvailable
  , getOldest
  , getNewest

  -- ** Controlling playback
  , pause
  , resume
  , halt
  , haltAfter
  , haltGroup

  -- ** Setting the volume
  , Volume
  , HasVolume(..)

  -- ** Querying for status
  , playing
  , playingCount
  , paused
  , pausedCount
  , playedLast
  , Fading
  , fading

  -- ** Fading out
  , fadeOut
  , fadeOutGroup

  -- ** Reacting to finish
  , whenChannelFinished

  -- * Music
  -- | 'Chunk's and 'Music' differ by the way they are played. While multiple
  -- 'Chunk's can be played on different desired 'Channel's at the same time,
  -- there can only be one 'Music' playing at the same time.
  -- Therefore, the functions used for 'Music' are separate.

  -- ** Playing music
  , playMusic
  , Position
  , fadeInMusic
  , fadeInMusicAt
  , fadeInMusicAtMOD

  -- ** Controlling playback
  , pauseMusic
  , haltMusic
  , resumeMusic
  , rewindMusic
  , setMusicPosition
  , setMusicPositionMOD

  -- ** Setting the volume
  , setMusicVolume
  , getMusicVolume

  -- ** Querying for status
  , playingMusic
  , pausedMusic
  , fadingMusic
  , MusicType(..)
  , musicType
  , playingMusicType

  -- ** Fading out
  , fadeOutMusic

  -- ** Reacting to finish
  , whenMusicFinished

  -- * Effects
  , Effect
  , EffectFinished
  , pattern PostProcessing
  , effect

  -- ** In-built effects
  , effectPan
  , effectDistance
  , effectPosition
  , effectReverseStereo

  -- * Other
  , initialize
  , InitFlag(..)
  , quit
  , version

  ) where

import Control.Exception.Lifted (finally)
import Control.Monad (void, forM, when)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO, liftIO)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Control (MonadBaseControl)
import Data.Bits ((.|.), (.&.))
import Data.ByteString (ByteString, readFile)
import Data.ByteString.Unsafe (unsafeUseAsCStringLen)
import Data.Default.Class (Default(def))
import Data.Foldable (foldl)
import Data.IORef (IORef, newIORef, readIORef, writeIORef)
import Data.Int (Int16)
import Data.Vector.Storable.Mutable (IOVector, unsafeFromForeignPtr0)
import Data.Word (Word8)
import Foreign.C.String (peekCString)
import Foreign.C.Types (CInt)
import Foreign.ForeignPtr (newForeignPtr_, castForeignPtr)
import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc (alloca)
import Foreign.Ptr (FunPtr, nullFunPtr, freeHaskellFunPtr)
import Foreign.Ptr (Ptr, castPtr, nullPtr)
import Foreign.Storable (Storable(..))
import Prelude hiding (foldl, readFile)
import SDL.ExceptionHelper
import SDL.Raw.Filesystem (rwFromConstMem)
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)

import qualified SDL.Raw
import qualified SDL.Raw.Mixer

-- | Initialize the library by loading support for a certain set of
-- sample/music formats.
-- Note that calling this is not strictly necessary: support for a certain
-- format will be loaded automatically when attempting to load data in that
-- format. Using 'initialize' allows you to decide /when/ to load support.
-- You may call this function multiple times.
initialize :: (Foldable f, Functor m, MonadIO m) => f InitFlag -> m ()
initialize flags = do
  let raw = foldl (\a b -> a .|. initToCInt b) 0 flags
  throwIf_ ((/= raw) . (.&. raw)) "SDL.Mixer.initialize" "Mix_Init" $
    SDL.Raw.Mixer.init raw

-- | Used with 'initialize' to designate loading support for a particular
-- sample/music format.
data InitFlag
  = InitFLAC
  | InitMOD
  | InitMODPlug
  | InitMP3
  | InitOGG
  | InitFluidSynth
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Bounded, Read, Show)

initToCInt :: InitFlag -> CInt
initToCInt = \case
  InitFLAC       -> SDL.Raw.Mixer.INIT_FLAC
  InitMOD        -> SDL.Raw.Mixer.INIT_MOD
  InitMODPlug    -> SDL.Raw.Mixer.INIT_MODPLUG
  InitMP3        -> SDL.Raw.Mixer.INIT_MP3
  InitOGG        -> SDL.Raw.Mixer.INIT_OGG
  InitFluidSynth -> SDL.Raw.Mixer.INIT_FLUIDSYNTH

-- | Cleans up any loaded libraries, freeing memory.
quit :: MonadIO m => m ()
quit = SDL.Raw.Mixer.quit -- FIXME: May not free all init'd libs! Check docs.

-- | Gets the major, minor, patch versions of the linked @SDL2_mixer@ library.
version :: (Integral a, MonadIO m) => m (a, a, a)
version = liftIO $ do
  SDL.Raw.Version major minor patch <- peek =<< SDL.Raw.Mixer.getVersion
  return (fromIntegral major, fromIntegral minor, fromIntegral patch)

-- | Initializes the @SDL2_mixer@ API.
-- This should be the first function you call after initializing @SDL@ itself
-- with 'SDL.Init.InitAudio'.
-- Automatically cleans up the API when the inner computation finishes.
  :: (MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadIO m) => Audio -> ChunkSize -> m a -> m a
withAudio conf csize act = do
  openAudio conf csize
  finally act closeAudio

-- | An alternative to 'withAudio', also initializes the @SDL2_mixer@ API.
-- However, 'openAudio' does not take care of automatically calling
-- 'closeAudio' after a computation ends, so you have to take care to do so
-- manually.
openAudio :: MonadIO m => Audio -> ChunkSize -> m ()
openAudio (Audio {..}) chunkSize =
  throwIfNeg_ "SDL.Mixer.openAudio" "Mix_OpenAudio" $
      (fromIntegral audioFrequency)
      (formatToWord audioFormat)
      (outputToCInt audioOutput)
      (fromIntegral chunkSize)

-- | An audio configuration. Use this with 'withAudio'.
data Audio = Audio
  { audioFrequency :: Int    -- ^ A sampling frequency.
  , audioFormat    :: Format -- ^ An output sample format.
  , audioOutput    :: Output -- ^ 'Mono' or 'Stereo' output.
  } deriving (Eq, Read, Show)

instance Default Audio where
  def = Audio { audioFrequency = SDL.Raw.Mixer.DEFAULT_FREQUENCY
              , audioFormat    = wordToFormat SDL.Raw.Mixer.DEFAULT_FORMAT
              , audioOutput    = cIntToOutput SDL.Raw.Mixer.DEFAULT_CHANNELS

-- | A default 'Audio' configuration.
-- Same as 'Data.Default.Class.def'.
-- Uses 22050 as the 'audioFrequency', 'FormatS16_Sys' as the 'audioFormat' and
-- 'Stereo' as the 'audioOutput'.
defaultAudio :: Audio
defaultAudio = def

-- | The size of each mixed sample.
-- The smaller this is, the more often callbacks will be invoked. If this is
-- made too small on a slow system, the sounds may skip. If made too large,
-- sound effects could lag.
type ChunkSize = Int

-- | A sample format.
data Format
  = FormatU8      -- ^ Unsigned 8-bit samples.
  | FormatS8      -- ^ Signed 8-bit samples.
  | FormatU16_LSB -- ^ Unsigned 16-bit samples, in little-endian byte order.
  | FormatS16_LSB -- ^ Signed 16-bit samples, in little-endian byte order.
  | FormatU16_MSB -- ^ Unsigned 16-bit samples, in big-endian byte order.
  | FormatS16_MSB -- ^ signed 16-bit samples, in big-endian byte order.
  | FormatU16_Sys -- ^ Unsigned 16-bit samples, in system byte order.
  | FormatS16_Sys -- ^ Signed 16-bit samples, in system byte order.
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Bounded, Read, Show)

formatToWord :: Format -> SDL.Raw.Mixer.Format
formatToWord = \case
  FormatU8      -> SDL.Raw.Mixer.AUDIO_U8
  FormatS8      -> SDL.Raw.Mixer.AUDIO_S8
  FormatU16_LSB -> SDL.Raw.Mixer.AUDIO_U16LSB
  FormatS16_LSB -> SDL.Raw.Mixer.AUDIO_S16LSB
  FormatU16_MSB -> SDL.Raw.Mixer.AUDIO_U16MSB
  FormatS16_MSB -> SDL.Raw.Mixer.AUDIO_S16MSB
  FormatU16_Sys -> SDL.Raw.Mixer.AUDIO_U16SYS
  FormatS16_Sys -> SDL.Raw.Mixer.AUDIO_S16SYS

wordToFormat :: SDL.Raw.Mixer.Format -> Format
wordToFormat = \case
  SDL.Raw.Mixer.AUDIO_U8     -> FormatU8
  SDL.Raw.Mixer.AUDIO_S8     -> FormatS8
  SDL.Raw.Mixer.AUDIO_U16LSB -> FormatU16_LSB
  SDL.Raw.Mixer.AUDIO_S16LSB -> FormatS16_LSB
  SDL.Raw.Mixer.AUDIO_U16MSB -> FormatU16_MSB
  SDL.Raw.Mixer.AUDIO_S16MSB -> FormatS16_MSB
  SDL.Raw.Mixer.AUDIO_U16SYS -> FormatU16_Sys
  SDL.Raw.Mixer.AUDIO_S16SYS -> FormatS16_Sys
  _ -> error "SDL.Mixer.wordToFormat: unknown Format."

-- | The number of sound channels in output.
data Output = Mono | Stereo
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Bounded, Read, Show)

outputToCInt :: Output -> CInt
outputToCInt = \case
  Mono   -> 1
  Stereo -> 2

cIntToOutput :: CInt -> Output
cIntToOutput = \case
  1 -> Mono
  2 -> Stereo
  _ -> error "SDL.Mixer.cIntToOutput: unknown number of channels."

-- | Get the audio format in use by the opened audio device.
-- This may or may not match the 'Audio' you asked for when calling
-- 'withAudio'.
queryAudio :: MonadIO m => m Audio
queryAudio =
  liftIO .
    alloca $ \freq ->
      alloca $ \form ->
        alloca $ \chan -> do
          void . throwIf0 "SDL.Mixer.queryAudio" "Mix_QuerySpec" $
            SDL.Raw.Mixer.querySpec freq form chan
            <$> (fromIntegral <$> peek freq)
            <*> (wordToFormat <$> peek form)
            <*> (cIntToOutput <$> peek chan)

-- | Shut down and clean up the @SDL2_mixer@ API.
-- After calling this, all audio stops.
-- You don't have to call this if you're using 'withAudio'.
closeAudio :: MonadIO m => m ()
closeAudio = SDL.Raw.Mixer.closeAudio

-- | A class of all values that can be loaded from some source. You can load
-- both 'Chunk's and 'Music' this way.
-- Note that you must call 'withAudio' before using these, since they have to
-- know the audio configuration to properly convert the data for playback.
class Loadable a where

  -- | Load the value from a 'ByteString'.
  decode :: MonadIO m => ByteString -> m a

  -- | Same as 'decode', but loads from a file instead.
  load :: MonadIO m => FilePath -> m a
  load = (decode =<<) . liftIO . readFile

  -- | Frees the value's memory. It should no longer be used.
  -- __Note that you shouldn't free those values that are currently playing.__
  free :: MonadIO m => a -> m ()

-- | A volume, where 0 is silent and 128 loudest.
-- 'Volume's lesser than 0 or greater than 128 function as if they are 0 and
-- 128, respectively.
type Volume = Int

volumeToCInt :: Volume -> CInt
volumeToCInt = fromIntegral . max 0 . min 128

-- | A class of all values that have a 'Volume'.
class HasVolume a where

  -- | Gets the value's currently set 'Volume'.
  -- If the value is a 'Channel' and 'AllChannels' is used, gets the /average/
  -- 'Volume' of all 'Channel's.
  getVolume :: MonadIO m => a -> m Volume

  -- | Sets a value's 'Volume'.
  -- If the value is a 'Chunk', the volume setting only takes effect when the
  -- 'Chunk' is used on a 'Channel', being mixed into the output.
  -- In case of being used on a 'Channel', the volume setting takes effect
  -- during the final mix, along with the 'Chunk' volume. For instance, setting
  -- the 'Volume' of a certain 'Channel' to 64 will halve the volume of all
  -- 'Chunk's played on that 'Channel'. If 'AllChannels' is used, sets all
  -- 'Channel's to the given 'Volume' instead.
  setVolume :: MonadIO m => Volume -> a -> m ()

-- | Returns the names of all chunk decoders currently available.
-- These depend on the availability of shared libraries for each of the
-- formats. The list may contain any of the following, and possibly others:
-- @WAVE@, @AIFF@, @VOC@, @OFF@, @FLAC@, @MP3@.
chunkDecoders :: MonadIO m => m [String]
chunkDecoders =
  liftIO $ do
    num <- SDL.Raw.Mixer.getNumChunkDecoders
    forM [0 .. num - 1] $ \i ->
      SDL.Raw.Mixer.getChunkDecoder i >>= peekCString

-- | A loaded audio chunk.
newtype Chunk = Chunk (Ptr SDL.Raw.Mixer.Chunk) deriving (Eq, Show)

instance Loadable Chunk where
  decode bytes = liftIO $ do
    unsafeUseAsCStringLen bytes $ \(cstr, len) -> do
      rw <- rwFromConstMem (castPtr cstr) (fromIntegral len)
      fmap Chunk .
        throwIfNull "SDL.Mixer.decode<Chunk>" "Mix_LoadWAV_RW" $
          SDL.Raw.Mixer.loadWAV_RW rw 0

  free (Chunk p) = liftIO $ SDL.Raw.Mixer.freeChunk p

instance HasVolume Chunk where
  getVolume   (Chunk p) = fmap fromIntegral $ SDL.Raw.Mixer.volumeChunk p (-1)
  setVolume v (Chunk p) = void . SDL.Raw.Mixer.volumeChunk p $ volumeToCInt v

-- | A mixing channel.
-- Use the 'Integral' instance to define these: the first channel is 0, the
-- second 1 and so on.
-- The default number of 'Channel's available at startup is 8, so note that you
-- cannot usemore than these starting 8 if you haven't created more with
-- 'setChannels'.
-- The starting 'Volume' of each 'Channel' is the maximum: 128.
newtype Channel = Channel CInt deriving (Eq, Ord, Enum, Integral, Real, Num)

instance Show Channel where
  show = \case
    AllChannels -> "AllChannels"
    Channel c   -> "Channel " ++ show c

-- The lowest-numbered channel is CHANNEL_POST, or -2, for post processing
-- effects. This function makes sure a channel is higher than CHANNEL_POST.
clipChan :: CInt -> CInt
clipChan = max SDL.Raw.Mixer.CHANNEL_POST

-- | Prepares a given number of 'Channel's for use.
-- There are 8 such 'Channel's already prepared for use after 'withAudio' is
-- called.
-- You may call this multiple times, even with sounds playing. If setting a
-- lesser number of 'Channel's than are currently in use, the higher 'Channel's
-- will be stopped, their finish callbacks invoked, and their memory freed.
-- Passing in 0 or less will therefore stop and free all mixing channels.
-- Any 'Music' playing is not affected by this function.
setChannels :: MonadIO m => Int -> m ()
setChannels = void . SDL.Raw.Mixer.allocateChannels . fromIntegral . max 0

-- | Gets the number of 'Channel's currently in use.
getChannels :: MonadIO m => m Int
getChannels = fromIntegral <$> SDL.Raw.Mixer.allocateChannels (-1)

-- | Reserve a given number of 'Channel's, starting from 'Channel' 0.
-- A reserved 'Channel' is considered not to be available for playing samples
-- when using any 'play' or 'fadeIn' function variant with 'AllChannels'. In
-- other words, whenever you let 'SDL.Mixer' pick the first available 'Channel'
-- itself, these reserved 'Channel's will not be considered.
reserveChannels :: MonadIO m => Int -> m Int
reserveChannels =
  fmap fromIntegral . SDL.Raw.Mixer.reserveChannels . fromIntegral

-- | Gets the most recent 'Chunk' played on a 'Channel', if any.
-- Using 'AllChannels' is not valid here, and will return 'Nothing'.
-- Note that the returned 'Chunk' might be invalid if it was already 'free'd.
playedLast :: MonadIO m => Channel -> m (Maybe Chunk)
playedLast (Channel c) = do
  p <- SDL.Raw.Mixer.getChunk $ clipChan c
  return $ if p == nullPtr then Nothing else Just (Chunk p)

-- | Use this value when you wish to perform an operation on /all/ 'Channel's.
-- For more information, see each of the functions accepting a 'Channel'.
pattern AllChannels = (-1) :: Channel

instance HasVolume Channel where
  setVolume v (Channel c) =
    void . SDL.Raw.Mixer.volume (clipChan c) $ volumeToCInt v
  getVolume (Channel c) =
    fmap fromIntegral $ SDL.Raw.Mixer.volume (clipChan c) (-1)

-- | Play a 'Chunk' once, using the first available 'Channel'.
play :: MonadIO m => Chunk -> m ()
play = void . playOn (-1) Once

-- | Same as 'play', but keeps playing the 'Chunk' forever.
playForever :: MonadIO m => Chunk -> m ()
playForever = void . playOn (-1) Forever

-- | How many times should a certain 'Chunk' be played?
newtype Times = Times CInt deriving (Eq, Ord, Enum, Integral, Real, Num)

-- | A shorthand for playing once.
pattern Once = 1 :: Times

-- | A shorthand for looping a 'Chunk' forever.
pattern Forever = 0 :: Times

-- | Same as 'play', but plays the 'Chunk' using a given 'Channel' a certain
-- number of 'Times'.
-- If 'AllChannels' is used, then plays the 'Chunk' using the first available
-- 'Channel' instead.
-- Returns the 'Channel' that was used.
playOn :: MonadIO m => Channel -> Times -> Chunk -> m Channel
playOn = playLimit NoLimit

-- | A time in milliseconds.
type Milliseconds = Int

-- | An upper limit of time, in milliseconds.
type Limit = Milliseconds

-- | A lack of an upper limit.
pattern NoLimit = (-1) :: Limit

-- | Same as 'playOn', but imposes an upper limit in 'Milliseconds' to how long
-- the 'Chunk' can play.
-- The playing may still stop before the limit is reached.
-- This is the most generic play function variant.
playLimit :: MonadIO m => Limit -> Channel -> Times -> Chunk -> m Channel
playLimit l (Channel c) (Times t) (Chunk p) =
  throwIfNeg "SDL.Mixer.playLimit" "Mix_PlayChannelTimed" $
    fmap fromIntegral $
        (clipChan c) p (max (-1) $ t - 1) (fromIntegral l)

-- | Same as 'play', but fades in the 'Chunk' by making the 'Channel' 'Volume'
-- start at 0 and rise to a full 128 over the course of a given number of
-- 'Milliseconds'.
-- The 'Chunk' may end playing before the fade-in is complete, if it doesn't
-- last as long as the given fade-in time.
fadeIn :: MonadIO m => Milliseconds -> Chunk -> m ()
fadeIn ms  = void . fadeInOn AllChannels Once ms

-- | Same as 'fadeIn', but allows you to specify the 'Channel' to play on and
-- how many 'Times' to play it, similar to 'playOn'.
-- If 'AllChannels' is used, will play the 'Chunk' on the first available
-- 'Channel'.
-- Returns the 'Channel' that was used.
fadeInOn :: MonadIO m => Channel -> Times -> Milliseconds -> Chunk -> m Channel
fadeInOn = fadeInLimit NoLimit

-- | Same as 'fadeInOn', but imposes an upper 'Limit' to how long the 'Chunk'
-- can play, similar to 'playLimit'.
-- This is the most generic fade-in function variant.
  :: MonadIO m =>
     Limit -> Channel -> Times -> Milliseconds -> Chunk -> m Channel
fadeInLimit l (Channel c) (Times t) ms (Chunk p) =
  throwIfNeg "SDL.Mixer.fadeInLimit" "Mix_FadeInChannelTimed" $
    fromIntegral <$>
        (clipChan c) p (max (-1) $ t - 1) (fromIntegral ms) (fromIntegral l)

-- | Gradually fade out a given playing 'Channel' during the next
-- 'Milliseconds', even if it is 'pause'd.
-- If 'AllChannels' is used, fades out all the playing 'Channel's instead.
fadeOut :: MonadIO m => Milliseconds -> Channel -> m ()
fadeOut ms (Channel c) =
  void $ SDL.Raw.Mixer.fadeOutChannel (clipChan c) $ fromIntegral ms

-- | Same as 'fadeOut', but fades out an entire 'Group' instead.
-- Using 'DefaultGroup' here is the same as calling 'fadeOut' with
-- 'AllChannels'.
fadeOutGroup :: MonadIO m => Milliseconds -> Group -> m ()
fadeOutGroup ms = \case
  DefaultGroup -> fadeOut ms AllChannels
  Group g      -> void $ SDL.Raw.Mixer.fadeOutGroup g $ fromIntegral ms

-- | Pauses the given 'Channel', if it is actively playing.
-- If 'AllChannels' is used, will pause all actively playing 'Channel's
-- instead.
-- Note that 'pause'd 'Channel's may still be 'halt'ed.
pause :: MonadIO m => Channel -> m ()
pause (Channel c) = SDL.Raw.Mixer.pause $ clipChan c

-- | Resumes playing a 'Channel', or all 'Channel's if 'AllChannels' is used.
resume :: MonadIO m => Channel -> m ()
resume (Channel c) = SDL.Raw.Mixer.resume $ clipChan c

-- | Halts playback on a 'Channel', or all 'Channel's if 'AllChannels' is used.
halt :: MonadIO m => Channel -> m ()
halt (Channel c) = void $ SDL.Raw.Mixer.haltChannel $ clipChan c

-- | Same as 'halt', but only does so after a certain number of 'Milliseconds'.
-- If 'AllChannels' is used, it will halt all the 'Channel's after the given
-- time instead.
haltAfter :: MonadIO m => Milliseconds -> Channel -> m ()
haltAfter ms (Channel c) =
  void . SDL.Raw.Mixer.expireChannel (clipChan c) $ fromIntegral ms

-- | Same as 'halt', but halts an entire 'Group' instead.
-- Note that using 'DefaultGroup' here is the same as calling 'halt'
-- 'AllChannels'.
haltGroup :: MonadIO m => Group -> m ()
haltGroup = \case
  DefaultGroup -> halt AllChannels
  Group g      -> void $ SDL.Raw.Mixer.haltGroup $ max 0 g

-- Quackery of the highest order! We keep track of a pointer we gave SDL_mixer,
-- so we can free it at a later time. May the gods have mercy...
{-# NOINLINE channelFinishedFunPtr #-}
channelFinishedFunPtr :: IORef (FunPtr (SDL.Raw.Mixer.Channel -> IO ()))
channelFinishedFunPtr = unsafePerformIO $ newIORef nullFunPtr

-- | Sets a callback that gets invoked each time a 'Channel' finishes playing.
-- A 'Channel' finishes playing both when playback ends normally and when it is
-- 'halt'ed (also possibly via 'setChannels').
-- __Note: don't call other 'SDL.Mixer' functions within this callback.__
whenChannelFinished :: MonadIO m => (Channel -> IO ()) -> m ()
whenChannelFinished callback = liftIO $ do

  -- Sets the callback.
  let callback' = callback . Channel
  callbackRaw <- SDL.Raw.Mixer.wrapChannelCallback callback'
  SDL.Raw.Mixer.channelFinished callbackRaw

  -- Free the function we set last time, if any.
  lastFunPtr <- readIORef channelFinishedFunPtr
  when (lastFunPtr /= nullFunPtr) $ freeHaskellFunPtr lastFunPtr

  -- Then remember the new one. And weep in shame.
  writeIORef channelFinishedFunPtr callbackRaw

-- | Returns whether the given 'Channel' is playing or not.
-- If 'AllChannels' is used, this returns whether /any/ of the channels is
-- currently playing.
playing :: MonadIO m => Channel -> m Bool
playing (Channel c) = (> 0) <$> SDL.Raw.Mixer.playing (clipChan c)

-- | Returns how many 'Channel's are currently playing.
playingCount :: MonadIO m => m Int
playingCount = fromIntegral <$> SDL.Raw.Mixer.playing (-1)

-- | Returns whether the given 'Channel' is paused or not.
-- If 'AllChannels' is used, this returns whether /any/ of the channels is
-- currently paused.
paused :: MonadIO m => Channel -> m Bool
paused (Channel c) = (> 0) <$> SDL.Raw.Mixer.paused (clipChan c)

-- | Returns how many 'Channel's are currently paused.
pausedCount :: MonadIO m => m Int
pausedCount = fromIntegral <$> SDL.Raw.Mixer.paused (-1)

-- | Describes whether a 'Channel' is fading in, out, or not at all.
data Fading = NoFading | FadingIn | FadingOut
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)

wordToFading :: SDL.Raw.Mixer.Fading -> Fading
wordToFading = \case
  SDL.Raw.Mixer.NO_FADING  -> NoFading
  SDL.Raw.Mixer.FADING_IN  -> FadingIn
  SDL.Raw.Mixer.FADING_OUT -> FadingOut
  _ -> error "SDL.Mixer.wordToFading: unknown Fading value."

-- | Returns a `Channel`'s 'Fading' status.
-- Note that using 'AllChannels' here is not valid, and will simply return the
-- 'Fading' status of the first 'Channel' instead.
fading :: MonadIO m => Channel -> m Fading
fading (Channel c) =
  wordToFading <$> SDL.Raw.Mixer.fadingChannel (clipChan c)

-- | A group of 'Channel's.
-- Grouping 'Channel's together allows you to perform some operations on all of
-- them at once.
-- By default, all 'Channel's are members of the 'DefaultGroup'.
newtype Group = Group CInt deriving (Eq, Ord, Enum, Integral, Real, Num)

-- | The default 'Group' all 'Channel's are in the moment they are created.
pattern DefaultGroup = (-1) :: Group

-- | Assigns a given 'Channel' to a certain 'Group'.
-- If 'DefaultGroup' is used, assigns the 'Channel' the the default starting
-- 'Group' (essentially /ungrouping/ them).
-- If 'AllChannels' is used, assigns all 'Channel's to the given 'Group'.
-- Returns whether the 'Channel' was successfully grouped or not. Failure is
-- poosible if the 'Channel' does not exist, for instance.
group :: MonadIO m => Group -> Channel -> m Bool
group wrapped@(Group g) channel =
  case channel of
    AllChannels -> do
      total <- getChannels
      if total > 0 then
        (> 0) <$> groupSpan wrapped 0 (Channel $ fromIntegral $ total - 1)
        return True -- No channels available -- still a success probably.
    Channel c ->
      if c >= 0 then
        (== 1) <$> SDL.Raw.Mixer.groupChannel c g
        return False -- Can't group the post-processing channel or below.

-- | Same as 'groupChannel', but groups all 'Channel's between the first and
-- last given, inclusive.
-- If 'DefaultGroup' is used, assigns the entire 'Channel' span to the default
-- starting 'Group' (essentially /ungrouping/ them).
-- Using 'AllChannels' is invalid.
-- Returns the number of 'Channel's successfully grouped. This number may be
-- less than the number of 'Channel's given, for instance if some of them do
-- not exist.
groupSpan :: MonadIO m => Group -> Channel -> Channel -> m Int
groupSpan wrap@(Group g) from@(Channel c1) to@(Channel c2)
  | c1 < 0 || c2 < 0 = return 0
  | c1 > c2          = groupSpan wrap to from
  | otherwise        = fromIntegral <$> SDL.Raw.Mixer.groupChannels c1 c2 g

-- | Returns the number of 'Channels' within a 'Group'.
-- If 'DefaultGroup' is used, will return the number of all 'Channel's, since
-- all of them are within the default 'Group'.
groupCount :: MonadIO m => Group -> m Int
groupCount (Group g) = fromIntegral <$> SDL.Raw.Mixer.groupCount g

-- | Gets the first inactive (not playing) 'Channel' within a given 'Group',
-- if any.
-- Using 'DefaultGroup' will give you the first inactive 'Channel' out of all
-- that exist.
getAvailable :: MonadIO m => Group -> m (Maybe Channel)
getAvailable (Group g) = do
  found <- SDL.Raw.Mixer.groupAvailable g
  return $ if found >= 0 then Just $ fromIntegral found else Nothing

-- | Gets the oldest actively playing 'Channel' within a given 'Group'.
-- Returns 'Nothing' when the 'Group' is empty or no 'Channel's within it are
-- playing.
getOldest :: MonadIO m => Group -> m (Maybe Channel)
getOldest (Group g) = do
  found <- SDL.Raw.Mixer.groupOldest g
  return $ if found >= 0 then Just $ fromIntegral found else Nothing

-- | Gets the newest actively playing 'Channel' within a given 'Group'.
-- Returns 'Nothing' when the 'Group' is empty or no 'Channel's within it are
-- playing.
getNewest :: MonadIO m => Group -> m (Maybe Channel)
getNewest (Group g) = do
  found <- SDL.Raw.Mixer.groupNewer g
  return $ if found >= 0 then Just $ fromIntegral found else Nothing

-- | Returns the names of all music decoders currently available.
-- These depend on the availability of shared libraries for each of the
-- formats. The list may contain any of the following, and possibly others:
-- @FLAC@, @MP3@.
musicDecoders :: MonadIO m => m [String]
musicDecoders =
  liftIO $ do
    num <- SDL.Raw.Mixer.getNumMusicDecoders
    forM [0 .. num - 1] $ \i ->
      SDL.Raw.Mixer.getMusicDecoder i >>= peekCString

-- | A loaded music file.
-- 'Music' is played on a separate channel different from the normal mixing
-- 'Channel's.
-- To manipulate 'Music' outside of post-processing callbacks, use the music
-- variant functions listed below.
newtype Music = Music (Ptr SDL.Raw.Mixer.Music) deriving (Eq, Show)

instance Loadable Music where
  decode bytes = liftIO $ do
    unsafeUseAsCStringLen bytes $ \(cstr, len) -> do
      rw <- rwFromConstMem (castPtr cstr) (fromIntegral len)
      fmap Music .
        throwIfNull "SDL.Mixer.decode<Music>" "Mix_LoadMUS_RW" $
          SDL.Raw.Mixer.loadMUS_RW rw 0

  free (Music p) = liftIO $ SDL.Raw.Mixer.freeMusic p

-- | Plays a given 'Music' a certain number of 'Times'.
-- The previously playing 'Music' will be halted, unless it is fading out in
-- which case a blocking wait occurs until it fades out completely.
playMusic :: MonadIO m => Times -> Music -> m ()
playMusic times (Music p) =
  throwIfNeg_ "SDL.Mixer.playMusic" "Mix_PlayMusic" $
    SDL.Raw.Mixer.playMusic p $
      case times of
        Forever -> (-1)
        Times t -> max 1 t -- Interpretation differs from normal play? :/

-- | Pauses 'Music' playback, if it is actively playing.
-- You may still 'haltMusic' paused 'Music'.
pauseMusic :: MonadIO m => m ()
pauseMusic = SDL.Raw.Mixer.pauseMusic

-- | Halts 'Music' playback.
haltMusic :: MonadIO m => m ()
haltMusic = void SDL.Raw.Mixer.haltMusic

-- | Resumes 'Music' playback.
-- This works on both paused and halted 'Music'.
-- If 'Music' is currently actively playing, this has no effect.
resumeMusic :: MonadIO m => m ()
resumeMusic = SDL.Raw.Mixer.resumeMusic

-- | Returns whether a 'Music' is currently playing or not.
-- Note that this returns 'True' even if the 'Music' is currently paused.
playingMusic :: MonadIO m => m Bool
playingMusic = (> 0) <$> SDL.Raw.Mixer.playingMusic

-- | Returns whether a 'Music' is currently paused or not.
-- Note that this returns 'False' if the 'Music' is currently halted.
pausedMusic :: MonadIO m => m Bool
pausedMusic = (> 0) <$> SDL.Raw.Mixer.pausedMusic

-- | Rewinds the 'Music' to the beginning.
-- When playing new 'Music', it starts at the beginning by default.
-- This function only works with @MOD@, @OGG@, @MP3@ and @NATIVEMIDI@ streams.
rewindMusic :: MonadIO m => m ()
rewindMusic = SDL.Raw.Mixer.rewindMusic

-- | Plays a given 'Music' a number of 'Times', but fading it in during a
-- certain number of 'Milliseconds'.
-- The fading only occurs during the first time the 'Music' is played.
fadeInMusic :: MonadIO m => Milliseconds -> Times -> Music -> m ()
fadeInMusic ms times (Music p) =
  throwIfNeg_ "SDL.Mixer.fadeInMusic" "Mix_FadeInMusic" $
    SDL.Raw.Mixer.fadeInMusic p t' (fromIntegral ms)
    t' = case times of
      Forever -> (-1)
      Times t -> max 1 t

-- | Gradually fade out the 'Music' over a given number of 'Milliseconds'.
-- The 'Music' is set to fade out only when it is playing and not fading
-- already.
-- Returns whether the 'Music' was successfully set to fade out.
fadeOutMusic :: MonadIO m => Milliseconds -> m Bool
fadeOutMusic = fmap (== 1) . SDL.Raw.Mixer.fadeOutMusic . fromIntegral

-- | A position in milliseconds within a piece of 'Music'.
type Position = Milliseconds

-- | Set the 'Position' for currently playing 'Music'.
-- Note: this only works for @OGG@ and @MP3@ 'Music'.
setMusicPosition :: MonadIO m => Position -> m ()
setMusicPosition at = do
  rewindMusic -- Due to weird behaviour for MP3s...
  throwIfNeg_ "SDL.Mixer.setMusicPosition" "Mix_SetMusicPosition" $
    SDL.Raw.Mixer.setMusicPosition $ realToFrac at / 1000.0

-- | Similar to 'setMusicPosition', but works only with @MOD@ 'Music'.
-- Pass in the pattern number.
setMusicPositionMOD :: MonadIO m => Int -> m ()
setMusicPositionMOD n = do
  throwIfNeg_ "SDL.Mixer.setMusicPositionMOD" "Mix_SetMusicPosition" $
    SDL.Raw.Mixer.setMusicPosition $ realToFrac n

-- | Same as 'fadeInMusic', but with a custom starting `Music`'s 'Position'.
-- Note that this only works on 'Music' that 'setMusicPosition' works on.
fadeInMusicAt :: MonadIO m => Position -> Milliseconds -> Times -> Music -> m ()
fadeInMusicAt at ms times (Music p) =
  throwIfNeg_ "SDL.Mixer.fadeInMusicAt" "Mix_FadeInMusicPos" $
      p t' (fromIntegral ms) (realToFrac at / 1000.0)
    t' = case times of
      Forever -> (-1)
      Times t -> max 1 t

-- | Same as 'fadeInMusicAt', but works with @MOD@ 'Music'.
-- Instead of milliseconds, specify the position with a pattern number.
fadeInMusicAtMOD :: MonadIO m => Int -> Milliseconds -> Times -> Music -> m ()
fadeInMusicAtMOD at ms times (Music p) =
  throwIfNeg_ "SDL.Mixer.fadeInMusicAtMOD" "Mix_FadeInMusicPos" $
      p t' (fromIntegral ms) (realToFrac at)
    t' = case times of
      Forever -> (-1)
      Times t -> max 1 t

-- | Returns the `Music`'s 'Fading' status.
fadingMusic :: MonadIO m => m Fading
fadingMusic = wordToFading <$> SDL.Raw.Mixer.fadingMusic

-- | Gets the current 'Volume' setting for 'Music'.
getMusicVolume :: MonadIO m => m Volume
getMusicVolume = fmap fromIntegral $ SDL.Raw.Mixer.volumeMusic (-1)

-- | Sets the 'Volume' for 'Music'.
-- Note that this won't work if any 'Music' is currently fading.
setMusicVolume :: MonadIO m => Volume -> m ()
setMusicVolume v = void . SDL.Raw.Mixer.volumeMusic $ volumeToCInt v

-- | A `Music`'s type.
data MusicType
  = CMD
  | WAV
  | MOD
  | MID
  | OGG
  | MP3
  | MP3_MAD
  | FLAC
  | MODPlug
  deriving (Eq, Show, Read, Ord, Bounded)

wordToMusicType :: SDL.Raw.Mixer.MusicType -> Maybe MusicType
wordToMusicType = \case
  SDL.Raw.Mixer.MUS_NONE    -> Nothing
  SDL.Raw.Mixer.MUS_CMD     -> Just CMD
  SDL.Raw.Mixer.MUS_WAV     -> Just WAV
  SDL.Raw.Mixer.MUS_MOD     -> Just MOD
  SDL.Raw.Mixer.MUS_MID     -> Just MID
  SDL.Raw.Mixer.MUS_OGG     -> Just OGG
  SDL.Raw.Mixer.MUS_MP3     -> Just MP3
  SDL.Raw.Mixer.MUS_MP3_MAD -> Just MP3_MAD
  SDL.Raw.Mixer.MUS_FLAC    -> Just FLAC
  SDL.Raw.Mixer.MUS_MODPLUG -> Just MODPlug
  _                         -> Nothing

-- | Gets the 'MusicType' of a given 'Music'.
musicType :: Music -> Maybe MusicType
musicType (Music p) =
  wordToMusicType $ unsafePerformIO (SDL.Raw.Mixer.getMusicType p)

-- | Gets the 'MusicType' of currently playing 'Music', if any.
playingMusicType :: MonadIO m => m (Maybe MusicType)
playingMusicType = wordToMusicType <$> SDL.Raw.Mixer.getMusicType nullPtr

-- More quackery, but this time for the music finished callback.
{-# NOINLINE musicFinishedFunPtr #-}
musicFinishedFunPtr :: IORef (FunPtr (IO ()))
musicFinishedFunPtr = unsafePerformIO $ newIORef nullFunPtr

-- | Sets a callback that gets invoked each time a 'Music' finishes playing.
-- __Note: don't call other 'SDL.Mixer' functions within this callback.__
whenMusicFinished :: MonadIO m => IO () -> m ()
whenMusicFinished callback = liftIO $ do
  callbackRaw <- SDL.Raw.Mixer.wrapMusicCallback callback
  SDL.Raw.Mixer.hookMusicFinished callbackRaw
  lastFunPtr <- readIORef musicFinishedFunPtr
  when (lastFunPtr /= nullFunPtr) $ freeHaskellFunPtr lastFunPtr
  writeIORef musicFinishedFunPtr callbackRaw

-- | A post-processing effect as a function operating on a mutable stream.
-- __Note that, at the moment, this is a stream of bytes. Depending on the__
-- __'Audio' 'Format' you're using, you're probably going to want to treat is__
-- __as a stream of 16-bit values instead.__
type Effect = Channel -> IOVector Word8 -> IO () -- TODO: Don't hardcode Word8.

-- | A function called when a processor is finished being used.
-- This allows you to clean up any state you might have had.
type EffectFinished = Channel -> IO ()

-- | A way to refer to the special 'Channel' used for post-processing effects.
-- You can only use this value with 'effect' and the other in-built effect
-- functions such as 'effectPan' and 'effectDistance'.
pattern PostProcessing = SDL.Raw.Mixer.CHANNEL_POST :: Channel

-- | Adds a post-processing 'Effect' to a certain 'Channel'.
-- A `Channel`'s 'Effect's are called in the order they were added.
-- Returns an action that, when executed, removes this 'Effect'. __Note: do__
-- __execute this returned action more than once.__
effect :: MonadIO m => Channel -> EffectFinished -> Effect -> m (m ())
effect (Channel channel) fin ef = do

  ef' <- liftIO $ SDL.Raw.Mixer.wrapEffect $ \c p len _ -> do
    fp <- castForeignPtr <$> newForeignPtr_ p
    ef (Channel c) . unsafeFromForeignPtr0 fp $ fromIntegral len

  fin' <- liftIO $ SDL.Raw.Mixer.wrapEffectFinished $ \c _ ->
    fin $ Channel c

  result <- SDL.Raw.Mixer.registerEffect channel ef' fin' nullPtr

  if result == 0 then do
    liftIO $ freeHaskellFunPtr ef' >> freeHaskellFunPtr fin'
    throwFailed "SDL.Raw.Mixer.addEffect" "Mix_RegisterEffect"
    return . liftIO $ do -- The unregister action.
      removed <- SDL.Raw.Mixer.unregisterEffect channel ef'
      freeHaskellFunPtr ef' >> freeHaskellFunPtr fin'
      when (removed == 0) $
        throwFailed "SDL.Raw.Mixer.removeEffect" "Mix_UnregisterEffect"

-- | Applies an in-built effect implementing panning.
-- Sets the left-channel and right-channel 'Volume' to the given values.
-- This only works when `Audio`'s 'Output' is 'Stereo', which is the default.
-- Returns an action that, when executed, removes this effect. That action
-- simply calls 'effectPan' with 'Volumes' 128 and 128.
effectPan :: MonadIO m => Channel -> Volume -> Volume -> m (m ())
effectPan channel@(Channel c) lVol rVol = do
  void . throwIf0 "SDL.Raw.Mixer.effectPan" "Mix_SetPanning" $
    SDL.Raw.Mixer.setPanning c (wordVol lVol) (wordVol rVol)
  return . void $ effectPan channel 128 128

wordVol :: Volume -> Word8
wordVol = fromIntegral . min 255 . (*2) . volumeToCInt

-- | Applies a different volume based on the distance (as 'Word8') specified.
-- The volume is loudest at distance 0, quietest at distance 255.
-- Returns an action that, when executed, removes this effect. That action
-- simply calls 'effectDistance' with a distance of 0.
effectDistance :: MonadIO m => Channel -> Word8 -> m (m ())
effectDistance channel@(Channel c) dist = do
  void . throwIf0 "SDL.Raw.Mixer.effectDistance" "Mix_SetDistance" $
    SDL.Raw.Mixer.setDistance c dist
  return . void $ effectDistance channel 0

-- | Simulates a simple 3D audio effect.
-- Accepts the angle in degrees (as 'Int16') in relation to the source of the
-- sound (0 is directly in front, 90 directly to the right, and so on) and a
-- distance (as 'Word8') from the source of the sound (where 255 is very far
-- away, and 0 extremely close).
-- Returns an action that, when executed, removes this effect. That action
-- simply calls 'effectPosition' with both angle and distance set to 0.
effectPosition :: MonadIO m => Channel -> Int16 -> Word8 -> m (m ())
effectPosition channel@(Channel c) angle dist = do
  void . throwIf0 "SDL.Raw.Mixer.effectPosition" "Mix_SetPosition" $
    SDL.Raw.Mixer.setPosition c angle dist
  return . void $ effectPosition channel 0 0

-- | Swaps the left and right channel sound.
-- If given 'True', will swap the sound channels.
-- Returns an action that, when executed, removes this effect. That action
-- simply calls 'effectReverseStereo' with 'False'.
effectReverseStereo :: MonadIO m => Channel -> Bool -> m (m ())
effectReverseStereo channel@(Channel c) rev = do
  void . throwIf0 "SDL.Raw.Mixer.effectReverseStereo" "Mix_SetReverseStereo" $
    SDL.Raw.Mixer.setReverseStereo c (if rev then 1 else 0)
  return . void $ effectReverseStereo channel False

-- Music
-- TODO: hookMusic
-- TODO: setMusicCMD
-- TODO: getMusicHookData

-- Effects
-- TODO: setPostMix

-- SoundFonts
-- TODO: setSynchroValue
-- TODO: getSynchroValue
-- TODO: setSoundFonts
-- TODO: getSoundFonts
-- TODO: eachSoundFont